Title | : | The Gold Hunters: A Story of Life and Adventure in the Hudson Bay Wilds |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1426455682 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781426455681 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1909 |
Three men wish to try out their luck in finding a hidden treasure in the unyielding Canadian Wilderness while a young Indian Princess is kidnapped for this purpose.
"It was that hour when the old hunter on the trail takes off his pack, silently gathers wood for a fire, eats his dinner and smokes his pipe, eyes and ears alert;—that hour when if you speak above a whisper, he will say to you, "Sh-h-h-h! Be quiet! You can't tell how near we are to game. Everything has had its morning feed and is lying low. The game won't be moving again for an hour or two, and there may be moose or caribou a gunshot ahead. We couldn't hear them—now!"
The Gold Hunters: A Story of Life and Adventure in the Hudson Bay Wilds Reviews
After finishing Curwood's the Wolf Hunters, I had to dive right in on this sequel. Now, let me see what I can say about it without ruining the plot of either book for anyone who may want to read them Someday.
Rod is on his way home, riding the mail sledge down towards civilization after his grand adventure in The Wolf Hunters. Plan A is to visit his mother for a time and then return in the spring for more wilderness exploration, with a purpose that I cannot reveal here.
But Plan Reality catches Rod before he gets very far on his journey. Wabi and Mukoki have followed the mail sledge in a desperate race to catch it and bring Rod back to help in the search for Minnetaki (Wabi's sister). She was kidnapped and Rod is the only one who knows where she might be, because he was the one who noticed certain tracks in a cross trail when they were on their way home at the end of TWH.
So we start off on a desperate rescue mission. Will Rod remember details when the pressure is on? Will they be able to follow the trail if he does find it? How far will it lead them away from their original plans?
Very exciting start, but after that we all settled down a bit and had another adventure, if a little bit of a greedy one this time. And as time passed, it became fairly unbelievable. Still fun, but honestly not as engrossing as TWH, and I did roll my eyes a few times at the attitudes popping up in Rod, and at a few of the situations our friends found themselves in.
The book ends with our gang beginniing another new journey, but this time towards civilization. As far as I can tell Curwood never wrote about these people again, so we must imagine for ourselves what they might have done while in the city and if they ever went on to the other planned adventure that was mentioned in the final chapter here.
I saw in the wiki article about Curwood that a Polish author wrote a novel called The Adventure Hunters in order to tie up loose ends from this one, but as far as I can tell on a very limited research jaunt it was not translated into English. This author had translated many of Curwood's books into Polish so he would have been able to create a fitting end for everyone here, I'm sure.
I will be reading more of Curwood's titles over the next months; I have 17 still on the list (I did cull a few that did not appeal to me as much as the others). But for now I will leave the north woods and have another adventure of my own. At least I do not have to make a long canoe journey to start my 'Plan A'. All I have to do is look over my Gutenberg lists and click on a title. Isn't the modern world wonderful? lol
James Oliver Curwood always delivers with his adventure stories of the Northern Canadian wilderness from the early 1900's.
The first part of this story deals with the tracking of a kidnapped Indian princess by a wise old Indian pathfinder, his youthful Indian charge, and a white boy. The main story is the danger-filled search for a gold mine by the three adventurers who, in a previous book, ("The Wolf Hunters") had found a treasure map in the hand of a skeleton. I had not read that first novel, but there is enough of the back-story given that I didn't miss it.
This story had only a mere hint of romance, whereas the other Curwood novels I have read have romance (always pure and chaste) as a close second to the love of the wild and wooly natural world, and the struggle for survival in the frigid environment. I read this book as a free audio download from LibriVox.org. -
Gorączka złota.
Dalsze losy trójki wędrowców, których poznaliśmy w "Łowcach wilków". W pierwszej części udało im się odnaleźć mapę, więc Wabi, Rod i Mukoki wyruszają na poszukiwanie złota. Oczywiście nie będzie to wyprawa łatwa, czeka ich wiele niebezpieczeństw i niespodzianek. Moim zdaniem druga część jest jeszcze bardziej interesująca, może to przez ten specyficzny klimat poszukiwania złota, kto by nie chciał wędrować przez dzikie ostępy i szukać skarbu?
Pamiętam, że bardzo podobała mi się sprawa tajemniczego człowieka, którego spotkali. Teraz wydała mi się trochę przewidywalna, ale i tak cała historia jest wciągająca.
7/10 -
Äsh, mikä antikliimaksi! 30 vuoden odotus meni hukkaan. Huolimatonta tarinankerrontaa ja melko hengettömiä seikkailuja verrattuna ensimmäiseen osaan.
Lisäksi lukemani painos oli virheellinen. Loppupuolelta kirjaa löytyi useampi tyhjä aukeama. -
Visit JetBlackDragonfly (The Man Who Read Too Much) at
James Oliver Curwood was a writer and conservationist. He left his job as a reporter in Detroit to travel the Canadian Wilderness in 1909, a source for more than 30 novels in the tradition of Jack London. His realistic adventure stories were top-ten bestsellers in the early 1920's and more than eighteen have been made from his novels. The River's End in 1920 sold over 100,000 copies and was the fourth bestseller of the year. At the time of his death in 1927 he was the highest paid author (per word) in the world. So successful, he built as a writing studio a replica 18th century French Chateau in Michigan, which is now a museum.
