Title | : | Rape: A Love Story |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0786714824 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780786714827 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 154 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2003 |
Awards | : | Orange Prize Fiction Longlist (2006), Premio Pepe Carvalho (2021) |
Rape: A Love Story Reviews
This is an ugly book, filled with nothing but filth and darkness. It takes your view of humanity, throws it to the ground and administers a few sound kicks to it, till it is bleeding and crying out.
Hate is a strong word, but I hated the story, the characters and practically the entire book. I hate the fact that I live in a world where this isn't fiction, but the true story of thousands of 'Teena's and 'Bethie's each day.
I hate the fact that people find it ok to label rape as 'unfortunate' or 'sad'. A slip on a staircase and breaking your fucking neck is unfortunate or sad. Rape is nothing but a depraved act of abject cowardice.
Joyce Carol Oates tells a deeply disturbing story that disgusts you but fascinates you nevertheless with its sheer brutality. There is no redemption, no magic wand that gets waved to 'put it past you and move on'. She narrates a story of despair, loss, and trauma. There is no escape.
The title is somewhat misleading and it would be a major spoiler to discuss why.
Brilliant book, by the way. Sounds contradictory, but loathsome story, brilliant book. This is a story that leaves a terrible taste in the mouth, and makes you wonder how some so-called humans can be so dehumanized. It makes you question the humanity of all those who ask questions like, "But what was she wearing?" or "Why was she out so late?"
It is brutal, horrifying and extremely well-written. Read it, but no guaranteeing if you'll be able to sleep well after that. Or keep your meal down. So, can't say I 'really liked it' but it definitely led to some strong emotions. -
"Esa mujer, pero ¿qué esperaba? Lo estaba pidiendo a gritos esa buscona.
Vestida como una guarra. Es su palabra contra la de ellos.
¡Vaya usted a saber lo que pasó en ese parque en plena noche!"
Esta es la historia de una violación en grupo. De una mujer guapa en la mitad de la treintena y de su hija de doce años, asaltadas por una manada de degenerados, de noche, cuando volvían a su casa tras una fiesta del cuatro de julio. Una agresión brutal que dejó a la madre, Teena, en coma y con graves secuelas. Una agresión, que acabó con la infancia de Bethel, su hija.
Es la historia de los "y si". ¿Y si nos hubiéramos marchado antes de la fiesta? ¿Y si nos hubiésemos quedado allí a dormir? ¿Y si no hubiéramos cruzado por el parque? ¿Y si Teena se hubiera vestido de otra manera? ¿Y si hubiésemos aceptado que nos llevaran en coche a casa?
Es la historia del juicio paralelo de los vecinos de Niágara Falls. Porque Teena, con esa actitud, se lo estaba buscando. "¿Qué coño hace ella sola, con una niña de doce años, por el parque de Rocky Point a media noche? ¿Poner en peligro a una menor? ¿Poner en peligro la moral de una menor?". Seguro que había bebido y estaba drogada. Seguro que su hija también había bebido "De tal palo, tal astilla".
Es la historia de un grupo de agresores violentos, borrachos, drogadictos, con antecedentes y a los que no se cuestiona por ello. La culpa es de "esa zorra". Todo fue consentido. Casi la matan, pero fue consentido. Lo único que lamentan es no haberlas rematado a las dos.
Es la historia de una vista preliminar que victimiza doblemente a Teena, que la rompe y la destroza aún más que la violación en sí. La de una fiscal ingenua, la de un juez que cuestiona a la víctima y la de un abogado defensor que retuerce la verdad, con la anuencia y el aplauso del público asistente. "La verdad no es la única atracción ni tampoco la más poderosa".
Es la historia de un joven policía en tonos de gris, que cree en la justicia, pero no en el sistema que la surte.
Y es la historia de un antes y un después. El "antes" el que marca la infancia de Bethel hasta el día de la agresión. El "después" en el que viven ambas desde entonces. Una agresión que fue algo más que un desgraciado acontecimiento aleatorio, que se convirtió en la identidad que las definió de por vida. Madre e hija pasaron a ser, la mujer que violaron en grupo y la hija de Teena Maguire.
¿Y qué más puedo decir?
Que Joyce Carol Oates nos lo cuenta con la maestría que la caracteriza. Que es una delicia leerla. Que el ritmo es ágil y los capítulos cortos. Que usa la cursiva como nadie. Que convierte la apuesta, siempre arriesgada, de escribir en segunda persona, en una narración potente, que te atrapa y no te suelta. Que todos los personajes, víctimas y villanos, están bien trazados, pese a la corta extensión de la novela.
Si con todo lo anterior aún no os he convencido para leerla, poco más puedo añadir. ¿Recomendable? Un imperdible y el mejor libro para iniciarse con la autora si aún no se ha leído nada suyo.
Un último apunte para felicitar a la editorial Contraseña por lo cuidado de la edición, por la portada ilustrada por Elisa Arguilé, y por la traducción de Pepa Linares. -
It's shocking and almost unforgiving that I have been on this earth for 30 years and have never read Joyce Carol Oates. Reading her entire cannon will soon become my latest addiction in 2009. So how do I review this novel? (note : I am writing this review after already having read 'Zombie' a few days ago). First of all, Joyce C Oates, where have you been all my life? And to my literary friends : Why did nobody tell me about the lyricism, harshness, brilliant POV changes, and upsetting yet beautiful prose? How dare you make me wait so long to discover this author!!!
