The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual by Scott Beatty

The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual
Title : The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1594740232
ISBN-10 : 9781594740237
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published February 1, 2005

At one time or another, we've all fantasized about being super heroes. The problem has always been that radioactive spider bites and sun-inspired superpowers are a bit hard to come by. But with The Batman Handbook , this lifelong fantasy can finally become a reality. With sections on "How to Throw a Batarang," "How to Make a Batsuit," and "How to Bulletproof Your Batmobile," this is the ultimate real-world training manual for any aspiring caped crusader. You'll discover how - Train a Sidekick
- Execute a Backflip
- Survive a Poison Gas Attack
- Throw a Grappling Hook
- plus dozens of other crucial skills With original two-color illustrations by a DC Comics artist, The Batman Handbook has the information you'll need to emerge victorious against any criminal mastermind. And with Batman Begins releasing in June 2005, and the new animated series The Batman! launched in Fall 2004, The Batman Handbook is sure to be a hit.

The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual Reviews

  • Darth J

    Guys, if you're a Batman fan and want to know more about his suit

    His gadgets

    His rides

    His Batcave

    Or his enemies

    You're gonna wanna check this out.

  • Hippo dari Hongkong

    Duh baru inget ama buku punya si Tomo ini. jadi kudu buru2 dikelarin biar biasa di balikin pas IRF ntar *kalo dateng*
    Kenapa kudu pas IRF? yah dulu pan ngincerna pas IRF taon kmaren waktu si Tomo ikutan pamer(an) di IRF buka booth "all about batman" kolaborasi dengan si Ronny. Tapi sebelom sempet dipinjem ternyata cewe berbaju merah alias si Indah yang kebetulan ada disebelah waktu itu udah lebih dulu ngincer mau minjem bukuna. ya udah ngalah :))

    Buku ini gayanya sama persis dengan dengan buku
    zombie ini yang pernah gw baca. gaya serius abis2an tapi tetep aja bikin ngakak.

    Jadi intinya jadi Batman itu...
    1. Ribet
    2. Capek
    3. Mahal

    segitu aja repiunya sih

    Umm, tambah dikit lagi deh
    Ribet karena kudu ngurusin segala tetek bengek mulai dari kostum ama semua gadget berbau batsomething yang bejibun.

    Capek karena batman itu hanya manusia biasa yang tidak memiliki kekuatan superpower layaknya superman, spiderman, gundala putra petir dll. Jadi kemampuannya bertumpu pada skill, otak *prima* dan fisik yang juga kudu prima alias kudu latihan terus menerus.

    Mahal karena selain mengandalkan fisik dan otak, batman juga didukung semua teknologi dan peralatan canggih. Kudu jadi jutawan dulu baru bisa jadi Batman. Mulai dari bikin batcave, batmobil, batmotor dan batbat lainnya. modalnya gak dikit pokona
    seperti ini deh gambarannya

    ntu buat satu kostum doang

    trus kudu majang peralatan kek gene di kantor polisi


    yang kadang2 suka diisengin juga ama superman *mungkin* jadi kek gene


    Hmm.. mirip Iron Man lah gt. jutawan pinter kek gt lah. bedanya batman mungkin lebih low profil dibanding Iron Man


    sangat menghibur bukunya buat gw lah. tengkiyu buat sesepuh jaduler yang udah minjemin buku nyaaah




    Terima Kasih buat Neng Indah yang sudah maketin buku punya sesepuh jaduler ini ke bandung> Coba rumahnya masih di Bandung, dijamin sayah traktir Baso Panghegar ;))

  • Nicholas Kerr

    Fun and informative look into the caped crusader's vigilante activities and how you can hone your body to perform similar feats of acrobatics and wit.

  • Lily

    Clever idea!

  • Sarah Sammis

    One of the huge temptations in life is the Friends of the Library bookstore. A severe lack of shelf space and more importantly, money, has forced me to curb my old buying habits. So I get only the rare gem, maybe one book every couple of months. One of those gems is The Batman Handbook by Scott Beatty.

