Title | : | Dylan Dog n. 49: Il mistero del Tamigi |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | Italian |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 98 |
Publication | : | First published October 1, 1990 |
Dylan Dog n. 49: Il mistero del Tamigi Reviews
Un omicidio dietro l’altro si susseguono sul Tamigi, opera di un dilettante squinternato o di un folle omicida con un movente? Mentre Scotland Yard cerca di venirne a capo, un uomo bussa alla porta di Dylan Dog parlandogli delle fattezze del criminale, le quali sembrano essere quelle di uno zombie..
Episodio dai caratteri gialli molto classici, a tratti forse pure troppo.. niente di tremendamente assurdo a livello di trama, il paranormale qui appare molto mascherato e sviscerato dagli standard tipici del fumetto. Divertente e avvincente, ma nulla di più. Aspetto grafico sempre vincente. -
Od početka je sve nevešta obmana, ocena 4 zbog Roi-ja.
When a trip on the river Thames ends in a massacre, the only survivor, Peter Hamilton, is accused of being the murderer of his three friends. Now in prison, his father, the rich Walter Hamilton, meets Dylan Dog to tell him the fascinating tale his son told him when he visited him in prison: a ghoul-like creature came out of the river, stabbed his friends with a butcher's hook, and had almost killed him as well if he hadn't escaped. Stabbing the ghoul in the eye proved fruitless. Dylan is... hooked by the story, and when a couple more murders are committed, Peter seems to be less and less likely to be the real murderer. Witnesses claim to see a lonely figure on a boat, rowing on the Thames, eerily singing to themselves "London bridge is falling down...", and Dylan starts to be more and more suspicious of the entire story...
A good story, with many interesting moments and a typical - but not too shabby - ending. I particularly liked the background that was given of the character Basil, and some of the other implications of people Dylan met. Still, there were some moments that felt a bit cheap or were just... dead ends.
All in all, I liked it. Not the best story, far from the worst.