Title | : | Blood Soaked Promises (Blood and Snow, #4) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 60 |
Publication | : | First published July 31, 2012 |
Snow White must come to terms with her bloodlust. It's one thing to drink the blood of her Hunter, something else entirely to drink the blood of a human.
"Lips red as rubies.
Hair dark as night.
Drink your true love's blood.
Become the Vampire, Snow White."
Blood Soaked Promises (Blood and Snow, #4) Reviews
Es innecesario que esto esté separado. Los libros tienen 55 páginas. creo que si hubiera juntado los primeros cuatro libros en solo uno, estaría mucho mejor, y la calificación sería mayor. Pero bueno, la autora tendrá sus motivos.
Ahora si, me gusta cada vez. No subo la cantidad de estrellas, porque es muy corto.
Momento de especulación: No creo que Gabe esté muerto. Y sinceramente, si lo está, no me molestaría. Según lo que dijeron, el beso del verdadero amor debería volverla humana, besó a Gabe y... bueno, no pasó. Y si bien me gusta Christopher, el cazador (que se apellida Encantador) ella ya lo besó y no pasó nada. Pero podría ser que es porque todavía no está enamorada. No importa, a mi me gusta Dorian, y quiero que sea el. Por cierto, estoy enojada con Blancanieves, no bebe de la sangre de Dorian pero si de la Gabe. AY PARÁ!!! SE ME ACABA DE OCURRIR... dijeron que si bebía la sangre de su verdadero amor se transformaría en Vampiro para siempre, y seguro que es por eso que no bebió de la sangre de Dorian y SIEMPRE los interrumpian, porque EL DEBE SER EL VERDADERO AMORo lo será en algún momento!!! Mas vale que sea el, porque me gusta cada vez mas la idea. Bueno, quiero leer el siguiente ahora! -
(Source: Downloaded for free from Amazon.co.uk.)
This is the fourth instalment in the ‘Blood and Snow’ series, and was probably my least favourite of the first four.
I felt like there was a lot of info-dumping going on in this one, and I got a bit bored of it. I thought that Gabe acted like a bit of an ass at one point, and I got bored with some of the petty things going on.
The ending was once again a cliff-hanger, and was probably the best part of the book. We got something interesting happening, and then were left with the cliff-hanger. This series of shorts means that we’re kind of left in the middle of the story now, so I kind of feel compelled to carry on with them, just to find out what happens.
Overall; bit too much info-dumping in this one for me.
6.5 out of 10. -
OMG!!! My head is spinning (and not in a good way)!! I need the next book now! Please don't let Gabe be dead! Don't let Snow turn into a monster and what the heck happened to the necklace?? Wonderful story but come on #5!! I can't remember the last time I was so desperate for the next book in a series!! -
WTF?!?! I am not liking this book at all. It was all over the place. I got lost in some parts and then the ending just blew. The first 3 books were great, but this one felt rushed and just upset me. I will keep reading, but I am disappointed in this one.
Very intense. Did she do it? Did Snow in fact actually killed the boy for whom she was so in love with? Had the nightmare she had in the first book really come true? Wow....onto the next.
This got interesting at the end. I’m curious how this is going to go since there’s so many books or novellas or whatever they are.
Since novellas 1-4 are bundled together I'm just going to re-cap all of them at once.
I don't know why they were split up like that instead of one book, it was annoying as hell.
Classic Snow White re-telling with vampires.
**Spoiler, re-cap below**
Snow is an almost 16 year old student with a beloved father and a step-mother she doesn't like. Her best friends are Claire, a girl from school and the 7 adopted brothers who live next door to her (Bart, Sebastian, Daniel, Dorian, Gabriel, Heathcliff and Salvatore). She has a crush on Gabe.
They take a trip to Boston to run an errand for the boy's adoptive father, Professor Pops, and meet Kenmei, a friend of Pop's. While at Kenmei's Snow falls asleep and dreams of a vampire biting her. When she wakes up she's stronger, can hear heartbeats, etc.
She is told that she is really a changling (or a revenant), meaning she is part vampire and part human and the Vampire Queen has sent a Hunter after her to prepare her. The Queen needs a new body every 1,000 years and Snow is in the running.
Kenmei and Pops were both Hunters but left the Hive (vampire culture is set up like bees) when they fell in love with their Chosens. Now they want to kill the Queen.
There are hundreds of Chosens at a time, but most die in the selection process. In order for the Queen's magic to work, the revenant must drink the blood of their true love and then consume his heart (bleh, graphic).
Snow keeps falling asleep and being brought into an alternate dimension where she sees "her" Hunter, but not his face. She has an overwhelming urge to not only drink his blood, but have him drink hers. She finally realizes her Hunter is actually the new guy at school, Chase Charming (oh yes, they did).
