50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know by Susie Hodge

50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know
Title : 50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1848661320
ISBN-10 : 9781848661325
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 208
Publication : First published September 1, 2011

A visit to an art gallery can be a baffling experience - a bewildering parade of paintings, sculptures, artists and movements with little perspective on how they all fit together. 50 Art Ideas you Really Need to Know is here to help. For all those who don't know their Degas from Dali or their Monet from their Mondrian, this informative and insightful guide discusses 50 of the most important and influential concepts in art from the Ancient Greeks to the present.

Taking in the defining artistic moments in history, including the Baroque, the Renaissance and the Modern, this book also explores influential movements such as Romanticism, Cubism and Minimalism. Susie Hodge's concise and insightful text is accompanied by a glossary explaining key terms, as well as brief mini-essays and informative biographies on major artists of the period.

Featuring an informative array of images to illustrate key concepts and comprehensive timelines to place each movement in its context, this book provides a broad-ranging survey of the most significant developments in the world of art and design. It will delight anyone who has ever been mystified by artistic jargon and wants to gain a deeper, more thorough enjoyment of art.

50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know Reviews

  • Dilara Han

    bircok kisinin bu kitaptan ve kardes kitaplarindan memnun kalmadigini goruyorum. elbette eksikleri olabilir, ama bu konsantre kitabin -ve serinin- asil amacinin bahsedilen 50 fikre asina olmayan insanlari bu fikirlerle tanistirmak oldugunu unutmamak gerek bence. dort sayfa, o fikri tanitip merak ettirmek icin yeterli bir hareket alani. merak ediyor ve dahasini kendiniz arastiriyorsunuz zaten. kendi adima bircok sey ogrendim ve bana yeni bir sey ogreten, ustune bir de arastirmama sebep olan her sey basarilidir bana gore. sanata dair daha cok sey ogrendigimde okusaydim ben de belki burun kiviracaktim bu kitaba, ancak zaten bildigim seyleri iceren bir kitabi okumam cok mantiksiz olurdu :) 5 yildiz.

  • Çağdaş T

    Arkadaşımın tavsiyesi üzerine almıştım ve genel olarak beklentimi karşıladı. Sanatsal akımların ortaya çıkışlarının altındaki nedenler, akımlar- sanat dalları arasındaki etkileşimler ve büyük temsilciler. Kitapla ilgili olumsuz eleştirilerim: görselliğin düşük olması, varolan görsel ögelerin renksizliği ve sanki 50 fikre ulaşabilmek için önemsiz yahut bilmeniz çok da gerekmeyen akımların içeriğe dahil edilmesi oldu.

  • Elin

    It's pretty good but I have the following criticisms:

    1. Kind of surprising lack of extremely famous female artists like Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffe, Tracey Emin, Judith Leyster, Rachel Whiteread etc.
    2. Not all chapters have a picture accompanying the text
    3. Pictures are not in colour (even the Colour Field Painting example was without colour - ridiculous...)

    It's also largely about Western art.

    Ok but on the other hand, it has a mix of quotes, focus points, timelines, text and images that make it easy to read. It's in bitesize, digestable chapters, and most importantly of all - it is not written in a pretentious style - it's very accessible.

    So not perfect, but still handy and interesting as a quick guide to some Western Art concepts.

  • Am Y

    The book lists 50 art concepts and devotes on average 4 pages to each of them. However, each concept is at most only illustrated with ONE image. E.g. Under "impressionism", only one painting (by Monet) is printed, as an example of what "impressionism" is. To make things worse, the book is in black and white, which means captions like "rich colour" and "vivid imagery" are totally lost on the reader. And some art concepts do not even have a single image as an example. E.g. Under "Dada", no image is given as an example or embodiment of this concept. You can try to understand by reading the text alone, but I think that is rather pointless as the whole purpose of borrowing a book about art - to find out more about art - is to see for yourself with visual examples, in colour. I was expecting to find "graffiti art" listed as well, but there was no mention of street art or graffiti art at all. There was also absolutely no mention of Tracey Emin under "conceptual art".

  • Martyna Antonina


    Bardzo przystępne kompendium wiedzy na temat najważniejszych idei w sztuce. Dowiedziałam się kilku interesujących rzeczy, jednak brakowało mi kolorowych, przejrzystych ilustracji, które mogłyby być świetnym dopełnieniem książki.

  • Pepe Maho

    Es el primer libro de arte que leo, y por lo tanto mi primer acercamiento a la historia del arte.

    Ante todo, me gustaría decir que lo consideré más un libro de consulta o estudio, que de lectura rápida. Ya que la única manera que logré concentrarme y entender fue haciendo resumen de cada capítulo.

    Me gustaría recomendarlo por las siguientes razones:
    - La manera cronológica que relata, hace muy comprensible cómo van surgiendo los movimientos y la forma en que van evolucionando uno respecto al otro.

