The Confessions of Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc

The Confessions of Arsène Lupin
Title : The Confessions of Arsène Lupin
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0809533596
ISBN-10 : 9780809533596
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 343
Publication : First published January 1, 1912

The world's premier thief looks back on a lifetime of adventure in these tales of his outrageous exploits

It has been a fortnight since the baroness Repstein disappeared from Paris, taking with her a fortune in jewels stolen from her husband. French detectives have chased her all over Europe, following the trail of gemstones like so many precious breadcrumbs, but she has eluded their efforts. When Arsène Lupin finds her, she will not escape so easily.

The most brilliant criminal mind in all of Europe, Lupin is not above performing the occasional good deed—especially when there is reward money at stake. In these thrilling stories, the gentleman thief outwits both policemen and criminals time and time again, always making sure to pocket something for himself.

The Confessions of Arsène Lupin Reviews

  • Salwa Marwan

    مجموعة قصصية ممتعة عن اللص الجنتل أرسين لوبين
    بعض القصص يمارس هوايته كلص وبعضها بيكون دوره محقق ونقدر نلاحظ أنه مهاراته وذكاءه ما تختلفش كتير في الحالتين
    مناسبة أوي لمحبي روايات أجاثا كريستي وأرثر دويل

  • Lena

    I’ve been on a bit of an Arsene Lupin binge lately and I guess this book is my sign to take a break from it. 

    It’s not that it's completely horrible or anything, its probably just my disappointment that none of the later books are as brilliant as the first. 

    I actually had pretty high hopes for this one as it's just like in Arsene Lupin - Gentleman Thief a collection of short stories but in the end I didn't care too much about any of the stories and I am also not the biggest fan of Lupin turning more and more into a detective. 
    There are countless detective stories out there but not too many about a thief, so I don't get why we didn't stick to that. 

    It's also getting a bit ridiculous how Lupin is suddenly such a womanizer. My least favorite story is actually the one where Lupin gets captured, and this captor falls in love with him without ever talking to him. Like, come on.

    My favorite story though, is where Lupin ends up helping Ganimard. I know, I know, I am a hypocrite... first I go on and on how I dislike the detective stories and now pick probably the most detective story out of them all, but trust me it’s a good one and sadly there weren't many stories that were really good.

  • Thibault Busschots

    A collection of Lupin’s short stories. Enjoyable at times but certainly nothing memorable.

  • David the Ñoldo

    What can I say, I love the Arsène Lupin stories. The exploits and heists of the thief are far more interesting to me than the deductions of the a drug-using detective.

    Even though I loved the fact that "Hollow Needle", "813", and "Crystal Stopper" detoured from the compilation of individual stories scheme of "Exploits" and "Versus Herlock Sholmes", "Confessions" was a nice return to the older format. The Shadow of Death and Edith Swan-Neck stories were by far my favorite of the 10 stories included in this.

    My only wish is for better translations of the Lupin novels. The Wildside Press translations are bearable but I would like an improved translation that includes some type of footnotes/endnotes for the references to unfamiliar French history.

  • idkhello

    Really great! It was a nice throwback to the first books when Lupin was still carefree and flirting with lit rally everyone 💀 amazing to see him so cheeky on the contrary to the last books where he was really depressed

  • Florin Pitea

    Superb. Highly recommended.

  • Mohamed Shawara

    مجموعة قصصية ل "أرسين لوبين" ذلك اللص الذكي! مترجمة من لغتها الأم "الفرنسية" إلى العربية الفصحى - ترجمة إسراء يونس

    قرأت سابقاً لآرسين لوبين مجموعته القصصية الأولى والتي بالرغم من أنني انهيتها في يوم او يومين إلاّ أن طريقة الكاتب تجعلنا ننتظر حل ��لقضية والذي نسمعه على لسان أبطاله ولا نستطيع معرفته مسبقاً لأن الكاتب لا يشركنا في ما يراه أبطاله - ليس كروايات شارلوك هولمز مثلاً والذي يجعل كاتبها القاريء وسط الأحداث ويفكر كما يفكر أبطال الرواية. وهذا العيب يجعلني أقرأها لأعرف الحل دون أن أفكر فيه مما يفقدها جمال الغموض الذي يحبه القاريء - ويجعلها رواية عادية بقصة بوليسية ولكنها مسرودة سرداً منمقاً وكفى!