Snow starts fight training with the boys (Pops has been training them since their adoption) and learning about all the magical creatures.
Charming leaves her a necklace, but then disappears. Kenmei tells her it has great magic, it was created by the original vampire, Silandra, who also happens to have been the Queen's twin sister, whom she killed. Kenmei also tells her that she can restore peace and destroy the Queen, it's all up to her. Obviously she freaks the hell out and bolts, telling all of them to stay away from her.
All of a sudden her best friend Cindy is a witch. Where did that come from. Eh, never mind.
After weeks away she finally makes up with the guys and starts training with Gabe. They kiss and he offers her his blood (since Charming is still MIA) and she loses control. Pops stops her, but by the time he does it looks like Gabe is dead (I'm thinking he's not) and she freaks out and runs. -
Snow receives a gift from Christopher, a pendant which she later learns the tale of. But unable to deal with the stress or responsibilities, she tries to hide from all of the issues occurring. Learning that her friend is a witch, doesn’t help the situation either. She allows herself to b e over whelmed by everything.
All in all it was a good read. I am sure Ms. Workman could have had more details in these stories, but she choose not to included too much detail. For this story, it actually works. What you read, builds for the next novelette.
(Spoilers … don’t read if you don’t like them)
The story beings with Snow, telling about how much of a klutz that she is. And showing her friendship between the brothers & Cindy. It, also, shows how her father & stepmother aren’t around that much, but how Professor Pops and the brothers are. All in all you get a good idea how close those individuals mean to Snow.
When things start going “strange” (so to speak) Snow depends a lot on the brothers & Professor. Causing some distance between her & Cindy, but things will seem to get resolved later.
Snow becomes a Revenant, not quite human but not quite vampire, when she is bitten by the Hunter assigned to her, Christopher Charming. Who she discovers is the “new guy” in school, that all the girls are so interested in. Yet, he is more focused on her.
She later learns Charming’s story, on how he became a vampire. She will also learn how Cindy’s family is a descendent of the witches, and that Cindy is also one. (Lot’s a quick stories wrapped up into one here)
During all this time, there is a break between Snow, Professor & the brothers. Charming has gone missing, and her parents leave once again. She, also, losses the pendant that Charming left for her. She runs because she bit Gabe, and the novelette leaves you hanging as to wondering if she killed him or not.
Will definitely have to read the next novelette -
So… I instead of writing a separate review for each SHORT story, Im just writing a full review for the first four (since I bought this as four in one. ) and copy it and paste it for the first four volumes.
I have to say, originally when I bought this, I thought they were ACTUALLY full books. Then I saw they were short stories… ok. But no, they are VERY short (not even novellas) novelettes.
Now- I don’t like short stories. You will hear me say this time and again. I like LONG novels, and Series, so the story just goes on and on.
I think I would love this story. Though there are a few things that bother me because they are super cheesy, like her name, and Christophers last name. I don’t like how completely fragile she appears in the beginning and I don’t like how she is pretty (TOTALLY) immature.
But mostly I don’t like how its split up in tiny little volumes.
BUT – other than that, I love it!
I love the brothers, and Professor pops. I don’t really understand the absent father and crazy step mom (like… is it even legal to leave a 15 year old alone for months?) I like the story, and the world building. The vampire queen tale, and her magic. I like Cindy and her new found power.
I even like Christopher.
And I love RaShelles writing style! I HIGHLY recommend her Immortal Essence Series!!
I just think I would love this more if it weren’t split the way it is.
Will I finish the series…? I don’t know. Its supposed to have many more volumes (I think I saw that there would be 12 somewhere, but im not positive)
Rating for the first 4 volumes: 3.5 (rounding down because i just cant get over the strange novelette thing and cheesy moments. And I kinda was let down because I JUST finished her other novels and expected so much more)
Review by Theresa Jones at her
Upíří Sněhurka se nebojí pít krev. Pomalu se stává pravým upírem, ale pokud vypije spoustu krve, už nebude cesty zpět. Sněhurka se však nebojí riskovat a v pití krve si libuje. Profesor Pops ani její přítel Gabe ale netuší, co se s hlavní hrdinkou děje.
Nečekaně se vrací Sněhurčin otec i její nevlastní matka Vivian. Jako dárek přivezli své dceři počítač a mobil. Ovšem na její narozeniny nezůstanou, což Sněhurku velmi mrzí. Cindy navštíví svou nejlepší kamarádku a svěří se jí se svým tajemstvím. Netuší ale, že i Sněhurka před ní něco skrývá. Například svou touho po krvi... po jeho krvi... po krvi Gaba.
