Title | : | Batman Begins |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0345479467 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780345479464 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 305 |
Publication | : | First published June 14, 2005 |
A world away, in a dank Himalayan prison, a nameless, hardened man fights every day to survive. He has spent seven years scouring the globe, studying the criminal mind, looking for an answer to the ugly riddle of his childhood. But something has been looking for him, too. Here, in the darkest places of his own anger, Bruce Wayne will discover his destiny–and an ordinary man will become a legend.
Batman Begins Reviews
Batman Begins (Dark Knight Trilogy, #1), Dennis O'Neil
As a child in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne falls down a dry well and is attacked by a swarm of bats, developing a fear of bats. Attending the opera with his parents, Thomas and Martha, Bruce becomes frightened by performers masquerading as bats and asks to leave.
Outside, mugger Joe Chill murders Bruce's parents in front of him, and the orphaned Bruce is raised by the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth.
Fourteen years later, Chill is paroled after testifying against mafia boss Carmine Falcone. Bruce intends to murder Chill, but one of Falcone's assassins does so first.
Bruce's childhood friend Rachel Dawes berates him for acting outside the justice system, saying that his father would be ashamed.
After confronting Falcone, who tells him that real power comes from being feared, Bruce spends the next seven years traveling the world training in combat and immersing himself in the criminal underworld.
In a Bhutan prison, he meets Henri Ducard, who recruits him to the League of Shadows led by Ra's al Ghul.
After completing his training in ninja methods and purging his fears, Bruce learns the League intends to destroy Gotham, believing the city beyond saving.
Bruce rejects the League and its edict that killing is necessary, burning down their temple during his escape. Ra's is killed by falling debris, while Bruce saves the unconscious Ducard.
Returning to Gotham intent on fighting crime, Bruce takes an interest in his family's company, Wayne Enterprises, which is being taken public by the unscrupulous William Earle.
Company archivist Lucius Fox, a friend of Bruce's father, allows Bruce access to prototype defense technologies, including a protective bodysuit and a heavily armored vehicle, the Tumbler.
Bruce poses publicly as a shallow playboy, while setting up a base in the caves beneath Wayne Manor and taking up the vigilante identity of "Batman", inspired by his childhood fear.
تاریخ خوانش روز دهم ماه ژانویه سال بیست بیست میلادی
عنوان: سرآغاز بتمن؛ نویسنده: دانیل اونیل؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م
عنوان: سرآغاز بتمن؛ نویسنده: دانیل اونیل؛ مترجم محمدصالح نورانیزاده؛ تهران، باژ؛ در حال چاپ در سال1398؛ در300ص؛ شابک9786002191221؛ چاپ دوم سال1399؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م
