Million Dollar Habits: Practical, Proven, Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income by Brian Tracy

Million Dollar Habits: Practical, Proven, Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income
Title : Million Dollar Habits: Practical, Proven, Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1932156704
ISBN-10 : 9781932156706
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 250
Publication : First published January 1, 1999

A guide to winning habits in business shows readers how to set and achieve goals quickly, organize their life, manage time, increase income, and tap inner power reserves--all in the service of improved productivity.

Million Dollar Habits: Practical, Proven, Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income Reviews

  • Vaishali

    Just short of 5-stars, but only because I'm too familiar with Brian Tracy... the one author whose words no one can afford to miss. A practical refresher applicable to any phase of life.

    Notes :
    “If you want to increase the amount of money you are receiving, you must increase the value of what you are giving for the money.

    “Small differences in ability can translate into large differences in results.”

    “Here’s a rule : Until you get into the Top 10% of your field, you will never be really successful, and you will never be really happy… It is relatively easy to stay at the top of your field once you get there.”

    “Pay the price of success in advance… Pay even more of the price today, so you can enjoy more of the rewards tomorrow.”

    The Four “R”’s
    1. Restructure
    "Outsource everything except the 1 or 2 things you do especially well that customers are willing to pay for. Focus on developing new business."

    2. Re-engineer
    "Constantly look for ways to increase your efficiency and cut your costs. Reduce the amount of time if takes for you to produce a specific result."

    3. Re-invent
    "Imagine the entire business burned to the ground overnight. What would you start up immediately? Start up second? Not get into again?"

    4. Reorganize
    "Better use the resources of the company to increase the return on equity/time/money."

    “Be prepared to completely change what you were doing. Spend more time on higher value activities.”

    “Set posteriorities - stop doing things of low value.”

    “As a high achiever, you no longer think in terms of weeks and months. You think in terms of minutes and hours. And you make every minute count.”

    “Better, faster, cheaper, easier.”

    “Get results for which people will gladly pay.”

    “Long-time perspective sharpens short-time focus.”

    “Becoming a millionaire today has never been easier.’

    “Discipline yourself immediately.”

    “All long-term money is patient money.”

    “People who become financially independent are focused intently on increasing the length of time that they can enjoy their current lifestyle without ever working again.”

    “Casualness leads to casualties.”

    “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”

    “Your job is to consciously, clearly, definitely decide upon and develop the specific habits that can guarantee you higher levels of success, happiness, and achievement throughout your life.”

    “Everything you do is largely a habit of one kind or another.”

    “Be patient. Give yourself a year to develop a new habit.”

    “Before you can have more, you must first be more.”

    “Just as you can develop the habit of courage, you can develop virtually any other habit or discipline you need to accelerate your life and leverage your talents.”

    “Your job is to multiply yourself times other people’s ideas, other people’s knowledge, other people’s energies, and other people’s money. Everything else must be set aside and made secondary to your desire to live your life to the full and achieve everything that is possible.”

    “Your key question is always ‘How do I get the most out of myself?’ ”

    “Get more and more done with less and less time, and be paid more and more with less and less effort. This is the real key to success.”

    The Habits
    1. Continuous goal setting
    "Always think on paper… continually making lists of the things you want and the things you will have to do to achieve them."

    2. Time management
    "Successful people are simply those who do more things of higher value more of the time… every given moment."

    3. Thorough preparation
    "I have personally spent as much as 8 hours preparing for a 15 minute meeting, and it was worth every single minute of those 8 hours. Over prepare."

    4. Continuous learning
    "You learn a little bit at a time, at every opportunity. This is the only way your brain can absorb and retain information."

    5. Action-oriented
    "Move fast. Do it now. Do it immediately. The faster you move, the more you step on the accelerator on your own potential.'

    “Start work on the most valuable use of your time and stay at it single-mindedly until the task is complete. If you can do this, you can conquer the world. If you cannot, you will always have to work for someone else who can make you do it.”

