Title | : | A Ghost in Love and Other Plays (Oxford Bookworms Playscripts: Stage 1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0194235017 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780194235013 |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 56 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2000 |
He's a nineteen-year-old American, who just wants a good holiday with his friend,
Brad. They are travelling round the north of England by bicycle. But stranger things
begin to happen in the small hotel where they are staying.
First, Brad seems to think that he has been there before. and then a girl
called Ellen appears . . .
The first of these three original plays is set in the
seventeenth century, and the other two take place in
modern times. In each play, a ghost comes back from
the dead to change the lives of living people.
A Ghost in Love and Other Plays (Oxford Bookworms Playscripts: Stage 1) Reviews
I enjoyed ,this is the first book for me ,I read it ,I am so happy ,but the book was not bad nor good,But I can't be rated good I will be
read for Oxford again
عندما أقيم الكتاب بصفتي قارئة باللغة العربية وقريبًا بالانجليزية ،سأقول بأنه سيء لأنه لا توجد فكرة يريد الكاتب إيصالها لي وعلى الرغم بأن هذا الكتاب مسرحية ولكن لايوجد أبدًا ترابط مابين الفصول ولكن عندما عنصر التشويق الذي يدفعك نحو قراءة المزيد والمزيد
فهو يحكي عن قصة في القرن السادس عشر وعن قصة في الوقت الحالي وقصة في الوقت الحالي والقرن السابع عشر
الأول تتحدث عن شخص لم يسلم ولد أخيه ميراثه عندما يبلغ لتاسعة فيعود أخيه كشبح ليخبره ويزج بالسجن من أخذ ماله
والثانية عن امرأة ممثلة مات زوجها في السفينة فيعود لرؤيتها ولكن بشكل أصغر ويسألها عن أحوالها لأنه وعدها بجعلها ممثلة مرة أخرى ولكنه لم يتسطع الوفاء بعهده
والثالثة عن امرأة سرقت أناس أغنياء و عندما طاردها عشرون رجلا غنيًا حاولت الهروب بسفينة ولكن حبيبها هرب قبلها وأخبرها بأن تتنظهر ولكنه غرق مع السفنية وزج بها بالسجن ثم ماتت بعد ذلك بشهور قليلة وعادت إلى منزلها الذي أصبح فندقًا فيما بعد وقيل عنها بأنها ساحرة ومازالت تبحث عن حبيبها ماثيو
الذي غرق ومات وتلتقي ببراد الذي كان فيما قبل ماثيو
من الواضح بأن الكاتب يؤمن بتناسخ الأرواح ويؤمن أيضا بأن الروح لاتموت حتى تتخلص مما آذاها في حياتها السابقة
أكسفورد وضعت قرصًا للاستماع وكان جيدًا بالفعل وفهمت ثلاثة أرباع القصة منه
أرشحه وبقوة لمن يريد البدء بالقراءة باللغة الأنجليزية -
So simple plays for English beginner learners.
2. 5/16~18=80min.
3. Ghost, plays, love, hotel, strange, travel, witch
4. a) One ghost for the day, one ghost for the night.
b) The reason I like this passage is because, I like the rhythm and it looks slogan of something.
5. Before reading, I thought this story is a horror story but it was not. This story was written like a script, so it was easy to read. The ghost is afraid by some people but I think it don't need.
By the way, I don't believe the ghost but if I can see the ghost, I want to meet my grandmother and talk with her. Only I can see the ghost, it may be near me... -
Cuốn sách có ba câu chuyện về hồn ma được thể hiện dưới dạng ba vở kịch. Theo mình, câu chuyện thứ hai thú vị nhất.
It seems like the majority of people really enjoying this book, but not me. Reading the plot summary on the back cover of this book, I was kinda excited to see what was really in those 3 plays. However, upon reading the plays, I felt kind flat. The ideas of those plays are good, but the way they were executed was kinda rushed, and somehow nonsense and unrealistic to me. I just wish the author would have taken more time to explore and leverage the idea, and made them emotionally deeper. Overall, these 3 plays left nothing in me except ridiculousness, but I gave them 2 stars for their great ideas.
I'm really excited
i love it
These days I’m trying to read English books, a simple books like Oxford books.
Nothing special or interesting in this book. -
Meh. Weird stories. I did read a super simplified version in Chinese, but still, weird.
A love for ghost for real?! Whew 🤨
a simple vocabulary, understanding sentences and a beautiful ideas.. it’s a good story to read and improve your language and vocabulary also it’s fun.
The book have good stories for English learner
They were easy and fast stories but i relay liked the last one
The story of Ellen and Brad .. it was dramatic story especially for me :) -
ارشحه لمن يريد البدء بالقراءة باللغة الانقليزية
الكتاب مكتوب بلغة بسيطة و القصص جيدة -
A Ghost in Love (and other plays)
(Oxford Level. 1)
7/9 =80minutes
Ghost, love, hotel, witch, court, prison, life
"Yes. I'm dead. And you kill me. But I'm not going away. I'm staying here, in prison with you."
These stories are about Ghost, but they are not horror story. One is about a woman who became ghost to looks for her husband. It's a kind of wonderful love story. By Japanese customs, we think dead people come back from heaven to meet their families in the middle of August. It's called "Bon". For this custom, I feel this story is little familiar. -
This book talks about the ghost's story. It's the fiction genre. Do you believe about ghost ? I have believed it so when I readed this book. I felt a little worried and I was interested. This story began happens when they live in the hotel. The character I like most is Jerry. I enjoy reading this book because I like to read or watch some things about ghost. I recommend this book for someone like ghost or some things are mysteries.
مجموعة مسرحيات مكتوبة بانجليزية مبسطة لأغراض تعليمية، ومعاها اسطوانة. المسرحيات بطلها شبح، في المسرحية الأولى بيكون شبح عاوز يرجع حق ابنه، وفي التانية بيرجع علشان يواسي زوجته، وفي التالتة والأخيرة هوا شبح عاشق وهايم لحد ما يلاقي محبوبه.
المسرحيات ظريفة وأحلاهم الأخيرة. قريتها مع الاسطوانة فكان مزيج جميل والمؤثرات الصوتية خلت جو القراية حقيقي.
السلسلة جميلة جدا للي عاوز يقوي اللغة، وف نفس الوقت مسلية جدا قبل النوم. -
4.Heston "At this minute, Keech is building a new home in a village near here with my son's money. Stop him!"
I thought Keech was a bad person.
5.There are three short stories in this book and this book wrote down about ghost, but I didn't beleave that ghost is being. -
because I like it