Na rozdíl od předchozích dílu dostanou zde více prostoru i ostatní postavy. Cindy jako nejlepší dlouholetá kamarádka hlavní hrdiny (a taky pěkná drbna) se svěří Sněhurce se zajímavým tajemstvím. Upřímně jsem něco takového čekala, protože by to bylo vůči Cindy (které začnu říkat Popelka) trochu nefér.
Co mě ale překvapilo byla chladnost nevlastní matky Sněhurky - Vivian. Chová se k ní divně s jistou neskrývavou záští, stejně jako v opravdovém příběhu o Sněhurce s tím rozdílem, že ji nechce zabít. Snad.
I Sněhurčin otec mě nemile překvapil, hlavně jeho tučné bankovní konto. Sněhurka nemá mobil, počítač a chodí v chlapeckém oblečení, zatímco její otec boháč jezdí po světě...
Děj byl plynulý a závěr nečekaný. Ukončení tohoto dílu mi naprosto vyrazilo dech. Nic takového jsem nepředpokládala. Podle mě se jednalo o zatím nejlepší díl z celé série.
I když není celá série bůh ví jak skvělá, dá se dobře číst a jedná se o lehkou četbu k zabití nějakého volného času. 3,5/5 -
This review and others are posted on my book review blog at:
http://geekybookgal.blogspot.com Please stop by and say HI!
I purchased this novelette/short story (not sure what to call it it's more like one book broken up into several) as a 4 pack from Amazon, so I am going to review them all in this installment which is #4.
First off, I will say I enjoyed these very original books and would have rated them probably a 4 but I feel several of them should be combined into one book. These are really short (around 60 pages each) yet they are not really novelettes as there's no "end" to any of them. It's like one story broken up into small segments each of which which end rather abruptly. The originality and idea of the story intrigues me very much however.
I love fairy tales and retellings and so was hooked by the premise of Snow White in Modern day with 7 guy friends living next door adopted by "pops", and a best friend Cindy who happens to be blonde, beautiful and a fashionista. Add in a boyfriend with the last name Charming and a Vampire Queen out to take over Snow White's body so she can continue living eternally and you have a heck of an interesting book!
I will definitely be purchasing more in the series as this last one ended on SUCH a cliffhanger that I have to know what happens. -
I think it sucks that a certain person just leaves, makes me wonder if he's actually a bad guy. Snow's parents come home, and right away you can tell that her step mom has something against Snow, she's always watching her, with suspicion, or maybe she's hiding something.
Snow's friend Cindy has also been acting weird. She disappears one day and then shows up with secrets of her own. I still don't know how I feel about Cindy. She's Snow only girl friend so as long as she's on Snows side I think she's okay.
I liked Gabe at first but then he dissed Snow even though he said he'll be there for her. He avoids her and it looks like he secretly starts seeing Cindy,,, WTH.. Player right there. Just messing with Snows feelings, yeah she basically was doing the same with Chace, but still it sucks. And Snow seems to forget all that once they start making out.
There seems to be a lot more secrets that the Professor and the guys are keeping from Snow. They new all along about what's going on and never told Snow about it, and she never questions them why. She gets distracted and forgets, to ask the Professor about Gabe or questions she's about to ask but gets interrupted. urrrgghh but that's why there's more books that I have to keep reading to find out. Those endings they get to you :) -
Snow's life is quickly getting out of control. She and Have aren't talking. Christopher has disappeared. Her best friend Cindy is acting really strange. All of her best friends seem to be afraid of her or in desperate need of feeding her. To top it off, her dad and step mom having returned two months early from their trip acting rather strangely as well.Their return is very short lived though leaving Snow White even more confused. I personally feel like there's something very strange going on with her parents. I think they are somehow deeply involved in her becoming a revenant, but there isn't any evidence to support this yet. Snow seems to be developing her vampire skills faster than anticipated which is causing her bloodlust to be a problem. She craves Christopher's blood, but he's no where to be seen. The end of this book is really shocking. I am really hoping that what appears to have happened hadn't really, but it's on to Book five in order to find out. Another action-packed and exciting story!
Read more reviews at Identity Discovery blog. -
This story took an unexpected turn that I did not see coming. Snow's stepmother and her father come home for a few days. Snow and her best friend Cindy notice that her stepmother is acting rather strange. Snow gets into a fight with Cindy and her seven best guy friends and she's left completely alone for over a month. At first she doesn't mind, but Cindy convinces her to reconnect with them. After all Christopher has left as well and she doesn't know when he'll return. A training session with Gabe takes a turn for the worst and leaves this book at a huge cliff hanger. As Snow's birthday draws near so does her craving for blood. The ending left me shocked and I have the urge to finish this series now. It's getting pretty good and I think the books are going to start picking up now.
