Title | : | Taken by the Night (Brotherhood of Blood, #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 006124502X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780061245022 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Mass Market Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 384 |
Publication | : | First published October 1, 2007 |
Ivy Dearing, daughter of the infamous Madam, has requested my assistance. Two of her friends have been murdered, and she is determined to find their killer. I know better than to agree to help, yet Ivy is impossible to resist. No stranger to vampires, she has awakened desires within me that are as potent as my thirst for blood—desires that can only be satisfied by Ivy herself. But when there is another murder, it is all I can do to protect the woman I love from an evil more powerful than the undead .
Taken by the Night (Brotherhood of Blood, #3) Reviews
5+ stars – Vampire/Historical Romance
This is my favorite book in the extraordinary Brotherhood of the Blood vampire historical romance series. The series has a unique take on vampire mythology, centering on six soldiers who became vampires by drinking from an ancient chalice infused with the essence of Lilith. Taken by the Night focuses on the vampire Saint’s pursuit of a Jack the Ripper style killer in London and his relationship with the strong, feisty heroine Ivy. I LOVED the vampire Saint...he is dark, rogue, sexy, cocky, sweet, and romantic. The romance between Saint and Ivy is steamy and definitely my favorite of the series. This is a fantastic, romantic read. I loved this book and love the series! -
Taken by the Night
3 Stars
The 3rd installment of the Brotherhood of Blood series focuses on Saint, a skilled thief and renowned ladies man, as he works together with Ivy Dearing, the daughter of a high-end madam, to investigate a series of Ripper-like murders.
Unfortunately, despite the intriguing premise and original explanation for the Jack the Ripper case, Saint and Ivy's story falls flat. The main reason is the complete lack of chemistry between the romantic leads. This is compounded by the fact that there is something distasteful about an immortal vampire becoming sexually attracted to the woman he has known from birth and whom he has watched mature from childhood into adulthood over the years.
The actual murder investigation is enjoyable overall even though the identity of the killer is obvious from the start and the twists and turns are predictable albeit quite suspenseful.
The ongoing arc revolving around the machinations of the Order of the Silver Palm continues, and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out when the various members of the Brotherhood ultimately meet up to face the Order, whose ultimate agenda has yet to be clearly established.
All in all, not the best in the series, but the hints at Reign's story have potential. -
Yeah, I skipped about 100 pages between the halfway point & the climax, but whatever. I'm still counting it as finished.
Book 1 isn't the most marvelous thing ever, but at least it's a mildly enjoyable story with a plucky, likable heroine & gruff, likable hero. This one...nope. The hero is a walking cliché (seriously; all his dialogue & backstory is in 100% accordance with the Romantic Vampire Hero template) & the heroine is a judgmental shrew. A perpetual bitch. A continual nag. However you choose to describe that type, she's it. :P Every single thing Saint says is insulting because she's a woman, because he doesn't respect her, because he doesn't see her, because he's smothering her, because he's neglecting her, because he's a vampire, because he's rude, because he's polite, because he won't screw her, because he wants to screw her...STFU, woman!
It's a shame, really. I like how Ivy is a tableau photographer (sort of Julia Margaret Cameron for whores), & I also like her backstory about growing up in the Maison Rouge, etc...but overall she's a singularly juvenile, annoying heroine. Saint isn't anything special, but he certainly deserves better than that.
Another issue: the plot is uber-predictable (one exception being how the first Ripper was a failed acolyte of the Silver Palm...that was a good tidbit) & the villains are a pack of pathetic, cartoony loons straight out of Scooby Doo.
...And did I mention that it's boring? SO INCREDIBLY BORING. Nothing happens until the last quarter. Until that point it's a circle-jerk of Ivy & Saint mooning over each other whilst stumbling across the corpses of Ivy's friends & somehow missing the most bloody obvious villain who ever took up residence in a Victorian-era paranormal. 🙄
Anyway. I'm officially done with this series. -
Me da pena que la nota sea más baja que los dos libros anteriores pero es que en verdad no soporto a Ivy se comporta de una manera rencorosa, un tanto inmadura (para una mujer de 27 años)injista y caprichosa.
Saint llega a la Mansión Rouge un refugio para los vampiros que es un burdel de lujo y que también sirve para que los miembros de la hermandad de la sangre se alimenten y tengan en donde refugiarce, así que se sorprende cuando una Emily le abre la puerta vestida de luto y con los ojos llorosos, este le pregunta que a pasado y esta le dice que dos chicas que trabajaban ahí an sido asesinadas y las dos se les estrajo la matriz y la policía no esta aciendo nada.
Saint esta sorprendió ya que las mujeres que trabajan ahí están protegidas por los vampiros y no sabe por qué Reign no a echo nada, pero Emily le dice que hace días este se fue de Londres y todavía no habían pasado los asesinatos, así que Saint le dice que después quiere más información pero que por ahora quiere sangre y descansa.
Así que cuando esta en la abitacion que utilizan que se encuentra en el sótano entra Ivy Dearing la hija de la encargada del burdel y le reclama a Saint por que no esta haciendo nada por encontrar al asesino, cuando el acaba de llegar y además ella le guarda rencor por la última vez que estuvo ahí 10 años atrás, ella estaba enamorada de el y el no le hizo caso ya que era una jovencita de 17 años.
