Title | : | Breakfast on Mars and 37 Other Delectable Essays |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Publication | : | Published June 1, 2014 |
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Breakfast on Mars and 37 Other Delectable Essays Reviews
A delightful collection of essays, mostly by young adult authors, aimed to help teachers understand that assigned essay writing can be fun, provocative, informative and entertaining, without being rules-laden, boring and dreary. The forward tells it straight on that it's any wonder that any student turns into a writer by profession, after having irrelevant topics and rigid rules of form crammed down their throats in essay writing. Meanwhile, it used to be practically an art form. I had fun reading about sasquatch society, lucid dreaming, spiders in the primitive outdoor shower, the smell and memory of a place, and why we won't be eating breakfast on mars, anytime soon.