The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys by David Benatar

The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys
Title : The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0470674466
ISBN-10 : 9780470674468
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 304
Publication : First published February 21, 2012

Does sexism against men exist? What it looks like and why we need to take it seriously This book draws attention to the "second sexism," where it exists, how it works and what it looks like, and responds to those who would deny that it exists. Challenging conventional ways of thinking, it examines controversial issues such as sex-based affirmative action, gender roles, and charges of anti-feminism. The book offers an academically rigorous argument in an accessible style, including the careful use of empirical data, and includes examples and engages in a discussion of how sex discrimination against men and boys also undermines the cause for female equality.

The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys Reviews

  • Kaethe

    From the book cover:

    While the manifestation of sexism against women is widely acknowledged, few people take seriously the idea that males are also the victims of many and quite serious forms of sex discrimination.

    You know who takes sexism seriously? Feminists, who argue that sex discrimination is bad for everyone. You know who doesn't take sexism seriously? People who only complain when sex discrimination hurts men.

  • Jody Lundy

    A brave, honest and clear starting point for further discussion of sexism against males. Every self-proclaimed feminist should read this and be enlightened by what they find.

  • ?0?0?0

    Some reviewers of this book either did not read this book or they read a bit of it somewhere and ran to goodreads to express their disgust. These goodreads people, all women, see this book, one in which the argument that sexism goes both ways is provided, and it's as though their ideologically-poisoned brains simply stop working and instantly devolve into word vomit that's devoid of an argument, only a sense of confusion and anger that a philosopher would dare to look around the world and through history at the topic of sexism with both genders in mind and come to a conclusion that doesn't match the propaganda that they've been taught in their gender studies courses.

    So, with a book like this, of which I'll need to review in full later, I might as well clarify first off that I despise both the ideology of the Mens Rights Movement and that of third-wave feminism equally. All ideology, including Benatar's pessimism (though quite often correct), is deluded.

    And I'll need to stop there for now, and only add quickly that, "The Second Sexism", like any literature about sexism toward women, should, if we're being equal here people, be read rather than dismissed or skimmed through.

  • Лора Дулова

    I found some of the author's arguments quite convincing and thought there were a few interesting examples. Still, I'd like to point out some aspects of the book that I personally didn't like. First of all, it was too repetitive. The structure and persuasiveness can be kept in half the size of the book. Furthermore, there were only a few not too"mundain" examples of the second sexism. Would've definitely liked if there were more precise scientific experiments.

  • Andrei Khrapavitski

    David Benatar is better known for his antinatalism manifesto "Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence." But the claims he makes in "Second Sexism," in my opinion, are better argued but might seem just as controversial to many. I'd recommend this book to readers of both genders. Pretty good read even if you are not into philosophy.

  • Talha Gülmez

    Good book, I guess. Nothing particularly objectionably in the book because it's generally common sensical. However, I realized that although I'm a man I'm not very much interested in how are we discriminated against. Seems like men prone to not care about when men suffer, which is also what the social psych. literature shows.

  • Dio Mavroyannis

    Very well argued book. Does a particularly acute separation of its chapters. This separation is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand if you are looking for notes this book is perfect, on the other hand, some things which you feel that ought to be together are not.

    For instance, in the first chapter he explains that men are discrminated against but does not attempt to give "reasons" for this. If you are merely looking at aggregate stats it is of course true that men are more likely to go to prison but he only tackles "why" they are more likely to go to prison in a later chapter.

    While I can see the appeal of grouping things into "discrimination, beliefs...etc" and putting things in one place, it is ultimately not pleasant to read because it makes the chapters unnecessarily disconnected.

    Nevertheless, content is clear is incisive.

  • Marrei

    V některých ohledech velmi zajímavá kniha, protože - buďme upřímní - nad něčím se přeci jen tolik nepozastavíte. Zajímavé poznatky, místy děsivé argumenty ze strany feministek, kdy tak trochu vrtíte hlavou nad tím, co je někdo schopen říci.

    Bohužel jsem ale nakonec z knihy byla spíše zklamaná. Je sice kratšího rozsahu, ale s ohledem na obsah je dlouhá až moc - respektive, autor často opakuje. Členění (krátce představím jev, pak něco, pak vysvětlím, proč si myslím, že daný je diskriminace,...) dost vede k tomu, že se na můj vkus až příliš často opakuje. Místy jsem z toho měla dojem, že pokud je něco dle autora skutečně špatné, tak to bude natahovat a natahovat, pokud je něco tak na pomezí, kdy to není tak zřejmé, tak je to spíše ve stylu - něco tam napíšu, rychle to odbudu, ale stále to budu považovat za relevantní a hodné zmínky. Tím nechci říci, že by se v těchto případech nemohlo jednat o sexismus, ale místy mi to skutečně připadalo ne příliš věrohodné. Téměř jako hledání něčeho za každou cenu - i když to tam může být/je, osobně bych prostě potřebovala více dat, lepší statistiku a ne dvě čísla, která autor prezentuje. Ale odkazy na další literaturu a studie jsou super, to nepopírám, pouze mi nesedl ten styl prezentace od autora.

  • Beth

    This is a very important book to discuss from any viewpoint: student, teacher, boy, girl, mom, dad, etc. I think everyone could learn something from this book. A book for any true feminist.

  • Sıfır Hipotezi

    Good book, I guess. Nothing particularly objectionably in the book because it's generally common sensical. However, I realized that although I'm a man I'm not very much interested in how are we discriminated against. Seems like men prone to not care about when men suffer, which is also what the social psych. literature shows.