Title | : | The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0785288066 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780785288060 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 240 |
Publication | : | First published August 1, 1988 |
The purpose of this book is to give you a series of ideas, methods, strategies, and techniques that you can use immediately to make more sales, faster and easier than ever before.
It’s a promise of prosperity that sales guru Brian Tracy has seen fulfilled again and again. More sales people have become millionaires as a result of listening to and applying his ideas than from any other sales training process ever developed.
The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible Reviews
This book is both great and a farce at the same time.
Let me explain myself.
The book is filled with explanations on how to be a better salesperson, but these references and explanations are almost from a meta psychical standpoint.
The explanations come from experience, as the author says, but it's not hard to imagine that these explanations are only given to get readers and potential sales people excited and nothing more.
Many of the explanations and ideas sound true, but lack greatly in the sense of scientifically truth. You wouldn't be able to prove most of the statements in this book.
Moreover, what made me be extremely cautious of EVERYTHING. explained in the book is the fact that I found many of the so importantly quoted "experiments" or '"test" to be false. These experiments and studies did not take place and are purely invented of myths altogether.
This leads me to think, if these examples are not true, then what else is not?
A perfect example is the "people who write down their goals achieve them 90% more often that people who don't". This is a myth, there has been no study whatsoever proving this to be right.
Yet the author uses the same example over and over as if it was the secret to sell millions.
I leave the rest to your own judgement. -
Just when you thought he couldn't get better, he does. Brian Tracy's words simply cannot be missed, no matter who you are or what you do. Selling strategies couldn’t be listed here; please read the book!
"The most successful organizations in the world are all superb selling organizations.They recognize they have certain products, but they rise or fall depending on the quality of their sales efforts."
"There’s a direct relationship between your self-concept, and the performance of your effectiveness in every area of your life. Each one of us has a self-concept, and … always performs in a manner consistent with it."
"Once you know you are successful at selling, you can go anywhere in the world and write your own ticket."
"We cannot earn in the outside world what we cannot in our own minds. We must achieve it in our minds before we achieve it in our realities. This is just a fact of life."
"We must become more confident and skilled in a new area."
"How much you like yourself is the key determinant in how you perform in everything you do. The more you like yourself, the less you fear rejection."
Fact: 80% of sales are closed after the 5th request to buy.
Only 10% of salespeople make 5 requests
"If you become a perpetual self-esteem generating organism, that alone will contribute to your income more than any other thing."
"All successful sales are based on one factor: friendship."
"A person will not buy from you until they are genuinely convinced that you are their friend and acting in their best interest."
"You have a healthy personality to the degree to which you can get along with the greatest number of types of different people."
"The person who really likes himself has the greatest facility for making friends wherever they go."
"When you are really down with yourself, you can only get along with very few people, and then only those of average temperament."
"The very best salespeople have the natural ability to make friends easily with prospective customers."
"A sale is a transfer of enthusiasm… a transfer of your emotional commitment and belief in that product."
"We back our sales efforts with will power and determination."
"The reason why so many people fail is that they do not stay at it long enough and hard enough to get those first few winning experiences that raise their self-esteem and self-concept that set them off to a successful career in selling."
"No matter what happens, say to yourself 'I will never, ever, ever give up. I will never stop pushing. Nothing is going to make me stop until I am successful.' Making that decision alone causes your self-esteem to go up. "
Psychological Make-up of the Superior Salesperson
1. High levels self-confidence/esteem
2. Accepts 100% responsibility for their results
3. Above-average ambition and desire to sell
4. Empathy
5. Intensely goal-oriented
6. Belief in themselves, their product, their company, and the value their giving to the customer
7. Honesty
8. Turns strangers into friends
"Winners work damn hard. Winners are absolutely determined to win, and are willing to pay the price."
"Average salespeople look at a prospect as a one-time ask; top professionals look at each customer as if they will be doing business with them for the next 20 years."
"Empathy: we care about our customers and would never sell them something that wasn’t good for them."
"Superior salespeople like goals: They know what they will earn each quarter, each day, each year. They know how many calls they’re going to make, and what they’re going to do with the money."
"Money doesn’t come quickly or easily. It comes only with persistent work continuously over an extended period of time."
"If you cannot put your whole heart into selling, you will never be successful."