    Keys to great success in life are explained by :
    - Acceleration
    - Leverage
    - Multiplication
    - Return on Energy
    - Economic/market value add
    - Return on investment

    3 Forms of IP that a person brings:
    (from “Intellectual Capital” by Thomas Stuart)
    1. Core competency
    2. Knowledge of company’s products, systems
    3. Network of contacts, especially customers and suppliers

    From John Kotter’s “Power and Influence Beyond Formal Authority” :
    “Power and influence did not come from having a position, and having subordinates whom you can give orders. True power and influence came from being able to call on people over you have no control at all.”

    “The more you give of yourself with no expectation of return, the more it will come back to you in the most unexpected ways.”

    “Everyone in your life is a customer in some way… if you don’t give them a minimal level of attention, satisfaction, and occasional moments of delight, you are going to have serious problems.”

    “The very best managers and companies treat the employees exactly the way they want the employees to treat the customers.”

    “The more you like yourself, the better you do.”

    “Everyone you meet has a sign around their neck that says ‘Make me feel important.’ ”

    Behaviors for Building High Performance in Others
    1. Acceptance of others…… Action: Smile
    2. Appreciation ……………… Action: Say thank you
    3. Admiration ……………….. Action: Recognize
    4. Approval ………………… Action: Praise
    5. Attention ………………… Action: Listen & question
    6. Agreeableness ………… Action: Let it go
    7. Positivity …………………. Action: Be optimistic

    "The person who asks questions has control."

    "Everything we do in life is either to protect our self-esteem or to enhance it."

    "Become an expert in relationship management. Imagine that relationships in life are flowers, and you are a gardener. Continually go through your garden of life collecting more flowers - more relationships - in everything you do."


  • Wayne Heinz

    Largely a regurgitation of the positive thinking/new thought woo, mixed with a grab bag helpful advice (goal setting, time management etc) that is so generally stated as to be worthless. The book is full of factual errors that make me doubt the veracity of any one claim. The worst section of the book is the chapter on staying healthy; much of the information is outdated and wrong.

    If the author were to cut out all the needless repetition, clichés and slogans only 10% of the book would remain. It is a good book for really pushing your speed reading speed.

  • Agnieszka

    Dałabym te 2 gwiazdki za parę fragmentów o relacjach międzyludzkich, ale potem koleś zaczął gadać, że jak jesz mniej po 14 to chudniesz czy coś i XD

    No i kultura zapierdolu, rozsadzało mnie od środka. 🤦‍♀️

  • Karolina

    sporo się powtarza, sporo wiedziałam, ale warto, kwintesencja istotnych reguł.

    Jedna z fajniejszych w tym temacie.

  • Ahmet Alpat

    Okumanın çok da gerekli olmadığı bir kişisel gelişim kitapları derlemesi olmuş. Yazar anlattıklarını tecrübelerini ve içgörülerini kendi sentezleyerek değil, 40 yıldır "kişisel gelişim" literatüründeki klasik jargonları derleyerek anlatmış. Kendini pazarlamak için yazmış diyebiliriz. Çok da bir numarası yok. Altını çizdiğim 5-6 cümle oldu ama.

  • CA Ram Melam

    A habit is whatever we repeatedly do. Eventually, it becomes a new habit. We can also say a conditioned response to stimuli.

    Therefore habit ingrains inherently in our mindset, and we practice it as a response to a certain time, space, and condition.

    The author very clearly explained with possible steps how personal transformation is essential to develop millionaire habits or million-dollar habits. In the first place, successful people have success habits, and unsuccessful have don't. But the good thing is we can change our habits if we are determined to change.

    One of the most important goals we all must have is developing our own character. We must be a self-made-man and develop the habits of personal excellence. All habits can be learned.

