Title | : | The Pivot Year |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1949759628 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781949759624 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Perfect Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 368 |
Publication | : | First published April 23, 2023 |
If you’re in a pivot period—if you’re still bridging the space between where you are and where you want to be—remember that the person you’re becoming is already within you. The journey is convincing your mind to act consistently on what your heart already knows it wants to do.
The Pivot Year is a book of 365 daily meditations on finding the courage to become who you’ve always wanted to be, from the internationally bestselling author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, and more.
The Pivot Year Reviews
help i want to read the 365 pages in one day
I wish I would have purchased this in paperback. It’s the type of book that you randomly open to any page and the message you were meant to see that day will be there for you to read.
Znów w książce Brianny Wiest zostawiłam masę znaczników 🥹
„365 dni, które zmienią Twoje życie”, a na pewno 365 stron, spośród których chociaż jedna, ale pewnie dużo więcej, sprawi, że spojrzysz na kilka rzeczy zupełnie inaczej.
Może będą to otaczający Cię ludzie,
Może Twoje reakcje na niektóre sytuacje, które dotychczas myślał*ś, że nic nie znaczą, a Ty nie masz aż tak wielkiego wpływu na to co Cię otacza,
Może będzie to narastająca w Tobie nadzieja,
Może przestaniesz się angażować w coś, co nigdy nie da Ci niczego w zamian, co tylko od Ciebie wymaga i bierze, ale nic nie daje,
może zrezygnujesz z czegoś i zrozumiesz, że to nie jest porażka, a robisz to dla własnego dobra, ustępujesz miejsca nowym osobom, doświadczeniom, które też będą miały jakieś role w Twoim życiu,
Może zrozumiesz, że nie każdy człowiek, który pojawia się na Twojej drodze, ma być na niej na zawsze, nie jesteś przeznaczony dla każdego, ani nie każdy jest przeznaczony dla Ciebie, ale to Ty decydujesz kto jest elementem Twojego życia i w jakim stopniu,
Może zmierzysz się w końcu z cieniem własnej dezaprobaty, zrozumiesz, że jesteś wartościowy i zasługujesz na dobro,
Może gdy teraz patrzysz na swoje życie i zamierzasz się poddać, bo czujesz, że ciągle coś nie wychodzi, zastanowisz się, co jeśli gdzieś odgórnie ktoś napisał, że ma wyjść za kolejnym razem? Że nie osiągniesz sukcesu za pierwszym, może nie za drugim i piątym razem, ale za kolejnym? O ile łaskawiej byś na siebie patrzył*?
A gdybyś miał* pomyśleć o wszystkich górach, które kiedyś wydawały Ci się nie do przejścia, o wszystkich sprawach, z którymi miał*ś sobie nie poradzić, problemach, przez które miał*ś nie przebrnąć… uświadomił*byś sobie, że każda z tych spraw przeminęła i znalazł*ś drogę na przód.
Zrób krok. A pojawi się ścieżka.
Współpraca reklamowa z @wydawnictwofilia dziękuję! -
1,5 Sterne
Ich gehöre definitiv nicht zur Zielgruppe dieses Buchs. Ich finde viele Texte zu Achtsamkeit zu spirituell-verschwurbelt oder belanglos, als dass sie mich wirklich ansprechen könnten. Das Konzept, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren, finde ich aber an sich spannend und da ich viel Gutes über
101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think gehört hatte, wollte ich diesem Buch gerne eine Chance geben. Meine Mutter hatte ein Rezensionsexemplar zu Hause, sodass ich es netterweise ausleihen durfte und nun war es für mich leider ein Flopp.
Die Botschaften des Buchs (herausfinden, was man wirklich möchte; auf die Innere Stimme hören etc.) finde ich grundsätzlich begrüßenswert. Vermutlich gibt das Buch auch anderen Menschen wertvolle Denkanstöße. Bei mir überwiegen leider bei Weitem die negativen Eindrücke.
Die einzelnen Denkanstöße sind so kurz, dass sie in erster Linie belanglos wirken. Es findet keine tiefergehende Auseinandersetzung statt. Dadurch wirkt es wie ein langer Glückskes. Die Texte lesen sich als hätte sie jemand geschrieben, der sonst die Zettel an den Teebeuteln von Yogitee gestaltet. Dieser Eindruck verstärkt sich durch das esoterische Geschwurbel, etwa dass man das Leben nach Dingen fragen soll...okay? Ich fürchte, für diese Art von Sinnsuche bin ich zu zynisch.