It seems almost uncouth that I am saying these things while reviewing a novel titled 'Rape : A Love Story'. But that is exactly what it is. A brutal, disgusting, nauseating, angering crime, followed by a non existent trial (as Oates makes clear -- why bother). But yet -- in a disturbing but also innocent way (only could this have worked from Oates' second person POV of the young Bethie) -- it's a love story. Maybe a love story that should send second person narrative Bethie to therapy for the rest of her life. But the way Oates has concisely and sharply pointed her narrative like a sharp dagger (or worse) and then mixed the story with illegal justice and innocent motives, makes this novel disturbing, stunning and bitter sweet. -
Recunosc, fac parte dintre acele femei pe care, cel mai probabil, mulți le consideră lipsite de solidaritate și empatie. De ce?! Pentru că sunt cazuri în care cred că sintagma ,,și-a căutat-o" e adevărată. Nu că a meritat. Nu! Nimeni, în afară de cei care rănesc alte ființe, nu merită să îi fie folosit trupul fără voia sa. Dar cred că, tot mai des, libertatea și feminismul sunt confundate cu vulgaritatea și ideea că ar trebui să putem fi orice ne trece prin cap, doar pentru că ne face să ne simțim în largul nostru. Și aici nu mă refer la o rochie mai scurtă sau la a ieși seara cu prietenii, ci la promiscuitate. Știți voi la ce mă gândesc, chiar dacă poate mă judecați chiar acum!
Să ne gândim altfel, măcar o clipă! Nu ne place când un bărbat își apucă organele genitale pe stradă și se scarpină, nu? Nu ne place nici să îi vedem transpirați și la bustul gol în mijloacele de transport în comun. Deși ei se simt în largul lor și am putea doar să nu îi privim și să ne dăm mai încolo, pretindem eleganță din partea lor. Atunci de ce ni se pare tot mai normal să ne credem independente și puternice doar pentru că mergem în club, bem, plecăm singure noaptea și ne expunem în toate felurile? Trăim într-o lume plină de pericole. Drogurile și alcoolul sunt la îndemâna oricui, oameni cu probleme mintale sunt peste tot și, să nu uităm, că suntem animale în care instinctele se pot dezlănțui oricând. Deci, da, atunci când nu urmezi niște pași minimi pentru siguranța ta, doar pentru că ții mai mult la confort, distracție și aspect, și aștepți ca tot restul lumii să te protejeze, consider că ai fi putut evita acea tragedie. La fel cum ne asigurăm dacă trece vreo mașină, când suntem pe trecerea de pietoni, deși e dreptul nostru să traversăm oricând. La fel cum ne învățăm copiii să nu plece nicăieri cu un străin, în loc să așteptăm ca pedofilii să se controleze.
Și da, am judecat-o și pe Teena, în ciuda încercării tăioase a autoarei de a mă face să mă simt vinovată. De ce ți-ai lua fiica adolescentă la o petrecere unde alcoolul și drogurile sunt peste tot? De ce ai pleca apoi singură cu ea noaptea, refuzând să vă conducă un om în care ai încredere? De ce ai face toate astea când e ziua SUA și civilizația o ia razna? Ca să nu mai spun că, după acea noapte, pare să uite uneori că și fiica ei a fost acolo. Dincolo de aceste lucruri, ,,Viol, poveste de iubire'' este printre cele mai șocante, dure și realiste cărți pe care le-am citit. E o luptă sinceră și directă cu agresiunile sexuale și sistemul juridic, dar și o încurajare pentru victime. E sentința meritată cu adevărat de agresori (o să vedeți la final!) și mâna blândă pusă pe umărul femeii. Pusă cu grijă, căci acum tresare de câte ori e atinsă. E de necitit neapărat. O poveste ca un topor: simplă, concisă, brutală. Recenzia aici:
,,Ai auzit cum o loveau pe mama ta. Bufnituri înăbușite care întâlneau o carne docilă. Au apucat gleznele subțiri ale mamei tale, i-au desfăcut picioarele cu atâta violență, de parcă ar fi vrut să i le rupă din trup. Au râs de țipetele ei de durere, de teama ei. Au râs de slabele ei încercări de a se apăra. Erau nesăbuiți, euforici. Vei afla că erau drogați cu un drog numit metamfetamină. În surescitarea lor, au uitat de tine. N-aveai nicio importanță pentru ei, căci aveau la dispoziție o femeie adultă. I-au rupt hainele, de parcă hainele de femei îi înfuriau. Au scuipat-o în față, de parcă frumusețea ei îi înfuria. Au tras-o de păr, de parcă ar fi vrut să i-l rupă din rădăcini. Unul dintre ei tot încerca să-i scoată ochiul drept, orbind-o. N-aveai de unde ști că pe fețele lor se vedea o nebunie strălucitoare, o scânteiere în ochii lor de lup, un luciu al dinților umeziți. N-aveai de unde ști cum în ochii lor se vedea o margine albicioasă în jurul irișilor. Cum trupurile lor erau acoperite într-o transpirație uleioasă. Cum au încălecat trupul moale al mamei tale și cum și-au îndesat penisul în gura ei sângerândă și în vaginul ei sângerând și în rectul ei sângerând. Auzeai sunetele violului fără să fii conștientă pe deplin că era vorba de viol. Leșinai de durerea din brațul dislocat, încercai să respiri prin crăpăturile din podeaua murdară și plină de așchii. La câțiva centimetri dedesubtul acestei podele, apa spumoasă a lagunei clipocea, vălurea. Timp de 20 de minute, ți-ai acoperit urechile cu palmele zgâriate și însângerate și te-ai rugat: Doamne, nu lăsa să o moare pe mami, te rog, Doamne, ajută-ne.'' -
Te deja totalmente impactada, cabreada, triste y dolorida.
