Title | : | The Snow Angel |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1439187207 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781439187203 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 279 |
Publication | : | First published November 1, 2011 |
It was a photo of me.
Rachel Price has just one happy memory from her childhood: the moment her father took her hands while playing outside on a cold, snowy day and called her his angel. It was a rare and sacred moment in her young life, one in which she finally felt safe, loved, and protected.
But it didn’t last long.
Years later, Rachel’s daughter is the only light in what has become a dark life. Rachel repeats the patterns she learned as a child and exposes her own daughter to those same destructive behaviors. Consumed by an abusive marriage, but secure in the safety of the familiar, she is too afraid to escape.
Rachel accepts what her life has become, even as she makes excuses for those who keep her in a constant state of despair and regret. But then, an unexpected phone call from an old friend changes everything. Her ordered world is turned upside down as she’s set on a journey that might be her last chance to salvage the life she’d given up on long ago.
While new friendships tentatively blossom, Rachel realizes that everything she once believed may be nothing but lies and misunderstandings. But knowing the truth is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss. As the snow falls and the promise of Christmas redemption nears, Rachel begins to see her entire childhood in a brand-new light and must now decide what her future holds—and what her past really means. Will knowing the truth set her free, or will it condemn her to a life full of regret and “what ifs”?
The Snow Angel is a poignant tale about family, forgiveness, and the freedom to live a future free of the past.
The Snow Angel Reviews
„Život je putovanje, Rachel. Dok hodaš, možeš se ili osvrtati ili gledati ispred sebe. Uvijek misli na sljedeći korak.“
Na Rachel je izbor što od ovoga učiniti na svom putovanju. Nakon psihičkog zlostavljanja majke alkoholičarke, pasivnog oca koji ništa ne poduzima i bježi od istine, slijedi udaja za čovjeka, koji psihičkom zlostavljanju pridoda i ono fizičko. Gdje su granice gdje to prestaje? Izbor je na samim osobama, žrtvama u cijeloj toj priči.
Ne osuđujem, čak se nisam ni ljutila previše, nisam srećom bila u takvim životnim situacijama da znam kako bih sama postupila. Samo sam čitala i čekala da vidim kad će (i hoće li) nastupiti to osviještenje, nakon kojeg moraš odlučiti i uzeti stvar u svoje ruke, prestati izigravati žrtvu i krenuti živjeti punim plućima. Zlostavljači su „fantastične“ osobe koje tako vješto znaju onoj drugoj strani nametnuti krivnju i grižnju savjesti, manipulatori po rođenju.
Zapravo se kod ovakvih tema uvijek iznova pitam: zašto se takve osobe pokaju tek pred kraj života, kad su slomljeni duhom, nerijetko teško bolesni. Tada svi traže oprost i božju milost. Zar misle da će oprost i kazna od nekoliko Očenaša i Zdravomarija poništiti sve ružno što su činili tijekom života, bilo aktivno ili pasivno, i široko im otvoriti put do Raja. Tužno, a izgleda tako jednostavno.
A oni s druge strane, koji godinama ne poduzimaju ništa, odjednom progledaju pa ti dođe da im zaplješćeš, jer u protivnom bi samo mogao zaključiti da su sve to i zaslužili. A nije tako.
Na kraju zapravo ne znam što bih rekla o samom romanu, tema je teška, a što je više priča išla kraju, na tren čak i patetična. Od mene trojka, ali samo zato što sam ipak uspjela u tome vidjeti natruhu ljubavi i privrženosti prema bližnjemu, a ovakve me priče na kraju ostave tužnog srca i gorkog okusa, bez obzira imale sretan kraj ili ne. -
So I've decided I have to have a different rating system for Christmas books than for all other books, because quite frankly, I've hardly found a Christmas novel that I can stomach. They are all contrived, poorly written, predictable, schmultzy and manipulative. Other than the original Christmas story--the one about the birth of Jesus--now I never get tired of that one.
This one started off well enough. I even found myself impressed that Glenn Beck had such gentle writing guns. But as the story progressed, it felt contrived, tedious, annoying, and painful (but not in a good way).
Maybe I'm just too cynical about Christmas stories. If you are a sweet, guileless person, you'll probably like this.