    هذه المجموعة أظرف من المجموعة الأولى - وفيها قصص معقدة قليلاً عن سابقاتها.

    قرأتها pdf على كندل - ١٨٨ صفحة

  • Milena Machado

    Gostei muito da ambiguidade do caráter de Lupin. Bandido? Herói? Ele pode ser os dois. Além de possuir um grande talento para resolver crimes.

  • mary's_in_fandom

    Niente da dire amo le storie di Lupin.

  • Virginy

    J’avoue avoir eu pas mal d’appréhensions avant de commencer cette lecture. Ayant été déçue par les personnages de Sherlock Holmes et de Rouletabille, je craignais de trouver ici un nouveau type arrogant et à l’ego surdimensionné. Autant vous dire que Lupin partait avec un sacré handicap! Et bien, j’ai été agréablement surprise!

    Au fil des nouvelles de ce recueil, Lupin, toujours attiré par l’appât du gain, n’en reste pas moins homme et s’efforce de parvenir à ses fins sans violence, en véritable gentleman. Roi du déguisement et de l’usurpation d’identité, il nargue les forces de police avec une certaine forme d’amusement et vole principalement aux personnes ayant mal acquis leur fortune, incarnant une sorte de Robin des Bois de la Belle Époque.

    J’ai eu grand plaisir à découvrir ces « confidences ». Chaque texte a son atmosphère propre, parfois sombre et inquiétante, certains davantage teintés d’humour. On sent cependant la personnalité torturée de ce caméléon, qui, bien qu’à l’aise parmi les gens de la haute société, a aussi pas mal d’empathie pour les personnes plus modestes ou victimes d’injustice. Arsène Lupin est un personnage intéressant autant qu’intriguant, et qui a su me séduire comme il séduit bon nombre de femmes. Son aspect physique est insaisissable, tant il revêt de déguisements différents, mais il n’est au fond qu’une seule et même personne, à la personnalité attirante.

    Un personnage que j’ai beaucoup aimé, des intrigues à l’ambiance toujours renouvelée, des ingrédients parfaits pour que le lecteur ne se lasse jamais et en redemande encore.

  • Elizabeth (Alaska)

    This is a collection of 10 stories featuring Arsène Lupin. The title of the first in the series describes him as a Gentleman Thief. There is an introduction in this edition by Otto Penzler where he says Reading his fiction today, one is generally impressed with the fast pace and diversified action, although it borders on burlesque, and the incredible situations and coincidences may be a little difficult to accept. I'm glad he uses the word "burlesque" in this context. I had often thought burlesque meant a variety show wherein it was traditional to employ young women in striptease acts. Penzler uses the term to mean a comic exaggeration.

    These stories fit that definition perfectly. I had no particular favorite, instead watching Lupin foil the police or, just as often, solve crimes for them. Lupin sometimes stole huge sums only to return them. Lupin is a thief for the pure joy of the challenge.

    The series is numbered, but I can find no reason why one should read them in order. Not even the stories within the volumes are linked, although there is one story in this that refers to a previous one. If I give this 4-stars for enjoyment, would it imply a greater literary value than the 3-stars I'll give it? Too bad we don't have a 2-tier system where one set of stars is for enjoyment and the other for literary value.

  • ゾヤ

    If you love a smart hot funny Villain, this book is for you 👏🏻 He's like Detective Conan + Vanitas

    4.5 🌟

    This book is the best and very fun to read, I don't get bored because Lupine's personality is diverse. I laugh, be amazed and be immersed in this story.

    although each of the 10 stories is short but not like other short stories that sometimes incomprehensible and stunted, it starts and ends perfectly.

    Arsene Lupine the gentleman thief full of surprises. He is mysterious, intelligent, tall and smart in formal attire complete with his opera hat. "I promised to come if madam calls me, I'm here".

    He likes to suddenly appear as a genius to everyone's amazement but at the other times he is so innocent and straightforward "you must explain first why you saved me?"