Am I allowed to say I love this while I honestly hate it?
I hate everything it shows. I hate more or less every single event in it. I hate how degenerated some characters become. I hate how much this book is needed.
I absolutely hate that this behavior is found in our reality.
Something else?
I love this book.
Most of all, I like the humanizing of the events. Oates pulls the story of a gang-rape and its aftermath off, however this is possible when this is such an unspeakable crime. For over a day I've been trying to understand why I can even remotely like this book when I was disgusted while reading it. And now I understand. Because I will hate every event if I re-read this, but I will simultaneously feel the honesty in every word. Feel this brutal truth seep through the pages of a mother who's free will is taken away, and the story of a daughter who lives in the aftermath of the abuse done to her mother.
I do not love this book because it's a sweet story, or has a happy ending, or anything like this. I love it because it's the truth. No sugarcoating. No glitter at the edges. No soothing words. It's the truth. It's reality. It's what people must understand is happening to victims of rape in any form. I love it because of this brutal honesty that few authors can pull off. I love it because some authors are ready to show this crime. I love it because it says what needs to be said.
Just as the reasons for my adoration for the author writing this story, I hate that it needs to be written.
The title Rape: A Love Story is both accurate and not. This is not a book for those looking for romance for none of this exists within these pages. The love is between child and mother. Of struggling through the world when it turns against you with your family standing next to you. It's about doing what you have to do to survive, make it through.
Despite the title, I love this. As I said, I love how the author puts an honest, brutal, humanized presentation on the subject. But I will hate the story all the same. I love the book, not the story. -
Había escuchado muchas recomendaciones de Oates, prolífica autora y considerada por muchos, como una de las mejores escritoras de lengua inglesa vivas. Confiesto que el argumento de "Rape: a love story" parece intimidante de entrada: la historia de la violación tumultuaria de una mujer frente a su hija adolescente y la búsqueda de justicia ante tal crimen.
De Oates, me impresiona su manera fluida y precisa de narrar los acontecimientos y que, en una sola frase, pueda resumir toda la angustia y la desesperación vividas por los personajes. La escena de la violación es descrita y sin embargo, el lector -por lo menos en mi opinión- no se ve inundado por detalles de lo ocurrido. Quizá sea precisamente esto -la economía de palabras que Oates maneja a la perfección- lo que le dan a la novela mucho más peso. El ambiente de la novela es terriblemente denso, la tristeza y la angustia, la impotencia, el trauma de lo ocurrido, se sienten en las páginas de la novela y podemos ver a cada personaje perfectamente delineado.
Por otra parte, es un placer encontrar una narradora conemporánea en inglés que no use la primera persona en todo momento. Puede que esto sea una preferencia pero, de los autores más recientes que he leído, todos usan con frecuencia la primera persona, lo cual, en ciertos aspectos, puede ser un sesgo al contar la historia. Oates se aleja de ello, y, solo le da la primera voz a la hija de Tina, quién presenció el crimen contra su madre.
"Rape" es la historia de un crimen y la toma de justicia por propia mano, alejándose también con ello de la creencia estadounidense que la justicia puede darse en un proceso limpio, cuestionando así, indirectamente, la creencia de que EUA es un país justo. -
Muy bien escrito y con un tema impactante y oscuro. Muy triste y enojada por todo.
Es un libro corto,no pude parar de leer hasta el final. -
This book deals with a horrible situation (if you hadn't already guessed from the title) in the most beautiful way.
Weird to say considering the harsh content, but no less true.
She writes all the POV's from a 3rd party narrative which allowed me to distance myself from the subject matter while still staying connected to the characters.
I loved it and will definitely be seeking out more Joyce Carol Oates! -
Ο τίτλος του πρωτοτύπου είναι ‘Rape: a love story’. Οι εκδόσεις Μεταίχμιο, στην κατά τα λοιπά καλαίσθητη έκδοσή τους, θεώρησαν σκόπιμο να συντμήσουν τον πλήρη τίτλο του βιβλίου και να κρατήσουν ό,τι τους ταίριαζε καλύτερα. ‘Ο βιασμός’, λοιπόν. Έτσι, σκέτο. Αυτά, όσον αφορά το περιτύλιγμα, πάμε και στο περιεχόμενο.
Σκληρό βιβλίο, διηγείται -χωρίς μελοδραματισμούς- την υπόθεση του ομαδικού βιασμού της Μαρτίν (Τίνα) Μαγκουάιρ στο λεμβοστάσιο ενός πάρκου στην πόλη Νιαγάρα Φολς, περασμένα μεσάνυχτα της 4ης Ιουλίου 1996, ενώ επέστρεφε με τη δωδεκάχρονη κόρη της, Μπέθελ (Μπέθι) Μαγκουάιρ, στο σπίτι τους. Η κτηνώδης αυτή πράξη μερικών μαστουρωμένων αλητών έφερε την Τίνα σε κατάσταση ημιθανή, να αιμορραγεί μέχρι θανάτου, και την Μπέθι, βίαια και απότομα, από την παιδική ηλικία στην ενηλικίωση.
