After the Rain 10 mit Box by Jun Mayuzuki

After the Rain 10 mit Box
Title : After the Rain 10 mit Box
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 3963584300
ISBN-10 : 9783963584305
Language : German
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : -
Publication : First published April 27, 2018






『恋は雨上がりのように』 ついに完結――!


After the Rain 10 mit Box Reviews

  • Fangirling Pain

    I loved this series. BUT I was really sad with this end...
    While I understand why it had to be that way, at the same time... it's bittersweet, or just bitter, that it had to be that way. I still hope for a sequel manga, or an OVA for the anime, or a one-shot manga... Anything to tie up the loose ends.

  • Nicolo

    This story is better served read on one sitting. Those two volume can be powered through easily. It handled the May-December romance pretty well by nipping it in the bud. It's bittersweet but it avoids all the cringe-worthy moments that I feared from the start. What a waste of useless worrying.

  • Pflanzis

    Für mich ist das große Thema dieser Reihe, wie man Rückschläge überwindet und wieder auf die Beine kommt. Egal, in welchem Bereich oder zu welchem Zeitpunkt im Leben.

    Ich bin wirklich unheimlich begeistert von dieser Geschichte und auch das Ende hat mir sehr gefallen.
    Ich weiß noch, wie ich nach Band eins Sorge hatte, die Geschichte könnte sich zu einer fragwürdigen Age Gap Romance entwickeln. Aber zum Glück ist keine meiner Befürchtungen eingetroffen. Hier steht in Wirklichkeit nicht die Verliebtheit der Charaktere im Mittelpunkt, sondern die Freundschaften, die sich (weiter-)entwicklen, und die Träume, denen die Charaktere folgen.

    Der Titel der Reihe passt perfekt zum Inhalt, der teilweise sehr melancholisch, aber auch inspirierend und erhebend war.

  • crybby

    the end had me crying fam

  • Silvia

    Opinión sin spoilers.

    En cuanto vi la portada con ese título tan de drama coreano no me pude resistir a leer este manga.

    Esta es la historia de Akira Tachibana, una joven estudiante de 17 años que sufre una lesión que le hace retirarse del atletismo y a partir de ese momento se encierra en sí misma. En esta situación conoce al Sr. Kondo un hombre de 45 años, amable, atento y un poco desastre, que es encargado de una cafetería donde Akira entra a trabajar y del que está enamorada. Sé que la trama puede hacer apretar los dientes pero no quise juzgar esta historia antes de leerla, vi opiniones muy positivas de personas que me ofrecían cierta garantía de que este manga me podía gustar y así ha sido.

    La premisa hace que nos entre el pánico pensando en la clase de relación que puede surgir entre una menor enamorada de un hombre divorciado y solitario que le lleva más de veinte años. Me sentía intrigada y muy preocupada por saber cómo iba a terminar este entuerto, aunque confiaba en que todo acabaría de la mejor forma. Después de haber leído el manga completo, creo que todo está contado de la forma más delicada posible dada la circunstancia y salvo alguna situación confusa creo que la visión de conjunto es más que positiva.

    Conforme vamos avanzando en la historia conocemos un poco más sobre la vida de Akira y Kondo, cuáles son sus inquietudes, sus tribulaciones, va alejándose del romance y se acerca más a la amistad y a la superación personal. Al mismo tiempo vamos conociendo también a algunos personajes secundarios que nos van a dar un poco de vidilla a la historia y un toque de humor, aunque admito que algunos de los secundarios se han quedado un poco desdibujados porque aunque se nos acerca a ellos poco sabemos de su vida al final, me dio la impresión de que quedaban algunos cabos sueltos.

    Además he encontrado entre estas páginas algo que me encanta hallar en cualquier lectura, el amor por los libros y amor por la literatura (por cierto, tengo que leer más a Soseki).