. -
This is a really good sales book whether you are new to sales or a veteran, it's stuffed full of wisdom and nuggets of gold.
Amazing book! Tracy helped me embrace the fact that I am a salesman, and to not be ashamed of it. He gives great pointers on how we can be in the top 1%, which I have implemented and found great success in doing so. I think that every salesman should read this book!
در کل برای یه دید کلی و شروع بد نیست ولی خیلی جاها توصیه های گاها اشتباهی رو به خواننده القا میکنه
مثلا بسیار تاکید بر عمده فروشی به جای خرده فروشی داره که در دنیا امروز اکثرا به این نتیجه رسیدن که پوشش بیشتر و داشتن مشتری بیشتر بهتر از چندتا مشتری گنده هستش. متاسفانه این قانون 20 - 80 زیادی ازش سواستقاده میشه تو این کتاب.
یا یه جا دیگه میگه که با کاهش سود، فروش بیشتری رو داشته باشین. این جمله خیلی داغونه تو بحثهای اقتصادی. چون بسته به کالا و منحنی تقاضای آن، کشش محصول در بازار و جایگزینهای احتمالی محصول و ... این حرف میتونه درست یا غلط باشه و نمیشه به صورت یک قانون کلی اون رو نگاه کرد.
کتاب خیلی سیاه یا سفید قضیه رو نگاه میکنه که توی دنیای واقعی به هیچ وجه به این شکل نیست.
این کتاب بیشتر برای تحریک افراد فروشنده هستش که فروش بهتری داشته باشند و خیلی جاها این انگیزش رو ایجاد میکنه.
به عنوان یه کتاب انگیزشی بد نیست ولی اصلا به عنوان یه منبع علمی مقداری باید با شک و تردید آن را خواند. -
Brian Tracy nailed it in this book! No matter how good you are at sales there's something to be learned from his material. Actually even if you're not in sales you should still read this book because there's various aspects of it that can be applied in everyday life as well. What I liked most about The Psychology of Selling is how Brian Tracy present specific techniques you can instantly apply, there's very few filler content here and most of the things you can directly apply. Highly recommended reading, especially if you're in sales or marketing!
Mundane stuff. Top producers earn way more than the rest. 80/20. Winning edge. Need the foundation.
blah blah blah. saying some points but seldom teaching how. For Eg, you need enthusiasm, you need to be different from others but how? any tips?
A couple of outdated or wrong info: You don't close a insurance deal on the first session because you need to go back, gather info and come back again. outdated.
Brian Tracy's books are mostly informational but have little stories or examples. -
This book was the first sales book I’ve read. I liked the combination of sales tips, self improvement and psychology. The way he at the end of each chapters concludes everything made it easier to remember and digest what the chapter was about. Overall a great book and tips to get started with immediately.
Work hard. Be the best. Ok Brian Tracy.
I started a new job in sales and marketing a few months ago and for a beginner in this field, this is exactly the kind of book and content that I needed to kick start me. The book focuses on sales, persuasion and the psychology that consumers have. It focused a lot on psychology with testimonials included. Would recommend for any beginner as well as anyone else in this field seeking some simple and straightforward knowledge.
same stuff that i am doing for some years
wish i read it earlier
would have learned from it instead of experience -
first, no one is born with these qualities. second, all of these qualities are learnable through PRACTICE
8 enseñanzas esenciales para vender más:
-Escucha atentamente. Los prospectos no quieren oírte, quieren hablar.
-Emociona. Crea imágenes en la mente del cliente para que se visualice disfrutando los beneficios de tu producto/servicio.
-Recuerda que la gente no compra características, sino soluciones.
-Haz demostraciones.
-Quien pregunta tiene el control. El ser humano está programado para contestar siempre.
-Háblale al prospecto como si ya hubiese comprado.
-"No puedes volar con las águilas si sigues jugando con los pavos".