    Key learnings:
    1. 95% of everything you think, feel, and will be determined by your habits.
    2. Self-Esteem: How much you like yourself. Often say, "I love myself."
    3. What is the average number of times a person tries to achieve a new goal before giving up? --> Less than one time.
    4. Write your goal clearly, and it must be measurable and specific.
    5. Goals must be achievable within the timelines.
    6. Plan the action plan to achieve your goal.
    7. Identify obstacles and limitations.
    8. Do something to start moving towards your most important goal.
    9. Do at least ONE THING every day that moves you towards achieving your most important goal.
    10. If you can win complete mastery over yourself, you will easily master all else.
    11. To triumph over self is a perfect victory.
    12. Build an enormous financial fortress.
    13. Never trust luck.
    14. Make yourself valuable and then indispensable.
    15. The best skill one can learn: The skill of learning a new skill - Peter Drucker.
    16. You judge others you meet by your perception, not by who they are.
    17. You are where you are and what you are because of yourself.
    18. You are what you do.

  • Paulina Parzych

    Nic nowego, nic odkrywczego. Wszystkie poradniki zazwyczaj bazują na psychologii, wiec jeśli ktoś się ową interesuje, a jeśli jeszcze dodatkowo ma się trochę doświadczenia życiowego, to czytanie poradników jest po prostu strata czasu.

  • Cara

    I got this book because I heard the author speak at an online publishing seminar, and he said out of all the books he's written, this is his favorite. He related the story of one reader who was a truckdriver when he read the book. Because of what he read, he saved up to buy a truck so he could double his income. Over time, he kept buying more and more trucks until he owned a huge trucking company. Hell yeah!

    This book is totally that inspirational. It was just what I needed to read at this time in my life. I think the author's main point was that our lives are made up of our habits, so if we can change our habits (especially our habitual thinking), we can be and do anything we want. That is awesome, but the main things I got out of it were much simpler than that.

    1. Successful people think "What do I want? How can I get it?" a lot. They focus on that and think about it most of the time. Since you can choose what you think about, you can do that, too. And man, when you think about what you want and how to get it all the time, it's pretty damn inspiring.

    2. If you don't have enough self-confidence, two quick ways to build some are to do something to be proud of and to say to yourself, "I like myself." Easy and effective.

    The author also gives some advice that I don't necessarily agree with, such as work as hard as you can all the time so you can get ahead, and pinch every penny so you can become a millionaire. What's the point of becoming a millionaire if you're always pinching pennies? I'd rather have a lot less money but enjoy everything I've got.

    Overall, though, a very good book. It's gotten me thinking about what I want the most, my values, and who I want to be. If nothing else, that's been super inspiring, but I think it's also helped me do better.

    p. 134 continually re-evaluate the 7 Ps: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning, people.

    p. 238 Action exercise: How would you change your goals and actions if you could not fail?

  • Ana Maria

    I have listed to this book with the intent to learn more about millionaires habits.
    As an audio book, I found the peace of this book quite slow and I had to speed up the peace and listed it on 1.8-2.0.
    I liked how the book is structured and that is starts with the basics.
    My favorite part is was about the habits and how to build habits.
    I also liked that the author is giving examples, like the example if you start reading today 30-60 minutes per day it will add up to 1 book per week, which means approx. 50 books per year which is way above the average. The average for US is 1 book per person per year so if you read 50 books per year will take you to 500 books in 10 years and if you read books from your work field you will be the expert in your field, if you are the expert you will be better payed, better job and so on.
    The book focuses more on the inner work that happens inside of your head as you create habits. It is a book about positive thinking, law of attraction and self development.
    I think it is a very good book. It's gotten me thinking about what I want in life, what are my values, and who I want to be.

  • Lisa Woodruff

    Watch my full video review at - Available August 10, 2020

    In August 2020, I am reviewing books on habits. I share many of the habits I have built over years and the lessons I have learned as I have worked on this life skill. These are the books that have helped me develop better, more productive, more positive, more proactive habits.

