Title | : | Unexpected Blessings (Emma Harte Saga #5) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0312985746 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780312985745 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 528 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1999 |
Evan Hughes, Emma's American great-granddaughter, is trying to integrate into the powerful Harte family. She is caught between her estranged parents, her new family, and new love. But a dangerous enemy hovers in the background.
Tessa Longden, Evan's cousin, is battling her husband for custody of their daughter, Adele. When Adele suddenly goes missing, Tessa is forced to seek help from her half-sister Linnet—a woman who has been her rival all their lives.
Linnet, the most brilliant businesswoman of the four great-granddaughters, is desperately trying to show that she is the natural heir to her mother, Paula. But her glittering future at the helm of the vast Harte empire means many sacrifices, perhaps even the loss of her sister's fragile trust.
India Standish, the traditionalist in the family, falls in love with a famous British artist from a working-class background. Madly in love, India is determined to marry him, no matter what her family thinks.
Evan, Tessa, Linnet, and India : four extraordinary women. Three generations of Hartes. One indomitable family whose loyalty binds them together and whose enemies want to tear them apart.
Unexpected Blessings (Emma Harte Saga #5) Reviews
excellent follow-up..
I never intended to read this series beyond the first book but I saw this one at a used book store for $0.80 and figured what the heck. I considered not finishing the book but endured. It got mildly interesting by page 300. Tessa’s story and the brief tie in to the 9/11 terrorist attacks were the most interesting yet still not good. The other story lines were a total bore. Why do the Hartes sleep with and marry their second cousins?!! A Woman of Substance was one of the most memorable stories I have ever read. Like another reviewer commented, however, there is only one Emma Harte and her layered complexity cannot be recreated in her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Whereas I will always remember A Woman of Substance, I hope to forget Unexpected Blessings ASAP!
A Woman of Substance and Emma Harte really influenced me. I did not intend to read the others in the series simply because there will not be "True Emma Harte" in those.
But somehow I got hold of this book and read through. I found it too much difficult in remembering who is whose son/daughter/cousin etc.
But I did enjoy and envy the strong bonding between the siblings/cousins of the Harte family. -
Es handelt sich hier um den fünften Teil der Emma Harte Saga. Definitiv muss man die anderen Bücher der Reihe gelesen haben, denn man steigt nahtlos ins Geschehen ein. Unmittelbar am Ende vom vierten Teil. Die Vorkenntnisse sind absolut wichtig. Für mich war es schwer wieder in die Geschichte rein zu kommen, denn ich habe die vorherigen Bücher schon vor einigen Zeit gelesen.
Der Schreibstil von Barbara Taylor Bradford liest sich recht flüssig. Ich hätte mir manchmal gewünscht, dass die Autorin in ihrer Erzählweise ausbrechen würde und mal nicht auf bekannten Level bleibt. Irgendwie war für mich einiges nicht überraschend, sondern leider etwas vorhersehbar. Denn das Schema ist bekannt. Vieles wiederholt sich und dadurch zog es sich für mich arg in die Länge. Es kommt so rüber, als ob man mittlerweile in der vierten Generation alles gleich erlebt. Nicht mehr wirklich interessant. Das Buch ist sicher angenehm zu lesen, aber fesselte mich nicht mehr. Der Spannungsbogen fehlte mir doch sehr.
Die Handlung spielt im Jahr 2001 und natürlich wird auch der 11. September thematisiert.
Die Protagonistin ist hier Evan. Sie ist die Tochter von Emma Hartes unehelichen Sohn. Somit ist sie Erbin des Kaufhausimperiums. Doch fällt es ihr sichtlich schwer im Imperium anzukommen. Natürlich arbeitet sie in der Modebranche. In der Familie gibt es einige Differenzen. Als Evan dann auch noch Briefe von Emma und ihrer damaligen Sekretärin findet, kommt langsam Licht ins ganze. Doch dies bring einige Unruhe mit sich, denn da sind vergangene Geheimnisse enthalten. Es warten einige Überraschungen auf die Familie und auch die Familienmitglieder selbst bringen Unruhe ins Geschehen.
Wird Evan diese Situation geklärt bekommen und wieder Ruhe in die Familie bringen?
Für mich ein ganz solides Buch, was mich aber nach bereits 4 Büchern nicht mehr gänzlich überraschen konnte. Es knüpft super an die Reihe an und hat mich seicht unterhalten. Dennoch hat es mich nicht gänzlich mitreißen und fesseln können.
Von mir gibt es 3 von 5 Sterne. -
I love this saga so much. I can’t get enough. I’d have to say this was my second favorite of the series after the first one “A Woman of Substance”. Two more to go!!
Twenty years ago, I loved Barbara Taylor Bradford’s books. I devoured them. The strong women and the lives they build for themselves. And the saga of Emma Harte was my favourite. How she started out as poor as possible, working as a servant girl at 13, getting seduced and abandoned by the son of the house, and working her way up to become one of the major businesswomen in England.
And now I recently picked up this book second hand, and within a few paragraphs, I was totally back into the inner workings of this large and convoluted family, and I loved every page of it.
I so enjoyed catching up with all the family members, finding out how they are doing, what the evil grandson Jonathan is up to, and how they all work together in the various parts of Emma’s empire.