    The book is printed in blue, gray, black and yellow and stands out from the average book. It really is what it says, a handbook for anyone who wants to be Batman. There are sections on equipment, vehicles, suits, fighting techniques and so forth.

    Along with the instructions are lots and lots of illustrations. It has the look of a graphic novel or graphic memoir but it's something else. It's a parody, a discussion of the DC Canon, insights into Batman's personality and the different Robins he's worked with.

    The book was a delightful read and something that my husband, son and I all enjoyed. I'm sure we'll be re-reading it.

  • Indah Threez Lestari

    1285th - 2011

    Misteri yang belum terjawab setelah baca buku ini: bagaimana caranya membangun batcave yang begitu canggih, dengan superkomputer segede gaban, serta begitu banyak simbol batman, tanpa perlu membunuh para pekerja konstruksi yang terlibat (ga mungkin deh Bruce Wayne bikin sendirian atau berdua dengan Alfred saja) agar rahasia batcave tak terbongkar?

    Mungkin Bruce Wayne bisa melakukan hipnotis masal agar semua orang mengetahui rahasia batcave melupakan semuanya, atau mungkin pula punya alat canggih untuk menghapus dan mengubah memori seperti yang ada di Men In Black. Mungkin saja lho...

  • Mallory

    Okay, so this is was given to me as a joke. I regret to say tat even after three years I am still on step two to becoming batman, "Learn everything you can in every discipline, no mater how obscure." I may be here for quite sometime. Though I think the prospect of making a batsuit this summer could prove interesting.

  • Michelle Cristiani

    I like how in the beginning, the author says,"the safest course of action in the real world is to contact the relevant authorities." As if just for a second, you might forget you're _not_ really Batman.

    Phew. Because already this week I needed this book's help to get out of a choke hold, extract a confession, and blend into the shadows. And that's just because I'm a mother of three.

  • Matt Mazenauer

    All of the tips contained withing are written with a serious face, how to rappel down windows, see int he dark, etc. However, it's the cute tongue in cheek Batman references that really show off the humor: How to survive being frozen, how to conquer phobias, etc. Altogether a fun quick read.

  • jen

    its pretty freakin awesome. you can learn how to use his belt, avoid the deadly kiss of poison ivy, avoid whips from catwoman, be invisible, and do some pretty sweet superhero moves. i like the design of the book and how i can never do any of these things.

  • Anthony

    This is just necessary reading for those of us who are "The Batman." and to the great citizens of Goodreads, just know you can sleep better at night knowing we're out there making it safer. Why are you looking at me like that...I'm not crazy, I'm a hero sometimes.

  • Michael

    Entertaining enough to finish, but not a very funny or informative book. Some sections, such as the one training you on which fire extinguisher to use on electrical vs gasoline, feel much more like filler than Batman training.

  • Barbara

    A little dry in some areas -- as most "instructional" books can be -- it was a good read. Even if you don't become a costumed vigilante, this book still contains interesting info that can assist you in your everyday life.

  • John Gentry

    If Batman created this book it was to mislead others so that none could take his crown as "THE BAT". Humerous, fun, and great for the comic book nerd in us all I reccomend it only to those die hard fans of Batman. Otherwise you'll be left a little perplexed as to why anyone would want this.

  • Rory

    everything i ever needed to know ...

  • E. Paul Zehr

    This was a real treat to read. Well thought out and clever. And he is a super nice guy also.

  • Lauren

    This book is amazing! It's funny, entertaining, and a must have the vigilante on the rise! As a huge, huge, Batman fanatic this book was a real treasure to own.

  • Jason

    Very entertaing for all those budding bats to be

  • Katie

    Very useful and informative.

  • Sarah Toth

    Very informative and descriptive and gave lots of detail for all of the different training procedures of the Dark Knight!

  • D.S. Newman

    Absoultely amazing and realistic! Get this with the Zombie Survival Guide and you can survive against zombies, AS Batman!

  • Elle Cuddy

    Glorious. What a fabulous guidebook.