Title | : | Revenant in Training (Blood and Snow, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 56 |
Publication | : | First published June 15, 2012 |
Snow has become something not quite human. She must discover how to live with the changes, hopefully without killing anyone.
"Lips red as rubies.
Hair dark as night.
Drink your true love's blood.
Become the Vampire, Snow White."
Revenant in Training (Blood and Snow, #2) Reviews
I got this book while it was a free giveaway on Amazon. I wasn't sure what to expect at first, because I'm just not into the whole vampire thing as everyone else seems to be and I tend to avoid it whenever possible. But I got it. I put it on my Kindle along with about 500 other books I have yet to read and then last night, I was like 'meh,' *shrug* 'why not' Well...
My first mistake: not reading this book sooner!
My second mistake: not seeing just how many chapters were actually a part of this story!
There is only 46pgs in this book. 46. If that's not a teaser, if that isn't just torturous after delivering such an unbelievable plot, I honestly don't know what is. It's kind of like if being suspended from a tight wire, hanging over a chasm of alligators, broken needles and acid (do not ask how all those things co-exist in the same chasm, it just does), expecting your crew to come save you and then... nothing. You're just left dangling there like a worm on a hook, feeling stupid for wearing your leather tights because now it's beginning to chafe.
So, we meet Snow. Snow is sweet, shy and clumsy. She has one best girl friend and seven best boy friends and no parents to speak of (her mother is dead and her father remarried to a figurine-collecting wicked witch and they go traveling, A LOT). If you haven't connected the dots yet, well, it's Snow White, vampire style!
Aside from being super shy, Snow is also super unaware that she is gorgeous and her seven buddies are veering for her attention. Unfortunately for six of them, she already has her eyes set on one of the brothers, Gabe.
Gabe is awesome! The guy is like all things snuggable! He's witty, charming and he doesn't hold back telling our darling Snow White that he thinks she's the best thing since chocolate cake.
Then, like any good twisted fairytale story, we learn that there is a queen who wants Snow for her notoriously evil plans. It's all growing thick and knotted. Me likes, a whole bunch! Then, the author stole my book, hit me upside the head and ran away. I'm pretty sure she was laughing. It was all very mean. So now, I'm going to go badger her until she finishes
Blood and Snow 2: Revenant in Training (Blood and Snow #2)
So, in conclusion:
Will I read the next book? WHERE IS IT?!!? GIVE ME!!! *calms down* *clears throat* yes.
Will I tell my friends about this book? Yes.
Did I enjoy it? Yes.
About the Authors
Lover of books, baking, and toffee-making. The author of Aligned: An Immortal Essence Short Story, Exiled, Sleeping Roses, and the soon-to-be released series, Blood and Snow. Honorary nerd with attitude.
Author Sites
Twitter (@RaShelleWorkman)
This is part 2 in the ‘Blood and Snow’ series.
This book moved on from where we left off at the end of part 1, with Snow learning more about what it meant to be a revenant. There was a bit of info dumping in this one, but most of it wasn’t too bad. It did get a bit too much by the end of the novella though.
There was a bit of romance in this one, with Snow getting pretty lusty over several different guys, and they did all seem fairly tasty!
There was a little twist at the end of this instalment, and I have to say that I did see it coming. It was an interesting novella though, and overall I enjoyed it.
7 out of 10. -
Book 2 in the Blood and Snow series.
Wow again!!! This excellent but way to short!! Lol.. When is the next one out??? -
Summary: After being bitten by a Hunter, Snow starts to develop vampiric traits. But she has little time to deal with her burgeoning new desires and powers when she still has to attend high school and drool over cute guys, and deal with her new relationship with her long-time friend Gabe. Still, Professor Pops has enough time to explain the rules and background info of the vampire queen and what she wants with Snow, and open up a new world of defense training to her.