Υπήρχαν στιγμές στο βιβλίο που μου θύμισαν έντονα τους Κατηγορούμενους (The accused) του Τζόναθαν Κάπλαν. Στο βιβλίο της Oates, όμως, δεν είναι το δικαστήριο εκείνο που θα τιμωρήσει τους ενόχους, αλλά κάποιος που πήρε το νόμο στα χέρια του. -
I have a love/hate relationship with JCO. She is a brilliant writer and I admire her. Sometimes I am blown away by the intensity and chilling insight of her books and sometimes I find them unnecessarily cruel, mean and overly dramatic.
Now, don't get me wrong, she can write in any genre with skill. It's amazing. As a matter of fact, in one short story collection she wrote a brilliant and complete short story in one page. She is an eccentric individual and her choices reflect that.
The title of this book grabbed me, of course, Putting the words rape and love story in the same title seems impossible to me.
However, this very short book is packed with terror and panic and surprises and heartache and a demolishing critique of the "justice" system.
Strangely enough, it is also about love in a most surprising way.
Well worth the read. -
O poveste de dragoste"
Joyce Carol Oates
Corpul îl poți lipi din bucăți, dar cu sufletul ce faci?
Lumea vorbește, lumea judecă, lumea decide cine este vinovat și cine "și-o caută cu lumânarea". Lumea nu poate fi imparțială, legea ar trebui să fie, ar trebui...
Cine trece prin iad uită de gustul raiului, iar stigmatele bătute în cuie de 200mm rămân pe veci, nici efectul bumerangului nu are capacitatea de a calma durerea surdă a nedreptății.
Dovezile pot fi nenumărate, mărturiile sfâșietoare, însă prejudecățile din gura lumii au cel mai distructiv efect posibil.
J.C. Oates a scris istoria unui orășel cuprins de oroarea unui viol. Ceea ce urmează, consecințele lui, împletesc o istorie deosebită datorită personajelor atât de reale, creionate de scriitoare.
Oates a abordat una din cele mai dificile teme despre care poate scrie cineva, iar titlu bizar nu reușește să armonizeze cu conținutul romanului. Pentru cei cu stomacul sensibil, aveți 2 posibilități, ori nu mâncați nimic în ziua lecturii sau alegeți altă carte, mijloc de aur nu există.
J.C. Oates ne pune față în față cu cel mai mare dușman, cu noi înșine, iar sentința nu este una ușor de digerat. Până la urmă, cine sunt de fapt adevărații monștri?!
#citimpentruschimbare #violulopovestededragoste #jcoates #joycecaroloates -
Lo que me ha convencido:
- Joyce Carol Oates pone el foco en una realidad: en una violación múltiple se pondrá en cuestión a la víctima y se la minará en el juicio.
- La única justicia real no viene de los tribunales, sino de la ley del Talión.
Lo que no me ha convencido:
- Al ser corta, no profundiza en los personajes.
- Esa coletilla del título, en mi opinión, sobra. No se explica (es de un sensacionalismo barato)
- La edición necesita una revisión ortográfica...
¿La recomiendo? Sí, sin duda. -
Η Joyce Carol Oates, είναι μία από τις πιο διακεκριμένες Αμερικανίδες συγγραφείς, έχοντας αποσπάσει πληθώρα βραβείων στην διάρκεια της συγγραφικής της καριέρας. Ένα από τα βιβλία της, είναι και "Ο Βιασμός", ο οποίος επανακυκλοφόρησε σε νέα, συλλεκτική, οικονομική έκδοση, από τις εκδόσεις Μεταίχμιο. Και πραγματικά, πρόκειται για ένα βιβλίο που ο καθένας από εμάς θα έπρεπε να διαβάσει και να το έχει στη βιβλιοθήκη του, για να του θυμίζει την ασχήμια του κόσμου μας, αλλά και την αθλιότητα ενός κοινωνικού και δικαστικού συστήματος, που πολλές φορές, δεν είναι αρκετά ικανό για να λάβει τα μέτρα που πρέπει, πολύ περισσότερο δε, να τιμωρήσει αυτούς που πρέπει, όχι για παραδειγματισμό, αλλά επειδή αυτό είναι ηθικά το σωστό.
Η Τίνα, είναι μια νέα γυναίκα η οποία πέφτει θύμα ομαδικού βιασμού, το βράδυ της 4ης Ιουλίου, αφημένη από τους δράστες σε ένα βρωμερό λεβητοστάσιο, να ξεψυχήσει. Μάρτυρας του περιστατικού, η δωδεκάχρονη κόρη της η οποία, μπορεί να μην βιάστηκε, αλλά κακοποιήθηκε βάναυσα από την ομάδα των σαδιστών νεαρών. Όταν η υπόθεση φτάνει στα δικαστήρια, η Τίνα και η κόρη της, θα καταλάβουν πόσο βρώμικο και σάπιο είναι το δικαστικό σύστημα, μα πάνω απ' όλα, πόσο βρώμικη και σάπια είναι η ίδια η κοινωνία που ζούνε, η οποία και μοιάζει διχασμένη μπροστά στην κατάσταση. Και εκεί που οι ίδιες εγκαταλείπουν κάθε ελπίδα, μέρα με τη μέρα, ένας άντρας θα σταθεί σιωπηλός σύμμαχος στο πλευρό τους, γνωρίζοντας πολύ καλά πως η δικαιοσύνη, δεν αποδίδεται πάντα με τον τρόπο που θα έπρεπε.