    This week’s habit focused book review is for Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income by Brian Tracy. This book is a single source for all different kinds of information about habit change from all kinds of great teachers over the last 40 years. This book focuses more on the inner work that happens inside of your head as you create habits. Success is a lifelong journey, and I think this is a great book to guide you along the way!

  • Elias Thomase

    This book took me some time to read. when reading this book I learned a lot and had many takeaways. I have applied some of what Brian Tracy has recommended with Health, Emotional and Physical. I have recommended this book to others. I have felt convicted of my poor habits. I am now working every day to grow and better my everyday habits.

  • Ali

    Great book, include everything related to a lot of things about being a millionaire, but towards the end, it seems there are a lot of repeats of the previous chapter's ideas.

  • Vilma Nuñez

    Muy bueno ⚡️⚡️

  • szelma89

    Takie 3.8

  • _gosiabe

    niezwykle inspirująca książka, na pewno będę do niej wracac raz na jakiś czas! 🧡

  • berlinbyovernight

    Loved the part about prioritizing ur goals for the day.

  • Jung

    Find out how to become more successful.

    With 100 billion cells – each with up to 20,000 connections to other neurons – your brain is an incredible organ. You can likely think more thoughts than all the molecules in the universe. Your capability is endless. But in your lifetime, you’re unlikely to achieve anything close to your true potential. Why’s that? Well, you didn’t get the manual, and you’ve had to learn by intuition. The problem is, that’s just not good enough if you want to be successful.

    In this book of Brian Tracy’s Million Dollar Habits, you’ll learn exactly what it is that makes some people more successful than others – and what you need to do to be successful, too.

    First, though, you need to determine what success means to you. Tracy defines it as “the ability to live your life the way you want to do it.” 

    Although we’re all different, deep down, Tracy posits, we share four fundamental goals: a need to be fit and healthy, to have great relationships, to enjoy what we’re doing, and to achieve financial independence.

    Give yourself a quick audit in each of those areas, right now. Mark yourself between one (low) and ten (high) for each.

    How did you do?

    Regardless of where you’re at, we’re about to look at the habits you need to cultivate in order to improve those scores – the “million-dollar habits.” The good news is that anyone and everyone can learn these habits, including you.

    So let’s get those brain cells fired up and learning.


    Reprogram yourself for success.

    Humans have a problem. We’ve all developed our own unique self-concept that acts as the main program of our subconscious. We’ve recorded everything that’s ever happened to us, every feeling we’ve ever had, and every emotion we’ve ever felt. All of these influence how we behave. This self-concept we’ve created determines our effectiveness and performance.

    In each area of your life, you have a mini self-concept. Unfortunately, once you’ve developed that, you always behave in accordance with it. So although you have the potential to be, for instance, a great linguist, if your self-concept is telling you you’re terrible at languages, you’re likely never going to become the multilinguist you crave to be.

    Your mini self-concept holds you back. If you truly want to achieve more in a particular area, the key is to increase your mini self-concept in that area. But how exactly can you do that?

    Well, you need to reprogram yourself by examining three parts of your self-concept – your self-ideal, your self-image, and your self-esteem.

    Your self-ideal is the ideal image you have of your best self. It’s a combination of your hopes and dreams together with the qualities and virtues you wish you had. High performers have a clear picture of who they want to be. When you’ve developed your own positive self-ideal you move faster toward becoming that person.

    How you see yourself on the inside – your self-image – affects how you perform outside. Positive and productive inside equals positive and productive outside. If you see yourself as unpopular or insecure, your outside persona will reflect the same. To overcome any negative self-image aspects, fill your mind with positive images of yourself performing at your very best, and hold them there. Then relax. When you have to perform later, your subconscious will remember!