On a normal book scale, I'd given this about 1 1/2-2 stars. But on the Christmas book scale, when I'm comparing it to books like the Christmas Jar, I'll give it 4 stars.
It's a story that Oprah would love--abused girl grows into abused woman, chooses abusive husband and forsakes the people who are decent in her life. Christmas is an opportunity for her to break free of her past. -
Abusive relationships can span generations, and this novel is representative of this as the abused tries to cover up for the abuser and those who see the abuse can only help if the abused can speak the secret aloud.
Yet, this novel has so much to redeem those caught in this vicious cycle.
Rachel grew up with an alcoholic mother and a father who seemed to ignore her with constant work. However, there were moments of joy, in particular the night of snow angels. Neighbors and surrogate parents Max and Elena also helped with helping a young girl.
Now, grown with a daughter of her own, Rachel still deals with an abusive husband in order to protect her daughter Lily. Cut off from her father and friends for years, she is alone until a call brings about a new opportunity. Will she accept and finally make changes, or will she continue to hide the abuse?
In counter to this, a man suffers with memory loss, but on the edge of his lost memories is a glimmering of what once was. Will Christmas bring about his hope to ask for forgiveness and another chance to love?
This is a story of love, forgiveness, family, and redemption. Highly recommended especially during the season of Advent. -
I've seen Glenn Beck on TV. I wouldn't have expected a book like this to come from him. This is a Christmas book and with that being said, Christmas books are supposed to be happy. This one wasn't that, but it did have a message. However, it was mostly sad. There was definitely resolution at the end, but it wasn't equal to the sadness of the story. Maybe the author didn't want this to be considered cliche, but it is a Christmas story. So that would have been okay, because it is expected to some extent.
„Anđeo u snijegu“ je prije svega knjiga koja me navela na razmišljanje i prema kojoj pročitavši ju, nećete ostati ravnodušni ni jedan jedini trenutak. Zašto? Prije svega pisac se u ovoj knjizi bavi problemima zlostavljanja u obitelji. Ovaj put radi se kako o fizičkom, tako i o psihičkom zlostavljanju žene u porodici. Nemojte odmah pomisliti da je zbog toga mučna. Naprotiv , pisac na jedan sasvim drugačiji, reklo bi se emotivan način dočarava život glavne junakinje Rachel Price koja živi jednim sasvim običnim životom kućanice sa mužem zlostavljačem koji je cijenjen u svom gradu i društvu i za kojeg bi sumnjali da je zlostavljač kada bi im ona to rekla. Zapravo Rachel živi sa njim punih jedanaest godina ne imavši snage reći „ne“ i suprotstaviti se nasilniku. Jedina svjetla točka u njenom životu je njena jedanaestogodišnja kćer koja joj je sve na svijetu. I sve bi to bilo tako kako je, dok se jednog dana ponovo ne pojavljuju neka lica iz Racheline prošlosti s kojima je bila nekad davno vezana.Prijatelj koji joj je nekad bio oslonac i tiha snaga, kao i njena zamjena za oca. Upravo on će ju uspjeti uvjeriti da ona nije makar tko kako joj njen muž govori, da je osoba koja vrijedi i koja treba znati reći ne kada je to potrebno.
U ovoj toploj, dirljivoj priči isprepliću se razmišljanja dvaju osoba koji su ujedno i glavni protagonisti , a to je Rachel i njen otac koji se nalazi u domu i boluje od Alzheimerove bolesti. Rachel oca nije vidjela kako se udala, jer joj muž brani da ga vidi i posjećuje. I sad dolazimo do nekih pitanja koja su se barem meni cijelo vrijeme motala po glavi. Zar je moguće da na svijetu postoje osobe koje mogu na takav negativan način manipulirati sa drugima? U ovom slučaju radi se o ženi kao o predmetu manipulacije, zlostavljanja i nasilnog ponašanja. Rachel nije ni glupa, ni neinteligentna, ali ponavlja obrasce ponašanja koje je usvojila još kao dijete i koje prenosi na svoju jedanaestogodišnju kćer. Čitajući knjigu pomalo me živciralo to njeno ponašanje, zapravo strah pred mužem koji se osjeća u svemu superiornije od nje same. Zašto trpi , zašto prihvaća život takav kakav je, zar ne može jednostavno reći ne i samim time okončati agoniju koja je proganja. Naravno, ne ostaje sve na tome. Naša glavna junakinja ipak okreće novu stranicu u životu i to zahvaljujući upravo svojoj kćerki, kao i novostečenim prijateljstvima. Kako se priblžava vrijeme Božića, tako se i naša glavna junakinja mijenja. Sama transformacija i želja za promjenom , nije više samo želja i ne ostaje na tome.