Αν και μικρό σε έκταση, το βιβλίο της Oates, καταφέρνει να συνταράξει τον αναγνώστη, σε πολλαπλά επίπεδα. Χωρίς να χρησιμοποιεί ακραία περιγραφικές εικόνες, αφού είναι ξεκάθαρο πως πρόθεσή της δεν είναι να σοκάρει, αλλά να προβληματίσει, καταφέρνει να μας μεταφέρει την χυδαία και αποτρόπαια εικόνα ενός ειδεχθούς εγκλήματος με γλώσσα απλή και ρέουσα που όμως, τσακίζει κόκαλα και συνειδήσεις. Σκοπός της, είναι να αναδείξει την τραγικότητα ενός γεγονός όπως είναι ο βιασμός, αλλά και τις συνέπειες που έχει για τα θύματα, όχι μόνο σωματικά, συναισθηματικά και ψυχικά, αλλά σε συνδυασμό με την απόρροια της συμπεριφοράς της ίδιας της κοινωνίας απέναντί τους. Ακόμα και ο τρόπος αφήγησης που επιλέγει η συγγραφέας, δεν είναι τυχαία. Είναι μέσα από τα μάτια της κόρης της Τίνας, αλλά σαν να μην είναι κι εκείνη θύμα. Σαν να είναι παρατηρητής σε ένα χαμένο παιχνίδι που οι συνέπειές του, δεν έχουν επίδραση πάνω τους. Και όμως, έχουν!
Μια τραγική ιστορία, ένα κατηγορώ απέναντι στο δικαστικό και κοινωνικό σύστημα της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας που όσο κι αν εξελίσσεται, παραμένει στάσιμη, ένας άκαρπος, θεωρητικά, αγώνας που με τον δικό του τρόπο οδηγεί στη λύτρωση... Μπορούμε να πούμε πως "Ο Βιασμός", είναι ένας συνδυασμός όλων των παραπάνω. Είναι ένα βιβλίο που προσπαθεί να αφυπνίσει συνειδήσεις και που μας προτρέπει να ψάξουμε βαθιά μέσα μας για το τι σημαίνει στην πραγματικότητα δικαιοσύνη. Μας προκαλεί να κοιτάξουμε τον εαυτό μας στον καθρέπτη, να μπούμε στην θέση των θυμάτων, τους θύματος, των παρατηρητών των εξελίξεω��, των ανθρώπων εκείνων που καλούνται να πάρουν αποφάσεις. Και ναι, τα καταφέρνει, με τρόπο απλό και άμεσο, με έναν τρόπο που σε σημαδεύει και που μετά το πέρας της ανάγνωσης, αιχμαλωτίζει το μυαλό σου, μην επιτρέποντάς σου να κάνεις άλλες σκέψεις. Ένα βιβλίο που αν μη τι άλλο, αξίζει και πρέπει να έχετε στη βιβλιοθήκη σας. -
Ho letto diversi libri che hanno come tema centrale lo stupro, sia fisico che psicologico; non ricordo però di aver subito lo stesso impatto emotivo che ho avuto con la Oates. Il suo stile è inconfondibile: se avessi letto la storia senza conoscere l'autore, avrei scommesso su di lei..
E' una scrittura cattiva, cruda, tagliente che ti fa male come un pugno nello stomaco. E' una narrazione che ti fa dire grazie per tutte le sciocchezze che possiedi e per la fortuna di non vivere in uno dei suoi angoscianti romanzi.
La prima metà del romanzo è davvero dolorosa, non saprei come altro definirla.. Teena viene stuprata da un gruppo di ragazzi e lasciata quasi morire mentre la figlia dodicenne, Bethie, è presente all'evento. Al di là del gesto orribile in sé, fa male perché "Teena è una puttana; Teena se l'è cercata; Teena ha provocato i giovani; Teena frequenta brutti ambienti e si veste come una ragazzina, lei VUOLE essere stuprata". Non solo non c'è il minimo di comprensione e voglia di giustizia per questa vita spezzata e per il trauma subito dalla bambina, picchiata a sangue e sfuggita allo stupro per cause fortuite; NO! La gente del paese le dà addosso, la insulta e la ritiene equamente colpevole del fatto perché se l'è cercata.
Mi sono indignata. Mi sono indignata tantissimo! Non solo come lettrice o come donna; mi sono sdegnata come essere umano!
La cosa più disgustosa, oltre lo stupro e la malevolenza della gente, è stato vedere come i colpevoli non solo non abbiano provato il minimo di rimorso (erano ubriachi e sotto metanfetamina: non che questo li giustifichi ovvio.. però poi magari capiscono cosa hanno fatto!), ma erano pure parecchio soddisfatti di loro stessi e l'unico rimpianto che hanno avuto è stato: "Se le avessimo uccise, ora non ci sarebbero testimoni oculari".
Ero sconvolta giuro.
La seconda parte è un po' meno dolorosa, sempre tenendo presente che si tratta di un libro della Oates.. Il poliziotto che è intervenuto per primo sulla scena, attua una specie di giustizia privata contro gli stupratori che rischiano di rimanere impuniti grazie ad un ottimo avvocato che istilla il dubbio nella giuria (Che dubbi ci possono mai essere direte voi?! Ebbene, riesce a crearli).
Teena e sua figlia riescono pian piano ad uscire dalla spirale di disperazione in cui sono finite e qualcun altro prenderà il loro posto.