چکیده ای از داستان زندگی «بتمن» («بروس وین» در کودکی، داخل چاهی میافتد، و مورد هجوم خفاشها قرار میگیرد، و به همین دلیل وحشتی از خفاشها، در وجودش خوددنمایی میکند؛ سپس، یکشب، که با پدر و مادر خویش در حال بازگشت از سالن اوپرا بودند، پدر و مادرش را، دزدی به نام «جو چیل» میکشد، و «آلفرد پنیورث» خدمتکار خانوادگی آنها، «بروس» را نگاهبانی، و بزرگ میکند؛ چهارده سال میگذرد، «چیل» برای شهادت علیه «کارمین فالکونی»، آزادی مشروط میگیرد؛ «بروس» به دادگاه میرود، تا او را بکشد، اما یکی از قاتلین «فالکونی»، آنکار را زودتر انجام میدهد؛ «ریچل داوس» دوست کودکی «بروس»، که در حال حاضر وکیل شده، پس از آگاه شدن از ماجرا، «بروس» را سرزنش میکند، و به او میگوید، که پدرش اگر زنده بود، از کار او سرافکنده میشد؛ سپس «بروس» به یک کلوب شبانه میرود، و با «فالکونی» روبرو میشود؛ «فالکونی» به او میگوید که قدرت واقعی، از ترساندن به دست میآید؛ «بروس» به دور دنیا سفر میکند، تا درباره ی مجرمان، بیشتر و بهتر بداند؛ سپس خود نیز، به خلافکاران میپیوندد، و توسط پلیس دستگیر میشود؛ در زندان «هنری دوکارد»، به «بروس» پیشنهاد میدهد، که او عضو انجمن سایه ها به رهبری «رأس الغول» شود، و روش و فنون مبارزه با جنایتکاران را، از او بیاموزد
پس از پایان دوره ی طولانی آموزش، «بروس» میفهمد، که «انجمن سایه ها»، قصد نابودی «گاتهام سیتی» را دارند، چون شهر فاسد شده، و چاره ای جز آن وجود ندارد؛ «بروس» از پیوستن به آنها سر باز میزند، و معبد انجمن را آتش میزند؛ «رأس» در آن آتشسوزی، کشته میشود؛ «بروس»، «هنری دوکارد» را، نجات میدهد، و در حالیکه بیهوش است، او را به روستاییان اطراف میسپارد؛ «بروس» به «گاتهام» بازمیگردد، و در ظاهر، خود را فردی دخترباز، معرفی میکند؛ او به کمپانی پدرش، «وین اینترپرایزز»، که هماکنون توسط «ویلیام ارل»، اداره میشود، علاقه نشان میدهد؛ «بروس» با دانشمند برتر شرکت، «لوشیوس فاکس» دیدار میکند، و او نمونه های نخستین فرآورده هایی همانند «زره»، و «ماشین ویژه»، که هرگز به تولید انبوه نرسیدند را، به «بروس» نشان میدهد؛ «بروس» با سود بردن از آن فراورده ها، راهی به غار زیر عمارت «وین» پیدا میکند، در آنجا کارگاهی درست میکند، و با ترسش از خفاشها روبرو میشود، و هویت «بتمن» را، برای خود میآفریند؛ او با همکاری «ریچل»، و «جیمز گوردون»، علیه «فالکونی»، مدارکی به دست میآورد، و وی محکوم میشود؛ دکتر «جاناتان کرین»، پس از تزریق دارو به «فالکونی»، و همدستانش، آنها را، دیوانه اعلام میکند، و میگوید، که آمادگی روانی برای حضور در دادگاه را، ندارند، و آنها را به تیمارستان «آرکهام»، منتقل مینماید؛ «کرین» با استفاده از ماسک مترسک، دارو را به «فالکونی» میدهد، و ترس از مترسک، وی را دیوانه میکند
وقتی «بتمن» با «کرین» روبرو میشود، «کرین»، به او نیز همان دارو را میدهد، اما «آلفرد»، او را نجات میدهد، و «فاکس» هم پاد زهر آن را میسازد؛ «ریچل» به «آرکام» میرود، و «کرین» به او میگوید، او مدتهاست در حال ریختن این دارو، در آب شهر است؛ او «ریچل» را نیز مسموم میکند، ولی «بتمن» او را نجات میدهد، و با استفاده از پاد زهر، حال او را خوب میکند، و به او دو نمونه پاد زهر، یکی برای «گوردون»، و دیگری برای تولید انبوه میدهد؛ در همین حین «گوردون» متوجه میشود، که داروی ریخته شده در آب مصرفی شهر، هیچ ضرری ندارد، مگر اینکه آب بخار شود؛ در تولد سی سالگیاش، «بروس» با «دوکارد» روبرو میشود، و متوجه میشود، که او خودش همان «رأس الغول» است