    Puede que no sea un manga perfecto, tiene sus fallitos y en ocasiones un poco de relleno innecesario pero para mí ha sido una historia muy bonita, optimista y divertida a pesar del tono nostálgico, una lectura que en definitiva me ha dejado muy buen sabor de boca y que sin duda da mucho que hablar. Sé que no es una historia para todos los gustos pero a mí me ha enamorado.

  • Enrique Borrella

    Read the 10 volumes. This was such a nice story. It was kinda sad at moments but it lets you with a happy feeling at the end. I wish it was longer so some of the secondary characters would have gotten the ending that they deserved.

  • Aravena

    Saya sengaja taruh ulasan ini di volume terakhir, karena ingin memuntahkan kesan-kesan lebih rinci tentang penyelesaian dan tema besar komiknya, yang rasanya tidak bisa dilakukan tanpa membocorkan banyak hal. Anggaplah ini lebih berupa esai tematis pribadi daripada ulasan konvensional.

    Sewaktu pertama kali dengar seri ini melalui adaptasi animenya pada 2018, saya memang langsung tertarik berkat nuansa visual, penokohan, dan tema utama tentang hubungan gadis SMA dan bapak-bapak manajer kafe yang dibawakan secara elegan. Sebenarnya, saya cenderung skeptis terhadap roman beda usia yang jauh, apalagi kalau hubungan keduanya adalah sebagai bos dan karyawan (Akira, si anak SMA, bekerja part-time di kafe bersama si bapak manajer, Kondo). Salah-salah, penggambaran hubungan semacam ini bisa menjurus tidak sehat atau menimbulkan ekspektasi tidak realistis di dunia nyata.

    Namun, saya bisa bilang kalau After the Rain sangat berhasil dalam aspek tersebut—sebagian besar disebabkan oleh faktor penokohan Kondo.

    Walau Akira selalu jadi yang dipajang di sampul volumenya (sebagai tokoh yang jelas lebih atraktif untuk menggaet pembaca), tapi menurut saya kunci sebenarnya komik ini adalah Kondo. Dia duda beranak satu, tapi bukan tipe ‘duda keren’ yang suka dimunculkan dalam dunia khayal/fiksi. Dia kikuk, tidak menarik dari segi fisik, dan telah banyak mengalami kegagalan dalam hidupnya… tapi juga seorang pria dewasa yang sudah ditempa asam garam kehidupan dan punya perspektif bijak dalam menyikapi banyak hal. Saya tahu ada beberapa orang yang tidak mau mengikuti seri ini karena tidak nyaman dengan konsepnya, tapi saya bisa jamin kalau sosok Kondo amat jauh dari tipikal bapak-bapak horny yang gampang tergoda untuk memanfaatkan situasi.

    Amat menarik mengamati reaksi Kondo terhadap Akira yang begitu kesengsem kepadanya. ‘Masa sih anak seperti ini suka dengan orang seperti saya’? Dari sisi Akira, jawaban pertanyaan itu terasa realistis (apalagi saya pernah beberapa kali lihat situasi serupa di dunia nyata), tetapi muncul juga pertanyaan-pertanyaan lanjutan. Apakah perasaan Akira memang sesuatu yang dalam dan nyata? Apakah Akira benar-benar mencintai dan memahami Kondo sebagai manusia, bukan karena terbawa suasana atau karena Kondo hadir saat Akira sedang di titik terendah?

    (dari sini, kita akan semakin masuk ranah spoiler)

    Lambat laun, terlihat kalau fokus roman utama pada After the Rain sebenarnya bukan antara Akira dan Kondo, melainkan antara mereka dan aspirasi masing-masing yang sudah ditinggalkan. Akira berhenti sebagai pelari karena cedera (walau sebenarnya bisa sembuh), sementara Kondo melepas aspirasi sebagai novelis karena… yah, karena sebagai orang dewasa, meninggalkan impian masa remaja itu hal yang amat biasa. Ada nuansa hangat tapi pahit pada setiap momen refleksi Kondo, yang masih memendam kecintaan terhadap dunia tulis menulis tetapi tidak lagi aktif, sementara sahabatnya sudah jadi penulis sukses.

