Title | : | Perky: Nicht schon wieder! (German Edition) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | German |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 316 |
Publication | : | First published July 30, 2019 |
Das kommt davon, wenn man seinem Freund im Anflug jugendlichen Leichtsinns erlaubt, Nacktfotos von einem zu machen. Fragt lieber nicht, damals ergab das für mich Sinn, weil ich ja sooo verliebt war!
Doch dann hat dieser hinterhältige Mistkerl die Fotos auf einer Webseite gepostet. Dreimal dürft ihr raten, was danach passiert ist. Dank der immer besser funktionierenden Gesichtserkennungssoftwares werde ich auch heute noch – Jahre später – wirklich jedes Mal markiert, wenn jemand die Fotos teilt. Und ich habe es satt!
Die Phase der Scham und Wut habe ich inzwischen überwunden, stattdessen will ich es ihm endlich heimzahlen – auf die gleiche Art und Weise. Er soll wissen, wie ich mich nach seinem Verrat gefühlt habe. Also zieh dich warm an, mein Lieber!
Allerdings gibt es ein Wie um alles in der Welt komme ich an meinen Ex heran? Er ist mittlerweile ein Abgeordneter des US-Repräsentantenhauses und wird von einer Horde Politiker-Groupies umschwärmt. Damit bin ich nur eine von vielen, die zu ihm ins Bett kriechen wollen, wenn auch aus anderen Gründen. Denn ich will keinen Ruhm, sondern Rache. Und dafür brauche ich ein paar kompromittierende Fotos von ihm.
Aber dann kommt es wieder einmal Ich habe mich in ihn verliebt. Schon wieder!
Perky: Nicht schon wieder! (German Edition) Reviews
2.5 stars
I'm so sad this one wasn't for me... I had such high hopes for it. Not only was it narrated by my favorite female narrator (Erin Mallon) but I really enjoy this authors writing style. I'll definitely read more by her. For me, this heroine was completely and utterly unlikable. I tried so hard to like her, but I had so many issues with her. And though I liked the hero, I never fell in love with him either. It's so hard to enjoy a book when you're not connected with any of the characters. Crossing my fingers my next read is better! -
I picked this up despite the stupid title because the situation seemed interesting. Unfortunately, I can't take any of these people or their situations seriously. What woman chooses to be known as "Perky" after a topless picture of her becomes a popular internet meme? That's just beyond idiocy and is pretty much designed for the author to make boob jokes. And who is still in love with an ex five years after he (supposedly) betrayed her so intimately? She's all drooling over the guy and she still believes he betrayed her. I'm sorry, but she's a big pile of authorial convenience. And that's before you get to a super-contrived backstory for his political success. Oh, and a villain so awkwardly telegraphed that I can't respect anybody in this story for not figuring it out, already in the middle of the stupendously stupid dinner that starts the story (and goes on and on and on and on).
If all you want is mildly wry observations with everything manipulated by the author for maximum hormones, this is probably all fine. But I couldn't make it all the way to 20%... -
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Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon!! -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
Yet another amazing book from
Julia Kent. Perky is the second book of a new trilogy, with the first one being
Fluffy . The basic premise is that Persephone (Nickname: "Perky") was betrayed by her first love five years ago, when Parker took a topless but meme-worthy picture of her that was somehow released into the wild internet and went viral. Perky was, of course, shocked and humiliated, and surviving it was the hardest thing in her life. Parker maintains that he didn't do it, and he sets out in this book to win Perky back.
That's the premise. This book is so much more.
When I read a Julia Kent book, I go in with high hopes for an excellent book, and then she smashes my expectations and exceeds them. The language in Perky is nothing short of exquisite. The plot and characterization are first-rate. The way her books mend your soul is unparalleled.
Start with Fluffy. Then read Perky. Wait with the rest of us for Feisty. -
Publication Date: July 30, 2019
"5 -Can I Trust You Again?- Stars"
Have you ever finished a book and felt like this?
Yep, that's exactly how I felt when I finished this book.
This book was so smart, funny and entertaining.
I liked Perky in
Fluffy, but I absolutely adored Perky's (Persephone) character in this book.
Perky is an honest, smart, loyal, funny and dramatic character to read. If she were real, I would definitely want to be her friend.
Life would never be boring with her in your world.
Perky's relationships and the dynamics with Mallory and Fiona were so entertaining to read that I didn't want to finish this story, but I wanted to savour it as long as I could.
The three characters just complimented one another so well, and the fact that they've been best friends since primary school just makes their relationships even richer because of the history and memories they have with one another.
The bantering between the characters was just brilliant!
Then Parker appears at Mallory and Will's rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and then all hell breaks loose.
The attraction, chemistry and love is still strong between Persephone and Parker.
But, how can you forgive someone who you think betrayed you and your trust in the most heinous of ways?
