Michael R. Czinkota - Michael R. Czinkota (born 1951) is an American organizational theorist and Professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.Czinkota is the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce in the United States Department of Commerce (1987 1989) and a former head of U.S. delegation for Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD) Industry Committee in Paris (1987 1989). From 1986 1987, Czinkota was a Senior Advisor for Export Controls in the U.S. Department of Commerce. Czinkota was awarded the Significant Contribution to Global Marketing award from the American Marketing Association in 2007.[1]He is a prolific author and has written for newspapers such as The Washington Times, The Korea Times, Japan Today Michael R. Czinkota (born 1951) is an American or...