    Jadi, tema sentralnya bukan soal apakah si bapak-bapak dan anak SMA ini jadi sepasang kekasih, melainkan tentang apa tindakan mereka setelah ‘hujan’ dalam kehidupan masing-masing. Ini berujung pada sebuah kelangkaan: karya romansa yang jelas happy ending, tapi tanpa ada satu pun karakter yang 'jadian'. Ini jelas kisah cinta, tapi bukan antarmanusia; ini kisah tentang mencintai diri sendiri, dan pembelajaran untuk bangkit lagi dan kembali mencintai sesuatu (aktivitas) yang benar-benar ingin kita lakukan.

    Saya sangat menghargai tipikal ending yang seperti ini. Bukan berarti sama sekali tidak ada rasa kecewa terhadap akhir hubungan Akira dan Kondo (karena hubungan mereka memang manis dan hangat tanpa banyak drama ala sinetron), dan bukan berarti juga eksekusinya sempurna. Saya tidak bisa bilang saya setuju dengan semua tindakan Kondo, dan ada beberapa karakter pula yang rasanya perlu dikasih lebih banyak adegan (seperti karyawan-karyawan kafe dan mantan istrinya Kondo). Walau akhirannya sebenarnya logis dan realistis, saya akan sangat maklum kalau pembaca dengan ekspektasi baca ‘romansa kesenjangan usia’ akan merasa frustrasi dan dikhianati (sempat terbersit juga kok di benak saya, ‘memangnya mereka bisa nggak bisa bersama-sama dalam mengejar impian masing-masing?’)

    Namun, pada akhirnya saya merasa cara pandang komik ini begitu bijaksana—khususnya bagi saya pribadi yang sudah sering ‘basah kehujanan’, dan kini diingatkan soal rasa kangen untuk bisa bergairah menulis dan mengejar impian lagi…

  • Cookie

    4 to 4.5 stars for the whole body of work.

    The first five volumes were way stronger than the last five, even though the latter was still pretty good.

    My one complaint is that a lot of side characters and "relationships" ended up, as I suspected, useless. Time spent on them could have been used on the more important characters and their stories.

    But oh well, all in all this was a very good story that I highly enjoyed. Fresh and atmospheric, it's quite different from usual mangas although it does fall in some clichés here and there. Still enjoyed it quite a bit, a charming and refreshing read!

  • Cristina Becq

    Qué es esto, qué acaba de pasar. El anime terminaba mucho mejor. Bien por Tachibana pero IDIOTAS PODÉIS HACER MÁS DE DOS COSAS POR LAS TARDES. LA ELECCIÓN NO TENÍA POR QUÉ SER ENTRE VUESTRA PASIÓN Y LLEGAR A CONOCEROS.
    Pero los que tienen inteligencia emocional son ellos y no yo. Un buen final. Supongo.

  • Rosa

    Este cómic es bellísimo (y contiene los dos tortazos en la cara mejor dados del mundo)

  • Frédéric

    * Spoiler alert *

    So ends the beautiful and subtle no-romance between Akira and Masami.
    I’m not partial to a love story with a significatve age gap but since it was obviously not going to happen the real question was how Mayuzuka would satisfyingly end up the series. Rest assured, she masterfully and subtly closed it.

    Each character was ensconced in his/her own melancholy for totally different reasons. Akira wholheartedly thought she had found a way out of it while Masami briefly considered being young again. Both lingered on the edge of it but it was not to happen.

    In the end they both helped each other, in some way shining light and hope on their lives, particularly Akira. And the very last panels perfectly and quite literally illustrate the saying we have in France: "Après la pluie, le beau temps" (After the rain, comes the sun - Every cloud has a silver lining)

  • Eressea

    190626 2nd read
    190528 1st read




    有時候所謂青春少女心,只是欠打而已= =

  • Fitra Rahmamuliani

    Even though I already watched the anime, I still feel satisfied with this manga. All the mangas from the first volume until 10 are better to read on one sit and focus from the start until the end. If you like a little cheesy pure romance story with a good ending, maybe this manga will be good for you.