    The author makes it easier for the reader to solve the mystery with Lupin along with the narration. So you can feel like being a detective. This book tells the story of 10 cases and investigations

    So far, in this book Lupin doesn't even commit crimes, he just lurkinb around helps people. Indeed a weird villain, and he's playful. While inspector was seriously talking about the case, he asked if he wanted a cigarette. LOL

    But he is really smart, more than a detective, the inspector himself admitted in his heart.

    In all mysterious cases, I really hope for the appearance of Lupin and when he did actually appears, the story became more stirring and emaciated his charismatic.

    He also likes to praise himself “What if i leave this case to my old friend? Look at my kindness and service to him!”

    He's a flirt too, haha ​​come on Lupin 🤣 : The girl walks away, and Lupin stares at her with his eyes, "She's so beautiful! It's very unfortunate if something bad happens to her. Luckily Lupin's on her side to protect her".

  • Gudrun

    Kobe kwam aanzetten met drie kortverhalen die hij moest lezen voor Frans: de in Frankrijk alom gekende Arsène Lupin, zowat de evenknie van de Scarlet Pimpernel of the Saint. Lupin, bij velen intussen gekend door de serie op Netflix, is dus een gentleman-dief voor wie niets ooit te moeilijk, te lastig of te veel is. De plot zit ingenieus in elkaar en Lupin is vooral een meester in het vermommen en het voor de gek houden.

    Goh, dacht ik, als Kobe twee verhalen moet lezen, dan lees ik ze ook, maar dan meteen maar het hele boek kortverhalen. Ik begon eraan, en ik verschoot: de boeken zijn geschreven begin 20ste eeuw in een toch wel behoorlijk moeilijk en uitdagend Frans, met een quasi archaïsch taalgebruik. Lang leve de woordenboekfunctie op mijn Kindle, moet ik toegeven. Ik vond het een hele uitdaging voor Kobe, maar toen bleek dat hij ze in hertaalde en dus vereenvoudigde versie mocht lezen. Dat verklaarde veel!

    Maar ik wilde me niet gewonnen geven, mijn Frans is al bij al niet slecht, en dus las ik vrolijk verder met uiteraard de passé simple maar vooral een zeer uitgebreid en kleurrijk vocabularium. En jawel, ik genoot er best wel van. Het is natuurlijk geen hoogdravende lectuur, maar dat moet ook niet. Elk verhaal toont hoe Lupin de politie toch weer net te vlug of vooral te slim af is, en elk verhaal zit echt wel goed in elkaar. Ik moest denken aan Sherlock Holmes, om eerlijk te zijn.

    Aangezien de drie verhalen in twee verschillende boeken waren opgenomen, heb ik ze dan maar meteen alle twee gelezen. Noblesse oblige, n'est-ce pas?

  • Mina

    Compared to the joy that was the first anthology,
    Arsène Lupin, gentleman cambrioleur,
    this was a lot more callous. Maybe the first anthology for allowed for misinterpretations.

    In more... depth, the Arsène Lupin one encounters here is hardly a gentleman, more like a vanitous poseur and a fop with very few scruples, and nonetheless not that different from the one in the first books.

    In contrast, every character he has the joy of duping is made to appear not only inadequate, but fated to lose by a supernatural power, often explained away as mass psychological manipulation worthy of a Bene Gesserit of SF
    Dune repute.

    I suppose, if the character is too simple, he or she (where English's pronoun limitations compared to Romance languages make one sound quite silly) becomes boring. At the other end of the spectrum, the inscrutability makes him or her hard to empathize with. If he seems the coquin Ganimard often accuses him to be, then maybe the author let permeate possible feelings of rancour and wounded pride for writing a character more famous than his more literary endeavours.

  • Reni Stankova

    This was an interesting one. Maurice Leblanc truly upped the mystery element here. But, as anything mentioning my favorite character of all time, it's one of my favorites.

  • Dominik

    Alors j'aime tellement ces histoires courtes. Arsène Lupin n'en profite pas directement, mais il doit toujours être un gentleman.

  • Marcos

    Good book, it you entertain you with it's stories but not so much to make you addicted, kinda nice to have laying on the shelf so you can pick one story and read it as if you were in a waiting room.

  • Alexandra Wallace

    Love Lupin.

  • Adibah Atiqa (persephtiyareads)

    Terima kasih Penerbit X untuk pemberian naskhah reviu ini.