    - Logra resumir una buena cantidad de información en pocas hojas, es decir, en cuatro hojas logra explicar una corriente artística.

    - Su distribución de títulos y subtítulos permite que en consultas posteriores puedas encontrar fácilmente las ideas importantes.

    Sin embargo, si lo que buscas es un libro avanzado o dominas más el tema, podría ser algo aburrido para ti, ya que solo se concentra en las bases para que aprendas a diferenciar entre las distintas corrientes artísticas.

  • Vedat Hayri Adivar

    Bogalar Salonu, Misir Mezar Resimleri, Disk Atan Atlet, Ikonalar, Büyücülerin Tapinmasi, Vitruvius Adami, Çarmihtan Indirilis, Mezara Konulus, Doganin Aynasi, Venüs'ün Aynasi, Horatius Kardeslerin Yemini, Yakup'un Melekle Güresi, Venüs'ün Dogusu, Hiroshige, Dünyanin Isigi, Aksam Duasi, Gelincik Tarlasi, Yildizli Gece, Modeller, Kadinin Üç Çagi, Park Restaurant, Kübist Mocha, Bisikletçinin Dinamizmi, Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros, Martha, Endülüs Köpegi, Ekmek Kuyrugu, Kördügüm, Soyut, Spiral Dalgakiran, Mask II...

  • Tayyaba Iqbal

    As a lover of the arts and art, I found this book incredibly informative. I like to read books about art to educate myself, inspire myself and open up my mind to the large world of art.
    The book takes you on a journey of 50 major art movements (mainly western or those that affected the western art world) starting from pre-historic art all the way to new media art, featuring greek art, the rennaissance, impressionism, expressionism, bauhaus, surrealism, pop art, hyperrealism and everything inbetween. Whilst these movements of art are well known and taught in schools as part of the curriculum, I was extremely surprised and delighted to see many movements I was not aware about (mainly secondary movements of art that branched off others) su h as rococo, neo-impressionism, mannerisnm, secessionism, fauvism, suprematism and more.
    Starting from early art to very current art, this book is chronological and insightful, full of details of the history of art. It shows how each movements links/ was inspired by another movement taking you on a journey of art.
    While I am not one for categorising, many artists did categorise themselves or were categorised by critics and to understand art previously, it's important to look at the movements themselves. There are a few movements of art that I found were not mentioned such as the feminist art movement, or even non-western art, however fundamental ideas were mentioned.
    I would reccomend this book to anybody interested in art, particularly the history, but also to those studying art. Although it is not incredibly in-depth, it provides a good understanding and basis, of which you can do your own research once you have understood the fundamental principles of each movement of art. For those doing GCSE art (like myself) this book is a good reference and addition to coursework in order to show a good level of understanding about artists work. Whilst individual artists are not looked at in depth, you can do research of your own.

  • Ivonne

    Esperaba más de este libro, en el sentido que esperaba más ejemplos gráficos de lo que se hablaba e lugar que tener que googlearlos o buscarlos en otros libros. Por lo demás, es una buena guía para todo aquel que desee dar un paseo por los movimientos artísticos más relevantes de la humanidad en 50 pasos. El libro da un muy buen contexto artítistico y social de cada uno de ellos y expone a sus principales creadores (pero sin muchas fotos o ilustraciones y las pocas que hay están a blacno y negro).
    El libro no es interactivo, es más bien de referencia, por lo que si hay un movimiento que no le guste o llame la atención, fácilmente podrá saltar al capítulo siguiente. Exalto mucho el enfoque en New media y el hiperrealismo, conceptos con los que muchos no pueden estar familiarizados (como yo) pero a los cuales han sido expuestos indudablemente.

  • Susan

    Quite a good place to start in the art world. However i always think a book about art with only black and white images is dumb being that so much of art is about the colour of it.

    I also thought i would have liked more picture examples of what she was talking about as some of the artists i didnt know.

    The layout of the book was great. 2 pages for each idea. And a timeline running along the bottom of the first page of each idea. Plus a few quotes, the basic condensed idea laid out at the end, and some boxes with more information.

    As i say a great place to start, and a good overview. I would encourage people not to stop here though.

  • Roberto

    Very interesting compilation, the art movements are clearly explained in a condensed, yet sufficient and accessible manner. The main confusion I experienced with isms is the fact that many of them overlap and share similar or analogous ideas. Also helpful is the fact that this book makes relevant connections between movements and uses well-known artists and their works to illustrate them. Is not a compendium full of colorful illustrations and complete history, but rather a quick review; most useful to clarify or refresh previous notions from art class.

  • Elif

    An easy read and a delightful beginners book.


