NEW-The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition by Josh Kaufman

NEW-The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition
Title : NEW-The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 496

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NEW-The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary Edition Reviews

  • Percy Avendano G.

    Hace poco, leí un libro que prometía revelar los secretos del éxito empresarial "
    NEW-The Personal MBA 10th Anniversary EditionMBA PERSONAL". A medida que iba pasando las páginas, me di cuenta de que no era un libro de recetas milagrosas; era una guía para comprender la esencia de la experimentación, la relevancia de los sistemas y el valor inestimable de ayudar a otros.
    El libro empezaba poniendo en duda la idea de que las escuelas de negocios son las fábricas de personas exitosas. Me mostró que el éxito no es algo que se concede; es el fruto de un proceso constante de aprendizaje y práctica.

    Aprendí que para dominar una habilidad, debía involucrarme en ella, practicarla en contexto y nunca dejar de experimentar. La experimentación no es solo una forma de aprender; es una forma de vivir. Entendí que todo lo que quiero en la vida tiene un precio, y que incluso la inacción tiene su propio coste de oportunidad. Este concepto me hizo pensar en las decisiones que tomo cada día y cómo cada una de ellas me acerca o aleja de mis objetivos.

    El libro también resaltaba la creación de sistemas y procesos bien definidos. "Si no puedes describir lo que estás haciendo como un proceso, no sabes lo que estás haciendo", decía una de sus páginas más desafiantes. Esta frase resonó en mí, impulsándome a analizar y estructurar cada aspecto de mi negocio.

    A medida que avanzaba en la lectura, me encontré con la idea de que los negocios no son solo ciencia financiera; se trata de crear algo tan valioso que las personas estén dispuestas a pagar por ello. Y en este proceso, el cliente siempre debe ser el centro de la estrategia comercial. Un cliente satisfecho no solo es un reflejo de un trabajo bien hecho, sino también la mejor publicidad que cualquier empresa podría querer.

    Finalmente, el libro acababa con una reflexión sobre el arte de una vida excepcional: somos el promedio de las cinco personas con las que pasamos más tiempo. Esta idea me hizo evaluar mi círculo cercano y reconocer la influencia que tienen en mi vida y mis aspiraciones.

    En resumen, este libro no solo me dio lecciones valiosas sobre el mundo de los negocios, sino que también me ofreció una nueva perspectiva sobre cómo vivir una vida plena y satisfactoria. Ahora, con estas enseñanzas en mente, estoy listo para escribir mi propio capítulo de éxito.

  • Michael Daniel

    Good manual for business and life. Lots of info.

  • Yasser

    Josh Kaufman's "The Personal MBA: Master The Art of Business" is like an intellectual treasure trove. Just imagine, a labyrinth packed with shiny nuggets of business wisdom that you can handpick without the dreaded long hours of lecture halls and hefty student loans. Yes, that's right, Kaufman has distilled the essence of an MBA into a compelling and accessible book - offering you education on your terms.

    Kaufman doesn't just challenge the conventional paradigm of business education; he crushes it. He dismisses the myth that an MBA is a golden ticket to the business world by offering a down-to-earth and feasible alternative: self-education and practice in real time. It's audacious and revolutionary!

    Each page of Kaufman’s book radiates with insights that are worth their weight in gold. He unfolds complex business theories, principles, and concepts like a skilled magician pulling rabbits out of hats. Whether you're a rookie considering dipping your toes into the vast ocean of entrepreneurship, a seasoned professional, or an intrigued reader, Kaufman's found a way to make everything digestible and, dare I say, enjoyable.

    Ever wondered about the real roots of value creation? Kaufman zeroes in on this mystery, unfurling the secret: it's about solving your customer's problems. With this perspective, he uncovers a whole new world of designing stellar solutions that directly connect to customers' needs.

    But what makes Kaufman's “Personal MBA” truly magnificent is its pragmatism. Unlike some business books sealed in theoretical contemplation, Kaufman's masterpiece is brimming with real-world applications. Every concept, every idea, and every lesson in the book has a tangible, concrete, and immediate application. This is no encyclopedia, it's your secret toolkit.

    The vital take from Kaufman's book is its universality. It isn't a business manuscript reserved for necktie aficionados and stock market whiz kids; it's a vibrant conversation about how business works, elegantly and simply framed for everyone's understanding.

    In the dazzling world of business literature, "The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business" shines brightly. Throughout its pages, you find reassurance that you need not be weighed down by student debt to understand the world of commerce. It's worth your time and offers far more than a return on investment - it offers the empowering journey of self-education.

    So, whether you're a dreamer sketching plans for your startup on a napkin, a CEO seeking a fresh perspective, or just a curious mind eager to connect the dots of the business world, Kaufman's "The Personal MBA" is your trusty Swiss army knife, packed with invaluable tools and ready to travel on your entrepreneurial expedition. Enjoy the journey!

  • Elliott S

    Great introduction / general overview of foundational concepts. The plot gets old real fast, with each chapter/concept being ~1.25-2 pages, but the whole book is a great reference that deserves to be re-read and consolidated. One of the better contemporary business books I've read, but it at times echoes the same narratives as other resources that were published around its time. Cannot complain, a great entrepreneurial resource, even if it is not strictly technical.

  • Kevin Dufresne


    I hope all is progressing well.