Pouka knjige je više nego očita.Bez obzira kako nam se ponekad put činio težak u vrtlogu života, to je samo privid, bez obzira koliko teško izgledale neke naizgled nesavladive prepreke, uvijek postoji izlaz.Ponekad je to most kojeg trebaš prijeći da bi bio na drugoj strani, ponekad samo riječi koje trebaš saslušati i prihvatiti istinu, a ponekad samo prihvatiti ruku koja ti nudi pomoć, prihvatiti ljubav u svome životu. I sve će biti bolje i lakše. Knjiga koju preporučujem svim emotivcima i onima koji će tek postati. -
I borrowed this from my Mom's Kindle. I can see why it is a best-seller. Rachel doesn't have very many happy memories from her childhood, her mother was an alcoholic, who died in an accident as a result of her illness. Her father was there and very much alive, but worked long hours and Rachel that he was emotionally inaccessible. She does recall one happy memory from before her mothers death and that is the night her Daddy played with her in the snow. After her mothers death,
a neighbor and his wife (Max and Elena) took her under thier wing and allowed her to work at the tailors shop. And so began a loyal and lifelong friendship... The years passed and Rachel grew up, met, fall in love with and married Cyrus. She thought she had married the man who would take her away from her unhappy memories and build a life time of happiness. However, after a short time, Rachel discovers what her Father and Max and Elena had tried to tell her all along and that being that Cyrus is not who she thought he was. Cyrus is overbearing, controlling possessive, and abusive - verbally and physically. Rachel with physical and mental scars wants a happier life for her daughter. This is a sad story but with a lovely message of healing, hope, love and forgiveness. Bravo to Glen Beck. -
Glenn Beck writes another sad and heart-wrenching Christmas story that ends on a note of hope at Christmas Eve. Rachel Price had a lonely childhood, verbally abused by her mother and distanced by a unsure, overworked father. Her kind neighbors, the Wevers, who could see Rachel's sadness, took her under their wing, and gave her new skills, security, and love. But many years later, when Rachel marries, she falls into the same life she led at home. Cyrus is overbearing, possessive, and abusive - verbally and physically. For years, Rachel tries to hide the shame and abuse, lying to herself that she is deserving of such treatment, but when her own honest, young, daughter Lily begins to question the life her family lives - Rachel, with the help of an old friend and a new ally, begins to unravel the web of untruths and insecurities.
This is a gem of a book - it's not your typical happy holiday novel. It deals with real-life issues, scabs, scars and hurting wounds. I got caught up in Beck's Christmas Sweater last year and was hoping this read would be as good or even better - I was not disappointed. -
Really 4 1/2 stars ...
A bit awkward to get into the story, but ultimately rewarding. This book definitely falls into the "life is hard" category, but there is beauty and truth in it. And surprisingly, little (religious) preaching. (And no politics.) There are scattered biblical references and a pastor's wife, but the story speaks for itself without the typical heavy-handed protestant voiceovers.
I was moved by the obvious struggles of a parent to connect with their child, the experience of Alzheimer's and, of course, spousal abuse. I loved that Beck did not try to elaborate or embellish the struggle and horror. He didn't comment upon it. He just simply described the thing and let it speak for itself. I think it was more powerful that way. He offers no answers, but describes people in difficult situations trying to do the best they can.
This was way better than his last Christmas book (though it wasn't really about Christmas) because it was unexpected - both the topic and the handling of it. Points for packaging the book as a Christmas gift from a "known" author - it might get into the hands of women who need it but would never openly pick up a book on abuse. -
I wasn't 100 percent sure what to rate this book. The writing was very easy to read, easy to engage in. The storyline was good and I did enjoy it, but it seemed to be lacking something. So I think my overall rating would be 3.5 stars.