Saint le dice que después de descansar el comenzará a investigar ya que esta apunto de amanecer y el no puede hacer nada hasta que sea de noche y también le dice que si esta ahí es para alimentarlo a lo que ella le contesta que ella no trabaja en el burdel.
Ya en la noche Saint les pide detalles y después se va a investigar en la jefatura de policía para saber lo que tienen y descubre que nada solo que creen que a regresado Jack el Destripador ya que 10 años atrás ataco y desaparecio sin dejar rastro, el regresa a la Mansión y les dice, lo que encontró, también les dice que volverán a habrir las puertas pero que tendrían seguridad extra para que no pase nada más.
Pero esa misma noche aparece muerta una actriz que frecuentaba la Mansión Rouge y fue asesinada igual que las jóvenes, entonces sospechan que es alguien que frecuenta la Mansión y más cuando Ivy le dice a Saint que ella fotografío a las tres muertas. Asi que Saint va a buscar información con un contacto que tiene que se llama Ezekiel pero este solo le dice lo que sabe que creen que el Destripador a vuelto, aun así le dice que siga investigando, en eso llega Ivy al local porque quiere vender sus joyas pero Saint le dice que no lo aga que el le dará dinero para que le de a las familias de las jóvenes asesinadas.
Vuelve a habrir la Mansión Rouge y el pintor Justin amigo de Ivy esta presente, cuando llega Saint y los presentan pero Saint no le da la mano ya que ve que trae un anillo de plata, además no le gusta todas las atenciones que tiene con Ivy ya que el se siente atraída por ella y más porque esta le pidió que posara para ella y este acepto.
Unas horas más tarde Saint esta en la casita que tiene Ivy en el jardín en donde tiene todo lo que necesita para la fotografía y ella le toma unas cuantas fotos después se besan y ella quiere acostarce con el, pero como le dice que por ahora se conforma con eso, el sabe que después quedra más pero Saint no quiere volver a enamorarce ya que sufrió mucho con la muerta de Marta, así que el la rechaza y ella se propone seducirlo.
Al día sugiere Ivy se va al parque con Justin y se encuentran al papá de ella con su familia, esto entristece a Ivy ya que su papá la ignora, aunque la relación que tiene con su hermana si es buena, aunque no se puedan ver seguido.
Unos días después de habrir, mientas Saint no estaba en la casa el asesino vuelve a matar a otra joven y cuando Saint llega a la Mansión el olor de la sangre lo asalta y va directo al cuarto de la joven solo encuentran que resivio un golpe con un anillo y este le dejo un cáliz marcado en la mejilla pero no encuentra más pistas, y Saint se siente culpable ya que fue el el que dijo que vivieran a abrir la Mansión.
Ivy invita a Saint a una exposición y lo hace porque quiere seducirlo y cando el ve la temática de las obras descubre lo que Ivy quiere y se rinde, deside tener sexo con ella y lo hacen, después mientas hablan se hombrescuenta que dos de las jóvenes se fueron a sus casas pero ellos creen que corren peligro, así que Saint se va a buscar a una y Ivy a la otra y a ambas les pagaron a un miembro de la familia para que fueran a csas. La que le toca a Saint se lo confiesa y aparece unos hombres, pero Saint la mete en el carruaje y la manda a la Mansión, mientas el se enfrenta a los recién llegados que le echan una red de plata encima y lo atrapan y lo meten en carruaje.
Por mientas Ivy llega con la otra chica a la Mansión en eso, la joven que mando Saint les dice lo que esta pasando y Ivy y unos hombres se van a rescatarlo, pero cuando van de camino a la taberna en donde trabaja el hermano de esta para que les diga lo que sabe, encuentran un accidente de un carruaje volcado y ven como quieren meter a alguien en otro carruaje y descubren que es Saint y esta enrredado en una red, así que Ivy y los hombres que la acompañan lo salvan.
Saint esta agradecido que lo rescataron pero quiere saber quienes sin solo sabe que hablaron de una organización pero no tiene idea de quien son, hasta que Ezekiel le tiene información y le dice alguien escucho una conversación en la que hablaban de los asesinatos y que este si tendría éxito no como su antecesor y que trabajaban para la palma de plata.
Otra joven es asesinada pero esta no tiene ninguna relación con la Mansión pero aun así la policía va a detener a Saint ya que el fue visto por esa zona y los acompaña, pero les dice que el no tubo nada que ver y además el sospecha de Jacques un pintor que era el amante de la actriz que había sido asesinada, pero cuando llegan a la casa de este lo encuentran colgado y con una nota en donde confesaba ser el asesino.
Como creían que ya ni habría más asesinatos Saint sabia que ya no tenia motivos para quedarce más, a menos que Ivy se lo pidiera pero esta se negaba a haceptar que lo quería ya que ella tenia que la dejara igual que su papá dejo a su mamá, pero cuando se entera que Justin le pidió matrimonio a Ivy se enoja mucho y le reclama a lo que esta le dice que no le tiene que dar explicaciones y el se va furioso al sótano ahí ella lo alcanza y le dice que todavía no le a dicho que si, pero Saint le dice que es una cobarde que no acepta sus sentimientos y se va, en la puerta encuentra a Justin y le dice que lo deje de felicitar y le da la mano y cuente la quemazón del anillo pero no le da importancia.