-Ponte metas altas. Vístete, habla y actúa como si ya fueses uno de los mejores vendedores del mundo. Trata de cerrar peces gordos. -
كتاب جيد عن البيع من براين ترايسي ، تكلم فيه عن مختلف مراحل عمليات البيع بشكل شيق ، أنصح من يقرأه أن لا يكتفي بمجرد القراءة الأولى حتي يحصل على الاستفادة الكاملة من الكتاب -
Self development... Which means for me pure bullshit
When I catch someone at the store pushing a cart with 10 cases of Mountain Dew and 5 grips of whiskey I slide into my Ozark accent and say, “You know what we call this is Missourah? A good start.” That is how I feel about this toothless bear. It was a good start but it will require much more research on topics like neural linguistic programming because while he mentioned good topics he never cited research or gave other authors to explore. In my humble opinion the best books are first of by authors who have been censored in the last two years for daring to question the insane medical industrial complex tyranny, and offer a lifetime of reading in resources. He did peak my interest though in a few areas so hopefully I can use my psychic fifth element to discover a good author on said topics.
Libro con información de oro!
Intenté reducir los párrafos que resaltaba pero era inevitable ya que encontré tantas ideas útiles para mejorar en las ventas que no podía dejar de hacerlo.
Ahora toca mi parte de aplicar este conocimiento! Vamos con todo.
Totalmente recomendado. -
Chapter 1: The Inner Game of Selling
Bez prodaje nema ni firme. Bez firme nema ni radnika. Ovo sam pokušavao objasniti u firmi gdje sam radio prije nego sam pokrenuo svoj vlastiti posao. Uvijek sam im pokušavao govoriti koliko su prodavači bitni i kako ih treba stimulirati pa i nadzirati da rade dobro. Jer bez njih svi iz ureda smo mogli ići kući. Ako oni ne prodaju, mi nemamo za plaću.
“Small differences in ability can lead to enormous differences in results.” - ovo je nešto što stalno pokušavam raditi. Svaki dan unaprijediti bar malo svoju prodajnu priču ili bilo koji drugi čimbenik koji može utjecati na prodaju.
KRA - key result areas
Building rapport
Identifying needs
Answering objections
Closing the sale
Getting resales and referrals
Ako sebe vidimo kao osobu koja ima plaću 1000KM ili vrijedi toliko, uvijek ćemo biti ta osoba. Naše misli i djelovanja se nekako poslože da nas život odvuče tome. Iako nam za život treba više od 1000KM. Takve primjere sam u životu često upoznao. Ljudi koji su mojih godina i sličnog obrazovanja su imali plaću veću i do 5 puta od moje. I ako bi promijenili firmu i tamo bi opet imali istu takvu visoku plaću. Baš zbog ovoga. Jer su oni sami sebi rekli koliko vrijede i na taj način su pristupali razgovorima za posao. Vjerojatno bi se grohotom nasmijali na ponudu plaće od 1000KM, ako bi im itko imao hrabrosti to ponuditi. Eto kakav su imidž stvorili. Stvorili su brend od sebe. Uspjeli su uvjeriti druge da vrijede više tako što su prvo sebe uvjerili.
Uspješna osoba ima uspješne misli. Treba razmišljati pozitivno i tepati si - “Ja sam najbolji. Ja sam najbolji. Ja sam najbolji.” jer nekako magično šta god sebi govorimo i ponavljamo ulazi u podsvijest i takvi postajemo.
Chapter 2: Set and Achieve All Your Sales Goals
Još jedna od knjiga gdje se spominje važnost postavljanja ciljeva.
Annual income goal - Postaviti sebi pitanje koliko želimo zarađivati? Uzeti najbolju godinu koju smo imali i dodati na to 25 do 50% više kao cilj
Annual sales goals - Koliko ću morati prodati da bih došao do cilja zarade koji sam si postavio?
Monthly and weekly goals - Prethodne dvije stavke podijeli na mjesečne i tjedne ciljeve
Daily sales goals - Dođi do dnevnog broja prodaja
Activity goals - Kada dođem do svih brojeva koje trebam, napraviti listu aktivnosti koje će me dovesti do tih ciljeva
Personal and family goals - zašto radiš to što radiš? Ovo će mi pomoći da se još dodatno motiviram.
Autor savjetuje zapisivanje 100 ciljeva u životu. Kada ih zapišemo na papir onda ih možemo i vizualizirati tj. doživjeti stvarnije. To sam već krenuo pisati nakon što sam završio čitanje ovog poglavlja.