بروس، برای نگهبانی از مهمانان، آنها را بیرون میکند؛ «رأس» نقشه اش برای نابودی «گاتهام» را، برملا میکند؛ آنها دستگاه ساطع کننده امواج مایکروویو را، که از اموال شرکت «وین» بوده، و قابلیت تبخیر آب، از راه دور را دارد، دزدیده اند؛ آنها عمارت «وین» را، آتش میزنند، و «آلفرد»، «بروس» را، نجات میدهد؛ «بتمن»، «ریچل» را، از دست عده ای خلافکار، نجات میدهد، و هویت واقعی اش را، برای «ریچل» فاش میکند؛ سپس به سراغ «رأس» میرود، که داخل مونوریلی است، که دستگاه تبخیرکننده نیز، در آن است؛ «گوردون» با استفاده از ماشین «بتمن»، پایه های خطوط «مونوریل» را، خراب میکند، و «بتمن» نیز، از قطار خارج میشود، و «رأس» داخل آن میماند، و کشته میشود؛ «بتمن» تبدیل به یک قهرمان عمومی میگردد، اما «ریچل» را، از دست میدهد، زیرا «ریچل»، نمیتواند با این هویت دوگانه ی وی کنار بیاید؛ «بروس» بیشتر سهام شرکت «وین» را، میخرد، «ارل» را اخراج کرده، و «فاکس» را، جانشین وی میکند؛ «گوردون» که پس از این ماجراها، به مقام ستوانی ترفیع مییابد، به «بتمن» میگوید، که خلافکاری در صحنه های جرمش، کارت «جوکر» جا میگذارد؛ «بتمن» قول پیگیری میدهد و ناپدید میشود.)؛
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 16/01/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 17/10/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی -
خط داستانی راسالغول در این کتاب بینظیر بود. نهایت لذت رو بردم از خوندنش.
برای منی که با دنیای دیسی بهجز چندتا فیلم (اونا هم اکثرا بتمن) آشنا نیستم، خوندن کتابهای شخصیتهای دیسی میتونه جالب باشه.
سرآغاز بتمن و کلا سهگانه بتمن ساختهی نولان برای من (و شاید اکثرمون) جای مخصوصی توی قلبمون داره و کارگردانی محشر نولان توی این سهگانه واقعا جالبتوجهه! مخصوصا فیلم دوم و جوکر که دیگه نیاز به تعریف نداره.
منتهی این کتاب سرآغاز بتمن با ریتمی بهنظرم متفاوتتر و کندتر به داستان وارد میشه و از زوایای دید متفاوتی اون رو بحث و بررسی میکنه. یکجوری شبیه به این که به خواننده میگه آروم باش! بیا قدمبهقدم و آهسته بریم جلو. نگران نباش خستهت نمیکنم! و نمیکنه. واقعا با جذابیت بالایی جلو میره و روایت بروس وین رو برامون آشکار و آشکارتر میکنه!
شخصیتپردازیهای کتاب بهخوبی انجام شدند و میشه با بروس جوان همراه شد و دردش رو حس کرد و لمسش کرد! شخصیتی که بهشدت جذابه و نقطهنظرات بسیار جالب و نوع نگاه متفاوتی به دنیا داره، رأسالغول، زیبا پرداخته شده و خوندن قسمتهای مربوط به اون و دستنوشتههاش واقعا قابل تأمله!
زیاد نیاز نیست حرف بزنم، دوستداران نولان و دوستداران بتمن این کتاب رو حتما بخونن و لذت ببرن :) -
All that Begins Well........
This is Novelization of Movie, that goes by the same name.
The book is a mytho by author, which drifts away from actual story and is the first part of Dark Knight Trilogy
The book tells us about transformation of Bruce Wayne to Batman.
Loved the Novelization. All the Characters with lines from the original screenplay adds up to make this a very good book. especially Alfred.
If You loved the movie, You'll love the book too. -
Having watched this movie for years, I absolutely adore the added depth the book adds to one of my favorite cinematic trilogies. There are a few differences between the two, but that's expected with any film novelization. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and I look forward to reading the other two!
One of my favorite movie and one of the best Novelizations.
نمره م به اصل این داستان ۵ هست قطعا
ولی به اثری که این نویسنده خلق کرده ۳.۵ یا ۴ میدم.
علتش هم اینه که اگر فیلم رو نمیدیدم، موقع خوندن کتاب تصاویر ذهنیم از خیلی موقعیت ها و شخصیت ها ناقص می بود، ولی برای کسی که فیلم رو دیده باشه از این نظر مشکلی وجود نداره.