Comments: Though I prefer Young Adult books, this felt like it was aimed more at the teen years. It felt simplistic (which warred with her adult sexual yearnings). It felt very typical of the genre, and typical of the origin story type, too. Young average girl develops powers and becomes Mary-Sue author ideal, as in a magnet for all the cute guys in the book and unparalleled strength and Buffy the vampire slayer reflexes. It also had the expected expert to info-dump all the background information on the vampire queen and what she wants and what to expect and what things can and can’t be done. It also bugged me that as soon as she got bitten, there was someone there to hand her a drink to quash the thirst for blood. Having the drink around to solve her largest issue felt too easy. I think what bothered me most about this book was Snow herself. She just went along with everything. There was no fight in her. I’m not saying I want her in black leather taking names after she kills everything. I’m just saying I was hoping she’d argue more, fight more against the hunter and the dream world, argue more against Professor Pops and try to find a way out of her predicament, and I really can’t fathom why she’d go to school when she should be fighting for her life. -
I love a book where you learn so much in a short amount of time. As long as it doesn't ruin the story, but keeps it moving forward. This is one of those books. There is so much going on. There is Snow. There is Gabe. There is Christopher. So much. I love it all. I can't wait to read the next book.
These stories are a little short but interesting. Now that Snow White is becoming a vampire, and Chase Charming (Christopher) is the one who turned her (so she thinks) will she be able to defeat the queen vampire in taking her body?
I figured out the “twist” but only because it was sort of obvious. I do really like these. They’re short, quick, and entertaining. Definitely a different spin on vampires, magic, and fairy tales.
Blood and snow
I enjoyed the story, but it ended all too soon. I really need the next book in the series. Hopefully I can find it -
Since novellas 1-4 are bundled together I'm just going to re-cap all of them at once.
I don't know why they were split up like that instead of one book, it was annoying as hell.
Classic Snow White re-telling with vampires.
**Spoiler, re-cap below**
Snow is an almost 16 year old student with a beloved father and a step-mother she doesn't like. Her best friends are Claire, a girl from school and the 7 adopted brothers who live next door to her (Bart, Sebastian, Daniel, Dorian, Gabriel, Heathcliff and Salvatore). She has a crush on Gabe.
They take a trip to Boston to run an errand for the boy's adoptive father, Professor Pops, and meet Kenmei, a friend of Pop's. While at Kenmei's Snow falls asleep and dreams of a vampire biting her. When she wakes up she's stronger, can hear heartbeats, etc.
She is told that she is really a changling (or a revenant), meaning she is part vampire and part human and the Vampire Queen has sent a Hunter after her to prepare her. The Queen needs a new body every 1,000 years and Snow is in the running.
Kenmei and Pops were both Hunters but left the Hive (vampire culture is set up like bees) when they fell in love with their Chosens. Now they want to kill the Queen.
There are hundreds of Chosens at a time, but most die in the selection process. In order for the Queen's magic to work, the revenant must drink the blood of their true love and then consume his heart (bleh, graphic).
Snow keeps falling asleep and being brought into an alternate dimension where she sees "her" Hunter, but not his face. She has an overwhelming urge to not only drink his blood, but have him drink hers. She finally realizes her Hunter is actually the new guy at school, Chase Charming (oh yes, they did).
Snow starts fight training with the boys (Pops has been training them since their adoption) and learning about all the magical creatures.
Charming leaves her a necklace, but then disappears. Kenmei tells her it has great magic, it was created by the original vampire, Silandra, who also happens to have been the Queen's twin sister, whom she killed. Kenmei also tells her that she can restore peace and destroy the Queen, it's all up to her. Obviously she freaks the hell out and bolts, telling all of them to stay away from her.
All of a sudden her best friend Cindy is a witch. Where did that come from. Eh, never mind.
After weeks away she finally makes up with the guys and starts training with Gabe. They kiss and he offers her his blood (since Charming is still MIA) and she loses control. Pops stops her, but by the time he does it looks like Gabe is dead (I'm thinking he's not) and she freaks out and runs. -
had to drop it a star because the writing seemed to get worse...
just because you have the word "and," it does NOT mean that you HAVE to throw a comma in! ugh!!!!
there were only 8 instances of and withOUT a comma!!!!