Na prvi pogled Rachel ima savršen život: Prekrasnu kuću, uspješnog muža i šarmantnu kćer. No, ispod te površine, stvari nisu tako lijepe. Rachelin muž je manipulativan i često pribjegava zlostavljanju Rachel, verbalno i fizički. Nakon što se udala njen muž uspio ju je izolirati od svih i izgubila je svaki kontakt s ocem. Rachel osjeća jedinu iskru neovisnosti kad se ponovo počinje rasplamsavati prijateljstvo s Maxom, starim krojačem koji joj je bio poput oca u njenim burnim teen godinama, kad je izgubila majku alkoholičarku i ostala sama.
Iako je ova knjiga o zlostavljanju, nema onih oštrih, tamnih, teških osjećaja. Drugim riječima, od samog početka, ima nade da će se Rachel moći osloboditi iz svog lošeg braka i ponovno izgraditi svoj život. Ona ima podršku od Maxa, koji je voli kao vlastitu kćer, također i njena dobra prijateljica, Sarah joj daje podršku, kao i njezina 11-godišnje kćerka, najveća utjeha i potpora da napokon skupi hrabrost i odluči ''da je sada dosta!'' Temelj cijele priče je očeva intenzivna ljubav, iako ona nije svjesna toga sve do kraja knjige.
Ja bih ju preporučila svakome tko ima člana obitelji s Alzheimerovom bolešću, ili dolazi iz disfunkcionalne obitelji, i / ili je u nasilnoj vezi. Knjiga je stvarno pogodila neke točke. -
A beautifully written novel about love, heartbreak and the decisions we make.
This novel is narrated by two people Mitch and Rachael. Mitch has Alzheimer's for him every day is a struggle to remember who he is and the ones he loves. Rachael was abused by her alcoholic mother while her dad did nothing. Now she finds herself in an abusive marriage and trying to keep it all together for her daughter. This novel puts you in the shoes of both Mitch and Rachael and why they made the decisions that they did. -
I read this book in one sitting, it is an uplifting story about how to stop to cycle of abuse. Having been in an abusive relationship I can relate to hearing that your ugly, worthless and never good enough. It's wonderful to see Rachel realize that these things are not true and it's helpful to see those realizations in my own life. Definitely a book that everyone should read.
Rachel Clark grew up with a dad who loved his wife despite some serious flaws and behaviors. Rachel’s mom treated her like trash. The little girl was anything but pretty according to Mom. Naturally, Mom was lying, but young Rachel heard only what she heard. “You’re ugly; you’re worthless; you’re stupid.” Mitch Clark was intent on just keeping his economic head above water. His work consumed his life and energy so much that he had neither the strength nor the will to combat the abuse his wife nonchalantly doled out on young Rachel. There was one magical exception to Mitch Clark’s apathy and exhaustion. There was one winter night when little Rachel Clark got to make snow angels with her dad. So perfect were the snow angels that Dad would carefully lift her up off the snow when one was completed so there would be no footprints near it. That one crystalline night, Rachel and Mitch crafted a veritable heavenly host of snow angels. Years later, when Rachel’s alcoholic mom wrapped her car around a tree as a result of one of her drunken stupors, Rachel is horrified to realize that she feels a certain amount of relief in the knowledge that her mother is dead. But all those years of Dad’s inaction have taken their toll on that relationship, too.
A few days after the funeral, she is walking near her home when an elderly man calls out to her. Max Wever operates a local tailor shop with his wife, Elena. Max offers teenaged Rachel a job, and she becomes a skilled seamstress in her own right.
Rachel met football star Cyrus Price at a school dance. He flattered her—told her she was beautiful and talented. No boy had ever done that. Max, Elena, and even Rachel’s dad, Mitch, saw Cyrus Price for what he was—a manipulative controlling young man who would lure Rachel into a relationship that almost certainly wouldn’t end well.
The two marry, and Lily is a mirror image of her mother when her mom was little. Cyrus Clark is clever enough to keep the abuse away from his daughter, and Rachel is willing to do whatever is necessary to stand between his physical and verbal abuse and the little girl.