Ivy habla con Justin y el le hace ver que esta enamorada de Saint y le dice que la llevara con el, pero en realidad la secuestra ya que el es el asesino y pertenece a la órden de la palma de plata y la necesita para hacer un ritual, después de que Saint fuera con Ezekiel y este le dijera que los miembros de la orden ya se habían ido de Londres le duele la mano y recuerda el apretón y ve que tiene marcado en la mano el cáliz y descubre que es el el asesino así que se va a la Mansión y descubre que Ivy se fue con Justin.
Cuando llegan a una casa Ivy pregunta que en donde esta Saint y Justin le contesta que adentro en el segundo piso, así que cuando llega corriendo descubre que esta vacío y cuando se da la vuelta, Justin le dice que el no sabe en donde esta pero que la necesita para completar un ritual y es así que ella descubre que el es el asesino.
Saint esta desesperado por que no sabe en donde esta Ivy hasta que llega la media hermana de ella y les dice que escucho una conversación de su papá en donde decían que Justin estaba acatando por su cuenta y decían el lugar en donde se encuentra Ivy así que les dice y esperan hasta que sea de noche para que Saint pueda ir a rescatarla, mientras espera entran las mujeres del burdel y le dicen que irán con el y aunque en un principio no quiere termina haceptando.
Ivy estava buscando el momento apropiado para escapar y cuando la llevan al sótano y la quieren atar a una cama lo intenta pero la detienen, según el ritual Justin y Ivy se casaran y consumarian el matrimonio, pero llega Saint y bence a los secuaces y a Justin lo entregan a la policía.
Ya en la Mansión Rouge todos están felices y Saint se lleva a Ivy al sótano y ella le confiesa su amor y que quiere pasar toda la eternidad con el así que la convierte en vampira, al día siguiente Saint va a ver a Justin pero le dicen que se ahorcó y que alguien robo las matrices de las víctimas.
Ellos saben que fueron los miembros, en eso le llega un paquete que contiene un medallon echo con parte del cáliz y una dirección en Italia y como saben que Temple fue atrapado deciden ir, también recibe una carta de Bishop en la que le dice que el bebe de Marta esta vivo y esto lo pone muy feliz. -
Ooohhh...I like this better than the last one! This story line was really good. Saint and Ivy were perfect for each other, a complimentary couple. I liked seeing Saint not so tough as most male characters are portrayed. He was a more sensitive vampire who believed and desired love and not afraid to admit it. He didn't fight it either. I like the change of character. I was really hoping for a connection from the last book to be here and was disappointed when it didn't come to pass but hinted at the end of maybe in another book it would. Can't tell you what that would be. Must read the books! lol Also made me really sink into the series plot line and now must continue series to see where it all leads. I could have stopped with the last but this book seals the deal to continue!
Best Quotes from the book:
"In a country of demure roses and forgotten weeds, she was an orchid." ---a thought from Saint
"...a man cannot embrace a woman's faults until he loves her. A woman embraces the faults and then falls in love."
"You do not have to see the air to know you breathe it. You do not have to see the truth to believe it and you do not have to have witnessed love to feel it." ---Saint -
Sin Sweetly With Saint
Ivy Dearing is a modern woman of twenty-seven and there isn't much in life that surprises her, certainly nothing regarding relations between a man and a woman. As the daughter of the madam of Maison Rouge, an eminent house of prostitution in London, she's grown up knowing more than the average young lady about what goes on between the genders. As the daughter of a woman cast aside by a married lover and forced to rely on the good nature of the vampire Saint, she's familiar with the vampires that the Maison Rouge protects and provides for - in every way - and disbelieving in the concept of love. Lust she understands. Love is a farce perpetrated on the feeble minded.
The year is 1899 and Ivy has lost two dear friends to the blade of a butcher who did unspeakable things to them...took unspeakable things from them. She's desperate for help to catch a killer, as the coppers of London don't put themselves out much for a couple of dead prostitutes. When Saint shows up at the Maison Rouge for the first time in a decade, Ivy takes it upon herself to remind him of all the house has done for him and his brethren over the years and demand his help to stop a madman before more fall under his blade.
For over six hundred years Saint has been thief, reprobate, killer, and lover of women, but his actions have toned down considerably since the death of his beloved Marta twenty-five years ago. He goes to Maison Rouge to visit old friends and to rest for a bit. He's poleaxed by the vision that is Ivy Dearing, the challenging and impertinent chit. Feeling all of his immortal years bearing heavily on him as he realizes the child of seventeen he'd last seen a decade ago is a child no more, he can't stop thinking about her...wanting her. She challenges his honor and he vows to catch a killer for her. She challenges the notion of love...and he vows to love her forever. And forever for his kind is a very long time indeed.