This story is about listening, finding out the truth and reclaiming what's always been yours.
I really enjoyed reading this story and look forward to reading Fiona's book.
I'm loving the Do-Over series...
Still a wee bit silly, but I'm really enjoying this series. I love a good old series binge session.
The narrator does a fabulous job, but this is no surprise. I'm a fan of her style.
Time to get Feisty. -
You can't blame our heroine for being angry. She texts an intimate picture to her boyfriend who she is planning on cohabitating with and he blasts it across the internet. Then someone turns it into a meme because of the dogs in the background. (oh for the days when you could tear up a photo you regretted. Granted sometimes this took some light burglary, but I digress)
She dumps him like a hot potato and her parents go through legal means to have the meme removed. But, as we all know, what enters the cloud is forever. So even after some cosmetic changes she is still recognized. Every time that happens she hates him a bit more.
Of course this didn't affect the guy. Or did it? Is he guilty? How did a funny, intimate photo enter the world and how can he repair the damage? Enter a wedding.
Excellent story with wonderful characters. Even though it has Julia Kent's marvelous humor there is a lot of angst, too. And folks, if ya got the goods out on display, hide the cameras. -
I love this author's humor. A mixture of dry humor and silliness.
Perky is the bff of the heroine from Fluffy.
1st person POV - Perky.
Once again our girl gets caught in an embarrassing situation. On film. On the internet.
Mallory (from Fluffy) now seems like the voice of reason. Perky really is OTT kooky.
I really like her. Wow, I need a strong cup (or 7) of coffee just to keep up.
Mallory's Will is great as a supporting character. He and Mallory really do back her up.
There's Perky's nemesis: Hasty. Yes! These names! I feel like a plain Jane. Literally.
I have this on my GR shelf: Hero needs to grovel.. Or doe he?
I am really looking forward to the audio for this one and for Fluffy.
I received this ARC from the author. -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels. -
When I first learned of this book, I was very excited to read about such a strong and independent woman. Unfortunately, my excitement waned very quickly once I started the book and I'm afraid that I'm going to be the dissenting opinion among the early reviewers because I didn't enjoy this read!
First and foremost, this is not a standalone romance! In order to have things make sense, you must have at least read
Fluffy, if not it and
Little Miss Perfect. Neither the blurb nor the promotional materials make reference to that fact, and I really think that they should have.
Secondly, the rekindled romance got lost amidst Perky's obsessive need for revenge! I get that she was angry, and she absolutely had every right to be, but when it takes roughly 75% of the book for her to finally start getting her head out of the sand and believing Parker, that's a bit much for me. There was so much wasted time! If she had heard Parker out earlier, they could have worked together to figure out who wanted her ruined in that manner, and that, I believe, would have been a more enjoyable read!
Thirdly, I didn't find the book that funny! Yes, there were some witty one liners, but that was about it for me. I found the entire situation too hurtful and important to be truly funny.
The book wasn't a total loss though. The writing, when I wasn't objecting to situations in the book, was engaging. The overall subject matter in the story was actually very relevant to the world at large today, and I appreciated the topic overall. It will make for interesting talking points with my oldest daughter, as she prepares to leave home for the first time to make her way in the wide world.
I think that this was a case of me just not being a good fit for this book. I know others have really enjoyed this, and I know that I am still a fan of this author's works, but this one just missed the mark for me. I hope to be able to read the follow up novel as well, and hopefully turn my opinion of the "series" around! -
Honestly, I keep asking myself why in the world I waited to read a book by Julia Kent. This one is my 2nd, and it might even be better than the first one! The number of times I stopped to post an update on Goodreads as I was reading because I wanted to remember a line or something that happened was silly. Usually I only update my Goodreads status when I've stopped reading the book for a while because I'm having to go do something else. But one night while I was reading in bed, I kept disturbing my dogs to reach over and grab my phone to update with another hilarious example from the book. This book was laugh out loud from beginning to end. Even the sexy steamy scenes had funny bits, making me want my own Parker!
The characters are hilarious, and the connection between our couple is perfect. I honestly don't have any issues I can think of with the book. It was just all good. In fact I would have sat and read from the very first page to the last page in one sitting if I didn't have to do life things like eat, sleep, go to work, celebrate my stepmom's birthday, babysit my niece and nephew, etc.
Now, here are a few of the things I had to stop and make a status update on Goodreads because they made me laugh so hard. There was a reference to Dolores Umbrage from Harry Potter when describing Parker's mom, and that came from Perky's parents! Mallory, who we met in book 1, Fluffy, has a thing about how tacos are supposed to be eaten. And when someone did something she didn't like, she said that "he didn't respect the taco". To that one of the group said it sounded like a complaint after a one stand with a date from Tinder. The sex toy factory worker parts were hilarious. And then, there is Raul who works at the coffee shop with Perky. He gets some of the best lines. I also now have learned about a brown starfish, and I might be traumatized for life. LOL!!!