This is a horrifying story of bruised faces, a broken wrist, and an insidious grinding down of a once-effervescent woman into an almost-drudge automaton who would be the glamorous wife in public and the punching bag back at the house.
When Cyrus leaves town for a week, Rachel gets an opportunity to be reunited with Max who had employed her years earlier. Max and Lily are introduced, and while the three work together on a project, the truth of Rachel’s abuse is revealed to young Lily.
But what of Mitch Clark? He, too, yearns for truth to be revealed. A stroke morphed into full-blown Alzheimer’s, and unbeknownst to Rachel, Mitch is in a care facility not far from her home.
The final scenes of this book are memorable indeed. The Alzheimer’s plays an integral part in the story, interestingly enough. There’s much more to this book than abuse and isolation. But nor is there an unrealistic happy ending. There is much here that speaks to second chances and the ability to discover new horizons and reach for new and clearer vistas. It is, in short, a Christmas story in so many ways.
Glenn Beck comes by whatever expertise is reflected in this story honestly. His alcoholic mother took her life when Glenn was young, and for a significant part of his life, he, too, was an alcoholic. Today, he worries out loud frequently about finding the balance between his work life and raising his adopted adolescent son. -
I've had this book sitting in a pile of holiday TBR titles for quite a long time, like years. I think I was a little hesitant to read it because I had some skepticism about its author, but I'm so glad I finally pulled it out and read it. This is not your typical feel-good Christmas tale. In fact, this is kind of a dark tale of multi-generational abuse and neglect, and yet it still had a hopeful and ultimately triumphant feeling. There are some very poignant moments that were written so tenderly that I must give the author credit. Not only is The Snow Angel a heartwarming tale of friendship, forgiveness, family ties, and Christmas spirit -- it also made me shed a tear or two. The reflections of the father with Alzheimer's on the times he got to spend with his daughter were written with such a poignance that I felt them, almost more than just reading them. After you read this book you have a more generous feeling for your neighbor and a desire to find ways to be of service to those around you -- as we never really know what burdens others carry.
Little boy and girl are tired of their parents being gone to work all the time. Then grandma tells them a story about when she was young and her father went off to war. She made him a snow angel and the love was stored in their hearts. They decide to do the same for mom and dad, but with paper since there was no snow.
I picked this book up a few weeks ago at the Scholastic Warehouse sale. It has been on the New York Times' Adult Best-Sellers List for several weeks. Yes, this is a book by conservative political commentator Glenn Beck. The book has nothing to do with politics, and there is not one political statement in the whole book. To be real honest, I don't care what your politics are, this is a book anybody could get something from. It is a very touching story!
The book is told in the first-person by the main character, Rachel. She was raised in an abusive home with an alcoholic mother. Her father didn't really do much to stop the abuse and just stood by as it happened. Her mother was more psychologically abusive then physical, but it was the psychological abuse that formed the foundation for Rachel's later mistakes. Rachel's mother died in a car crash while she was young, and she was raised by her father, Mitch. Mitch wasn't a good father, he just did not have the skills to help her daughter, doing the best with what he had. Rachel grows up and continues the cycle of abuse by marrying, Cyrus.
Twelve years have passed since Rachel was married. She has completely lost touch with her father, partly because of the relationship, and partly because of Cyrus. Mitch is suffering from Alzheimer's and is in a home. It is interesting how his story is included in the book. It is told in the third person and appears about every other chapter. Mitch's story collides with Rachel's narrative toward the end of the book.
Shortly after her marriage to Cyrus, Rachel lost touch with Max Wever, a local tailor who served as a mentor after Rachel lost her mother as a child. Cyrus told her that she was never to see him again. Rachel decides after years of being prevented from seeing Max that she no longer is going to follow the orders of her husband and secretly starts going to see him at his shop.
As the story develops we see Rachel slowly develop the courage to leave Cyrus aided by the support of her friend Max, her daughter Lily, and her friend Sarah. Beck really gets this element of the story right. People that are abused often try to rationalize and create excuses to stay in the situation they are in. You see Rachel do this even after Cyrus breaks her wrist. You really feel the tension that Rachel experiences in the book. She believes that the life of freedom she doesn't know is more risky than the life she does know. I'm going to stop here so I don't spoil the ending of the book.