    Finally, your self-esteem is the emotional component of your self-concept and perhaps the most important part – it’s how much you like yourself. Your whole life revolves around it. Every positive experience raises it, and every negative experience lowers it. The gap between your self-ideal and your self-image also affects it. When your current performance is consistent with your ideal, your self-esteem goes up. When it’s inconsistent, it drops. Having a very clear self-ideal improves your performance, makes your performance closer to your ideal, and, as a result, boosts your self-esteem. Even something simple like repeating “I like myself!” boosts your self-esteem immeasurably. Never underestimate the power of words. Try it! You’ll soon feel more confident and happier with yourself.

    Why do you need to do this at all? Having higher self-esteem helps you develop the million-dollar habits that you’ll need to release your full potential. Change your self-concept, and you’ll change your reality.

    In the next sections, we’ll look at the four fundamental goals we discussed in the intro – starting with the habits you need to become fit and healthy.


    How to stay fit and healthy

    There’s no doubt about it – life expectancy is on the up and up. Many people now live into their 90s and even 100s. Your goal should be to do the same. So, what are the best ways to achieve this?

    First, choose to be fit and healthy. That means maintaining your proper weight. If you’re overweight, that’s your choice. You’re the one who chooses to eat; nobody makes you do it. There are many diets out there to help, but they all boil down to five words: “Eat less and exercise more.” It’ll take you time to shed your “little bit extra.” But set and write down a goal. Figure out what you need to do to meet your goal. Then work on it until you achieve it.

    Second, eat properly. Balance your diet and eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water, too. Eliminate or minimize the “three poisons” – salt, sugar, and flour. The timing of when you eat is also important. Eating only 20 percent of your calories after 2:00 p.m. will help you lose weight. Conversely, eating 60 to 80 percent after 2:00 p.m. will ensure you gain it! Remember the advice of diet guru Adelle Davis: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”

    Third, exercise. Articulate every joint in your body, every day. Exercise for 200 minutes every week – even going for a walk for 30 minutes every day will make you one of the fittest people around. And if you don’t like exercise? Suck it up! You need to do this to be fit and healthy.

    Fourth, look after yourself. Get six or seven hours of sleep per night. Going to bed by 10:00 p.m. will do you a world of good, and increasing the number of hours you sleep will make you feel clearer, more alert, creative, and intelligent. And when it comes to days off, take 120 days at a minimum each year. Impossible, you say? Well, just making sure you take every weekend off gives you 104 for starters. Adding in public holidays gives even more. And then you have your holidays on top.

    Fifth, brush and floss your teeth twice per day. Bathe or shower regularly, and keep your fingernails clean. Remember to get both physical and dental checkups to detect problems early.

    Sixth, remember these things: Buckle up in the car, and insist your passengers do, too. Practice moderation in everything you do. Be optimistic – always. And take 30 to 60 minutes every day for solitude and meditation.

    Finally, make “peace of mind” your most important goal. Only do what feels right and natural to you.

    Got all that down? Let’s move on to your relationships.


    How to have great relationships

    Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, said that humans are social animals. Sidney M. Jourard, psychologist and author of Healthy Personality, confirms it – as much as 85 percent of your happiness will come from your relationships. So it makes sense to develop good habits to create great relationships, doesn’t it? Here are some things you can do to achieve that.

    First, develop acceptance. Everyone wants to be accepted unconditionally. If you’re able to make everyone you meet feel valuable and important, you satisfy that need – and not only that, but you’ll also be welcomed. A simple smile goes a long way when you meet someone.

    Second, work on raising self-esteem – not just yours but that of others, too. How? Start each day by being thankful for the good things in your life. Appreciate being alive, your family and friends, and your good health. And say “thank you” whenever you can. Each time you do, you not only raise the self-esteem of the recipient but your own, too.

    Then, compliment people on their traits, their looks, their qualities, their possessions, and so on. And extend that to their children and spouses. Give praise and approval whenever you can. Do it immediately, and be specific about what it is you’re praising. You’ll make people feel valuable and respected.