Despite not being the biggest fan of historical fiction of any sort, I have to admit,
Kathryn Smith's Brotherhood of The Blood series has really grown on me. I wasn't overly fond of the first, but I enjoyed the second very much, and with Saint and Ivy's story, I'm firmly a fan...even though I preferred the characters in the previous book just a bit more.
I can't speak intelligently on the historical accuracy of the dialogue or the settings, but I can say that Smith can blend a gruesome murder mystery with a sensual romance and grace her readers with a well-paced plot that's ripe with style and full of emotion. I enjoyed the sense of history, regardless of whether it was historically accurate, and I really loved how Smith not only addressed the parallels between the murderer in the book and the infamous killer Jack the Ripper, but incorporated those parallels into the backstory and plot. I thought that was particularly well done. So too Smith's vampire mythos, which I've enjoyed from the beginning of the series. There's a plethora of vampire-themed series out there, and I've read lots of them, and I think the history of the Brotherhood of The Blood combined with the historical setting and the evolution of the individual characters in each book has provided just enough of a twist to the mythos to give it a unique, imaginative, and fresh feel.
I can't say I was totally thrilled with Ivy as a character. I appreciated her independence and intelligence, and I loved her profession/art, but found her personality grating when things didn't go her way and frustratingly obtuse when it came to her feelings. Saint, on the other hand, was very appealing. I liked the turnabout of having Saint as the romantic and believer in love and Ivy the doubter who is willing to embrace her lust but keeps her heart disengaged, but I found Ivy's belligerent refusal to even entertain the notion of love wore on my patience after a while, and the resolution of that seemed oddly placed and a bit peculiar.
There was an odd time jump towards the conclusion of the book that I wish had developed differently, but I was very pleased with the tie-in to the events of and conclusion in
Night of the Huntress and very much look forward to seeing where the series goes from here. I'm a fan of this series, a fan of
Kathryn Smith's unique and stylistic writing, and a huge fan of the brothers themselves. I hope to see a book that puts all the brothers and their women together to deal with the Order of the Silver Palm. That's just a personal dream, though. I'm sure I'll enjoy however this series develops.
Reviewed for
One Good Book Deserves Another. -
This book was about Saint this time. He goes to a safe house that is owned by Reign which also happens to be a Brothel. He rescued Maddie a long time ago and Reign set Maddie and her daughter Ivy up with this house. He has known Ivy all her life and watched her grow up. Now she is a woman and one that definately catches his eye. Unknown to Saint, when Ivy was 17 she had a huge crush on him. All these years later Ivy finds she still is enamored with Saint. They go through a lot of back and forth bickering and teasing between them during the story. Also included is the Order of the Silver Palm. They are committing murders and they happen to be either prostitutes of the Brothel or patrons who have been there. All in all the story was pretty good. I like this series so far. The writing is pretty good and the plot is also good. on a side note I did find it odd that Ivy was as sexually active and bold as she was considering the time period this was set in. That just seemed to me to be a bit out of place for a woman, despite the fact that she lives in a Brothel with her mother. At times she almost seems prudish - then next she is almost jumping Saint's bones. She doesn't service customers, she just lives there with her mother. I don't know why but that part kind of bothered me about the story. Her boldness and insistence concerning sex. I gave it 4 stars because the characters and plot were pretty good anyway.
Saint and Ivy work together to solve the brutal murders of several prostitutes in the brothel that was set up as a safe haven and feeding place for the brotherhood. Ivy's mother is the madam and Ivy was raised there.
In true romance fashion, they fight there attraction to each other before they fall in love.
It was a pretty predictable book, pretty easy to figure out who the murderer is and what will happen but there are quite a few steamy scenes. -
Really enjoyed this book. Ivy and Saint were quite the pair, and adding in murders ala Jack the Ripper style made the story very exciting.
I can recommend to all pnr lovers. -
I liked the hero. I thought the heroine was a bit juvenile. The plot was okay. A more or less happy ending. evil foiled and the lovers got together.
reread 8/2016
No se como describir mi emoción no creí que este libro seria tan bueno y divertido.
Saint, el vampiro hedonista y divertido, con su aire oscuro y peligroso, regresa a Londres y llega al burdel que estableció Reign su amigo. Ahí se entera del asesinato de dos prostitutas del sitio.
Ivy la hija de la Madame, es quien le informa y le exige ayuda. Ivy es una mujer intrépida y valiente, adelantada para su época con muchos talentos y una forma de ser bien atrevida y honesta, su dolor hace que le exija a Saint ayuda, y ella siempre le llamo la atención él incluso de niña, pero con el tiempo ella dejo de creer en el amor.
Muy por el contrario Saint cree en el sentimiento, incluso se atrevió a amar a una humana que perdió, Martha la madre de Marika. Atrás quedo su hedonismo y ahora se ve atraído a una mujer que no quiere enamorarse sin embargo en el proceso de buscar al asesino, ambos caen enamorados. Entregandose a un sentimiento que le pide a ambos dejar su orgullo y alcanzar la alegría.