Workman has displayed a SERIOUS misunderstanding of singular words and/or possession...you have something. you have more than one, (most of the time) add an "s"...do NOT use the word and then apostrophe s....this makes it possessive....and sometimes, it shouldn't be possessive!!! or singular....only example i can think of right now is hunters...(beware, there is an instance of multiple and possessive) and she kept writing Hunter's...the Hunter's are coming...NO NO NO NO NO! so, when i came across Hunter's again, i had no idea is she sensed the hunters, or their fear, or whatever it was referencing near the end...
oh, and OH! EM! EF! GE!!!!
so-and-so never returned to class after visiting the "principle's office"
are you fricking kidding me!?!?!?!?!? princiPAL...there is NO EXCUSE~!!!!!
the writing is, sadly, similar to
Keary Taylor, though not as frustrating....yet....maybe no so much because not a full length novel...and
Laurell K. Hamilton...who has really bad writing, but i know that going into it, i just really like Anita Blake....i guess that might be how i'll have to treat this...
[i'll have some examples up later of the omfg-are-you-effing-serious/kidding-me writing...]
i would recommend to anyone that can overlook rudimentary writing and lack of grammatical knowledge.
-detailed review on book 7...consistently has same mistakes in all books, so it applies to all of them...
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... -
So… I instead of writing a separate review for each SHORT story, Im just writing a full review for the first four (since I bought this as four in one. ) and copy it and paste it for the first four volumes.
I have to say, originally when I bought this, I thought they were ACTUALLY full books. Then I saw they were short stories… ok. But no, they are VERY short (not even novellas) novelettes.
Now- I don’t like short stories. You will hear me say this time and again. I like LONG novels, and Series, so the story just goes on and on.
I think I would love this story. Though there are a few things that bother me because they are super cheesy, like her name, and Christophers last name. I don’t like how completely fragile she appears in the beginning and I don’t like how she is pretty (TOTALLY) immature.
But mostly I don’t like how its split up in tiny little volumes.
BUT – other than that, I love it!
I love the brothers, and Professor pops. I don’t really understand the absent father and crazy step mom (like… is it even legal to leave a 15 year old alone for months?) I like the story, and the world building. The vampire queen tale, and her magic. I like Cindy and her new found power.
I even like Christopher.
And I love RaShelles writing style! I HIGHLY recommend her Immortal Essence Series!!
I just think I would love this more if it weren’t split the way it is.
Will I finish the series…? I don’t know. Its supposed to have many more volumes (I think I saw that there would be 12 somewhere, but im not positive)
Rating for the first 4 volumes: 3.5 (rounding down because i just cant get over the strange novelette thing and cheesy moments. And I kinda was let down because I JUST finished her other novels and expected so much more)
Review by Theresa Jones at her
I swear, these installments are more like extended chapters, not even short stories (seriously, what the hell is a "novelette"? Is that even a word?). Each one furthers the story a bit, but doesn't have a clear resolution of anything. I can see why the author decided to package it all together as a single ebook - there isn't much temptation to continue the story otherwise.
The awkward writing remains, complete with comma and apostrophe abuse. This is a very painful read if you are a stickler for proper grammar and spelling. She even hits one of my pet peeves..."all right" are TWO SEPARATE WORDS. "Alright" is NOT correct, but you see it everywhere. Ugh.
Back to the point, this installment was better than the first. The awkward introduction is out of the way and Workman thankfully doesn't waste time recapping. I like her version of vampire society as a sort of "hive", even if it was explained in stilted infodump style via Professor Pops. We also have the obligatory section of people telling Snow how beautiful she is, while she blushes and shuffles and says it ain't so. Mysterious New Guy is part of a new plot twist that surprises no one. But I still kept reading, and this felt much more like a coherant story than that first mess.
There is a lot of potential in this "novelette"...it is just in serious need of a good polishing. -
Snow wakes up after being bitten by a Hunter. Turned into a Revenant, she must learn how to defend herself, and learn about other types of creatures to ensure she survives.
Gabe, one of her 7 best friends, spills how he really feels about her. And Professor Pops explains that all the boys have some type of feelings for her, shocking Snow.
Going back to school as a Revenant proved to be harder than she imaged. Pulled out of school by the Professor, Snow learns about the other creatures and the possibly of what could be after her.