نوشته های راس الغول تو این کتاب فوق العاده بود.
اما جا داشت روی شخصیت پردازی همه کراکترا بیشتر کار میشد و احساساتشون بیشتر بیان میشد.
کار نویسنده در توصیف وقایع و صحنه های اکشن خوب بود.
در کل خیلی لذت بردم و به کسانی که طرفدار دی سی یا طرفدار آثار نولان هستن واقعا پیشنهاد میدم. چون کارهای نولان انقدر ظرافت و نکات پنهان دارن که حتی اگر چند بار هم فیلم هارو تماشا کنید، باز با خوندن چنین کتابی به نکات ریز بیشتری پی میبرید و وقایع براتون بهتر جا میفته.
حتما جلدهای بعدی این مجموعه رو هم خواهم خوند.😍 -
People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne. As a man, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed; but as a symbol... as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.
I always have to control my emotions before I am about to write a review of Christopher Nolan written script, but when I start to thinking about Batman I feel we are talking something more than just a simple comic hero. I feel we are going to talk about the hope that we experience on the most negative time of life.
Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick or selves up
The story starts with the fall of the hero and then we gradually see him rising from the darkest pit of his own fear.
People from your world have so *much* to lose. Now, you think because your mommy and your daddy got shot, you know about the ugly side of life, but you don't. You've never tasted desperate. You're, uh, you're Bruce Wayne, the Prince of Gotham; you'd have to go a thousand miles to meet someone who didn't know your name. So, don't-don't come down here with your anger, trying to prove something to yourself. This is a world you'll never understand. And you always fear what you don't understand. Alright
What I real like about Nolan is that he does not give us a simple story about a certain person but he give us a whole new idea and theme to examine to apply in our life. In this movie we explore the realm of: Fear.
To conquer fear, you must become fear. You must. ... You must bask in the fear of other men. And men ... A wraith. You have to become an idea!
The idea that protagonist becomes is BATMAN
From there the story advances an shows that if one man dares to dream higher...he become something more than just a man.
A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification. He can be destroyed, or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely.
Which is?
Legend -
Posted : 9 years, 8 months ago on 21 August 2008 11:19 (A review of Batman Begins film...)
''You travelled the world... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside you... there is no turning back. Your parents' death was not your fault.
Your training is nothing. The will to act is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely...Are you ready to begin?''
The story of how Bruce Wayne became what he was destined to be: Batman.
Christian Bale: Bruce Wayne / Batman
Batman Begins(2005) helmed by 21st Century Hitchcock-esque English Director Christopher Nolan, has more than proved he can deliver a dark and gritty Batman film without resorting to unrealistic qualms.
Nolan gives us a gritty city with rain drenched slums that echo Ridley Scott's Bladerunner, and he makes it dark enough to be captivating, mysterious and yet strong, seductive and oozing style and intelligence without making it look unnatural. Gotham City is supposed to be ugly and decayed, a virtual urban cesspool of crime, and a nightmarish realization of corruption and fear.
I loved as a child Burton's Gothic flavour in Batman, but now I watch it and I see so many inadequacies: He just couldn't capture realism or be taken seriously with his 1989 cartoonized affair. Everything felt like fantastic escapism, yet with Nolan, the king of puzzle and twists, he gives us something that we can take very seriously and yet still be entertained. Part of the nature of this film is the internal eternal nature of fear and the beginning of how the Batman is born. Fears, primal impulses, what drives us to do the things that we do. How does a pure person venture a path of corruption? What is a person willing to do for justice and is it different from vengeance? These are the deep topics the other films never truly studied, or if they did, it was never done successfully. This film does that and more in ways that are deep and meaningful. It's gritty, it's a crime movie, it's a graphic novel adaptation and story of a beloved character adored throughout the World.
''Only a cynical man would call what these people have "lives," Wayne. Crime. Despair. This was not how man was supposed to live. The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats. Burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.''
