Title | : | Madách Imre: Az ember tragédiája (1861) The Tragedy of Man / Hungarian Language Classic Literature / Talentum Diakkonyvtar Series |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | Hungarian |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 190 |
Publication | : | Published January 1, 2016 |
Hungarian Description Drámairodalmunk örökké korszerű, mindig modern, klasszikus darabja létünk értelmét keresi. S ennek, minthogy az élet két nemre épül, a férfi és a nő páros magánya vagy szép szövetsége is a tétje. Ahogy a mindennapok méltó vállalása kínokkal és örömökkel, zuhanásokkal és szárnyalásokkal együtt. A tudott vég, az elkerülhetetlen halál nem hatalmazhat föl senkit a küzdelem föladására vagy elkerülésére. A fő kérdés nem a miért, hanem van-e kiért? S ha van - márpedig szent okok folytán szinte mindig van és lesz valakiért - akkor a miértre is válasz születhet!
English Description The dramatic poem The Tragedy of Man is Madách's major and most enduring piece of writing. The tragic events of the failed Hungarian Revolution of 1848/49 in addition to the deaths of close family members such as his sister and her husband, captain Karl Balog de Mánko-Bük, and his temporary stay in prison fueled the emotional status in which he completed his work. The main characters are Adam, Eve and Lucifer. The three travel through time to visit different turning-points in human history and Lucifer tries to convince Adam that life is (will be) meaningless and mankind is doomed. Adam and Lucifer are introduced at the beginning of each scene, with Adam assuming various important historical roles and Lucifer usually acting as a servant or confidant. Eve enters only later in each scene. The Tragedy of Man contains fifteen scenes, with ten historical periods represented.
This is a great Christian product sourced from BIML- Bible In My Language, the leader in foreign language Bibles and outreach materials from Baltimore, Maryland in the USA. BIML stocks Bibles in more than 600 languages.
English Description The dramatic poem The Tragedy of Man is Madách's major and most enduring piece of writing. The tragic events of the failed Hungarian Revolution of 1848/49 in addition to the deaths of close family members such as his sister and her husband, captain Karl Balog de Mánko-Bük, and his temporary stay in prison fueled the emotional status in which he completed his work. The main characters are Adam, Eve and Lucifer. The three travel through time to visit different turning-points in human history and Lucifer tries to convince Adam that life is (will be) meaningless and mankind is doomed. Adam and Lucifer are introduced at the beginning of each scene, with Adam assuming various important historical roles and Lucifer usually acting as a servant or confidant. Eve enters only later in each scene. The Tragedy of Man contains fifteen scenes, with ten historical periods represented.
This is a great Christian product sourced from BIML- Bible In My Language, the leader in foreign language Bibles and outreach materials from Baltimore, Maryland in the USA. BIML stocks Bibles in more than 600 languages.