    The Personal MBA (10th Anniversary Edition) by Josh Kaufman is like an amalgamation of research with an/ objective-philosophical underpinning(s) in relation to nearly, if not, all aspects of business (while respectfully acknowledging itself as more of a foundational approach than an end-all for learning [considering that one must continue self-educating respectfully] though offers valuable information that can assist one in a/ way(s) that can benefit one as much as, if not more, than processes of obtaining an MBA might). When browsing books at an Internom, I decide to buy then read the book due to my curiosity of the book title's meaning and how the information the book might contain might constitute such a title as objectively-relevant. If the text is justifiable as a source for one to follow in lieu of pursuing an MBA depends entirely upon an individual's approach with education and information (as well as other facets of one's life in connection to one's life choices, goal[s], objectives, intentions) (the book doesn't completely dismiss earning an MBA though clarifies a/ reason[s] one might benefit from having/obtaining an MBA, purposefully). I think the text offers valuable information that may greatly benefit one approaching business, even if not as an owner, if even only a part of a developing business—though, the advice can connect well other areas of life at large aside from business. I like the way the text integrates aspects of the human spectrum(s) in relation to business (considering a necessity for one to know one's self well). I think the text will be useful as a reference book especially due to its organization making finding a/ particular topic(s) easier. Additionally, the book explicitly states the information within it, so as not to be misleading, and there are offerings to other resources that may assist one with a/ particular topic(s) for one to further self-educate.

    Onward and Upward,
    Kevin Dufresne
    IG: @Dufreshest

  • Kristopher Schaal

    I wish I could give this one 4.5 stars. The only reason I wouldn't give it 5 stars is that it wasn't from a Christian perspective.

    The idea of The Personal MBA is that it's an MBA in a book. You can read this book (and some others the author recommends) and gain as much value as an expensive MBA program. I thought the author did a good job making that point. He also seemed to do an excellent job breaking down the various aspects of business in a short, easy-to-comprehend manner.

    I was fascinated by the chapter on finance. The chapter on personal management was pretty much the same content of What's Best Next but from a secular standpoint, so that was of limited value except to reiterate some of the lessons I had already learned. The chapters on systems were also fascinating to me, as I had never really thought very hard about that concept. The chapters on marketing and sales were blah. (I'm glad I don't have a marketing or sales job.)

    It seems like what the author excelled most at was terms. He bolds his terms and has a very helpful glossary in the back. You feel like you come away with a real education because you can "speak the lingo." It certainly isn't as interesting as a Heath bros. book because it lacks all the stories, but it is quick-hitting and punchy. Seems like a great introduction to all things business.

  • Alkhayyat Alaa

    الكتاب يتكلم عن خرافة الشهاده وان في الحياة العمليه يجب ان يكون الشخص ذا خبره وليس ذا شهاده واحنا احترنا بين الاثنين ويعلم القاريء كيف ان يتعلم ذاتيا ويطور نفسه وان هذه الشهادة مكلفه جدا مقارنه في الدورات الثانيه التي تكون اكثر فعاليه من هذه الشهاده...
    في النهاية هي وجهات نظر ما هو افضل وماهو احسن او اسوء يتركز علي البيئه المحيطه ومتطلبات العمل...
    من وجهة نظري التي لا أأمن فيها ان الشهاده مهمه كنوع من البرستيج الاجتماعي لكن في بيئة العمل الخبره افضل ودائما سوق العمل هو الذي يفرض شروطه.
    ففي بعض الوظائف يتم طلب موظفين من شهادات اجنبيه وليست محليه مع ان المحتمل الاكبر ان هذا الشخص يكون افضل بكثير من الشهاده الاجنبيه ومنجز افضل لكن يظل ان سوق العمل يفرض نفسه.
    في الوقت الحالي الي يفكر ان يتخصص يجب ان يفكر بما يتطلبه السوق الحالي فهناك الكثير من التخصصات تم الاستغناء عنها ودخلت تخصصات جديده مثل الذكاء الصناعي والامن السيبراني والتفاعل الطاقه وغيرها من التخصصات التي تكون اهم من الشهادات نفسها اي شخص لديه هذه المهارات في البرمجه ليس مهم الشهاده نفسها وهذا ما يتطلع اليه الكتاب كيف تكسب مهاره بدون اللجوء الي مفهوم الشهاده لكي تنجح...

  • Megan

    Excellent content. Packed a lot in, but it was definitely long! In the audible version I very much disliked the audio sound between every single switch in topic. That happened every few minutes and it was the same sound every time, which was annoying. Overall some great information in a single place.

  • Camille

    This book is a good starting point to whoever wants to learn a brief overview on how the business works.

    Definitely a nice past time read. This is not a technical book but it provides helpful terms that can be used in the corporate world.

  • B. Barceló

    Se trata de un libro muy interesante para tener como herramienta para cuando se necesita.
    He marcado un buen número de cosas y, de tanto en cuando vuelvo a él para ayudarme a pensar u organizarme.
    Buena compra.

  • Daniel Moss

    It's a business encyclopedia, let's get real.

  • Ivan Monroy Cadavid

    Un gran curso en pocas páginas. Muy recomendado.

  • Darya

    Solid book, no new concepts, just what one needs to be a productive part of business.

  • Alejandro Serna

    Al principio no me gustó su formato de "pequeñas" definiciones pero cada día le ví más utilidad, quisiera volver a leer algunos apartes de vez en cuando.