    This is about Tachibana Akira, an athletic girl, the best runner at her age, who got an Achilles Tendon injury and couldn't run anymore. She went to a family restaurant on a rainy day and the manager gives her a black coffee with a magic trick on giving her liquid sugar. She fell in love with him and work in his restaurant. At the same time, the manager also stopped writing a novel, wants to go back to the writing world but is hesitant to do that. And the story begins until both of them separate.

  • Denaiir

    The ending was FANTASTIC. So emotional, subtle, full of so many layers and I loved it.
    That last image just made my heart swell and I felt so happy, I will definitely re-read this series, it was so lovely

    edit: re-read it and it's still fantastic

  • MusokaSakebi

    Amo. Anche se il finale è wow, mi aspettavo un finale diverso... ma comunque giusto e carino 🤩

  • Yui

    Ein absolut wundervoller letzter Band und der Schuber zur Reihe von altraverse (dt. Version) ist auch toll. Eine wundervolle Reihe! Schnief.

  • Jon Ureña

    Four and a half. This a loose review of volumes nine and ten. The tenth volume is the last one.

    The second paragraph starts with me contradicting myself, because I can't do a loose review. As much as I try to think about what happened in the previous volume, I can only recall how the different characters barrelled towards their respective ends. And as I was reading the tenth volume (while lying in bed and with the VR headset; turns out it took very long for me to discover that reading manga in VR is great, because the images look as big as posters and without losing quality), the finality of what was happening to the different characters made me realize that I was reading the last volume of this series. Because GoodReads bunched together five other volumes that just have two regular volumes in each, I thought that this series was fifteen volumes long. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to yet another manga series (how many have they been already?) that I immerse myself into to forget for a while about my terrible life. That the author nailed exactly what she wanted to do somehow makes it worse, because the last volume made me want to know more about what would happen to its characters.

    In the end this was a story about a distraught, traumatized seventeen year old with a potentially career-ending injury, and a lack of a proper father figure, finding solace in loving, or believing herself to be in love, her forty five year old manager, who is a failed writer, because the protagonist doesn't believe that "the rain" (meaning her current despondent, hopeless state) will ever pass, and needs to feel safe with someone who seemingly has his shit together. In these last two volumes, the protagonist, helped by both her manager and her best friend, was inching towards admitting to herself that she needed to go through rehabilitation for her injury and face that maybe she won't ever be as much of a runner (her passion) as she used to be, but that it might still make her feel complete. Even though the protagonist suggested implicitly that her infatuation might have been dying down, because looking at the guy recently made her feel lonely, she went for a frontal assault by going to the guy's house to give him the gift she had been making lovingly for weeks. The manager had returned to writing fiction again, and he's in that state of absorption in which little else matters than figuring out how to get through that story. In probably the saddest sequence of this series, both characters imagine themselves having met in high school, instead of having been separated by a gap of thirty years. He imagines the protagonist as an elegant, hard-working, passionate, unapproachable track runner that he became infatuated with and that he managed to spend treasured afternoons with in the library whenever it was raining, and she in turn imagined him as a writer in the high school newspaper, always reading or working on some text, as she wanted to approach him but couldn't quite tear herself away from her track team, only to end up also spending nice afternoons together in the library whenever it rained.

    As that emotional climax of the story developed, it was snowing heavily outside. The guy was trying to drive her home (and he didn't want to keep her in his apartment any longer, as he feared that he would eventually give in to her youthful infatuation), and she was looking for excuses to refuse and go back to his apartment, as she feared they wouldn't have another opportunity to progress in their relationship. By this point the manager is more than convinced that he can't date this girl, even though he loves her. He sees her as full of life, while everything he has anymore, and he tells her that much, is writing his stuff with an old, worn-out pen. She has all kinds of joys and heartbreaks ahead of her, while in five years the guy will be fifty. He tells her that their moments together he will treasure them for the rest of his life, but that he's sure that she'll forget about those moments, and about him, eventually, and he's fine with it.

