Lipstick and Knickers by Rosen Trevithick

Lipstick and Knickers
Title : Lipstick and Knickers
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 49
Publication : First published January 11, 2012

Devoted boyfriend, Ross Turpin, wakes up to a shocking sight: a pair of unfamiliar women's knickers lying on his bedroom floor. Having no idea how they got there, Ross sets out on a mission to establish their origin.

His exploration leads him through a minefield of hideous women and repugnant situations, as he struggles to understand what went on during the night that changed his life forever.

Lipstick and Knickers Reviews

  • Rosen Trevithick

    Hysterically funny. I can really relate to the author - no wait, I am the author.

  • Maureen Reil

    This short, humorous read totally entertained me and I really liked the easy, relaxed writing style of the author. So I will be sure to follow this up with more treats from Rosen Trevithick. Although, I'd figured it out from the start whose lipstick and knickers were left behind after a drunken night of passion. It didn't detract at all from the way the main character Ross went about interviewing the bunch of women he'd suspected, in his quest to find out the truth. I enjoyed meeting the ladies in his life which blended his honesty along with his intentions to remain 'manly' (and in a relationship with his girlfriend Liz) despite the slur on his good name no matter what.

  • Sheli

    I really enjoyed this book. It was really funny and an easy read. You could feel the main characters unease throughout the story and really felt with him. I thought that the ending was a little predictable, but that isn't always a bad thing. Another good story from Rosen Trevithick and I look forward to reading more.

  • Naomi

    I must be honest with my review of this one. I am a huge fan of Rosen Trevithick. I think her wit and style/quality of writing is going to take her places and we are just starting to see the tip of it. On that note, this was not my favorite work of hers. It was mellow compared to some of her other stuff. It was good and it kept me entertained in a "silly" way, but it didn't quite have that punch that some of her other stuff I have read of hers. Some of her other works, either for comedic timing/wit or emotional content will knock your socks off. I felt this one, although it was present, was lighter in those areas. But, hey, they all can't be winners and it was good enough to warrant 3 stars!

  • Jud

    Oh my goodness, what a laugh!

    The only way to start of the weekend better than with a good book is with a great book that makes you laugh out loud! I'm glad no one else was in the flat to hear me as they would surely have thought I had finally gone crazy. This book is written brilliantly with plenty of humour. Even the simple idea of waking up and having an unidentifiable pair of knickers on your bedroom floor is funny but Rosen Trevithick takes it beyond that. The main character Ross Turpin goes around interviewing all the girls he knows trying to ascertain who the knickers belong to with all the subtlety of a rampaging rhinoceros.

    This is a must read!

  • Marianne Barron

    In Norwegian only:
    Ross Turpin våkner opp til et overraskende syn. En ukjent, smaragdgrønn silketruse ligger på soveromsgulvet hans, og han kan overhode ikke huske hvordan den har havnet der. I bakrus fra gårsdagens fest bestemmer han seg for å finne historien bak silketrusa - og ikke minst, hvem eieren er?

    Etter reviews på nettet trodde jeg dette skulle være en riktig så humoristisk novelle, men jeg fant den bare tåpelig og intetsigende. Den gav meg ingenting, rett og slett, og stod derfor til prisen på $0.00...

    Mer er det ikke å si om den saken...

    Rating ble 1 av 5 - og ble fullført kun fordi det var en novelle...

  • Kath Middleton

    I found this a disappointment after some of its good reviews. The story was thin and shouldn't have been hung out so long. The ending was predictable and I didn't find it funny. It was too insubstantial and unbelievable for me.

  • Renee (Larimel)

    As promised, Lipstick and Knickers was laugh out loud funny. After questioning his list of female friends to find out who had left their green thong by his bedside he realizes just how stupid he had been. I couldn't help laughing at him the whole time. Loved it!

  • Marie Harbon

    Humorous, well written and entertaining, I did enjoy this story and liked the style. Unfortunately, I did find it predictable and the ending was a bit of an anti-climax.

  • Snoozie Suzie

    It was just a bit flat for me. I can see why some would find it a funny short, but for me it was just a quick read that didn't really tick many boxes and was predictable in its' ending.