Once again at the end, like in the first book, we got an epilogue, or stinger as the author calls it, letting us get ready for how the next book will start. While these are all standalones, the characters are all parts of the stories, and you will want to read all of them, in any order, but just read them all!
Review first appeared on
Lisa Loves Literature. -
Audiobook Review
Overall 3 stars
Performance 5 stars
Story 2.5 stars
I laughed a ton in this second chance/enemies to lovers romance. We met Perky in the previous book Fluffy, but this story can still be enjoyed as a standalone. It will be most appreciated though if you read the books in order.
Perky starts off pretty much where the previous book left off, but I don't think new listeners will have much trouble getting up to speed. There are lots of over the top and hilarious moments throughout, but the main drama was a little too drawn out for me. Perky's constant running away and refusal to talk to Parker got old pretty quickly. When any opportunity would arise for them to actually speak, they would choose to speak with their bodies, which was hot, but also frustrating. It was clear where the plot was going/what the big reveal would be early on, and I wasn't a fan of the OW drama thrown in just for drama's sake. The best part of the book for me was Parker. He was all in from the very start and his tenacity and loyalty were so endearing. He was so honest about his feelings for Perky and I can't tell you how much I appreciated that he didn't sow his wild oats during their separation.
There was lots of page time with Perky's BFF's, Mallory and Fiona. I love all of their friendships. The Taco Cubed scene and discussion had me cackling! (The ratio!) Some the energy/witches talk though was a bit much and I felt like it killed some of the momentum. Erin Mallon is fantastic as usual in this romcom. Her comedic timing is perfect and I'm always impressed by her ability to voice both male and female characters so wonderfully. She narrates with so much enthusiasm and feeling. The book ended with a great set up for Feisty's story and I'm looking forward to learning more about her and Fletch next!
🎧AudiobookObsession -
Perky is just too funny but I totally get why she was so agree with Parker but when the truth comes out its like wow didn't I see that coming and to get the truth was fun even though there was some oops moments. lol
Perky is another laugh-out-loud, sexy romantic comedy from Julia Kent, and you do not want to miss this fun, feel-good second-chance romance. Parker and Persephone, aka Perky, were deeply in love when he broke her heart and caused her to become an infamous meme. They haven’t seen or talked to one another in five years when they’re reunited at their friends’ wedding, and the sparks fly and chemistry sizzles as soon as they’re in the same room again. It’s obvious there is still a lot of love — and anger — between them, and Parker realizes that he wants Perky back and is determined to recapture her heart. She doesn’t make it easy for him and they have a lot of history to unpack, but you cannot help but cheer for this endearing couple during each moment of their hard-fought, thoroughly entertaining dance to happily ever after.
ARC provided, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.
Recommendation appeared on
Frolic on July 31, 2019. -
I loved this one. It's a funny read. Persephone (Perky) is a wild card, you never really know what she's going to do. Her friends are just as fun as her. The banter between all of characters is funny. Perky was the unfortunate victim of a meme with her in it having been shared all over. She blames Parker, her ex, for it. It's been five years since she has seen or talked to Parker. They are reunited at Will and Mallory rehearsal rehearsal dinner. If you read Fluffy, Will and Mallory in this one are the Will and Mallory from Fluffy. There's a lot of tension between Parker and Perky. Parker keeps claiming he didn't release the meme. Parker seems to be a sweet decent guy and I kind of sided him with pretty early on in the story. Perky's body is definitely ready to forgive and move on with Parker but her head wants revenge. I was so rooting for these two but really wasn't sure if they would get their happy ever after. . The ending has me ready and waiting for Feisty.
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon!
---- -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
✩ Second chance romance
✩ Rom-Com
✩ Hilarious
✩ Enemies-to-lovers romance
Five years ago, Parker betrayed her in the worst way possible, turning an intimate photo into a viral meme. When a chance encounter leads to a hot make-out session, Perky's all about revenge. Parker, on the other hand, still wants her back.
Always has.
And what if it turns out she was wrong? What if he didn't do it?
With an electric connection and hot chemistry that makes her desperate for more, Perky's plans for revenge start to crumble -- along with her resolve. An enemies-to-lovers story that will leave you laughing, fanning yourself, and feeling all the feels.
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon! -
Another brilliant rom-com from Julia Kent, these characters are contagious, I laughed so many times, a mood up-lifter for sure.
Quirky characters, three women who each in their own way are oddballs. I read fluffy, loved it and this is the second book in the series featuring Mallory's best friend Perky in a second chance romance with Parker.
Perky is full of laugh out loud moments, hot moments, embarrassing moments, witty characters sisterhood and second chances.