    The Confessions of Arsène Lupin (Edisi Bahasa Melayu)

    “Ingat, kita sedang berhadapan dengan Arsène Lupin. Dengan dia, bukankah selalunya perkara yang mustahil dan mengejutkan yang mesti kita cari? Bukankah kita sentiasa perlu terus berjalan ke hadapan walaupun andaian kita itu paling gila sekali?” 🎩💵

    Sejujurnya, aku tak pernah membaca mana-mana karya mengenai Arsène Lupin ini. Cuma namanya aku pernah dengar tetapi tiada keinginan yang kuat untuk menyelami kisahnya. Tetapi, setelah membaca buku ini, aku jadi ✨invested✨.

    🔍 Untuk seseorang yang jarang sekali membaca karya terjemahann Bahasa Melayu, aku tak nafikan yang mula-mula, pembacaanya terasa kekok tetapi setiap muka surat yang terselak, aku berjaya dapatkan ‘reading tone and pace’.

    🔍 Apa yang membuatkan buku ini berbeza daripada yang lain dalam siri Arsène Lupin?

    — Buku ini merupakan koleksi 10 cerita pendek pengembaraan dan penyiasatan Arsène Lupin. Berbeza dengan tajuk lain yang merupakan novel.

    🔍 Jadi, untuk yang tidak mengetahui, siapakah sebenarnya Arsène Lupin ini?

    — Detektif seperti Sherlock Holmes? Oh, jauh sekali. Arsène Lupin ada skil seorang penyiasat tetapi dia merupakan ‘gentleman-burglar’. Tak mengapa, aku akan cerita lebih lanjut. So, korang dapat mengenali serba-sedikit figura Arsène Lupin sepanjang reviu ini.

    🏢 “..tentu sekali…ini cuma andaian, tapi menjelaskan segalanya…Baiklah satu tanggapan yang menjawab setiap soalan tentu sekali tidak jauh daripada kebenaran…”

    • Di sini kita dapat melihat bagaimana sistem pemikiran Arsène Lupin bekerja. Dia banyak bermain dengan ‘what if possibilities’ dan setiap satu daripadanya akan digugurkan jika tidak membawa ke arah kesimpulan.

    • Cara dia memberitahu yang lain bagaimana dia dapat memperoleh jalan penyelesaaian seperti ‘meramalkan..’, ‘cuba kamu bayangkan..’ menunjukkan untuk mencapai satu logik, dia menggunakan imaginasi secara aktif, menitik beratkan segala kemungkinan.

    🏢 “Itulah balasan untuk aku kerana mahu membantu orang lain!”

    • Arsène Lupin ini boleh dikatakan seorang yang sangat yakin dengan apa yang dilakukan ‘and he definitely took pride over it’. Perwatakan dia boleh diringkaskan ‘gentleman first, thief second’. Ye, korang jangan lupa, dia bukannya seorang detektif tetapi yang sentiasa ada helah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan maksimum daripada setiap kes yang terlibat. Matanya pasti ada ganjaran yang dikejar.

    • Mesti korang terfikir, seseorang seperti Arsène Lupin ini sudah tentu tidak mengambil peduli tentang orang lain, bukan? Tetapi dalam 10 kisah dalam buku ini, aku tak nafikan yang ada momen menggambarkan dia masih mempunyai empati. Dan momen-momen seperti ini yang aku sangat suka kerana ia menunjukkan ‘how humanely he is’. Dia seorang pencuri tetapi ada masa apabila dia ingin percaya akan kebaikan manusia, harapan itu musnah dan ada masa dia dipertemukan dengan watak yang penuh kehormatan serta berprinsip, dia terkaku seperti tidak percaya akan kewujudannya.

    🏢 “Walaupun saya mengakui, sahabatku, monsieur mungkin memandang saya seperti seorang bijak pandai, tapi jangan layan saya seolah-olah saya ahli silap mata.”

    • Ada beberapa kisah yang mudah dijangkakan plotnya tetapi ada juga yang sangat menarik dan bijak. Penulisannya juga kemas kerana aku dapat rasakan kes yang diketengahkan dikupas satu demi satu, membuatkan pembaca bersama-sama terlibat dalam menyelesaikannya.

