Title | : | Angel Numbers: An Enchanting Meditation Book of Spirit Guides and Magic (Pocket Spell Books) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0760379998 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780760379998 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 167 |
Publication | : | Published February 21, 2023 |
Do you ever notice repeated number sequences in the world around you? In this magic handbook, you will find the meaning behind “angel numbers,” and what yours are trying to tell you. Be enlightened and delve into what your angel guides are trying to send you, and learn how to apply them to your life.
Follow some meditations similar to this
As you sit in your clear space, let every material thing fall away from your consciousness.
You don’t need them. Instead, ask yourself what’s important to you in this life. Is it family? Friendships? Community?
Whatever it is, hold that thought in the forefront of your mind.
Then picture the number 6 encompassing it in its center.
Let the characteristics of 6 guide you and put a magnifying glass on what matters most to you.
Aim for it and let 6 lead you forward.
Following these powerful number sequences can awaken you to a new world filled with meaning.
The Pocket Spell Books series encompasses all your greatest desires and guides you through the spells, potions, rituals, and charms necessary to achieve your goals. These diminutive but powerful books each contain a carefully selected collection of useful spells for seasoned witches and new practitioners alike.
Take your magical practice further by collecting all the Pocket Spell Books, which Protection Spells, Moon Spells, Love Spells, Candle Magic, and Pendulum Magic.
Angel Numbers: An Enchanting Meditation Book of Spirit Guides and Magic (Pocket Spell Books) Reviews
Thank you, Quarto Publishing Group - Wellfleet Press, for the advance reading copy.
The book sure is interesting and I would suggest you to take your time getting into the writing.
It is about exploring spells and rituals through numbers and get the answers to what we encounter everyday.
I love the cover. However, I feel the presentation and the illustrations can be better.
I do find some parts difficult to understand completely but then I do have to take my time reading something new. -
Loved this book so much! The explanation of the different angels and the detail into what numbers that you see repeatedly mean.
Fortuna Noir described and enlightened the reader on this complex but very authentic phenomenon.
I will definitely be purchasing a hard copy of this book to reference the meanings! -
Angel Numbers is a spiritual guide to understanding the power of numbers, synchronicities, and messages from your guides. This book is a great introduction for anyone wanting to learn more about numbers, but keep in mind that there’s more than one way of interpreting what a single number means. I enjoyed this guide and exploring the many ways to see and decipher these messages. Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - Wellfleet Press for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.
I was drawn to this book as I've recently read a couple of novels that had references to angelic numbers or number sequences and their meanings, so it seemed natural to look into this more.
I've also read a couple of books on numerology and found this topic really interesting.
I love the format of this book - laid out in a logical sequence starting with the simple, single numbers and moving on to the more complex.
I found it a lot to read in one go front to back - there's a lot of information to take in and I doubt that I'd remember all the significances - especially of the more complex combinations.
However, the layout of the book is perfect to allow you to dip in and out as needed.
A nice addition to any collection and a really interesting read. -
I’ve been seeing numbers like 1:11 and 2:22 for months now. Friends have told me these are signs from my angels. I didn’t really understand what they meant. When I saw this book on NetGalley I knew I needed to read it! Thanks for the advanced copy for the purpose of this review. 5 stars from me.
The book is beautiful with soft blues and golds and easy to follow meditations and pages full of meanings for the numbers as mentioned above and more! I desire to gift this book to many friends. -
As someone who sees angel numbers on a daily basis, I LOVED this book and will be purchasing it as soon as it comes out so I can reference it when needed. Angel numbers are repeated number sequences that can hold deeper spiritual meanings. This book is a great resource for interpreting and gaining a better understanding of the significance of experiencing these numbers.
Thank you NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Wellfleet Press, for sending this book for review consideration. -
A great book to read if you want to learn more about Angel Numbers. It has information about a lot of things and the descriptions and meanings are very easy to understand.
What I liked most about this one is the outlay of the book, it looks magical and super creative. I like that they applied some color and art into the book, that makes a book that much more interesting to me.
Thanks NetGalley for providing me with this arc! -
I'll happily describe myself as spiritual, but I've always been a bit dubious about Angel Numbers. This book has not helped me understand or believe in the idea any more.
I find the whole concept to be very vague, and this book was very vague too.
I didn't get much from this book so didn't overly enjoy my reading experience - i'm sure there are better books on this topic out there. -
I quite enjoyed reading Angel Numbers.
It explains what are angels and why they exist. It further explains the meaning of certain numbers - root numbers that come with a meaning. then it goes further and explains the"advanced numbers" which are the most common I believe you'll see.
easy to follow. -
I used to follow angel numbers all the time, I'd see triples and quads every day, so I would have found this book very helpful. I understand why people find them reassuring in times of need and follow their guidance. This book has a really wonderful energy, I love it 🩵💖 🪽
*Temporary access to e-copy received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. -
I went into Angel Numbers hoping for a book which I could use as a reference for key numbers, and I wasn't disappointed. There were even more numbers in here than I realised, and I have a great time exploring the meanings and connections. Well worth the read for anyone interested in the subject.
This was a NetGalley read. -
I have been looking for a book like this for a log time. I love that I know have a great understanding of the numbers and the sequence/ frequeny with the meaning of them. This is a fantastic book for any one who wants gain a greater understanding of the numbers and connection to spirit.
Did not finish. I couldn't get past the first chapter. I guess I personally would prefer a book about numerology without so much focus on "God" and angels. I should have known what I was getting myself into. This one just wasn't for me.
Sapevo tutti dei numeri angelici prima ancora di iniziare questo libro, però sempre bello leggere cose a riguardo 💖
Enjoyed this one and the way it was organized!