Come dicevo prima, la Oates ha uno stile tutto suo e inconfondibile: la narrazione non è dal punto di vista di Teena o sua figlia, né è totalmente in terza persona; la Oates sembra presente nella storia e parla direttamente con Bethie, la capisce, le tira fuori emozioni e pensieri. Unico, davvero! -
Από την πρώτη ως την τελευταία σελίδα του ξεχειλίζει από ωμή σκληρότητα. Αυτή που έτσι κι αλλιώς υπάρχει γύρω μας αλλά δεν την βλέπουμε ή εθελοτυφλούμε μπροστά της. Ο τρόμος κάθε γυναίκας υπάρχει εδώ. Σκοτεινός και κτηνώδης. Δοσμένος ξεκάθαρα με απλό, καθημερινό λόγο, χωρίς να κουκουλώνει τα γεγονότα ή να γίνεται μεμψίμοιρος από την άλλη. Όπως και η σαπίλα του συστήματος υπάρχει εδώ. Η δικαιοσύνη δεν είναι μόνο μια ηθική κατάσταση. Έχει ένταση, έχει γνήσιους ανθρώπινους χαρακτήρες που περνούν διά πυρός και σιδήρου μέχρι να βγουν στην άλλη πλευρά. Αν τελικά πραγματικά βγαίνουν. Κυρίως όμως δημιουργεί εικόνες που ως γυναίκα, θα προτιμούσα να μη μου είχε δημιουργήσει.
Αυτό το βιβλίο έχει διττό χαρακτήρα. Το αγαπάς και το μισείς ταυτόχρονα. Όσα εξιστορεί σου ανακατεύουν κάπως το στομάχι. Για όσα μας προειδοποιεί το καθιστούν ένα γενικότερα αναγκαίο βιβλίο. Ο σκοπός του δεν ολοκληρώνεται μέσω του σοκαρισμένου αναγνώστη. Ο σκοπός του είναι να ξυπνήσει την συνείδησή του, αυτή που κοιμάται ή αδιαφορεί ή κλείνει τα μάτια στις ασχήμιες αυτού του κόσμου. -
Una novela corta en páginas pero muy extensa en emociones. Retrata, sin recrearse en los aspectos más brutales, cómo la vida de una familia se puede ver afectada por el capricho de unas bestias. Esta autora nunca defrauda, escribe con ritmo y sus historias siempre dejan huella.
Joyce Carol Oates seems to have a phobia about the Fourth of July. I just finished reading Black Water, another Independence Day disaster novella, only to be confronted with Rape - a love story, that covers a gang rape in Niagara Falls, NY to round off the fireworks and alcohol consumption on the special day that celebrates American independence.
Unlike Black Water, I didn’t skip pages here, for Rape - a love story, is a tight thriller, not only focussed on the victim’s plight but also on the outcome for her attackers when vigilante justice surfaces, a form of justice that seems more effective than the traditional courts, for offences such as rape are hard to prove without damaging the victims all over again.
Teena Maguire, a 35-year old single mother and her 12-year old daughter, Berthie, are taking a short cut home after a Fourth of July party, when they are accosted by a local gang of no-gooders high on crack. Teena is dragged away to a neighboring boathouse, gang-raped, and left for dead, while her daughter hides in the vicinity. The damage to Teena is horrible—physical, mental and societal. She struggles to emerge from life support, is left with permanently damaged vision and other private body parts, breaks up with her boyfriend as she can’t stand being touched anymore, and self-medicates with alcohol, dreading having to appear as a witness at the upcoming court trial.
The subsequent rape trial turns out to be a fiasco, where the defence attorney is able to wield the full force of American Justice and turn the tables around with a countercharge that Teena solicited the no-gooders for sex in exchange for money and then went crazy on them, leading to the violence by the men in self-defence. Public opinion sways from support for the attacked to the attackers. Berthie is ostracized at school as “the daughter of that tramp.”
We are also introduced to Dromoor, an ex-soldier turned cop on the Niagara Falls Police Department, a family man with two small daughters, who is attracted to Teena, but knows he can never go beyond sharing a drink with her. Dromoor served in the Gulf-War where he killed many enemy fighters, before becoming a cop; he also killed a bad guy while he was a rookie on the NFPD, saving the life of a colleague—he is no stranger to death, and to killing. When he answers the rape call at the boathouse, he finds the damaged woman and her daughter, and decides he has to protect them. And so, one by one, the rapists start dying or disappearing.
Oates skillfully delivers the narration in third and second person and simulates the voices of the many characters—victims and perpetrators alike—according to their educational and social levels. She focuses on the ugliness of rumour, the vindictiveness and meanness of small town society, and the perversions of justice that a democratic society provides for. She also takes the long view, by transporting us many years into the future to show us how the lives of the affected are transformed by this seminal incident, for the effects of rape are indeed life-long.
The subject of rape is a difficult one to handle, and having it as the book’s title, and then subtitling it “a love story” leaves many questions in the reader’s mind. Is this irony, a joke, or deathly intentional? What I took from the novella was that while rape is not an expression of love in its act, it does bring out the expression of love from others, love that the victim never knew existed. A gripping read indeed! -
I didnt expect to read this story. I had never heard of it or the author. I was having a long, sweaty day and popped into the library to kill some time before catching the bus home. In fact, I almost walked right past it. But a word jumped out at me from a black and white cover:rape. My feminist bells are ringing. Is that a cover of black and white hearts? Is that a story titled Rape:a love story? So it only takes me a second to double take and backtrack. I pick up this small book with rape on the cover and begin to read. And I'm hooked. I miss 2 more buses just to sit there and finish this story. It's brutal and I tear up.