Saint esta en un callejón sin salida que resuelve de a poco con Ivy,las mujeres asesinadas posaron alguna vez para ella como mujeres famosas, unas que cayeron en desgracia. Todo apunta a un pintor que visito muchas veces el burdel, sin embargo detrás de todos los asesinatos, esta la orden de la palma de plata, otra vez. Pero Saint e Ivy no saben nada de esto. La sorpresa fue el padre de Ivy, un cómplice de la orden que prácticamente la entrego siendo ella la elegida para un ritual. Al final Saint se da cuenta del verdadero asesino, salvando a Ivy.
Me enamore de la tenacidad de Saint, de su honestidad y su sensualidad. Y eran una pareja con una química tremenda, me sonroje muchísimo con ambos, Ivy es una mujer atrevida que me encanto con sus fotografías.
Esta vez hubo mas violencia eso me gustó, la unión de la orden con Jack el destripador eso quedo genial por parte de la autora, Quién diría que la orden fue la culpable de los asesinatos de este hombre? LOL y ver a Saint alegre por saber que Marika esta viva, lleno mi corazón de alegría, ver a un hombre que ha vivido siglos, en cansancio, esperando poder amar, ahora con el corazón abierto es tremendo.
Hubo algo que realmente me encanto, eso del destino como una acción llevo a otra en un futuro, Saint salvo a Maddie y así salvo a Ivy, jamas se intereso en Maddie pero llegado el momento presente, se enamora de Ivy, y esto es algo que Maddie le comenta a él, Crees en el destino? A lo que el no tuvo respuesta pero la verdad, es que un destino jugo sus cartas para ellos, definitivamente Saint e Ivy tenían que amarse, eran perfecto el uno para el otro.
Segundas oportunidades, monstruos que no son monstruos, como la inmortalidad es mostrada por la autora como algo no tan bueno, ver morir a tus seres queridos, ser condenado a vivir en soledad, a vivir en un eterno hastió donde solo te entregas a tus deseos, pero que en el fondo nunca serán suficientes tal como le ocurrió a Saint, o quizás a los cinco.
A parte de todo un viaje al pasado, con tecnologías que hoy en día son tan comunes como el teléfono. Fue muy bueno leer una heroína tan avanzada en pensamiento para la época dispuesta a regir un burdel, a hacer fotografías eróticas enfrentarse a los hombres para tener su rol, como una mujer independiente.
No encuentro algo que no me gustara del libro, todo fue perfecto nada falto, nada sobro, la transformación de Ivy totalmente normal sin muchas complicaciones, y la captura del asesino, también bastante sencilla dentro de las circunstancias -
2'5 estrellas ⭐
Me da mucha pena tener que bajar la nota en esta tercera novela de la saga y, de hecho, después de terminar la lectura la hubiese bajado más, pero estaría siendo injusta.
Tal y como dice la sinopsis, Saint (uno de los integrantes de "La Hermandad de la Sangre") después de una década aterriza en Londres para pasar una temporada. Cuál es su sorpresa que cuando llega al refugio que todos tienen en Londres, al burdel elitista "La Maison Rouge", se encuentra con que dos de las prostitutas han sido brutalmente asesinadas.
Ivy Dearing, hija de la madame , está desolada y furiosa por la muerte de sus dos amigas y reclama venganza. Saint no dudará en buscar al responsable y castigarlo ya no solamente por la amistad que le une a la regente del burdel, sino también porque todos han jurado proteger a todas esas mujeres.
Sin embargo, no le va a resultar fácil resistirse a Ivy; aunque la ha visto nacer y crecer, ahora es toda una mujer de 27 años y entre ambos existirá un tira y afloja que se desarrollará en medio de la investigación de esos asesinatos.
Me ha encantado Saint; aparte de ser tremendamente atractivo y un experto ladrón, es un romántico, un enamorado del amor y un fiel defensor de la vida en pareja. Pero su corazón ha sufrido mucho: ha enterrado a una esposa y tuvo que sufrir la muerte de Marta, la mujer embarazada que amó casi 30 años atrás y que no sobrevivió a la transformación (esto se cuenta en el anterior libro). Es un caballero sensible que se ha convertido en un seductor para protegerse, pero siempre seguirá creyendo en el amor.
Es Ivy quien me ha ocasionado dolor de muelas. Es una mujer que no cree en el amor por lo que ha sufrido su madre por culpa de su padre y, aunque he entendido su sufrimiento, este no es el verdadero motivo de su susceptibilidad ante el concepto del amor, al menos desde mi punto de vista. Tampoco puedo desarrollar mucho mis reflexiones porque sino destriparía el libro, aunque es algo que aparece ya en las primeras páginas de la novela.
Tal y como Ivy trata a Saint desde el principio es digno de una persona rencorosa, un tanto inmadura y bipolar, injusta y caprichosa. A veces es tan obtusa y tiene tan poca consideración con los sentimientos de Saint, que me han dado ganas de entrar en el libro y darle una patada en el culo.
Saint merecía otra heroína a su altura, la verdad. Como yo misma, por ejemplo (suspiro...).
A pesar de este bache, continuaré con la saga. -
3.5-4stars/5. Audiobook.
First book I read in this series.
The love story meh, Ivy was confusing, noncommittal, just an unsatisfying other half to Saint, who I really liked. Saint, for a vampire is very .. ‘human,’ like warm and loving, which I found surprising.