She learns that her blood cravings are more towards males, excluding females because of her bond with the 7 brothers. It is pretty much up to the 7 brothers to protect her from anything that might come after her.
Snow, also, learns who her Hunter is … let’s just say if you are reading this, you can prob figure it out yourself.
Will Snow White become the next Queen of the Vampires? Or will her “true love” turn her back to being a regular human?
There is a lot to tell, but in this novelette, telling too much will simply spoil the read. -
This second installment of Blood and Snow was again written beautifully. I really enjoyed Kenmei and Pops history lessons about the Queen and revenants, among a few other things they talked about. I t was nice getting more of a backstory on whats to be/come of this series. Also Pops museum of all things supernatural was so cool, cant wait till they get into the books about each creature to see how Mrs. Workman plans on creating her own version of them.
Q: Is the theme that all "Snow White's be destined to be seeked and choosen to become the Queens new body?
It was sad to hear also that most hunters end up falling in love with those they've choosen (bitten)...Makes for loving them suck since they really wont be themselves once/if the Queen chooses them.
Cliff Hanger ! Thanks goodness I have the others or I would've been in a bit of a funk after the ending in this one.
Rating:5 -
Snow learns more about what she is in the second installment. Professor Pops helps Snow understand how the human world and the supernatural world work together. He even intends on training her as much as possible if she were ever to need to defend herself. Snow's blood lust grows more than any vampire Professor Pops has known. It grows with each passing day and Snow can't even make it through school without feeling a desire for blood. Snow doesn't feel like herself and even worse, she and Gabe push each other away even more in this story. Gabe for being scared of Snow and she for thinking she's a sleaze for wanting to drink another males blood. This was a good sequel and it left me wanting to more. I just wish there was more to the story like I thought there was going to be. Doesn't leave much for me to say in this review which is rare for me.
Another very fast read. I read this novelette in less than four hours, but some of that is because I seriously just want to know how this entire series is going to play out. This story focuses on Snow White learning more about what it means to be a revenant. She discovers her bloodlust in conjunction blossoming feelings for Gabe and her Hunter. In a very short amount of time, she learns that there are more than just vampires in the world. While she is destined to become a vampire, there are others out there that may want to kill her before her transition is complete. In the meantime, she has to try to be a normal teenager by going to school and not feeding on anyone. This book has a rather surprising ending in my opinion. I thought it was very well written and have already started reading the third book in the series.
Read more reviews at Identity Discovery Blog. -
A lot more things happened in this second book. I feel like Snow needed to ask more questions. I'm sure that if you learn that your turning into a vampire, you'll be freaking out and you'll specially not go to school the next day. You don't know what the hell is going on with you, so going to school where there's a lot of teenagers filled with blood wouldn't be a great idea.
I think Snow also moves from guy to guy pretty quick. She does things and then she realized what she did. She says it's not something she would normally do, maybe it's her changing, or yeah that she's under the Hunters spell. But she still falls for it at the end. I think she's going to do things she's going to regret.
She's learning about her self and other creatures. So far the books seemed to be okay. I like all the characters, so that's good. I'll check out the next book :) -
★★★✰✰ estrellas bonitas.
Este me gustó mas que el primero.
La historia empieza justo donde la dejó la anterior y se pone todo muy interesante; lo de la reina, la jerarquía de los vampiros y los "secretos" que se revelan de ciertos personajes (¡¡!!)
Tengo fe en esta nueva Nieves, estoy ansiosa por ver un desarrollo de su personaje; y ojalá deje el slut-shaming, me dan ganas de sacudirla y decirle que puede hacer lo que quiera y no hay nada de malo en eso. Esa creencia de "no soy como las otras chicas... yo no me porto así." es tan ugh (Hailee en “most girls” lo dice todo!!!) hay que dejar de trasmitirle ese mensaje a las chicas más jóvenes, que por vestirte de x forma o besarte con más de un chico sos fácil, una cualquiera. -
It was so easy to get caught up in this story! Snow White is getting used to the idea of being a revenant. We also find out that all the brothers have feelings for her and despite being awkward and clumsy Snow is quite a bit more physically beautiful than she leads us to believe. We also get a little more action from her Hunter but I'm still pulling for Gabe! RaShelle Workman definitely has a talent for drawing the reader in and holding their interest! She makes story weaving look so effortless! I am loving this series more and more as I delve further into it and have already moved on to the next novella in the story! -
"Revenant in Training" begins right as the first book ends with Snow trying to adjust. to her new status as revenant. In this installment, Snow struggles with her bloodlust as well as to her growing attraction to Gabe and the new student, Christopher. Addtionslly it seems the other six brothers are struggling with their growing attraction to Snow as well.