Chapter 3: Why People Buy
Dva glavna razloga zašto ljudi kupuju su želja da se nešto dobije i strah da se nešto izgubi. Ovo je briljantno rečeno. Želja da se nešto dobije ima snagu 1.0 a strah da se nešto izgubi čak 2.5. Zato je uvijek bolje ići na kartu straha kada ja to moguće.
Primarne potrebe kupca su:
Da bude voljen
Status i prestiž
Zdravlje i fitnes
Pohvale i priznanje
Moć, utjecaj i popularnost
Voditi u branši
Ljubav i društvo
Osobni razvoj
Osobna transformacija
Povećanje željom da se nešto dobije, smanjivanjem straha da se nešto izgubi i naglašavanjem ultimativne potrebe kupca prodati ćete više i zadovoljiti više kupaca.
Chapter 4: Creative Selling
Tri najvažnija pitanja za bolju pripremu prodaje:
What are the 10 most attractive features of your product?
What specific needs of your prospective customer does your product satisfy?
What does your company offer that other companies don’t?
Specialization - Determine exactly what your product does for your customers. Be a specialist instead of a generalist.
Differentiation - In what areas are your products better than 90% of similar goods or services on the market.
Segmentation - Which customers can most benefit from what you do better than anyone else.
Concentration - Set clear priorities and concentrate single-mindedly on prospects who represent only the very best potential as a customer.
Ako brainstormaš 250 ideja dnevno, bit ćeš najkreativniji i uspješniji u svom poslu.
Chapter 5: Getting More Appointments
Najvažnije pravilo u prodaji? Provoditi više vremena s potencijalnim kupcima.
Telefonski imamo 30ak sekundi da zaokupimo pažnju kupca. Iskoristiti ih mudro bez da smo napasni.
Jedna od boljih rečenica koje možemo reći ako nas klijent odbija je otprilike ovako “To je u redu. Mnogi su naši klijenti imalo takvo mišljenje u početku, a sada su postali naši najbolji partneri koji nas preporučuju svojim prijateljima.” Odmah klijent počne pažljivije slušati što imamo za reći.
Chapter 6: The Power of Suggestion
Smiren, pun samopuzdanja i opušten - ovo su odlike najboljeg prodavača.
Autorovi savjeti kako se unaprijediti:
Dress for success
Practice your presentation
Upgrade your office
Work from a clean desk
Double your productivity
Chapter 7: Making the Sale
Ljudi ne vole da im se prodaju. Automatski imaju negativan stav. Ispod su dva načina kako preći preko toga.
The approach close - This close gets the prospect to agree to making a decision after you’ve made your presentation. Instead of letting your prospect say, “Let me think about it,” or “I need to talk it over,” and that being the end of it, reply, “Relax, I’m not trying to sell you anything right now. That’s not the purpose of my visit.” Then continue, “All I ask is that you look at what I have to show you with an open mind, determine if it applies to your situation, and tell me at the end of our conversation if this product makes sense.”
The demonstration close - You can use this technique early in the sales conversation. Open with, “I could show you the best [product/service] on the market today, are you in the position to invest [price] right now?” The focus of the conversation is instantly shifted from, “Will you listen to me?” to “How much can you invest if I can hold up my end of the bargain?”
Vrste kupaca:
The apathetic buyer - Instead of trying to change this buyer’s mind, save yourself the time and move on to someone more likely to buy.
The self-actualizing buyer - They know exactly what they want. Make the most of these unicorn prospects and don’t try to talk them into anything they haven’t already set their hearts on.
The analytical buyer - This buyer is self-contained and task-oriented. Slow down and be exact with these prospects. Be able to prove -- on paper -- everything you say, and be precise with each benefit to make it easier for them to buy.
The relater buyer - This is a relationship-oriented buyer. They gravitate toward “helping” professions and like to be liked. To make the sale, focus on other happy customers, build a relationship, and don’t rush them.
The driver buyer - These buyers are direct, impatient, and concise. Get straight to the point with these buyers, because they’re busy and preoccupied.
The socialized buyer - This type of prospect is achievement-oriented. As soon as you reach an agreement, put it on paper and get a copy to them immediately.
Saznaj vrstu kupca s kojim imaš sastanak i prilagodi razgovor.