I expected more cold, distant, maybe compare to the true blood books or interview with the vampire, etc, etc. Like I said Saint was very loving.
My rating is on the higher side because the overall storyline was well placed, good and it interests me to read more, not just for the other love stories in the next novel, but to find out how the bad guys are brought down.
I guess maybe the bad guy could have been predictable, but as I read I still kept an open mind because I was interested seeing how the story played out.
This was also the first book of this author’s I read so I was getting a taste of her writing style. -
Worth the read
I really enjoyed this story and am glad I read it. Not the best of the series, but definitely enjoyable. -
It's been a while since I've read a good vampire romance. I thought this was wonderful! I loved the characters. Who wouldn't love Saint? This book makes me want to go on a vampire reading binge now.
I'm almost done with the book and I find it super sexy and it's great if you're looking for a light read. It's steamy and adventurous.
2.5 stars
Friday, the 13th of October, 1307
By order of the King of France, six mercenaries, raided a Templar’s keep to find the Holy Grail. They found a cup and all six drunk from it, except that the cup they drunk from was not the Holy Grail but the Unholy Grail. Their doom was sealed with this one action, for who drinks from the Unholy Grail becomes a son of Lilith, or better said, a vampire...
London, roughly at the turn of the century, 1900
Saint has come to London at the request of his good friend Madeline, who runs the notorious brothel Maison Rouge. Two of her girls have been murdered in the same way Jack the Ripper used to slay his victims and she wants him to investigate the murders discretely. But he also has to deal with Ivy, the daughter of Madeline, who had a crush on him as a young girl, she wants to avenge her friends but she puts herself at risk to do so. He knows better than to get involved but when another murder occurs he cannot stand by doing nothing when Ivy is in danger. He does not want to have feelings for her, he has suffered too many losses in the past and it hurts too much, but how can he resist such a passionate and courageous woman who would move heaven and earth to protect the people she cares for...
Ivy Dearing is determined to find out who killed her friends, she is quite sceptical about Saint helping them, all she knows about men is that they don’t keep their promises and always leave. As a young girl she had a crush on Saint and now after all those years she still has feelings for him. Together they investigate the murders and not only do they discover a conspiracy that has to do with Ivy but they also discover each other, they cannot deny the attraction between them. Given that Ivy is in grave danger Saints wants to keep her close, but she doesn’t want to be owned or claimed by any man, let alone Saint. She only wants a brief affair for she knows he will be leaving soon, but her heart totally disagrees and aches for him...
This is the third novel in the Brotherhood of Blood series and it is yet again another fast-paced read and a real page turner. This time Kathryn Smith takes us to gloomy England and she has pulled it off once more to give this book a total different vibe then the two previous parts in this series. This is also one of the reasons this series is so much fun to read because it is so versatile.
The setting of this story is London and Kathryn Smith, as always, is capable of painting a vivid picture of the posh neighbourhoods and shabby alleys, she has described the Maison Rouge in detail and gives us a good image of the day-to-day life in a whorehouse. The plot of this story tells us yet another piece of the main plot that rises to the surface in each story of this series, it is cunning, intriguing and it leaves you craving for more. All you have to do is wait for the next part in the series to get another piece of the puzzle.
With Saint Kathryn Smith has created a tormented, seductive vampire who enjoys life but does not want to get involved with anyone, it hurts him too much to keep losing the people he loves. Ivy Dearing, the heroine, is this bold, strong-willed woman who has an odd hobby, she likes to photograph people in erotic poses and she wants to live an independent life, living at a whorehouse has taught her that love does not exist. The interactions between Saint and Ivy are intense, snappy and passionate.
Saint to Ivy and vice versa:
“Tell him no.” “Why?” Face impassive, he turned the full force of his gaze on her. “You know why. Because you belong to me.” Her delicate jaw tightened. Not quite the declaration she had been expecting, obviously, but what kind of declaration did a man make to a woman who claimed not to believe in love? “Belong to you? You ass.”
This story has an engaging cast of secondary characters. For instance there is Justin Fontaine, he courts Ivy, he is cordial but has a hidden agenda. The staff of the Maison Rouge feels like a warm and loving family and then there is Ivy’s father, he is a nobleman who does not acknowledge Ivy as his daughter. And the mysterious Order of the Silver Palm gets mentioned again, this Order is obviously aiming at the Brotherhood of Blood, but the big question is why?
From page one this story captivated me and urged me to keep flipping the pages as fast as I could. Taken by the Night is yet another enthralling story that you will enjoy reading and leaves you hungry for more. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into another part of the Brotherhood of Blood series! -
Another great story I could not put down. This is Saint and Ivy's story
Saint has no idea when he drops in to his and Reigns safe haven – Maison Rouge, an upscale whorehouse/brothel to get some rest and to feed, that he would be walking into the after affects of a few murders that took place in the brothel.
A long time ago, Saint rescued Maddie off the streets after she had been cast aside from her lover. Saint takes her and sets her up in the Brothel; Maddie, now the madam, later has a daughter named Ivy. Now that Saint has known Ivy all of her life and watched her grow up, he never knew she had a crush on him when she was 17 yrs old.