    • Disebabkan Arsène Lupin ini seorang pencuri budiman, dia sentiasa ada dalam kes untuk diselesaikan dengan ganjaran di fikiran. Tingkah lakunya pasti ada sebab yang dapat menguntungkannya. Aku sangat suka ‘tension’ antara dia dengan authoriti atau lebih tepat, pihak polis atau lebih spesifik lagi, Detektif Ganimard. Budiman sungguh Arsène Lupin kerana dia menggelarkan ‘archenemies-nya’, sahabat.

    🔍 Aku ada terbaca beberapa reviu di Goodreads yang lebih suka koleksi kisah pendek ini daripada novel dalam siri Arsène Lupin. Jadi, untuk korang yang sudah membaca novel dalam siri ini tetapi ‘not your cup of tea’, korang masih boleh menarih harapan pada buku ini.

    🔍 Kepada yang tidak pernah membaca mana-mana buku dalam siri ini (seperti aku! 🤪) korang juga boleh bermula dengan buku ini. Jangan risau, kandungannya masih relevan walaupun tidak pernah didedahkan dengan figura Arsène Lupin ini.

    The Confessions of Arsène Lupin— 4⭐️

  • Filipa Batista

    Sabem aquelas livros que vocês querem ler com todo o tempo do mundo? 😌 este é um deles!

    Livro delicioso e bem escrito por Maurice, que nos traz este detetive peculiar. Arsène Lupin o desafiador, sarcástico e imprevisível.

    Comecei com este "As Confissões de Arsène Lupin" e não me arrependi nem um pouco... senti realmente aquele mistério bem vincado e a vontade de descobrir tudo a cada conto que avançava.

    Sim, este livro conta com a reunião de vários contos que vos preencherá os vossos dias com a inteligência e a arte de enganar de Lupin.

    Se este Lupin é idêntico ao da série? Não, este é mais sarcástico ainda, mas mais distante a nível emocional. Querem quebrar um bocadinho o vosso coração vejam a série, mas para perderem a cabeça (literalmente) entreguem-se a este livro.

    Estou já ansiosa para ler mais livros desta série. Quais recomendam? 🔍🤔

  • Azuma-chan

    With reading this book, I finished June's challenge one week earlier.

    Another amusing adventures for Arsene Lupin where he steals sometimes and solves the mystery in other times. My favorite one is (The Infernal Trap). This book is pretty much like
    The Eight Strokes of the Clock only this time, he is the gentleman burglar. Even if he played the honest man, he doesn't forget to take something for himself.

    Fun reading for detective fans.

  • Doris

    A collection of short stories about the French gentleman-thief, Arsène Lupin. Lupin owes a lot to Sherlock Holmes and to Poe's Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin, but with his own French, and larcenous, spin.

    The stories are mildly clever and mildly entertaining, but not particularly engaging. I can't see seeking out more.

  • Myreadbooks

    Quel plaisir de me replonger dans la série Arsène Lupin, ici on y retrouve un recueil de neuf nouvelles toutes aussi bien les unes que les autres.

    L'auteur nous entraine dans le monde du gentleman cambrioleur Arsène Lupin avec brio. Avec une écriture toujours aussi passionnante, captivante, fluide et des personnages attachants.

  • Laura

    Lo he leído en francés y ha sido lo más doloroso que he hecho nunca voluntariamente

  • Gata Leitora / Cat reader

    Gostei bastante desses novas aventuras de Lupin.
    Maurice Leblanc trouxe nosso anti heroi a formula antiga e tirou um pouco do ranço que agulha oca deixou em mim.

  • Ǝlaa Mußtafa

    مجموعة القصص جميلة، الأفكار مختلفة بين العمل كلص والعمل كمحقق.

  • Olivia Regis

    “Las Confesiones de Arsène Lupin” reúne distintos cuentos protagonizados por el famoso ladrón. A lo largo de 10 historias veremos el estilo característico del personaje mientras leemos una historia entretenida. Leí varias novelas de Arsène Lupin y me encantó reencontrarme con el personaje a través de cuentos cortos. Si ya leyeron libros de la saga y les gustaron no se lo pueden perder y si aún no lo hicieron no sé qué están esperando para darle una oportunidad a los libros de Maurice Leblanc.