This installment follows more closely along the Grimm's Brothers myth of Snow White. We have the magic mirror and Prince Charming. This installment ended as abruptly as the first boo; but, I did not enjoy it as much as the first book. Once again this read wad entirely too short. -
Probably Round up to 3.5 stars. I read Volumes 1-4. They are short books and really are best read together, I think. I have problems with girls who are constantly being told they are special and beautiful and NEVER BELIEVE IT. But then again, it seems like aside from the men who know her "secret" no one else seems to think she's special or attractive. Once my annoying with that was over, I gotta say I enjoyed the plot. Some of the dialogue seemed not very natural and sometimes she seems like she was 17 instead of 15 (which does make a difference). But still, I kept reading and was very surprised I was kept interested.
Fairy tales and vampires - humor and action - what a story? To visit this incredible world that the author has developed is an experience in itself. Snow is a wonderful heroine who pulls you into her web of fascination and she makes you care about what is going to happen. Will love develop with the guy she dreams about? Will the Vampire Queen win the battle against this young girl? It's a fascinating read written by a wonderful author. I'm so thankful it's a series and we'll get to see more of "Revenant in Training".
I purchased this novelette/short story(not sure what to call it it's more like one book broken up into several) as a 4 pack from Amazon, so I think I will review them all in one on #4.
I will say I enjoyed these books and would have rated them probably a 4 but I feel several of them should be combined into one book. These are really short yet they are not really novelettes as there's no "end" to any of them. It's like one story broken up into small segments which end rather abruptly. I do love the originality and idea of the story very much. -
I liked the first one all right (even with the grammatical mistakes) and have already started the third, but this installment seemed to make Snow White into a Mary Sue more than anything.
All the guys want her.
Her BFF Cinderella is jealous of her.
Hell even some new guys show up just to want her.
Even though she thinks she's Average, everyone is quick to tell her that she's Amazing.
Even though she's a klutz (but of course this is adorable, not irritating, not ever irritating) she manages to run without falling.
She even calls herself a hussy at one point. -
Pretty standard sexy-teen-vampire-romance story. Not much really happened in this installment. The main character is pretty much moved from scene to scene, wondering why every male character loves her and finds her so beautiful in a greatly Bella-esque way.
The writing is very simplistic, making for an easy, but not very engaging, read. Like the first, this book is very short, more of a short story broken up into chapters.
I have the next two ebooks and got them for free, so I will most likely read them, but am not all that motivated to find out where the series goes. -
This was a really good story, and I enjoyed it as much as the first one... If all the novelettes were released in one novel, I'd be thrilled. Reading them individually is somewhat of a disappointment. I'm not into serialization in general. I feel like as soon as I get sucked into a tale, it's over and I'm left feeling let down.
But that being said, I'm still hooked. The story is different, very original, and definitely worth a read! Snow White done right! -
I really like this take on snow white. Its unique and I have never heard the story quite like this before. I wish it was a bit longer but understand there are going to be 12 books. I am excited to see how Christopher plays a role in this because everyone thinks he is a bad guy but I get the feeling he defected from the vampire queen. I think Snow thinks so too. I am eager to find out how this story will continue to be written to follow along the fairy tale.
Starts right off after Blood and Snow, and Snow begins to learn about the Supernatural world. Plus, I somehow think this is basically a clash of House of Night (I abandoned that series – should I be worried?), The Hunger Games (no, really) and Fairy Tales. House of Night because there are marks, Hunger Games because only one survives in the long run and Fairy Tales because well... it's Snow White. Vampire style.