Title | : | Lîle aux trente cercueils |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Mass Market Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 352 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1919 |
Lîle aux trente cercueils Reviews
L'île Aux Trente Cercueils = The Secret of Sarek (Arsène Lupin #9), Maurice Leblanc
Maurice LeBlanc became famous for the creation of Arsene Lupin, a gentleman thief and master of disguise. Arsene Lupin, Master Detective makes his reappearance in this thrilling romantic novel.
He returns to a wild island stocked with druids, lost riches, and 30 coffins! Essentially, the complex plot revolves around Veronique, a young woman who travels to an isolated island off the coast of Brittany in search of her kidnapped son. She soon discovers that a terrible prophecy involving herself is about to come true. The island’s inhabitants believe that when the so called "Thirty Coffins" have claimed their thirty victims and four women have been crucified from some oak trees then the God’s Stone will be revealed – a stone which gives life and death.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و چهارم ماه می سال2011میلادی
عنوان: جزیره تابوت (جزیره با سیصد تابوت)؛ نویسنده موریس لبلان؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان فرانسه - سده20م
بیست جلد از کتابهای سری «آرسن لوپن» را، «موریس لبلان» نگاشته اند، داستانهای: «مجادله ی آرسن لوپن با شرلوک هلمز»، «آرسن لوپن عیار جوانمرد»، «درد دلهای آرسن لوپن»، «سر تنگ بلور»، «هشت ضربه ساعت»، «دختر خانم سبزچشم»، «آرسن لوپن در نقش کارآگاه آرسن لوپن»، «خانه ی مرموز آرسن لوپن»، «دختر ژوزف بالسامو»، «احتراق بمب»، «توده ی طلا»، «چشمان سبز و آبی»، «معاشقه ی آرسن لوپن»، «دزد ظریف»، «دندان ببر»، «رقاص جوان»، «زنگهای ساعت»، «سنگ معجزه»، «عملیات خارقالعاده ی آرسن لوپن»، «قصر مرموز کشتی انرژیک»، «میلیاردر راهزن گردنبند هشتصد و سیزده»، از داستانهای نگاشته شده ی ایشان هستند؛ افزون بر این آثار نام برده شده، که خود «لبلان» آنها را نوشته، دنباله ی پنج داستان ایشان را، نویسندگان دیگر نیز نوشتند تا آن داستانها کاملتر شوند؛
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 04/02/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 07/12/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی -
Questo segna il mio primo goal raggiunto. 14,000 pagine lette di soli libri. Per l'altro goal mancano ancira 4 libri.
Bello, bello anche se ultimanente Lupin mi fa sudare il suo arrivo. Intendo arriva sempre nella seconda parte. E mi devo abituare a Luis Perenna. Ho già sbirciato nell'indice del sucessivo e sarà ancora con questo nome. -
Die Inhaltsangabe klang ganz spannend, aber dann hat mich das Buch wahnsinnig enttäuscht. Die ersten hundert Seiten waren ein grauenvolles Gemetzel, dann wurde es wirr und die letzten hundert Seiten waren mir zu viel Klamauk, das passte einfach nicht zu dem vorangegangenen Horror. Auch sonst war die Geschichte an de Haaren herbei gezogen und überhaupt nicht glaubwürdig. Für mich das bisher schlechteste Arsène Lupin-Buch, das komplett aus der Reihe fällt.
Je n'avais jamais lu d'Arsène Lupin. Ici, il n'intervient que dans le dernier tiers. Mais le livre est un exceptionnel suspense. La première moitié est très angoissante. La seconde, assez brillante.
Je le recommande chaudement. -
The longer this series gets, the more violent it becomes and the less charming.
This was my first book from Maurice Leblanc and it wasn't quite what I expected.
The story was gruesome and weird and dark; it was an interesting story. The legend was so unbelievable, but I was glad to still have a clear explanation of the events.
The whole thing was a bit too slow-paced though. A lot of detours that I found somewhat unecessary were made and it felt like the author was stretching the story at moments.
The characters were not that interesting. Maybe Vorski because he's such a freak of nature and pure evil, but except that, I found the other characters kind of bland.
Also, the character who I was waiting to read about was Arsene Lupin and he just showed up at the end of it all just to explain stuff. I was expecting a lot more, but I'm not that disappointed yet and will definitely read other books with him.
The writting though was what I enjoyed the most. It was pleasant to read and, even if it as long, I njoyed reading anyways. -
Aufgrund der neuen Serie bei Netflix bin ich auch auf den Detektiv Lupin aufmerksam geworden und wollte ihn auch mal ausprobieren.
Vom Titel fand ich dieses Buch am interessantesten, es ist der 9te Band aber scheinbar wirklich nicht zum Einstieg geeignet.
Ich habe extra aufgepasst und der Name Lupin taucht in diesem Buch das erste mal bei 50 % auf und richtig in die Geschichte steigt er erst bei 80% des Buches ein und löst die ganze Geschichte relativ schnell auf. Dies hatte ich anders erwartet und war daher ein wenig enttäuscht.