    The author at this point is treating the protagonist as a daughter, with a 20/20 vision of how huge her problems look now from her youthful mindset, but that she'll likely be a whole different person five, ten years from now. The manager, aware that he would be ruining or stealing something precious if he actually treated the protagonist like anything else than a shooting star in his dreary life, pins her down metaphorically, tells her in no uncertain terms that they will never be a couple, and demands her to open up and answer finally whether she wants or not to return to her own passion and face whether or not she's still built for it. Tearfully she admits that she wants to run again. Some time passes, and we learn that she has quit her job at the manager's restaurant, and has returned to the track team, where she's happily breaking her own records. The manager is still working as he used to, but he's now writing his stuff with the inspiration that meeting this girl has given him. Both look happy by the end, and it seems like a true win for the protagonist, who in the denouement doesn't seem to think once about the manager, while the guy can't keep her out of his thoughts. I believe some quote of Houellebecq said something to the effect that the youth is the only valuable thing in this world, and is forever out of reach for people who have grown so old than they are doing nothing else than tending to the next generation or decaying pointlessly while we entertain ourselves with whatever makes us forget for a while about how meaningless everything is anymore. While Houellebecq probably meant that he wished he could fuck minors legally, some sort of point still stands: human life ends when you reach your thirties. We weren't meant to live this long.

    Regarding the rest of the cast, I was impressed by the growth that this lovely author managed to develop for most of the players. The protagonist's best friend, who had drifted apart from Akira (the protagonist) due to her not wanting to address her injury, rejected everything about Akira's new life, particularly her infatuation with the manager, but by the end not only she accepted Akira's need, but was also overjoyed to the point of tears when she witnessed the protagonist running again. Her ditzy female coworker had a bittersweet ending: throughout the story she wanted to become a hairdresser or some shit like that, even though she didn't have any talent, and she was also infatuated with another coworker, who happened to want the protagonist instead. After the ditzy girl got rejected by the coworker, she decided to quit working there and focus on her chosen career, if not with the talent at least with the attitude to succeed at it no matter what. Two of their male coworkers got the worst deals in this story: the male classmate of the protagonist, whom this ditzy girl was infatuated with, started out by being a carefree optimist, but after realizing how he hurt the coworker by rejecting her, and afterwards failing to get the protagonist himself, the last we see of him is having to face his school counsellor, who berates him for not having decided what to do with his life even though he will graduate soon. The kid is anxious about how quickly time passes.

    The college-age guy who had blackmailed the protagonist into a date got the worst of it. In earlier volumes we learned that he was in love with his step-sister (not blood related), but that he never addressed it because he feared losing what they already had. By the end we get a cryptic half-scene in his apartment with the step-sister, in which she tells him that she will never come around again. By how pissed off and depressed he looks from then on, I guess she had understood he had a thing for her, and had decided to reject him in no uncertain terms. Then, during the farewell party for the ditzy girl, he made the girl cry by suggesting that she just quit because she couldn't date whom she wanted, and he gets slapped hard for his insolence. I don't recall him appearing again afterwards.

    That's as much as I can think to say at the moment. From the first pages I figured out that it would be this kind of story: not really a romance but the tale of two broken people, temporarily or not, finding their way back to life through supporting each other. And the author pulled it off perfectly. The art was beautiful, the situations done with care, and you could tell that she loved telling this story. I couldn't ask for more. As for myself, I now will have to figure out what other fictional story and its characters I will hold on to next.