I suspect Beck was able to tap into the reality of the abuse because of his personal experience. Beck was raised by an alcoholic mother who later committed suicide. In his earlier adult life he became an alcoholic and nearly brought himself to the same end. He entered into Alcoholics Anonymous in 1994 and turned his life around.
This is a powerful story. It caused me to get a little emotional at the end of it. You really feel for Rachel and want her to get out of the situation. The acts of love by friends to help her are pretty amazing.
There were two main reasons why this book falls short of five stars. First, Lily seems a little too mature for her age. I think her character should have been a couple years older. Second, there are times where Rachel seems to know a little too much about the other characters. Beck should have been a little more careful with writing it in the first-person.
The book is a Christmas novel and is intended to remind us about what the Christmas season is really about. The Snow Angel is a story of hope, redemption, starting over, and most importantly, love. It is a little religious, but it's not preachy or pushy. I think it's accessible to people of any religion, or none at all. -
I select a number of books to read during the holiday season and The Snow Angel was one of my favourites this year. It is worthy of 4 stars for both its feel good aspects during a feel good season but more importantly for the realistic aspects of abuse that were addressed in the story. The Snow Angel is guaranteed to educate anyone unfamiliar with abusers and their methods but despite the harsh topic honestly discussed, the book was uplifting.
The story deals with real issues and family situations. It is about an alcoholic mother who physically and emotionally abuses her daughter Rachel throughout her years at home. Mitch is the mother’s husband and Rachel’s father who works hard to support his family but is never really there for Rachel or at least not that she can remember. Rachel grows up alone with no feelings of self-worth. One bright light in her childhood are her neighbours, a tailor and his wife, who notice how much time she spends alone and reach to provide her with encouragement and opportunities. At the first opportunity Rachel leaves her parents at an unusually young age to marry. Unfortunately she chooses an abusive partner and allows the cycle of abuse to continue.
Rachel’s major joy and focus in her married adult life is her daughter Lily, who Rachel wants to protect and nurture and most importantly provide a much more loving life than she herself experienced. Rachel makes many poor decisions to stay in an abusive relationship for years not realizing the damage she is doing to herself and her daughter who looks up to her mom as a role model. Because her husband has isolated her from friends and family, as most abusers do, Rachel hasn’t thought that she had any choices or anywhere to go. Her husband has emotionally and psychologically denigrated her to the point that she doesn’t believe she is capable of making it on her own.
But Lily is Rachel’s rock. She tells her mom how terrific she is and asks frequently about meeting her grandfather, from whom Rachel is estranged.
With the help of her old neighbours, a new found friend and the love of her daughter, the pieces come together. Rachel finally realizes that staying in an abusive relationship hurts Lily whom she has always wanted to protect and whom she has hurt instead so Rachel decides to make a change and accept the offers of support from her new and old friends.
Before leaving, Rachel finds her estranged father and takes Lily to meet him. The father and daughter reunion is very poignant as Rachel, now an adult, and her father have a heart to heart talk.
The Stone Angel is a gut wrenching story. It is about family and forgiveness, about friendship, love, respect and courage. I was very touched by this story. It made me tear up and really illustrated how wrong our perceptions can be. It really pointed out to me how important communication is and the need to draw lines in the sand that should never be crossed.
The issues dealt with are real, raw and relevant. The Stone Angel is a wonderful seasonal or anytime read that offers hope for the future and for breaking the cycle for ourselves and the next generation. 4 stars. -
Rachel Price doesn't have many happy memories from her childhood. Her mother drank, and her father worked a lot to provide for his family. Her mother called her names made her feel small and unloved. Max and Elena, neighbors, offer young Rachel a job help them in the taylor shop they set up in their home. She spends many happy hours help them, escaping from the pain her mother inflicts with her words.
With her past history is it any wonder that Rachel meets and falls in love with a man that turns out to be as cruel and heartless as her mom. But now she has her daughter Lilly to think about. She tries so hard to make sure that Lilly is sheltered from the way her father truly is. Then a phone call from Max, whom Rachel hasn't seen since she married Cyrus, starts a chain of events that could change Rachel and Lilly's life forever.