After all these years, Ivy is still enamored with Saint but she refuses to give in to him like one of the whores at the brothel. She is much more independent and has a strong will to stand on her own. She is actually a total bitch in the beginning but I admire her because she will not give up trying to find out who murdered her two best friends so brutally. The friend’s vagina organs were actually cut out.
Through the entire struggle to figure out that the murders that happened were either prostitutes of the brothel or patrons who had been there previously. They also note that these murders are like Jack the Ripper style. The friction between Saint and Ivy stirs between arguments until Saint grabs her and kisses her and to his surprise, she turns that kiss into a wild and passionate kiss.
There are some very sweet moments between Saint and Ivy and here are some of his words and thoughts:
”In a country of demure roses and forgotten weeds, she was an orchid.”
”a man cannot embrace a woman’s faults until he loves her. A woman embraces the faults and then falls in love.”
”You do not have to see the air to know you breathe it. You do not have to see the truth to believe it and you do not have to have witnessed love to feel it.”
Saint gets to know Ivy and learns that she is artistic and is great at taking black and white photos which she eventually takes shots of him. Saint realizes that these girls that were murdered were of the ones Ivy had taken pictures of so they know it has to be someone who visits the brothel regularly and is close to them.
Ivy has a caller that is in love with her but she is not sure she is in love with him, he wants to marry her and when she refuses, he takes measures of trying to force her and kidnaps her. Ivy realizes she is in love with Saint and also realizes it was her caller who had been doing the killings.
The boy was part of the Order of the Silver Palm and with the women of his dreams and the organs he collected, he could have a ritual and bring back Lilith and have all the power in the world.
Saint comes to the rescue and kills the boy and his other partners of crime but when they turn to destroy the organs, they are gone, disappeared.
In the end, Saint and Ivy get married and head off to find Temple. -
Can a Thief’s Heart Be Stolen?
I cannot stress how much I’m enjoying Kathryn Smith’s series!
Taken By The Night, took me away with Saint. The vampire I had heard about in the first two books, so I was excited to find this book focused on him.
In Taken By The Night, the backdrop of the story revolves around what appears to be a sinister serial killer. Taking into the consideration of the historical time frame of this book, I was surprised to find how Ms. Smith weaved in the killings and related them to Jack The Ripper. She did a wonderful job pulling off this plot!
Now in this story we meet Saint and Ivy. Ivy is not new to vampires, and is very aware of their existence from a very young age. However, she develops a fascination, or crush at a young age for our dear vampire called Saint.
Saint, now what can I say about a vampire who’s peaked my interest from the very first book in this series. A thief, a man who adores women and one who’s heart fell prey to a terrible tragedy of unmentionable loss. Saint, a very skilled thief finds his heart is stolen by a woman who is determined to have him one way or the other.
As the story goes, Saint comes into the lives of Ivy and her mother to investigate a hideous murder. There’s not much the infamous local police can do, that is until Saint comes closer to finding the murderer. However, he finds his hands full with protecting Ivy, who’s also determined to find the killer.
Ivy is not your normal sit at home and wait kind of person. She wants to find the killer, and finds herself more attracted to Saint every day. She hates him, she loves him and practically wants to ravish him…oh but Saint tries to maintain a cool head. He knows if he allows himself to fall prey in the arms of Ivy…he won’t be able to focus on anything but her.
Without giving too much of the plot away, I found this book very delightful as Ivy fought hard to gain the attention of said vampire Mr. Saint. She played a very good game. Her very last attempt to bed this vampire was hilarious, a demise worth recording. I loved the scene, laughed aloud several times before the two actually made it through the love scene.
I recommend this book to anyone who loves a strong female character, a stubborn vampire and just a good romance. In my opinion, Kathryn Smith will not disappoint you by bringing you mystery, page turning suspense, sexual tension and the joy of falling in love. Brilliant! -
I don't know why I continue to read Kathryn Smith's work expecting to like it. This was my fourth attempt at her, third within this series, and I still can't call any of it better than mediocre. The problem is, I keep getting sucked in by the good premise but let down by the execution.
This book, for example, was about a Jack the Ripper type killer preying of prostitutes who service vampires. For that alone I wanted to love this book. Saint is one of the owners of the house of women who cater to the needs of himself and his fellow vampires. Ivy is the daughter of the madame of the house. Though not a prostitute herself, she is no shy virgin. Her main occupation is taking provocative pictures of the ladies as an art form. It comes to her attention that the women being murdered are all ones she has photographed, and she and Saint undertake to stop the killer before more women parish.
As I stated I think this book has an excellent premise. I even like the characters. Saint is your generic romance hero, everything you might want and expect. Attractive and rakish, yet caring and attentive. Lacking in uniqueness, but likeable nonetheless. Ivy, on the other hand, surprised me with her originality of character. Owing to the unusual circumstances of her life, she is neither bashful and innocent nor tough and jaded. She's artistic, self-assured, stubborn, and brave. And she almost managed to make the story worth reading for me.