    Some drawings of its characters:

    The protagonist

    The manager

    The protagonist's best friend

    The protagonist's ditzy coworker

    The college-aged coworker and the coworker who wants the protagonist even though she doesn't want anything to do with him

    The manager's successful writer friend

  • •Cherry Blossom•

    Realmente no se si ponerle 5 estrellas por todo lo que me ah hecho sentir o 1 por ese final.
    Eh de decir que es mi opinión personal y no significa que este mal solo por no coincidir con la de alguien más.
    Dicho esto, empiezo:
    La verdad este último tomó me mantuvo con el corazón al mil precinto y juro que yo en lo más fondo de mi ser y mi alma si queria que acabaran juntos.
    Kondou me parece un muy buen personaje y un hombre maravilloso, me puse a llorar como no tiene una ideas ( mientras escribo esto estoy llorando... jaja)
    El hecho de que Kondou se imaginará como adolescente alado de Akira me lleno el corazón de alegría y Tristeza porque realmente tiene un corazón demasiado puro y dejo ir a Akira para que ella pudiera cumplir sus sueños.
    Ella L final seguía enamorada, pero creo que ya no igual al inicio o simplemente comprendió varias cosas y renuncio a él, eso simplemente me mata.
    Tengo demasiado que decir sobre este volumen, pero siento que al mismo tiempo me siento mal sentimentalmente ya que como decía lo acabo de terminar hace minutos y no se que decir, sin duda alguna desearía que hubieran acabado juntos a pesar de la diferencia de edad a mi me parecía una gran pareja sin importar lo demás, pero pero fin; el final mostró como Akira y los demás personajes lograron crecer un poco a su manera y me parece bastante bueno este Manga!

    Sin duda se va a mis favoritos y a mi lista de mangas que me hacen llorar, jaja!

    Lectura iniciada: 4 marzo 2022
    Lectura terminada: 4 marzo 2022


  • Luana

    Il primo giorno del nuovo anno, incurante della fitta nevicata, Akira decide di presentarsi a casa del direttore per consegnare il suo regalo e per trovare una risposta definitiva ai suoi sentimenti - anche se la risposta non è quella sperata, ma quella di cui la ragazza aveva più bisogno.
    L'ultimo volume è stato decisamente il mio preferito e ho apprezzato particolarmente il personaggio del direttore che in maniera gentile, ma comunque ferma riesce a rimettere Akira sulla strada giusta, aiutandola a ricucire il rapporto con gli amici e ad affrontare le sue paure, a non chiudersi in un sentimento che alla lunga non sarebbe stato in grado di far rimarginare tutte le ferite. E così, col passare delle stagioni finiamo per ritrovare Akira, felice e sorridente, su una pista di atletica, circondata dall'affetto della migliore amica, delle compagne di classe più giovani e dei suoi sostenitori, pronta per nuove sfide - mentre il buon Kondo è alla ricerca di nuovo personale per il family restaurant, dopo aver dovuto salutare la sua banda di studenti.
    Mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere un pochino più nel dettaglio cosa ne è stato degli altri personaggi secondari (vedi Kase, il pirla Yoshizawa, Nishida), ma ho comunque amato molto questo finale. Ero un po' titubante all'inizio, ma sono contenta di aver dato una possibilità a questo manga. Consigliato!

  • Rach' B

    Nos cuentan la historia de Akira, quien antes era una atleta, pero debido a una lesión en su talón de Aquiles se ve forzada a dejar esto y es así como comienza a trabajar en un restaurante familiar. En el transcurso de su empleo como camarera sus sentimientos hacia su jefe van surgiendo. El jefe del restaurante lleva una vida honesta a sus 45 años, divorciado y con un hijo menor, apasionado por la escritura pero frustrado al no poder continuar su sueño.
    Las historias de ambos se ven unidas en el momento que Akira declara su enamoramiento a su jefe, las circunstancias los ven obligados a pasar tiempo juntos, es así como empiezan a conocer más del otro y poco a poco curar sus heridas y miedos juntos.
    Opinión personal: Esta historia es de las que realmente me encantan, el trasfondo de los personajes y como ese "enamoramiento" ayuda a ambos personajes a encontrar su verdadero camino. La historia en sí realmente te deja un sabor de boca bastante extraño, en el buen sentido. Toco mi corazón el como ambos se daban cuenta de sus sentimientos.
    El único "problema" que tuve era la diferencia de edad entre ambos, 17 y 45 años, aunque en una parte me gusto como al final colocaron partes de "que pasaría si él tuviera 17 años". Sin duda el final del libro de una forma u otra te deja con bastantes esperanzas.