Aber auch handwerklich lässt das Buch zu wünschen übrig. Manche Absätze springen so wirr hin und her, dass ich mich am Ende eines Fünfzeilers gefragt habe, worum es eigentlich ging. Da werden wild Metaphern gemixt oder so viele Gedanken in einen kurzen Text gepackt, dass nichts mehr von Bedeutung ist. Andere Texte setzen so sehr auf Wiederholung, dass ich mich fragen muss, ob sie für Menschen mit dem Leseverständnis eines Fünfjährigen geschrieben wurden.
Insgesamt lies es sich schnell genug lesen, dass ich nicht "aufgeben" wollte. Aber am Ende hätte ich es wohl besser nach 10 Seiten gelassen. -
Eu sunt fan Brianna Wiest așa că n-am cum să zic ceva rău.
E o carte de citit și recitit, de ținut pe noptieră sau de deschis în momente random ca să-ți iei de acolo doza de optimism și încurajare -
Für mich kam dieses Buch auch zur richtigen Zeit genau wie „When You‘re Ready This Is How You Heal“. Alle Bücher von Brianna Wiest fühlen sich wie eine Umarmung einer sehr guten Freundin an, die keine Fragen stellt sondern einfach nur da ist, zuhört und für jede Situation Verständnis zeigt.
Ich greife so gerne nach ihren Büchern, wenn ich mal nicht weiter weiß, große Selbstzweifel hege oder einen guten Rat benötige. In diesem Buch hier findet man viele inspirierende, mutmachende und ehrliche Anekdoten für das Leben. Statt alles zu verschönern schreibt Brianna Wiest auch, dass uns das Leben in die Knie zwingen wird und es aussichtslose Zeiten geben wird, aber wie wir damit umgehen können.
Hoffnungsvoll, verständnisvoll, ehrlich und lehrreich - damit würde ich das Buch beschreiben. Es hat mir Mit gegeben, ich konnte mich so oft wiedererkennen wie so oft in ihren Büchern. Ich freue mich auf weitere Bücher der Autorin.
💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗 -
Vague, over-wrought, run-on sentences filled with claptrap. I have no recollection what prompted me to buy this on Kindle—I hope it was free—but at least I now know how to delete a book forever. I did learn something from it.
I love pretty much anything by Bianna Wiest. She has a beautiful writing style; her meditations/messages are always comforting, uplifting, and inspiring. Every morning, I wake up and read passages from this book while sipping my coffee before I scribble some thoughts in my journal. It's been a wonderful source of inspiration.
This was a neat reading experience that I think a lot of people would enjoy. I got the book later in the year so had to catch up, but once I did, I read an excerpt a day. Some excerpts I couldn’t relate to, but that is to be expected. Overall, it’s inspiring and thought provoking.
Book Emojis: 💭🕯️🧖🏻♀️🤍✨ -
From the outset, I was intrigued by the idea of exploring how pivotal moments shape our lives. However, I found the book's execution lacking. The content often felt vague and lacking in depth, leaving me searching for more substantive guidance. Wiest's writing style, while poetic, sometimes veered into the territory of overindulgence, detracting from the clarity that a self-help book should provide.
The book's structure left something to be desired as well. The chapters didn't always flow logically, making it difficult to follow the author's intended narrative. Additionally, while personal anecdotes can lend credibility to an author's message, in this case, they often overshadowed the advice being offered.
Despite these shortcomings, there were a few nuggets of wisdom that resonated with me. Wiest's emphasis on embracing change and finding meaning in transitions was a highlight. However, these moments of insight were too few and far between to salvage my overall impression of the book.
In the realm of self-help literature, "The Pivot Year" fell short of delivering the transformative experience I had hoped for. While it may resonate differently with others, my experience with the book left me wishing for more substantial guidance and a clearer direction. -
Very hippy dippy kind of book. A self help book on how to live each day but the advice was too vague for my taste. I got nothing out of it despite the fact that the author wrote with the right intentions.
This was my favorite self-help book in a while. It found me when I needed it the most but I also think it will follow me for a while. I bought the paper version after reading it on my kindle because I loved it so much. Recommend to everyone, it heals the heart and the soul ❤️🩹
This was a list of 365 affirmations / standalone pieces of advice & encouragement. There was no sense of narrative whatsoever. I wasn’t expecting this structure, so I was a little thrown off at first, but I came to appreciate it. I listened on audible, so it was kind of nice as a walking companion - like a rotating selection of mantras almost, always in my ear just reminding me it’s allllllll gunna be OK. I’m considering buying it in print so I can refer back to some of the nuggets that resonated most.
Overall wouldn’t recommend as a “book to read,” but would recommend as a “book to reference or even just posses.” -
The Pivot year is a 365 day guide of mindful practices and affirmations to help you become the person who you truly want to be. The key ideas in this book are,
1. Embrace the change
2. Live in the moment
3. Choose right companionship
4. Look inward
5. Trust your process
Brianna Wiest harnesses her creativity to explain the importance of following these factors to see true transformation in one's self and she has beautiful quotes throughout the book. You can simply apply these affirmations and practices in your day to day life and the results will lead you to a better life over time.