Glenn Beck weaves a very good tale. Much different than The Christmas Sweater, but just as masterful told. Excellent holiday book! -
Really 3 1/2 stars. Not your typical sweet, feel good Christmas story. Rachel, a child of a dysfunctional, abusive home growns up to marry an abusive, controlling husband. The one person, Max, who has loved and nurtured Rachel through her difficult childhood sees Rachel's husband for the person he is and therefore her husband forbids Rachel to have any contact with Max. After the death of his beloved wife, Max asks Rachel to return to help him at his tailoring shop. In secret Rachel and her daughter Lilly help Max and Lilly finds the beloved grandfather figure she desires in Max. Through the help of Max and Rachel's friend Sara, Rachel finds the courage and strength to leave her husband and find a new start.
The story is also about Rachel's father who is in a nursing home lost in his memories of the daughter he didn''t protect and love as he should. In Rachel's recounting to Lilly of the few happy memories she had of her childhood, she seeks out her father and finds reconciliation. -
I probably should have given this book four stars but because I've heard "this story" so many times in real life as a counselor, frankly I was a little bored. I can state that the depiction of events rang true as far as they go. The syrupiness of the book is a little hard to swallow, when you know in real life the bad guy will probably kill the old man or something. Am I too jaded? Sorry for that.. The writing flows pretty well and I liked the character of the little girl. I related to Rachel's anger and later growing understanding of her father's limitations in spite of his genuine love for her. Pushed some buttons for sure. May be a good gift for someone struggling with abuse. Points for packing a lot into this small book and the Christmas marketing which may get it into the hands of more abuse victims. Favorite character-the preacher's wife.
This is a sad book. Rachel has had a rough life so far. It is too funny that when she was little she tried to make cookies and they were out of baking soda so she substituted baking powder. The cookies looked good but tasted bitter. When we were first married I was making blueberry muffins and I didn't know we were out of baking powder and I substituted baking soda. I figured they both make stuff rise so what was the difference. Well it does make a difference. They looked good but tasted nasty. We had to throw them all out. So now I know you can't substitute the two.
I really loved this book...It was sad but it helps you appreciate the special moments in a family and to treasure every day. -
Perfect Christmas reading! This story was so amazing, I had to stop several times and tell my family members. I thought at first, oh another sappy Christmas story.
But this one hits home, in way or another for everyone I am sure.
We alternate between 2 different people, Mitch who is an elderly man, obviously has Alzheimers, living in an assisted living facility.
Then we have Rachel who is married to Cyrus and has one daughter. Cyrus is a jerk. As you will find out.
What Mitch and Rachel have to do together, I will let you find out. It is a beautiful story of two humans through life, and a bunch of other messages .. too many to tell!
Just read it!!! -
I'm very pleased at how well Glenn beck goes from a man to a womans view point so beautifully. To me it shows that you can either keep a cycle going.... Or you can stop it in its tracks. About how love is given and how it is recieved by your actions. That its never to late. To make it right. Great holiday read!
Not my type of book--it was like a soap opera minus the steamy romance. Cast of characters include an alcoholic mom and an abusive father. While I feel bad for people who are born into troubled circumstances, I don't have the patience to read about drawn out dysfunctional families.
Maybe it gets better, but I could not get into this book. -
The main charector is an abuse house wife; that grew up in a home with an abusive, alcoholic mother. I have a hard time relating to adults that play the part of victims. Children have no choice but to take whatever is dealt to them. However; physically and mentally healthy adults get to choose what they're willing to live with. Maybe cold hearted, but true. I speak from experience.
I was disappointed because this was not a lifetime like story about a Christmas story. Not a nice cuddly book to read during the Christmas season but the realities of the book were a nice read. I am passing my book on because it teaches out the importance of being a good man.
“The Snow Angel” presents a heavy subject of marital abuse as the core theme, but it is also a heart-felt story of overcoming obstacles and finding the true joy of Christmas among the ruins of a marriage gone bad. This is a fast read, but a heartwarming one, none the less.
I found this story to be very well written. It was a compelling story of true love between parents and children. I found the parallel story telling of Mitch's and Rachel's stories to be very interesting. It was a great story about how true love can conquer no matter who that true love comes from.