Chapter 8: 10 Keys to Success in Selling
U zadnjem poglavlju navodi ovih 10 razloga ispod:
Do what you love to do
Decide exactly what you want
Back your goal with persistence and determination
Commit to lifelong learning
Use your time well
Follow the leader
Character is everything
Unlock your inborn creativity
Practice the golden rule
Pay the price of success
Autor kaže da unaprijeđenjem prodaje mogu ostvariti sve ono što želim u životu i ostvariti sve svoje snove. Sve je u mojim rukama. U meni je mogućnost da učinim više i više. Šta onda čekam?
Sutra je baš ponedjeljak. Jedva čekam da se bacim na posao :)
The more rejections you collect, the more sales you are likely to get. - ovo je nešto što mi se bilo jako teško priviknuti kada sam tek krenuo prodavati uslugu. Mislio sam da svi moraju raditi sa mnom jer sam ja tako dobar i jer je moja usluga najbolja.
Rather than trying to overwhelm the prospect with the features and benefits of my product, I focused on learning about the prospect’s situation and how I could best help him or her. With this new method, my sales went up. - Ovo sam počeo već primjenjivati nakon što sam pročitao knjigu Challenger sale. Sada uvijek pokušavam prvo saznati postavljanjem pitanja kako to ja mogu pomoći potencijalnom klijentu i na osnovu toga formiram ono što ću mu reći. Do sada sam napamet “biflao” naučeni tekst prodajne priče. Doslovno. Sada sastanke održajem tako da pokušavam s potencijalnim klijentom razgovarati na način da saznam kako mu moja usluga može pomoći. -
Has many insights about how to approach people for selling, and how to close a sale.
The interesting part of this book it’s that it will not bring out the bestselling concept but how to become the best of yourself in every life aspect. For me it’s not just a selling book but a game changer in every angle of my life.
Wow. Do you have an insurance or financial person in your life that you really like? How do you describe that person? Is it hard to define what makes them different, other than 'Not a sleaze like all the others out there.'? With this book, you will understand why. It will help you gain a new perspective on the selling profession and the appropriate ways to go about applying the skill of selling to your daily life. You will immediately see a difference in the way things are working for you, once you try some of these methods.
Selling happens quite often in our day-to-day lives, in ways we may not often think of as selling. It happens at work and in parenting when you're trying to convince someone to your way of thinking and getting them to adopt your idea. It happens on job interviews and also when you're making transactions (such as asking for that sweet new customer discount from your internet provider, even though you're an existing customer).
If you've read 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' and enjoyed it, I believe you will find Brian Tracy's book on 'The Psychology of Selling: How to Sell' as illuminating as that text. Highly recommended. -
Very clear thought process written in absolutely simple and readable language. A little repetitive to start with but gathers pace pretty quickly in the second half. Answers pretty much any situation that you would come across in selling.
Very good book about the habits of a successful sales person. Sales is simple things done well and repeated often, it's not rocket science and this book is full of such tips.
It is a very good book, which talks about how we can sell. Psychology is so critical when it comes to selling so I would recommend you to read this book if you want to increase your sale figures.
A good book but not great.
This is a really useful & practical book on all the key things you need to know when it comes to sales, persuasion & consumer psychology. As ever, Brian Tracy's ideas are both easy to understand, practical and well thought through. And I think this is one of the biggest assets & strengths all of his work has. Everything I got from this book too was useful and immediately applicable to my own sales & marketing strategies making it massively helpful towards my own business' endeavours.
Here are my favourite quotes & lessons from the book:
- "You have a healthy personality to the degree to which you can get along with the greatest number of types of different people."
- Don't ask what do you think at the end of any sales conversation..no one ever does actually go away and think about it. The close of a sales call/conversation is not effective when you leave things too open ended this way.
- Its all abour your inner game and confidence. Fearing rejection and harbouring self doubt damages a lot of the chances of the sale happening before its even happened. In most companies 80% of the sales are made by 20% of the sales people. The difference between you and them doesn't have to be huge. It could just be winning by a "horsenose". Instead of having an amazing pitch, have really clear ways of asking questions to find out their problem..then sell them & share how your solution will help them.
- People buy based on their reasons not yours. This is a key thing to keep in mind. And in addition, based on how they anticipate they will feel as a result. Trigger and tap into their deep human need for status, importance and value as motivational drivers and remember: Emotions distort evaluations. We make emotion based decisions, then justify them with logic.