As a feminist ive read hundreds of articles on rape culture, on survivors being arrested and forced to testify, of teenage girls being accused of being too mature and seductive. Ive read the articles about the failures of universities in addressing rape on campus, of the statistics of sexual assault in the military, of women being gang raped and end up comatose in hospital, eventually slipping away. Ive seen the pie - charts, the lines of statistics. 1 in 5 women. I know about the injustice of the courts. Despite all this, this small, obscure story hits right fucking home. The brutality. The inhumanity. The injustice. The alienation. I am right there with Teena and Beth as Teena is brutalized and left to die.I can see the 12 year old in my mind with a dislocated arm and hearing the screams of her mother.
They talk about how she deserved it. They talk about her clothes. How she was asking for it. Shes in court and her attackers are right there, while there is only one other woman in this court. And they accuse her of being a hooker, of the rape being consensual. They attempt to sully her name, her sexual history. The injustice and horror of it is like a bitter taste in my mouth, and a sickening in my stomach. Teena is shattered and betrayed by a system designed to protect her and bring her justice, and she is re traumatized. The girl watches on as her mother falls apart.
The final justices that the rapists meet is like sick wish fulfillment for the reader; revenge, vigilante justice.
The ending shows that these women are not victims, but survivors. They dont forget, but they can live happy fulfilling lives away from an event they felt defined them.
Rape:a love story is a social commentary. It is a critique of rape culture, of the way we treat women, of the way we fail survivors, of the way they are humiliated, traumatized and beaten down. What the fuck is wrong with us?
* as a note, I think it would be legitimate criticism to say that this book doesn't address the fact that most rapes are committed by people the survivors know and even trust, as well as the fact that many rapes are not this clearly violent and brutal -
Reading this book was a bizarre experience for me, affected primarily by the summary on the dustjacket that offered its own, rather narrow interpretation of a story that should be left open to broad speculation.
Oates's writing is fluid and her selection of details is as mundane and powerful as a Cézanne platter of fruit. Her decision to describe different scenes from different characters' perspectives also contributed well to the story. The rape scene and the ensuing trial are deftly portrayed as horrific, harrowing events no person deserves to endure. I felt my hands tense with rage as the perpetrators were protected by the inane bureaucracy of the law and the victim's reputation was publicly attacked almost as brutally as her own body. As I turned the pages, I needed to put that rage somewhere.
However, the stealthy, vigilante approach to justice acted out by the newcomer cop was not the outlet I had been craving. His execution of each of the young men, one by one, escalating from unpremeditated murder to a brutal slaughter was almost as harrowing as the rape scene. The dustjacket declared him the victims' "champion - a man who understands justice. And love." That left me with an utterly sickly feeling and I can't help but hope that was not Oates's intended interpretation, though the fact that the victim can move on to a happy, well-deserved ending once the last murder has taken place is disturbingly supportive of the idea. The rape victim may have taken off on a romantic road trip with her newfound love, but I'm still stuck in the desert where justice is nowhere to be found. -
H Όουτς γνωρίζει πολύ καλά πώς να ψυχογραφεί τους ήρωές της, χωρίς να υπερδραματοποιεί καταστάσεις και να δημιουγεί αμήχανη συγκίνηση. Η ηρωίδα απευθύνεται στον αναγνώστη σε α' πρόσωπο, δίνοντας αμεσότητα, και την αίσθηση ότι τα γεγονότα λαμβάνουν χώρα σε πρώτο χρόνο.
Γενικά, πρόκειται για ένα μυθιστόρημα ξεχωριστό που συνδυάζει την αστυνομική πλοκή με το δικαστικό δράμα και την κοινωνική καταγγελία. Μόνο να μην είχε τόσο προβλέψιμο τέλος!
Υ.Γ.: Πιστεύω ότι λόγω του θέματός του, καλό είναι να διαβαστεί καί από γυναίκες, αλλά καί από άνδρες.
Συνολική βαθμολογία: 3,6/5 ή 7,2/10.
Βαθμολογία λόγω πειστικής ψυχογράφησης της ηρωϊδας και ρεαλιστικής απόδοσης του θέματος: 4,2/5 ή 8,4/10. -
Pertenezco a una generación que ha crecido escuchando frases como: "Es que hay que ver cómo van vestidas algunas niñas, como putones verbeneros". Pertenezco a una generación que quedó conmocionada por la brutal violación y asesinato de tres chicas en una localidad valenciana, una noticia terriblemente mediatizada que me marcó hasta tal punto que, cuando volvía sola a casa por las calles oscurecidas, corría como una loca sin mirar atrás hasta meterme en el portal de mi casa, temiendo que si alguien me hacía algo malo, la culpa fuera mía por andar sola de noche (aunque sólo fueran las 9 o las 10 de una tarde de invierno) vestida con unos vaqueros demasiado ajustados.
Esta novela de Joyce Carol Oates reeditada por editorial Contraseña, está ambientada en los años 90, la misma época en la que yo era una adolescente que corría aterrorizada por las calles oscurecidas. Trata sobre una madre y una hija que, una noche, mientras vuelven de una fiesta por las celebraciones del 4 de julio, son asaltadas por una jauría de hombres. La niña, de tan solo 12 años, consigue escapar y esconderse, pero la madre es violada y apaleada por unos cuantos hombres hasta casi perder la vida. Y cuando lo peor parece haber pasado, comienza la segunda parte del sufrimiento: insultos y amenazas por parte de familiares de los imputados (violadores y víctimas viven en la misma localidad), la culpabilización de la víctima ("se lo tenía merecido por vestir como vestía, por ser cómo era"), un proceso judicial con un juez prepotente y un abogado sin escrúpulos donde se pone en duda el testimonio de las víctimas...
Mientras leía este libro la rabia y la indignación me quemaban al ser consciente de que esta novela es una ficción inspirada en muchos casos reales que han ocurrido y siguen ocurriendo...