    And finally, listen. Unfortunately, most people aren’t good listeners. But here are a few pointers to help you develop your skills.

    First, always listen attentively – focus on the other person’s eyes and mouth. Second, make sure you pause before replying; three to five seconds should suffice. This ensures you don’t interrupt. And it also shows you’re considering what the other person said before replying. Actually, you’ll also have heard what the other person said at a much deeper level. Next, ask clarifying questions to make sure you’ve fully understood what the other person said. And finally, repeat back what the person said in your own words.

    Develop these habits at home and at work, and you’re sure to be rewarded with great relationships.


    How to do what you love

    With your well-being and relationships sorted, it’s time to look at doing the things you love – specifically at work.

    You have almost limitless opportunities available for work. In the US alone there are over 200,000 different jobs – so think about what you’d love to do, and don’t just accept the first job that comes along. Think about the types of jobs available, and try to find something that’s easy for you to learn and do. That’s the job where you’ll perform best and probably where you can earn the most money. Keep evaluating that choice throughout your career.

    In their lives, some people are extraordinary achievers – they earn more money; have great families, friends, and relationships; stay fitter and healthier; and live longer and happier lives. The vast majority of people achieve very little. Your goal should be to become one of the high achievers.

    The only difference between high and low achievers is their habits. So if you want to be a high performer, develop the right habits.

    First, work hard in order to turn yourself into the person you want to be. Your past habits don’t matter one bit. Forget your past experiences, and decide that your future will be different.

    Second, start strategically planning your life. Your goal is to become the best possible you in all aspects.

    Third, set yourself clear long-term goals, assess where you are now and where you want to be at a particular date in the future, and map out how you’re going to get there in the time you have available. Your goal must be clear, but remain flexible about how you can achieve it.

    And fourth, set yourself daily goals. Write down what you want to achieve in a notebook – not on your phone, tablet, or computer. The simple act of writing enforces your desire to achieve those goals. The best time to do this is actually the night before – if you do that, your subconscious mind works on the list. Then make sure to prioritize what’s on your list. Start this habit today, and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll have achieved just 30 days from now.

    And how can you become more productive? Start by concentrating on your strengths. Do more of the things you’re good at. The better you get at those tasks, the faster you’ll get them done, too. You can get there by working harder and longer – start early, stay late, be focused, and keep busy all day. And work smarter – prepare for everything, whether that’s for meetings or interviews, or for something inside or outside of work. It may take up some of your time now, but it will save you time down the line. One thing you can’t do is overprepare!

    And here’s a last bit of advice about work: dress like you’re going somewhere in life – first impressions really do count. Think about how you look when you turn up at work in the morning – what does your appearance say about you? And what would someone looking at your workspace think about the person who works there? How could you change your appearance or your workspace so that people think of you in a positive light?


    How to become financially independent

    You know the old saying, If you take care of the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves? It’s absolutely true – and it’s also true that most self-made millionaires are incredibly frugal. They won’t buy something new if they can get it secondhand. They won’t buy at all if they can rent. And why would they rent if they can borrow what they need?

    So if you want to become a millionaire, you need to think and act like a millionaire. Let’s take a look at some of the other habits that make them tick.

    First of all, they save and invest regularly. You should do the same. Set an amount you can afford – at least 10 percent of your income – and stick to it. Even if you think you can’t, you’ll soon adapt to living without that 10 percent. And if you can’t afford that right now, start smaller and build up. Never draw on that money. Over time, build that up to 20 percent.

    If you get unexpected money, add that to your savings, too. If you sell something, get a bonus, or receive a tax refund, do the same.

    When we’re kids, we often learn bad money habits. We associate spending money with pleasure and saving as a form of punishment because it deprives us of what we desire. And this is reflected in adulthood, too – we often spend the money we earn as quickly as possible. Most people who become financially independent have reversed that thinking and get pleasure from saving and investing.