- Set a goal to improve your earning by 25 to 50% at a time. This makes it enough of stretch but achievable at the same. Often people become too ambitious (I've made this mistake too in the past) as it's great to state really lofty goals and feel empowered by saying them. Or they make the mistake of not aiming for improvements at all. This is a manageable in between, leading to a compound effect of powerful growth.
- The one who asks questions is in control of the frame. So ensure you are using this to guide the sales process/conversations towards the close. What if they ask a question though? If they do, then reply by acknowledging the question ("thats a good question... Can i ask you something first?" for example)
- Quality and price are a given. People assume that they are getting a good price (most often) and also that the quality is high. Focusing on these as reasons they should buy isn't an effective persuasion tool. Instead you need to focus on utility and how it will help them (especially tapping into the emotional drivers mentioned above)
- Brian Tracy mentions he used to let prospects at the end of a sales process "think about it". But now he doesn't. Why? Because its better to state that you have a policy of no callbacks and ask them to make a decision. This comes across more assertively and helps you save your own time & energy. You've given them all the info they need during the process to make an informed decision. Don't be afraid to ask for that decision and be ready to move on. This also reminds me of the idea of hell yes/no that Rich Litvin & Derek Sivers advocate to prospects in sales too.
- How you dress and appear is vital. From your clothes to your environment. This particular point was well explained in the book and something that made me appreciate even more the importance of dressing well. I had mistakenly assumed that your physical appearance wasn't as vital in a business environment. Especially as now it is the norm to see more relaxed casual attire in workplaces. However, even if it has a marginal gain, it is still worth pursuing, and as we know, not every choice or judgement is logical. So why put yourself in a position you can avoid? Especially if these small adjustments (wearing a tailored suit and some nice brogues for example) will help with the direct outcomes you seek. -
This book really focuses on the psychology and growth mindset you need to have to sell to pple. He does make some big claims but I think this is go emphasise his enthusiasm and build up the confidence and positive mindset of the reader. I think if he were to hedge his claims it would be against what he was selling and the purpose of building up the readers attitude toward selling.
It focuses on cold calling, client facing, presentation based selling rather than in print or social media.
Some takeaways.
Positive mindset - self affirmations telling you like yourself. Avoiding negative internal chatter.
Don’t take rejection personally. Take it like the weather it is out of your control and part of nature. Just move on.
Not about sheer number of knocking doors but number of rejections you hear.
Presentation pitch is key. Prepare several types for different customers. Evolve and tweak as you give them and react to the customer. Throughout pitch put sign posts to where you can introduce the closing line.
Attentive listening to the customer. Ask a lot of questions and react to what they want. Keep the spot light on the customer not yourself or product.
Practice makes Perfect with the pitches. Listen to better sales pple to make yours better.
Try to find the key factor hot button that each customer has that makes the difference to whether they buy or not.
Always try to make the sale then and there. If they ask for you to come back later. You’ve lost the sale. Don’t keep a foot out the door. Be confident and try to make the sale window smaller
Be ok with silence. Allow the client time to think through what you’re selling. Otherwise they may exit the conversation to think. Which is a lost sale.
If you do have an appointment later on. Schedule it formally and call on the day to confirm beforehand Don’t be scared of rejection thereby don’t waste your time.
Make sure you’re talking to a person who has authoritative power to buy. Don’t waste time on pple who will not buy no matter what.
Tell them what the product can do for them and not what the product does.
Selling is emotional not logical. Tell them how it will benefit them in status or need. Building rapport will do wonders.
Enthusiastic of the product. If you don’t believe in they won’t believe in you.
First impression matter. Dress to impress and relate to your preferred clientele. Makes you more relatable if you look like them
Growth mindset, always be learning from books and courses. Staying still makes you become obsolete and overtaken by younger generations. Ask advice from leaders of industry and act on it.
Leaders of industry are happy to help those below.
Goal setting. Smart specific measurable actionable and time dependent goals. Setting them each day in a list and adding to it constant. You’ll eventually reach goals this way.
I was a little put off by how often he switched genders in his examples. But otherwise I think it’s a nice book to get some context based advice on selling and productivity advice.