Desde el punto de vista literario, el libro me ha parecido de una calidad altísima. Un estilo seco, sin florituras, duro y seco como los propios hechos que narra. Un manejo impresionante de la tensión narrativa. La historia contada desde distintas perspectivas: la víctima, el novio de la víctima, los violadores, el policía, la fiscal... y, sobre todo, la hija de la víctima, a la que el narrador se dirige de forma directa, en segunda persona, como si hablara con ella.
Siempre he creído que la literatura, además de arte y entrenamiento, es un medio para denunciar las injusticias. Así que por esto y por todo lo que he comentado, este libro se ha convertido para mí una de las mejores novelas que he leído en lo que va de año. -
Violación, una historia de amor" de Joyce Carol Oates. Estamos ante otra de esas historias que demuestran quién es la mejor novelista norteamericana en estos momentos. Nos brinda con una de esas historias que te dejan sin aliento, que te desbordan y que esta escrita con una intensidad y una tensión narrativa sin igual. LA violación en grupo de una madre en presencia de su hija desencadenará una espiral de acontecimientos de todo tipo, tanto entre la violada y su familia como entre los violadores y todo el pueblo. Oates maneja la trama con capítulos cortos, rápidos, a veces más largos, cambiando de punto de vista cada dos por tres, desde la madre, la hija, los abogados, todos tienen cabida en esta historia, y en todos ellos le insufla, no ya personalidad, sino vida, puedes sentir la desolación de la madre ("Teena llevaba las heridas por dentro, donde ningún medicamento podría sanarlas") hasta la mala ralea del abogado defensor ("era posible confundir al jurado. Porque el corazón del hombre late el deseo de ser confundido. La verdad es una atracción, pero no la más llamativa"), sientes todo lo que siente cada uno de ellos y tú mismo experimentas lo desgarrador de la situación, un crimen ignominioso que parece que no va a tener castigo porque todo se puede manipular, porque es muy fácil autoconvencerse de un error y autoconvencer al resto. Qué relato, es imposible no sentirse roto al leerlo, pero qué lectura. Es imprescindible leer a JC. Oates, total maestra, y esta obra maestra es una maravilla para empezar, para paladear, para sentir...
Libro durísimo que te toca en lo más hondo. Empatizar con la victima y ver el dolor que sufre, ya no solo por la violación sino por el juicio, la sociedad y la empresa que te juzga.
Joyce Carol Oates is not in the habit of pulling her punches. She might be the only writer in the history of the world both willing and able to name a book "Rape." She's a powerful author, and I'm
a big fan.
This wasn't my favorite of her books. What's it all about? Fury, right? I mean, and rape. It's definitely about rape. Nothing else happens. It's short. The personalities and histories of the people in it are briefly sketched out. Mostly, there's a rape and then there's the aftermath of the rape and then it's over. The rape is unambiguous. It's about as awful as it can be. The plot is similar to the Jodi Foster movie The Accused. That movie was made in 1988, and this book was published in 2003, and it feels a little dated. Aren't we past victim blaming? Surely no one in this day and age would...
Oates has picked a weird avatar for justice. I'm not sure what Oates is trying to tell us here. I don't have a problem with it - it's interesting - just don't know what to make of it.
There's a subtitle here, "A Love Story," and I have no idea what to make of that either. It's not a love story. There is love, I guess - - but no story about it. It's a rape story. It's upsetting. -
A chilling, haunting reminder of the evil that humans are capable of, the author describes the brutality of the rape and terror beyond what we are capable of imagining on our own. The second attack from the community slandering the victims is almost more disgusting, being from a small town full of small minds I could visualize it full-force. “She asked for it” I understand that no rape story has a “happy ending” but Joyce Carol Oates delivers us the best possible conclusion.
Earlier this year i read, on recomendation of a friend, a book about rape and revenge by Fern Michaels. The whole time I reading it, I didn’t feel that the author had any REAL concept of rape or revenge. It was almost a humorous story, I felt offended by it’s light treatment and lack of depth. In contrast, Oates’ “Rape: a Love Story” is disturbing, sickening, and vivid, it provokes feelings that one SHOULD have when this subject is approached.
Also notable is the writing style Oates has used in this novella, putting you in the character’s shoes. She addresses you as the 12 year old daughter who was present at her mother’s assault, she forces you to feel from every perspective. This is a short novella, easily readable in one sitting, a story you will never ever forget. -
Good writing, BUT, one of the saddest books ever. My heart aches.
Esta lectura me ha dejado con los pelos de punta. La he sentido tan real e injusta... Que una madre (no es spoiler, pasa en el primer capítulo) vaya de la mano de su hija de 12 años tan tranquila por la calle y de repente una banda de niñatos drogados la violen casi hasta la muerte... Lo peor es que en la vida real existen casos así, y la justícia es inexistente. Esta es una historia corta pero conmovedora, totalmente recomendada.
"Your eyes are open but blind." -
"Kao trinaestogodišnjakinja baki nisi mnogo pričala o svome životu, majci još manje.
Stvari u školi, svega toga si ih poštedjela. Svoje brige da će mamu uhititi, optužiti je za nepoštivanje suda ako dođe do suđenja, a ona odbije svjedočiti.
Svoje brige da će mama umrijeti.
Svega toga si poštedjela odrasle u svojoj kući. Naučila si da ako se o nečemu ne razgovara, onda će svi, pa i tvoji najbliži, pretpostaviti da to uopće ne postoji."