Brianna Wiest's writing is soothing and equally compelling. This book is an amazing guide if you're going through a hard time and is struggling to find motivation. -
Mano penketas ⭐️ nėra lygus tavo penketui ⭐️ mano penketai ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ nėra lygūs tarpusavyje 🤷🏻♂️ knygai aišku penketas ir ačiū autorei ☄️
★ I love Brianna's books so much, it was supposed to be a book to read for the whole year, but I got so involved that only on day 40 I realized that I had read it all at once. I love the love and poetry with which write Brianna, I think each of you should read this book, especially if you are just starting to read books in this genre or you can't get used to this genre. I love this girl so much!!
Three words that sum up this book that is supposed to be motivating - Word. Salad. Buffet. If this book were an all you could eat buffet then after peeking at the salad bar and seeing gray eggs, wilted lettuce, sweating cheese, and no dressings I decided I would not be taking a plateful, getting a refund and leaving. Flipping through the pages there is too much cross-contamination in this buffet.
My biggest issues:
It reads like a creative writing exercise.
The voice from the author comes off as haughty, pompous and entitled.
The book is practically blank and where there is writing it is far from profound, but rather full of redundancies, too many prepositional phrases, and run-on-sentences. -
Anul care îți va schimba viața este plină de îndrumări semnificative pe care le poți citi oricând. Fie că vrei o schimbare, fie ca nu, sfaturile sunt utile și încurajatoare. O poți citi liniștit în paralel cu o altă carte deoarece nu este o carte pe care să o citești repede și acum. Este o carte care trebuie digerată, simțită și înțeleasă.
Conține 365 de sfaturi călăuzitoare pe care să le citim dimineața în timp ce ne bem cafeaua. Perfectă pentru a-ți începe ziua.
Stilul autoarei este reconfortant și te duce cu gândul la meditație. Îți oferă o doză de inspirație și motivație.
“Pentru a ne sfida zonele de confort, trebuie mai întâi să ne sfidăm confortul.” -
I read some quotes from her that I liked so I thought I'd try this book. It's comprised of little mini essays that are overall trite and underwhelming. I got the sense that they're meant to be these grand transformational talks, but they fell very flat. I didn't find them helpful or inspiring.
Okay she was a cute read! It was weird reading this book that was structured to be read once a day in a few days due to it being on Libby. Nonetheless I found it to be inspirational and jotted down lots of notes in my journal
You can read this as a daily page turner, takes one minute, or read a couple pages every day. Either way, you'll realize your taking notes and you're healing.
oh my god can I get a moment's peace from that cursed blooper :D
Not for me; seemed hackneyed, without thesis and poorly structured.
Don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum when it comes to self help but not the audience or target for this piece. -
Anul care îți va schimba viața e un ghid care te învață să trăiești armonios cu tine, să începi să te accepți și să te iubești mai mult decât o pot face cei din jur. E ghidul care te îndeamnă că e normal să nu ai zile bune mereu, să-ți oferi timp să te reculegi. E ghidul ce te îndrumă să te lași cuprins de valurile furtunoase ale vieții și să pătrunzi activ în poveste, să lași ca totul să se cuibărească în sufletul tău, la final vei simți gustul aromei de recunoștință, față de multitudinea de experiențe trăite.
Sfaturile Briannei au fost redate ca o ședință la un psiholog, dar totuși simțite mult mai autentic și mai profunde. Au fost transmise de la inimă la inimă, cu gândul că și persoana care va ține în mână cartea va reflecta asupra gândurilor oferite.
Ceea ce mi-a inspirat Brianna prin intermediul acestei cărți a fost o pulbere încredere și curaj, un moment de trezire la realitate. În fiecare persoană există o putere desăvârșită de a orienta sensul vieții și de a acționa în felul dorit și potrivit, trebuie doar descoperită și șlefuit pentru a deveni cea mai bună versiune. -
To be fair I do not tend to be a self-help reader. I did read the whole book, so that is something, but it bothered me that entire phrases and sentences were re-used (sometimes mere pages apart). I also found the second person structure challenging because every time I couldn't relate or it wasn't true for me, it was written as "you are in pain." Anyway, not the book for me.
Again audiobook for my recovery runs/walks. I also think I’d get more out of it if I owned the actual book and took it one day at a time rather than multiple days at once. However it is pretty good, gave me some good pointers to try out and implement into my life
Zdecydowanie nie jest to mój typ literatury. Styl pisania Brianny nie przypadł mi do gustu, a niektóre złote rady się wzajemnie wykluczały. Rozumiem, że to może być dla kogoś, ale na pewno nie jest dla mnie.