"Gotham's time has come. Like Constantinople or Rome before it the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice. It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die. This is the most important function of the League of Shadows. It is one we've performed for centuries. Gotham... must be destroyed."
This is a film that should shatter the preconceptions the inferior films left behind.
Batman Begins delivers an intelligent mature plot (which easily comes straight of the pages) which involved three villains; Ra's Al Ghul, Carmine Falcone, and Scarecrow, and then balances them perfectly keeping everything in the realm of believability. Bad guys shouldn't be scheming one dimensional stereotypes, they should be real people with real agendas and real goals. It's the first film to understand the psychology of Batman. It's adult, without being imprisoned, it's entertaining, without being mindless, it's visually stunning without being unrealistic, and finally the performances give life to everything mentioned prior.
When we are faced with a story, a film which deals with loss, love, revolution, family, revenge, justice, friendship, learning... A scene between mentor and pupil sticks in the mind because I certainly can relate to having lost someone or something in my own life. It is powerful in the sense that we face a society and world in which nothing is certain. We have the challenge of finding those with honour, dignity and respect whom wish to fight for a way of life free from corruption and criminality. When your home or love is taken away there is often an unrelenting thirst for vengeance and to fight the very enemy and source that was responsible:
Henri Ducard: You're stronger than your father.
Bruce Wayne: You didn't know my father.
Henri Ducard: But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved ones is just poison in your veins. And one day you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed, so you'd be spared your pain. I wasn't always here in the mountains. Once I had a wife, my great love. She was taken from me. Like you, I was forced to learn that there are those without decency that must be fought without hesitation, without pity. Your anger gives you great power, but if you let it, it will destroy you, as it almost did me.
Bruce Wayne: What stopped it?
Henri Ducard: Vengeance.
Bale was born to play Bruce Wayne becoming the dark knight.
Katie Holmes pulls off Rachel Dawes effectively if you can get past qualms of Dawson Creek series star tackling a role as a Lawyer. If you're a fan of hers, you'll love her in this, especially visually.
Cillian Murphy, much like Bale, was fitting as Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow. He executed the performance effectively; creepy, intelligent, everything the Scarecrow is without going overboard.
What Nolan Goyer and Murphy have done here is bring the Scarecrow to life, possibly making him one of the coolest on screen villains in the history of film. That's a bold statement, but I think it's warranted. Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Ken Watanabe, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, do I need to say anything about these legends? They were fantastic. Most noteworthy for the comics fans, we have a James Gordon whom looks like Gordon, and works with Batman in memorable parts where Gordon uses the Bat vehicle and helps save Rachel. We also have another great Alfred. Comical, fatherly, and all around impeccable, yet with Micheal Caine the presence of such a renowned artist and acting talent the audience is spoilt by another fine example of casting.
I'd also like to address how awesome it was that Linus Roache was cast as Thomas Wayne, a solemn heartfelt father figure.
Liam Neeson also oozes wisdom, mental and physical prowess regarding a challenging, enigmatic, visionary and legendary role.
Batman Begins true to Nolan gives a twist in the guise of enigmatic great leader Ra's Al Ghul. One of the deepest Batman characters to be captured upon the screen rivaling and shadowing even the intelligence or logical chaos of The Penguin or The Riddler.
So a new beginning for Batman and also a deep study into the realms and intricacies of fear in which the story and screenplay revolves around.
''It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.'' -
Dang, what about Martha Wayne? A lot of talk about missing Dad, which is valid. I lost my Dad a couple years ago, it still hurts. But I want to know more about Martha.
Even so, I liked this one, I thought it added some parts to the movie. Although I don’t remember much from the film. Bruce Wayne is more likable here. I liked his relationship with Alfred. I like how Alfred is normal here. I think in some films he’s like a retired commando or part time body guard. Here, he’s just a butler who played cricket back in the day.
I like the part where Bruce researches R’as—he’s like an investigative journalist. I thought the stuff with the Scarecrow seemed like too much and there was a little too much “poor Bruce” in the end, but even that was much better than the “poor Tony” parts of the Iron Man novelization.
