Title | : | Llewellyn's 2013 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0738715158 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780738715155 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 360 |
Publication | : | First published July 1, 2012 |
Llewellyn's Magical Almanac has been inspiring all levels of magical practitioners for over twenty years. Filled with practical spells, rituals, and fresh ideas, you'll find new ways to deepen your craft and enhance everyday life.
This edition features compelling articles, grouped by element, on ribbon magic, answering the goddess' call, lunar potions, the magical uses of foxglove, caring for house elves, bringing steampunk principles into Pagan traditions, connecting with raptor energies, and other magical topics. Also included is a handy calendar section-- shaded for easy "flip to" reference--featuring world festivals, holidays, and 2013 Sabbats. You'll also find astrological info, plus incense and color correspondences, to empower your magical work.
This edition features compelling articles, grouped by element, on ribbon magic, answering the goddess' call, lunar potions, the magical uses of foxglove, caring for house elves, bringing steampunk principles into Pagan traditions, connecting with raptor energies, and other magical topics. Also included is a handy calendar section-- shaded for easy "flip to" reference--featuring world festivals, holidays, and 2013 Sabbats. You'll also find astrological info, plus incense and color correspondences, to empower your magical work.
Llewellyn's 2013 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living Reviews
I Really enjoyed this. Many articles on a variety of topics. Most information was generalised but none the less a good starting point for a number of things that interested me.
When they say forever a keepsake, it's true, there's so much lore and fun information in these almanacs that keep them on my shelves even a decade after them being out of date.
I (Calantirniel) wrote “Regenerate and Repair the Aura” and “Pagan Teens and Their Mainstream Peers – A Story.”
There's some good articles in here.
I loved this, I got so much useful information out of it; the artwork was wonderful, everything was well put together and organized. A++