  • Pauline (Kiriiti's Blog)

    Bref, « Après la pluie » est une saga qui dégage poésie et mélancolie grâce à des planches simples mais expressives. Les personnages principaux sont au départ désœuvrés mais grâce à un soutien mutuel, ils reprennent petit à petit leurs marques et le chemin vers une passion qu’ils pensaient perdu. C’est touchant et maîtrisé, j’ai passé un excellent moment en leur compagnie. Je n’ai pas parlé des personnages secondaires parce qu’ils ne sont pas beaucoup développés mais ils ajoutent un aspect tranche de vie qui était sympathique et qui accentue cette ambiance cocooning. Le seul défaut que je reproche à ce mangas, c’est la tournure des événements côté amour entre Akira et Kondo. Le dénouement à ce sujet m’a paru assez brusque et j’aurais préféré que certains mots ne soient jamais prononcé afin de conserver la « magie » qui s’exerçait entre eux.

  • Soobie is expired

    Beh, direi che le tre stelline si riferiscono alle serie nella sua interezza. Questo ultimo volume ne avrebbe meritate solo due.

    Da un lato apprezzo moltissimo che il direttore abbia tenuto le sue grinfie lontane da Akira. Dall'altro, l'autrice ha lasciato tanti fili narrativi aperti. Anzi, non ha quasi chiuso nemmeno quello principale.

    Nonostante questo, la serie - con la sua delicatezza - mi è piaciuta molto e i disegni dell'autrice, specialmente i primi piani, sono favolosi.

    Dovessero pubblicare qualcos'altro di lei, lo comprerei sicuramente.

  • Isabellettres

    Manga molto bello, non il solito shojo sempliciotto. Il finale credo potesse essere sviluppato meglio, sebbene sia ciò che ci si aspetta. Vale assolutamente la lettura anche solo per il ruolo che ha la letteratura nella vita del protagonista maschile e per i riferimenti ad autori e opere non così noti ai più (in particolare per quanto riguarda la letteratura giapponese). Entra nella classifica dei miei manga preferiti.

  • Bismah

    This series was absolutely amazing! The author was able to take such a sensitive topic with such care A beautiful series about rediscovering your passions and working towards a better future. I definitely can’t recommend this manga series enough!

  • thyni

    i loved this volume, loved the whole series.
    at the beginning akiraxkondo is a bit unsettling but they end beautifully! feelings, friendship, coping mechanisms are so amazingly integrated in this story.
    “sie war verliebt in den blauen himmel nach dem regen.”
    “deshalb kommt es mir an solchen verschneiten ruhigen tagen so vor, als wäre man ganz allein auf der welt.” ich heule

  • Snail

    I really really really love this series. Mayuzuki-sensei does an excellent job creating these characters and their daily lives. I sped through the series in under two weeks and I feel like these characters are old friends. I'm really going to miss them all!

  • Shin Donghae

    Pada sampul volume ini akhirnya Akira digambarkan dengan senyuman.
    Hujan akhirnya reda dan langit menjadi cerah.
    Akira dan manajer mengambil langkah maju untuk bangkit kembali.
    Mayuzuki Jun sensei membiar pembaca menikmati ending terbuka dan silakan simpulkan sendiri.

  • Jesús Miguel

    A pesar de la premisa tan controversial, la manera en que Jun Mayuzuki la desarrolla y nos cuenta una historia de dos personas que están atrapados en sus tragedias personales es simplemente extraordinaria. Se ha convertido en uno de mis mangas favoritos. El final es magistral y conmovedor.

  • Anna

    Meraviglioso! Semplicemente perfetto questo manga. ❤

  • Julie Kgr

    La fin d’une très belle série! Un super manga tranche de vie que je recommande vraiment.