I’m impressed with O’Neil’s writing. I want to check out more of his prose. I’ll be honest I think I like prose Batman better than movie or comic book Batman. I think something about the character works better on the page. -
2 stars
Just watch the movie. I doubt the bonus, other than the information on Ra's, is worth it. You're choice. I hope to read the second because of Joker but I don't have high hopes. -
I really enjoyed O'Neil's perspective and expansion of the movie. The author was able to give us more of a build-up between Bruce's return to Gotham and his first official outing as Batman, with the trip to New York and such, than we were able to see in the film.
I also liked the glimpse into the thoughts of Ra's with his journal entries and such, but I'm not so sure I cared for the delving into Ra's supernatural origins. One thing that so appeals about the Nolanverse is that it's a more realistic take on Batman's universe. Practically everything had some kind of scientific or logical explanation, from Batman's many gadgets being supplied by the genius of Lucius Fox and Wayne Enterprise's Applied Sciences department to how Crane's toxin was to be dispersed into the air after being dumped into Gotham's water supply. There is no mysticism in this, and bringing in Ra's mystical origins feels out of place in this new world.
Other than that, O'Neil still created an excellent companion to the film. A great read. -
Typical movie novelization. As I said, not particularly bad written - certainly better than The Dark Knight by the same author - but not a great adaptation of the movie. However, I doubt that Dennis O'Neil is to blame - probably he was given the screenplay without additional comments (he didn't het with Nolan) and tried to fill the gaps with his knowledge from the graphic novels, which are a separate universe from what Nolan created. Nevertheless Rises has an excellent adaptation, so it is possible that Dennis was already past his prime, when he wrote this book.
I enjoyed this novelization. Didn't really like the fact though that it seems like some parts of the book don't have the same dialogue as in the movie. Other than that, great! One of my favorite movies and trilogies.
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Not a criticism of the movie, which I enjoyed. But rather, I didn't enjoy the book experience because it was essentially word-for-word the same as the screenplay.
The only redeeming parts were the training scenes of Bruce Wayne with Ra's al Ghul (portrayed by Liam Neeson in the movie). In the movie, almost all of the training sequence is filmed as a montage, whereas in the book, each sequence is given its full due. Also, there are sections of the training section that were not included in the movie, such as excerpts from the journal of Ra's where he makes observations of what makes Bruce Wayne an exceptional individual.
I'd say you're fine skipping the book and watching the movie instead. If you're a die hard fan, it's worth reading the first 100 pages to get the training background. -
Have you ever found yourself identifying with the villain than the hero?Dan Brown's Inferno was the first book that landed me in such a conundrum and then it was this book.I have never been a fan of Batman until Nolan came along.I saw Dark Knight and became addicted to the series.Only Nolan could capture the innate darkness of the source material,the dizzying ecstasy of it .Like a shot of your favorite poison.You know you shouldn't love it but you literally live for it.Batman begins was a supremely crafted work of art and the novel stick to its source.An excellent book if you are looking for a thriller with a bit of Nolan sprinkled on it.
4 Stars. Very good novelization of the Movie. HAve seen the movie several time, but as with most novelization's, it has more "scene's" then whats in the movie. Am already reading the next one, The Dark Knight.
Author is very good at novelization books.
If you like Batman or like this movie, I highly recommend. -
I hated the movie with all of my heart. Although, this novelization I liked pretty much, and it's the greatest compliment I can offer.
I enjoyed very much the journal entries of Ra's'; it's a pity that the second half of the book didn't have any of them. Also, I'd like to know his final thoughts. -
If you want to skip the movie and would rather read it, here's the comic for you. Gave it a 3-star only because I enjoyed the movie, and this was basically reading a 2+ hour movie in 10-20 minutes, and I would rather watch the movie.
I read the book after watching the movie and I can confirm that the book is definitely better than the movie. Denny has done an outstanding job in writing a book that is immersive and intriguing to read.
If you love the batman comics and want them updated and brought to life than grab this adventure thriller.
i realy lik bruce and ddddddddddd i feal like it have lots of ation