Called to Suffer, Called to Triumph: Eighteen True Stories By Persecuted Christians by Herbert Schlossberg

Called to Suffer, Called to Triumph: Eighteen True Stories By Persecuted Christians
Title : Called to Suffer, Called to Triumph: Eighteen True Stories By Persecuted Christians
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0880704098
ISBN-10 : 9780880704090
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 237
Publication : First published November 1, 1990

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Called to Suffer, Called to Triumph: Eighteen True Stories By Persecuted Christians Reviews

  • Yibbie

    This is another very encouraging book that I couldn't rate as highly as I would have liked because of the way it was compiled. It's always encouraging to read of the Lord's comforting strength that sustains believers who are called to suffer for Him. How amazing to see His promises fulfilled in people's lives.
    Without diminishing the suffering of any of the people in this book, I would have to question the inclusion of some of them in an ostensibly Protestant/Evangelical collection. One, for sure, is Eastern Orthodox. He may be saved; I pray he is. But there is more in his story about icons than prayer and more about architecture than repentance. It's really hard to tell in such short stories, but the author seems to accept Catholics and Orthodox as Biblical Christians right alongside Baptist. Without getting into it in depth, neither of those faiths teach Salvation by faith in Christ alone. I fear their suffering is of no eternal value. It's heartbreaking.
    The inclusion of a brief history of the country before each story was very helpful. It was interesting, on one level, and heartbreaking on another. So much pain and suffering has come from seemingly harmless ideas here in the West. The section about Nicaragua was the most pointed. Liberation Theology, that has caught so many by its seeming fairness, caused so many to suffer for the Truth. It's an excellent lesson in the dangers of deviating the slightest bit from the clearly written Word of God.

  • Cynthia

    I did not give this book 5 stars because of superior writing techniques. This is a first-person narrative by 18 people that suffered persecution for their religious beliefs. This is a must-read to understand that "all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution".