La novela policial. Un tratado filosófico by Siegfried Kracauer

La novela policial. Un tratado filosófico
Title : La novela policial. Un tratado filosófico
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 9501265773
ISBN-10 : 9789501265774
Language : Spanish; Castilian
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 168
Publication : First published January 1, 1979

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La novela policial. Un tratado filosófico Reviews

  • Katelis Viglas

    Old but very analytical and thoughtful study, influenced by the Frankfurt School (S. Kracauer was friend with Adorno and others from the School). Even if one would think that he exaggerates as regards the comparison of the detective novel with some streams of philosophical thought e.g. rationalism, idealism, nevertheless I think that the objective of the study is fulfilled. The main point is not the simple condemnation of the ratio, of which the absolute personification is the detective, but besides to show the analogies of different aspects of the aesthetic form of detective novel with a theology of zero. Even the common finale of this kind of novels, as related with a sentimentality which looks like kitsch, is revealed as a religious eschatology. Many aesthetical concepts, e.g. the irony, the humor, the tragic, and other philosophical ones are good articulated, as the writer reaches to a formalistic and partly essential approach, and a comprehensive critical interpretation. Although the sentences are very long, it is not difficult one to follow the argumetation, which flows effortlessly. I would recommend it as a very good example of such studies.

  • Jose Vera

    Dificil, esa es la única palabra que se me ocurre. Estamos ante un tratado filosófico (el propio título lo indica), como tal no deja de ser interesante, pero... yo no soy filósofo. Es un libro muy duro de entender, y tener en las manos el primer intento serio de análisis de la novela policial es (o puede ser), delicioso.

  • Christan Marsh Pierce

    Si a uno le gusta la filosofía detrás de una novela policíaca, este libro sería bueno leer. Kracauer analiza cada aspecto de una novela incluye los papeles del personaje, lo marginal y las esferas sociales. Me hizo releer algunos libros con una nueva perspectiva.