    Tracy also advocates what he calls the “Wedge Theory.” He says it will get you to financial independence more quickly. What usually happens as people earn more money is that their expenses grow. Using the Wedge Theory, every time you get a pay raise you should aim to save 50 percent of the increase. You can spend the other 50 percent – but commit to the saving. If you do this, depending on the age you start, you’ll soon accumulate a large sum and reach financial independence faster.

    And the other habits of millionaires?

    Always get good financial advice before doing anything with your savings. Pick a financial advisor who’s financially successful because they likely also invest in the areas they’re recommending to you.

    Investigate before you invest. Move slowly, and check every detail of the potential investment. Never allow anyone to pressure you into making a decision.

    Insure against risk. What would be the worst thing that could happen? Determine that – and then take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen. You shouldn’t rely on luck or hope. Instead, plan, organize, and insure. Get life insurance for your family. Insure your home against fire and damage. Add liability insurance for your car. And always make sure you have good health insurance, too.

    A final word of advice on becoming financially independent: get rich slowly. Most fortunes are built on the concept of compound interest. As your money accumulates, it grows even more. Thomas Stanley and William Danko, the authors of The Millionaire Next Door, say it takes 22 years for most millionaires to make their first million from the time they become serious about their financial lives. They save, and they save some more. They invest carefully and selectively. Their wealth grows and compounds. 

    If you want to be financially independent, you have to develop the same savvy habits as millionaires.


    If you want to be fit and healthy, have great relationships, enjoy what you’re doing, and become financially independent, just follow the advice set out in this book!

    Of course, Brian Tracy offers much more advice about the habits you need to cultivate than we could possibly hope to cover in a few minutes. But one thing is for certain: everything is up to you.

    You may be a product of past choices, decisions, and actions, but your future will be determined by the choices, decisions, and actions you make from now on. To be the future you you want to become depends on getting those right – and developing the million-dollar habits to get you there.

  • kajoolia

    It’s definitely not a step by step guide on how to get your millions, but it’s a nice knowledge base on how to build your life and succeed in it. It would be great to have it in a school program. Main thing of this book that occurs to me is to think positively, and you will achieve anything. Nice advise :)

  • Yor

    Lo que hacemos o no hacemos es resultado de nuestros hábitos, sin embargo no siempre somos conscientes de que hábitos y actitudes mostramos, muchas veces nuestros deseos de superación son contrarios a los hábitos que se han formado a lo largo de nuestras vidas.

    Este libro es una gran oportunidad de enfrentar el crecimiento de carrera, negocios y emprendimiento iniciando por elaborar una lista de hábitos nuevos, hábitos de riqueza, prosperidad material y personal.

    Me gustó mucho el libro, muchos ejemplos de situaciones y descripción corta sobre los hábitos que los estudios indican cómo un denominador común entre todas aquellas personas que han logrado una fortuna en su primera generación.

  • Anna Wiktoria

    Tu się ma odczucia od 1 do 5 przez całą książkę.

    Z jednej strony to zbiór truizmów - z drugiej przedstawione w motywujący sposób.
    Z jednej strony dobry przegląd pomocnych reguł - z drugiej żadna nie opisana szczegółowo, a niektóre są przeterminowane (rozdział o zdrowiu powinien zniknąć ).
    Z jednej strony pełno stereotypów - z drugiej, są one nazwane naukową terminologią i tak przekazane, że klaruje się w głowie kiedy to stereotyp, a kiedy prawda.
    Z jednej strony opisy robiących wrażenie sukcesów - z drugiej odkrycie, że to tak naprawdę kultura zapierdolu (gdybym nie miała co robić, przeczytałabym jeszcze raz żeby udowodnić, że wg tej książki doba ma 30h, a 4h snu pozwolą się wyspać).

    I takie to wahadełko wartości i bezwartości.

  • Arjun Nayak

    Never give up. Be good. And don't read this book.

  • Zarine Ahmed

    Same old things