My issues with this book are the same as my issues with all books by this author. I want to stress that if you've been reading this series so far and you've been enjoying it, carry on because it's much the same. If like me you've been holding out for the series to progress or improve, however, don't waste the energy. The problem for me is that Smith has no idea how to build suspense. The outcomes of every plot thread are so predictable. I should not be able to guess from chapter 2 who the villain is. I should not be able to figure things out long before the main characters start to piece things together. There should be twists. And I should care about the people that are dieing but...the author gives me no reason to. So in this book as with the previous two in the series, I was just bored through most of it. I only skimmed to the finish to make sure I didn't miss anything...and I didn't. So I give this book two stars for the attempt, but I'm giving up on Kathryn Smith for the time being. -
Kathryn Smith is an excellent historical romance author. In Taken by the Night she has written a sexy and seductive hero in that of Saint, a lonely vampire who roams the world, until he meets Ivy Dearing. He has known Ivy ever since she was a small child. But his feelings for her have changed. Ivy's mother runs a brothel and their employees are being murdered savagely by a Jack the Ripper copy cat. Ivy asks Saint to help her find the murderer, even though at first she acts like she can't stand him. Well, that is until Saint has a habit of kissing her senseless. Ivy quickly changes her opinion of him fast.
The sex scenes between Saint and Ivy are shocking, erotic and oh so good.
But overall this story is a bit grating. We have yet another murder mystery where the spunky heroine must solve the crime and where she may also be a victim of the evil killer. Plus the fact that Ivy snipes at Saint every chance she gets until Saint shows how great he can be with that naughty mouth of his, changes her mind.
Also there is something a bit off putting that Saint has always though of Ivy as a small child, seeing as he watched her grow up and now wants her in the ways a man of his nature can only want a woman like herself.
But if you have enjoyed Smith's other two vampire books in this on-going series, you will probably enjoy Taken by the Night. Overall and okay read and I must say that Saint is one incredible character. Ivy on the other hand is better when she is not harping on Saint, which leads to some nice bedroom love between them both. -
In this paranormal romance, a centuries-old vampire finds himself drawn into a dangerous investigation at a renowned London brothel. The protagonist, who has learned to avoid emotional entanglements, becomes enticed by Ivy, the daughter of the establishment's infamous Madam. Despite his reservations, he is unable to resist her charms. As they delve deeper into the mystery surrounding the murders of Ivy's friends, their passionate connection intensifies. However, their budding relationship is threatened by a formidable evil that surpasses even the power of the undead.
Despite the promising premise and unique take on the Jack the Ripper case, this book still falls short of the first one. The lack of chemistry between the main characters, Saint and Ivy, hinders the development of their romantic relationship. Moreover, the discomfort arises from an immortal vampire being sexually drawn to a woman he has known since childhood. The story's predictability further detracts from its overall impact, although it does offer a fair share of steamy scenes. While it may not live up to expectations, readers seeking explicit content may find some enjoyment in the book. -
Oh Kathryn Smith, you've done it again! You have managed to make a book with a plot that has been done many times before fresh and enjoyable and for that alone I will keep reading your books!
In this installment of the Brotherhood of Blood series we follow Ivy, the daughter of the owner of Maison Rouge. It's a brothel that is owned by Saint and his vampire comrades. When Saint shows up at the brothels door looking for rest and respite from the coming dawn he finds an intelligent, hot headed Ivy whom is no longer the child he once knew. She asks him to help catch a murderer who killed two of her friends prostitutes who work at the brothel. He agree's and their passion cannot be helped as they work side by side to catch the killer!
As I've said this plot has been done many times before but what I love about Kathryn Smith's work is that she makes you forget about that and gives you a fun, sexy intriguing story that you can't help but to keep reading. I can't wait to read the next installment in this series. -
I give this 3rd book in this series 4 and half stars. This book I believe, is the one where Ms Smith is coming into her own with the series. Saint's world is by far and so far, the most sensual of all the Brothers. It's darker, it's more erotic. Passionate in a word, is just one of many where I would use to describe Saint and his world. What I loved most about his story was that the relationship with he and Ivy did not over shadow the point of the plot which if you are following the series, you know it leads off right away from the last book. And the plot does not over shadow Saint and Ivy or the reasons why he feels so strongly for Ivy and vice versa.
The reasons why and how and who are becoming more clear as well as you get close to the closing of this series. I highly recommend this read. Although you can read these books as stand alones, I would urge you to read the series as a whole. I am eagerly awaiting to read the last 2 books in this series. -
I liked the two books before and was happy to read again one book from this series. Well to be honest I had some problems at the beginning of the book with the 2 main character. Maybe I expected something else, I don’t know. But after a while it was ok and the story was interesting. The erotic story between Ivy and Saint is very hot. I liked that Ivy decided to be a vampire and not was changed because she had to die otherwise. Ivy and Saint try to find out who murdered 2 girls from the brothel Maison Rouge. Scotland Yard, Jack the Ripper and other interesting institutions or people have to do with it. It’s like a nice detective story in the background next to the love story between Saint and Ivy.
But I don’t know. Overall it was a good book but not as good as the other ones. You will read a lot about very hot erotic scene but Ivy act sometimes as a traumatized young girl and this reactions doesn’t fit very good to the erotic scenes before.