A recommended light uplifting read that is guaranteed to make you fall in love with these characters and bring a smile to your face.
Looking forward to more and Fiona's story.
PERKY Can be read as a standalone but I also recommend that you read Fluffy first.
Told in first persons pov and leads to a hea.
Arc received for review purposes
Pre-order now: Perky’s coming on July 30… Available in ebook, print, and audiobook!
➜ Apple Books:
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➜ Goodreads:
http://bit.ly/2KxeC8O > add to your TBR list!
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➜ Amazon audio:
Audiobook narrated by Erin Mallon!!
Apple Books:
Google Play:
http://bit.ly/2TjDjqS (add to your TBR shelf!)
http://bit.ly/2ThoLrZ -
This awesome sequel to the hilarious Fluffy brings all our favourite characters together again. Persephone, or Perky as she prefers to be called, is in a dilemma. The man she loved but who betrayed her is back after 5 years of being apart and her hormones are in a state of quantum flux and her heart doesn't know whether to reach out or run for cover.
Perky's trust in Parker Campbell, now the esteemed Congressman Parker Campbell, was torn to shreds when she believed that he posted a topless picture of her on the internet. He has always claimed his innocence but Perky just couldn't get her head around the fact that he may not have done it. Five long years later and the pair are reunited for Will and Mallory's wedding rehearsal rehearsal dinner (no I did not make a mistake, she is actually having a rehearsal of her rehearsal dinner!). Perky has a plan but is revenge what she really wants?
Perky is a great character. She has an 'I don't care attitude' but deep down she is a very vulnerable, mistrusting person. Parker has worked his way up through the political ranks and is now a congressman. One thing that never changed was his love for Persephone (he is one of only two people who call her that) and he will keep claiming his innocence until she final listens to him.
As with any Julia Kent book there is mischief and mayhem in abundance. Perky's brilliant idea doesn't quite go according to plan and Parker seems to have turned into the Grim Reaper! Will and Mallory are stuck in the middle, although Will is awesome when he defends Perky. If ever you need an excuse not to have a voice activated recording app on your phone, then just remember poor Perky!
A definite must-read this summer. It's not essential but I would highly recommend reading Fluffy first, and don't forget Little Miss Perfect - the prequel to Fluffy.
Looking forward to seeing what 'Feisty' has in store for us!
ARC courtesy of Julia Kent. -
"Another laugh out loud love story with added swoon, as told from the mind of Julia Kent.
Five years ago Persephone (Perky) and Parker were falling in love. Five years ago one picture fractured that love. Five years later, Perky and Parker once again find themselves in each other's orbit and both must face some truths before they can forgive the past and move forward as a couple. This was a funny quirky couple who are their own worst enemies in the best way possible.
""You're everything to me, Persephone. You're the world, heaven and hell, the solar system. You're the sun and the moon, the elements and the stars. I don't know how I made it through these last five years without you."" ~ Parker" ~Cindy
Perky is a must-read rom-com! Perky is hilarious and I'd love to be in friends circle. Parker is every bit sexy and swoon-worthy. I had so much fun reading it and did not want to put it down when real life beckoned. I highly recommend!! ~Andrea -
Audiobook review. Persephone was hurt deeply five years before. What happened to her is an unfortunate reality for many women today and the plot was certainly relevant. However, there is more to the story that she was too hurt to see or hear. Perhaps the man who’d continued to relentlessly pursue her wasn’t the one to do her wrong.
Persephone, or Perky, as she’s nicknamed herself, was a woman who didn’t hold back. She was honest, loyal, protective and a little quirky. I loved her. She was in denial about her own feelings for a while but she was inherently kind. Parker was 🔥. His determination when pursuing Perky was just so attractive. There were a few things he did that didn’t make sense to me but they were a blip when compared to his devotion.
The story was well written, character development was present, and the pace was good. Narrator Erin Mallon is quickly becoming a favorite for me because she is truly great at her craft. Her tone, pitch, pace, inflections, and transitions all were without fault.
Complementary copy received and voluntarily reviewed. -
5 Perky stars!! Loved, loved, loved!
Another book in this series and I'm absolutley hooked!! I think out of the three this one is my favorite! I loved the humor and the sweetness of the plot. The idea of being a "Meme" would be a nightmare, but this book made it hilarious! Definitely one of my favorites! -
Yay I'm getting closer to finishing this one!
Getting to know this group of people in the do-over series has been a wild ride. Perky was another great book in this series. It is just something about this group of friends that makes me smile and want to dive into the next book ASAP. Of course, this one was a second chance at romance for Parker and Persephone.
At first, they were in love. Then there's so much betrayal and they broke up. Later in life, they reconnected and everything just made sense again. Everything was right in the world when these two were together. Yes, they needed to earn each other's trust again but it was fun getting to see them be a great couple.