Trotzdem war die Story des Buches interessant und ziemlich spooky mit der Insel der 30 Särge, daher wollte ich doch immer weiterlesen und schauen wie dann irgendwann Lupin in die Geschichte kommt.
Es war sicher nicht das richtige Buch zum Einstieg, daher werde ich wohl noch einen weiteren Teil testen. -
I liked this book, but it really annoyed me. The author would take long detours in writing and even though I could recognize a good intrigue, I constantly felt frustrated by the way the story was told. In the heat of the action, it would be good, but I needed to push myself to go on. And so, this book leaves me with an odd frustration feeling
Leblanc does have his own style and the characters and the mystery were interesting enough, but I really did like the earlier books where Lupin was there from the start outwitting people.
it was the longest book ever. It felt like they were continuing the end for no reason. Arsène Lupin is barely even there. What a scam. A fraud 😱😱😱
Ça fait bizarre de relire un livre que j'avais étudié en 4ème.
Mais bonne vieille histoire qui va vous rappeler vos cours de Français du collège. -
Véronique is a BAMF. By the standards of 1919 AND 2013.
Ce livre m'a vraiment attiré dès la première ou disons les premières pages .Une aventure que j'ai lu et que j'ai également vécu avec véronique .Parfois , les événements n'avançaient pas vraiment , ils prenaient longtemps mais ça n'empêche que l'histoire était captivante .
Sans nul doute l'un de mes préférés d'Arsène Lupin ! L'histoire est glaçante entourée d'un esprit un peu mystique, magique. L'amour fait place à l'effroi et l'on suit Véronique dans toutes ses aventures attendant inlassablement l'arrivée de notre héros.
What a scarring and bloody book !
Great suspense!
more about this book, just check my complete review at here :
http://my-mystery-readings.blogspot.c... ) -
I'm not even going to try to make sense of the editions on here, which are a mess: I read Alexander Teixeira de Mattos's 1920 translation, available at
http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/34939. Scanning the contents pages quickly makes it look like it is quite close to Leblanc's original text.
French pulps, and Arsène Lupin specifically, hit a couple of problems in this period. The carnage of World War I made problematic the persistence of arch-villains. This process saw Lupin gradually transformed from wittily amoral gentleman-thief into a rather moody, melancholic avenging angel/deus ex machine. This book, set at the end of the war, actually manages to turn that to effect, with Lupin - I'm sorry, Don Luis Perenna - resolving the story elegantly and amusingly but with calculated steel.
There remain some wartime jingoistic anti-German undercurrents (again, I haven't checked them against Leblanc's text, but I've no reason to believe they're the translator's interpolation), but Leblanc was clearly also trying to work out what effects the war would have on the genre: 'It was so excessively logical as to become illogical; and this because it was the act of a madman ... and also because it came to pass at a season of madness and bewilderment. It was the war which facilitated the safe silent committal of an obscure crime prepared and executed by a monster. In times of peace, monsters have not the time to realise their stupid dreams...'
That, miraculously, doesn't make the novel leaden or clumsy. It rips straight into the astonishing (within 10 pages you've had a threatened crucifixion and the appearance of a one-armed corpse) and steams ahead through local legend and occult interpretation. Ok, the structure does mean a fairly lengthy explanation of the plot at the end, but it's preceded by such a vigorous narrative that he just about gets away with it.
It felt like something of a return to form after the previous couple of Lupin titles. It was a tonic. -
This is the most extraordinary book I read from Maurice. The adventure, the legend, the hidden treasure, the hideous crimes. How a woman went through all this, in an island all by herself. When I finished more than the half of the book, I thought there isn't Lupin in here but he did appear at the end only to explain stuff with a little rescue.
The adventure was full of surprises and unexpected events. I disliked the long detours to be honest, but enjoyed the reading nonetheless. It felt like no matter how desperate life may seem, if you have faith and believe, you can move forward. -
When I was much much younger, I read, I think, most of the stories about Arsene Lupin by Maurice Leblanc, translated into Arabic. I was totally enthralled and intrigued by them, as I did with those of Sherlock Holmes. Of course I forgot the stories and plots, and they only came back to me in skimpy fragments of my failing memories. The Secret of Sarek (or the Island of Thirty Coffins, as it was originally named) had so many twists and turns that I could not guess what was going to happen next. Not wanting to spoil the plot, all I am going to say, is I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Fabuleux livre que celui où le chien est le héros, où les dames sont de redoutables guerrières et où l'astuce se joint à l'humour et à la poésie au sein des redoutables légendes de notre belle Bretagne.
Uma história inspirada no realismo fantástico e que se transforma em mais uma das grandes atuações de Lupin. Entretanto o livro fica um pouco arrastado e a história se prolonga além do necessário. Novamente uma boa leitura para lazer, mas abaixo de outros livros deste grande e consagrado autor.
Des longueurs mais un dénouement a se plier de rire!