  • Ruben

    It does exactly what it says, although being too brief on each topic with useless timelines at the end of each topic that seem to be there just for the page count.
    You would expect at least one picture on each topic, it's about art after all, so having merely 20 is complete nonsense.

  • Rüçhan

    Zaman zaman adlar ve tarihler arasında kayboluyorsunuz ama bir sanat akımının genel hatlarını bilecek kadar bilgi sahibi de ediyor.

  • Aykut Karabay

    Tarihöncesi duvar resimlerinden günümüz dijital medya sanatına temel sanat akımları tek tek ele alınmış, örnekler belirtilmiş. Her akımın tekniği ve ortaya çıkmasına yol açan siyasal, toplumsal, düşünsel, sanatsal etkenler anlatılmış. Ayrıca sanatçılar, eserleri, sanat akımlarının ortaya çıktıkları dönem, önemli siyasi ve toplumsal olayları, her sayfanın altında kronolojik olarak’da belirtilmiş. Her akımın önemli bir eseri siyah beyaz görsel olarak verilip, anlatılıyor. Ancak kitabın eksiği; bahsedilen diğer eserleri internetten araştırmak zorundasınız.

    Her bölümün sonunda pekiştirmek için tek cümle ile o akımın en vurgulayıcı yönünü, o sanat fikrinin özünü belirtiyor.

    Daha iyi sanat kitapları elbette var, ancak sanatın başlıca akımlarını, kuramlarını ve olaylarını keyifli ve anlaşılır bir şekilde okumak isteyenlere tavsiye ederim.

  • Ashok Krishna

    A nice little introduction into the various developments and movements in Art history. Somehow, as the author moves from the ancient art forms to the present, I couldn't help sensing the deterioration in the quality of 'artworks' being produced these days, though the book simply enumerates the styles without any criticism.

    This book is more like a signboard from which you pick an artwork and proceed with further reading in that direction. And, a good one at that.

  • Alison

    Easy to read and some interesting quotes, tips and additional information about the periods of art. A great introduction into the history of art, from both beginning to end, with info on the periods, the art and artists, and some really interesting quotes as well. Suitable for both teens and adults in easy to read, quick format chapters, a good intro into the history of art.

  • Tiana

    Не могу даже сказать, что эта книга может быть полезна в качестве шпаргалки. Женщины практически не упоминаются. Одна картинка (ч/б) на раздел – ну что это такое? Вёрстка очень странная.
    (На странице 53 вынесена крупно цитата Жака Луи Давида "Придать совершенную форму чьей-либо мысли: это и только это означает быть художником", и эта же цитата выносится на странице 55.)

  • Svetlana Pajic  Jojkic

    Knjiga je informativnog karaktera ali joj je velika mana odsustvo slika. Mnogi umetnički pravci su samo opisani, bez ijedne slike . Pojedine crno,- bele slike su loše odštampane i jedva se vidi šta predstavljaju.

  • Marko Mrdak

    The writer walks a reader through various art phases and movements, by explaining the political/cultural circumstances. Each of 50 selected periods is followed by the most influential names and their pieces of work. Simple, practical and easy to read.

  • Ahmad

    Well-written, but lacks images.

  • styxee

    Здесь просто про историю становления и развития жанров в искусстве, а название книги заставляет думать, что будет что-то иное.

  • Mila

    Lo estuve leyendo para la uni, no tengo mucho qué decir salvo que espero volver a leerlo en un futuro, con más calma y tiempo.

  • Husain Alghasra

    الكتاب يؤدي الغرض المطلوب، بالنسبة لفرد يرغب في اكتساب بعض المعلومات الاساسية عن الفن ونشأته وتطوره عبر الزمن، والعوامل السياسية والاجتماعية والبيئية التي تؤثر على مسيرة الحركة الفنية وتضفي اليها السمات والخصائص المميزة.
    من ناحية المحتوى فالكتاب ذو مادة غنية و تسلسل جيد ولو أنني كنت افضل اثراء المحتوى بالامثلة والنماذج الفنية بشكل اكبر لكيلا يضطر القارئ ترك القراءة بين الحين والاخر وتصفح الانترنت بحثاً عن نماذج توضح الفكرة بشكل افضل.

  • gargravarr

    If you're into art, this little book gives you a snapshot of each of the major art styles/movements, from cave paintings until today. If you want a quick rundown on a style of art, this might be for you.

  • Iyad Abou-rabii

    This book is about ideas behind art throughout the history of human civilisation, also it explores some of the latest motions that indicate some possibilities for the future of the art.
    If you novice in art and would like to discover this world, you should start by reading this book.

  • Juan Pablo

    No es que el libro esté mal, es que va dirigido a un público que no soy yo, posiblemente estudiantes de bachillerato. Son 50 secciones que describen y catalogan diferentes estilos artísticos. No me gustó demasiado.