The Gold Hunters is the sequel to The Wolf Hunters (1908). I didn't know this, and it didn't seem to matter to the story. In fact, the brief mentions of the first book make it seem like the rather dull set-up to the adventure that The Gold Hunters presents.
South of Hudson's Bay at Lake Nipigon, two Indians race to catch their friend Roderick. Wabigoon is the half-Indian son of the chief and his pathfinder companion is Mukoki. Roderick is the son of the English factor of the area. The three friends met in the previous book, where they explored the wilderness - hunting, fishing, and finding in a burned out cabin the skeletons of two explorers from the 1850's. The Gold Hunters begins with the start of their quest to find the gold deposit noted on a scrap of paper gripped in one skeleton's bony hand. Canoeing towards Hudson's Bay, the trio face wild rapids, savage bear attacks and are tracked by the crazed third member of the explorer party who has gone out of his mind. What is his story? Will they discover where the explorer's hide their cache of gold? Will they find even more gold nuggets - like maybe hidden in the rocky cavern behind that waterfall? Probably.
It's a light and entertaining quest to follow along. It's hard to imagine reading this when it came out in 1908. I wasn't even born then. The Canadian wilderness of Hudson's Bay would seem like another fantastic world to the readers of the day. The characters are well written and throughout the 'adventure' is rooted in realism, it had respect for the explorers of the wilds and never became cheesy. To hear about the Hudson's Bay Mail, the Indian camps and the uncharted terrain was entertaining even now.
The Gold Hunters, along with the first novel, The Wolf Hunters are available as free epub downloads (here is a quick link to the site), as are several other James Oliver Curwood titles such as The Valley Of Silent Men, Back To God's Country, and The Alaskan.
I read a nice 1944 hardcover from Triangle Books. -
Estoy leyendo esto sin saber que hay una primera parte. Pero ya da igual. La trama sigue a los jóvenes Wabi y Roderick, quienes, junto con su experimentado guía Mukoki, se embarcan en una arriesgada búsqueda de oro. Avanzan por los peligrosos y hermosos paisajes, enfrentan desafíos naturales como bosques espesos y ríos traicioneros. La historia se intensifica cuando descubren pistas de una antigua mina de oro perdida y deben enfrentarse a otros buscadores dispuestos a todo por el tesoro.
En conclusión, "Los buscadores de oro" es una novela que recomendaría a cualquier amante de las aventuras y la exploración en la naturaleza. Es una historia llena de acción, amistad y respeto por el entorno natural. Leer este libro ha sido una experiencia fascinante que me ha transportado a las impresionantes y desafiantes tierras del Gran Norte. -
Това е още една книга, пропита с приключения. Уютът, който създават приключенските романи, страстта, която разпалват в нас... Всички ние сме деца и още копнеем по тези приключения.
Това не е книга за каробокрушение. Действието се развива на север и там се запознаваме с нашите герои, които са решили да открият златото на Джон Бол. Но има един луд, който откриват близо до колибата на Джон Бол и той стреля със златни куршуми. А проблема е, че Джон Бол е убит преди 50 години. Тогава кой е той?
Единственият недостатък на книгата за мен беше, че е едва 150 стр. -
Bardzo podoba mi się styl Curwooda, ale to co najbardziej urzeka mnie w jego książkach to opisy przyrody i zwierząt jak we "Władcy Skalnej Doliny". Tutaj tego nie dostałam, historia była dużo bardziej skupiona na ludziach. Denerwuje mnie trochę to, że na podstawie tego tekstu Roda można uznać za materialistę. Jako jedyny nie myśli np. o cedrze.
Bardzo podoba mi się koncepcja Johna Balla i bardzo chętnie przeczytam "Łowców Przygód" mimo tego, że zazwyczaj nie czytam książek kontynuowanych przez inne osoby niż autor oryginału -
A classic boy's wilderness adventure tale, a bit of the old-fashioned thriller type, with lines like "he uttered a low cry", "his heart raced with excitement", "long lost treasure", and "Could it be?"definitely not literary, but thoroughly wholesome and outdoorsy. The kind of thing to throw at a guy who needs extra reading fodder.
Interesting. Action adventure
Nije losa, ali prekratka i prva trecina knjige je iskoriscena da se zavrsi radnja iz prethodne knjige...
This is the sequel to The Wolf Hunters. I came on it by chance and recognized several of the components as I was reading them. It was a pleasant surprise. The story continues where the first one left off. The three friends set off to search for lost treasure. If one would like to know what happens from there, they can read the book.
The points I liked best in this book were the ones made about close friendships. One of the characters is a white guy, and his two friends are native Americans. He is accepted without judgment and is clamed as one of them. The reverse is also true. The adventurers are so close they might as well be family. -
Con los mismos personajes que
Los cazadores de lobos, esta novela continúa el relato de aventuras en el noroeste canadiense. Al contrario que con Kazán o Bari, hijo de Kazán, sus novelas de perros lobo, aquí los humanos no son necesariamente el mal. Muy entretenida. -
Great Sequel
This sequel to The Wolf Hunters picks up exactly where its predecessor left off - in both story and style. As far-fetched as it is fun, this should please fans of the adventure genre. -
Even after 100 years, still a good read.