Evan is one of the main focuses, and it kept jarring me because for me, Evan is a man’s name. She is the (illegal) granddaughter of Emma’s son Robin, and Emma’s former secretary Glynnis. And now that her grandmother has died, she has sent her of to England, to meet the Harte family. As Evan was bored in her current job in America, she did as her grandmother requested of her. And there she met Gideon Harte, who works for the newspaper enterprise, and they fell madly in love with each other, on first sight.
Still, that romance is not really working for me. Gideon is too highhanded and Evan is a bit too timid and wanting too please. But I did love her interactions with Robin. And I did like how she found her own place in the Harte company, designing new floorplans for the shops, and even her cousin’s wedding dress.
And there is Tessa, who as the eldest granddaughter thinks she is entitled to be the new woman in charge when their mother Paula retires (and that won’t happen for a long time!). But her eyes are opened to what is really important to her when her almost ex-husband kidnappes their daughter. And when her twin brother takes her to Paris to recover from the ordeal, her life changes even further.
Linnet is a real strong woman, just like her great-grandmother Emma and her mother Paula. She is a cunning businesswoman, she has great instincts and she is the right one for the job. She quickly takes care of the abduction problem while their parents are in America, and she gets it solved and dealt with.
India is from the titled part of the family, and she has fallen in love with a highly successful British portrait painter, who seems to be a reverse snob, claiming her family would never approve of him. He doesn’t even want to meet them. Their relationship doesn’t seem to move forward either, and India wants more of him. But will she stay with a man who doesn’t want to commit, and keeps such huge secrets from her? It will take his crazy ex to open his eyes but will it be on time?
The evil Jonathan is really plotting something that will kill off his entire family, and will leave him the sole heir. I did not expect that from him! Although I know he is truly evil. I know he is behind Evan’s “accident” as he is Robin’s son and does not want to chance his father getting close to someone else. And the weak husband of Tessa is just the perfect tool for some mayhem in the family.
I will certainly pick up some more books in this series soon. I loved meeting all those family members again, I think it would make for a great soap opera on t.v.. Lots of romance, some love scenes, action and business, and never boring. Amazing characters whom I would love to meet and then be too shy to talk to.
9 stars. -
I am really having a hard time ploughing through this book. It is so badly written I keep flipping through the front pieces to determine if it is really written by the Barbara Taylor Bradford who wrote the excellent Woman of Substance. There are gratuitous sex scenes that read like they are written by barely literate teenagers. And some of the sentences put into the mouths of these characters ... Seriously? "Oh little pet...Did you give him your heart Tess." Who speaks like that? Very disappointing. I bought it because I saw the name of the author but this is a fraud. (0 out of 10).
I can't seem to get past the first 100 pages of this book. The book started with four and a quarter pages of an intertwined family tree for three clans. That was my first turn off. The story seems weak and the characters are not developed well. There are too many characters. I don't even feel bad for not finishing.
Just couldn't get back into her writing style......oh well.
Too many characters, too much family history to keep up on. I’ve read enough of the Emma Harte family saga.
#5 in the Emma Harte Saga, I had only read #1, A Woman of Substance, YEARS (decades?) ago. The story revolves around Emma's great grandchildren and their trials and triumphs. They are all wildly successful professionally because of Emma's rules. They are not all so successful in their personal lives but judging from the character list/family tree at the beginning of the book, neither was Emma. I found the story a little trite. The book was published in 2005 so a little episode involving 9/11 with a character that was probably a major player in a previous episode was added for some (much needed)tension. There is also an flashback episode inserted at page 305-340; I assume to fill in some details left out of earlier volumes. The entire thing came across as somewhat shallow; like someone tying up loose ends who was tired of the story. Since I had not read the intervening 3 volumes, keeping track of the characters was a challenge. There was just enough added backstory to make the book OK as stand alone fiction. Recommend for anyone who has read the others but don't bother if you haven't. I read it because it was donated to my Little Free Library; it will be put back there now.
when i read, i realize that i am extremely crazy with this kind of novel, i prefer novel to short story as well. That many characters and story details logically connected makes me could not stop reading. The more i read, the more curious i am.
Emma Harte is the person who most influences the work style, the lifestyle, the personality of her children and her grandchildren. Hence, of course i will find to read The woman of substance.
Well, it is Philip and Maddy that I like the most character couple in this novel. How beautiful, sweet their love. How suddenly unfortunate her death (because of brain hemorrhage during pregnancy).
By the way, i also am keen on the quote of William Shakespeare "Only children are afraid of scary pictures". -
Like any of Barbara Taylor Bradford novels, this was very good. The end made me think there was another novel to follow, but in that series "Unexpected Blessings" was the end. I am sure the Harte family continues in another series. Have read her books for years. Fantastic author.
Zero stars!
This book was so hard to finish, I just could not get to the end fast enough. It was a slow read, Geesh after 310 pages it got a teenie bit interesting to where I could try harder to finish it. But never again am I reading books by this author. Boring! -
Suspenseful love story
Another 3 stars for this one and I'm on the book #6.
What more can I say another wonderful BTB novel? This is the first of Emma Harte I have read in a long time and it is most enjoyable. Encouraging me to catch up on those that I missed.
Just as entertaining as the first! Loved following all of Emma’s family.