I enjoyed "Blood Soaked Promises" much better then the last two books in this series. I will admit, I sm still struggling with the weakness in character of Snow as well as the painfully obvious mistakes she continuously makes; but, the anticipation is starting to build.
After being summoned to the Vampire Queen, Snow miles several of her drones after feeling threatened. Christopher is MIA and Snow discovers she possesses magic due to a pendant given to her by Christopher. Meanwhile, Snow's father and stepmother returns home briefly. Snow also has a major blowout with the seven brothers and Professor Pops.
My problem is Snow continues to do the opposite of what people tell her and she ignores the warning signs. This may be YA but that dies not mean the characters should be foolish. -
Normally, I'm not into vampire books, but I have to admit that the gorgeous cover caught my eye. Once I read the first few pages in the sample, I was hooked. I fell in love with the heroine, Snow...she's so cool! And that's not meant as a pun!! When I realized there was actually an evil step-mother, I had to find out more, and am I glad I did. Because this isn't a normal mean lady, she's the Queen of Vampires - not anyone to mess with. Just so you know, the book took off like a shot and it never sagged. Went back and got another Blood and Snow book to read. And now I can't wait for the next in the series...!
Why do authors write main characters who never listen to advice? Irritating. It just doesn't make sense most of this one. Snow listens to no one she should. Everyone she has known and trusted for a really long time, suddenly knows nothing? Don't take off this necklace, drink your tea twice a day, ask me anything anytime, don't drink from humans for more than 10 secs, don't trust Cindy...what the?? It's partially their fault for not giving her enough info and enough time to process all this new info and then sending her home randomly. I'm reading the next 4 but I really hope this character turns back from the crap pile her choices are making.
Probably Round up to 3.5 stars. I read Volumes 1-4. They are short books and really are best read together, I think. I have problems with girls who are constantly being told they are special and beautiful and NEVER BELIEVE IT. But then again, it seems like aside from the men who know her "secret" no one else seems to think she's special or attractive. Once my annoying with that was over, I gotta say I enjoyed the plot. Some of the dialogue seemed not very natural and sometimes she seems like she was 17 instead of 15 (which does make a difference). But still, I kept reading and was very surprised I was kept interested.
Another installment in the series, this one is like one long temper-tantrum. The separation of the story into small segments is a fun tool and one to surely help increase sales, but at times it's like watching a multiple season-enders with the inevitable cliff-hangers. Though perhaps that's the point. Anyway, the result for me is a growing annoyance and a lack of care for the heroine as continuity of feeling becomes difficult to establish in the reading. Still, snow white as a vampire is just really kinda cool.
If these novelettes were one novel then they would make on rocking book! The fourth in Workman's series is darker than the first three. Many of my suspicions and predictions came true and were revealed in this heart-stopping tale. As usual, a lovely blend of horror, fairy tale and teen drama. Snow's tantrum was annoying, but it also reminded me that she's just fifteen and therefore, completely allowed to freak out at least once. Looking forward to the next!
I really love this series. I just wish they were longer. Snow is driving me crazy by not listening to everyone trying to help. this does make her a very realistic teen though. I can tell this must be a lead in to Workman's Cindy series. I can't put these books down. There is so much to love about the story and the characters but so short that if I say to much in the review I will spoil it for everyone.
Really awesome!!! The only thing I don't like is the fact that it's so short...because the story is awesome and I can't wait for the fifth!!!
I really like stories inspired by fairytales where the author play with the classic characters...like Beastly or the TV show Once Upon A Time...
A must-read!!! -
I feel like there needs to be more back story to the characters as I continue further in the series. There's quite the back story on the Vampire Queen and lots of character development going on for Snow, but I don't feel like I know all of the characters well. While I click with them easily, we're STRANGERS. :/
Ok, seriously? How can this end where it just did!?! Talk about cliff hanger!! :)
I am not the kind of person who usually spends money on Kindle books, but I am seriously thinking about grabbing the bank card from hubby when he gets home to buy book #5 of this series!
What a great take on the Snow White story? LOVE it!! -
These four books had a unique story but it seems abit young. I'm glad I read them but I'm not sure yet if I'll continue the story. There are many books that I want to read first. If you like fairy tales and the old classics this is a book for you. I'm more into romance at the moment so I'll put a hold one set.
it seems that the writing is getting a LITTLE bit better with each book...this one cooled it a bit on all the commas...the first three felt like the author just stuck one whenever she saw and...this one wasn't so....over-done...
-detailed review on book 7...consistently has same mistakes in all books, so it applies to all of them...
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... -
I loved the book. However it's quite 'unrealistic'. I know it's a fantasy book but still; you need to keep it a bit realistic. The only reason I started reading it was because I got the first 4 books for free on my Kindle..But I was immediately hooked into it..And I just had to buy the rest.