Title | : | The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0007321112 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780007321117 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 223 |
Publication | : | Published January 1, 2011 |
The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Reviews
I will review the letters one by one:
1) The Power of Authenticity: I've been thinking about this for quite a long time. People always tend to interfere in one's life and it happens a lot of time that you do things that you don't want or like to do, or meet some people whom you don't like. Be authentic means for me removing all the people's influences from your life. It needs courage to do so and face the consequences. On the other hand, like it or not, you are a part of big society and no one can afford to live alone so you have to consider that. For example, one need to be nice to all people even though he don't like them. It needs balancing I guess.
2) Embrace Your Fears: same goes here, one shouldn't be hindered by his fears as well as being reckless or inconsiderate. A little risk in life is like a little spices in a recipe.
3) Live With Kindness: As a Muslim, I can found all the lessons in these letters in Qur'an and Hadith, one just need to understand them correctly and not to escape them.
-Let's take one verse:"And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth - that He may recompense those who do evil with [the penalty of] what they have done and recompense those who do good with the best [reward]"(51-31)
4) Make Small Daily Progress:
-Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet Muhammad was asked, "What deeds are loved most by Allah?" He said, "The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few." He added, 'Don't take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability." Bukhari (Volume 8, Book 76, Number 472)
5) To Lead Your Best Life, Do Your Best Work:
-Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:"Do not belittle any good deed, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face." Narrated by Muslim
6) Choose The Influences Well: I guess this one is a very logical one and I am sure that everyone have heard many advices about people whom one should befriend with.
7) Life's Simplest Pleasures Are Life's Greatest Joys: I guess this simply what the 'Developed' countries are suffering from. They ran after increasing production and therefore consumption. Fancy cars, homes and life. When they got all these stuff the discovered that all this stuff doesn't really deserve all this journey !
8) The Purpose Of Life Is To Love: As a Muslim, the purpose of my life is more than that actually. Muslim's life should be centered on Allah. You can watch this lecture, it was really helpful to me:
9) Stand For Something Bigger Than Yourself: This something should be Heaven !
In a nutshell: This book is one of those books that are trying to give the reader a meaning since people nowadays became totally involved in their career and materialistic life. It tells a repeatedly told message. I don't think that I learned anything new, it can be just a reminder of some lessons. You only can read the last two pages that has the letters. No much to learn from the book ! There are only one interesting thing I learned about the Japanese culture; when filling the glasses for others when having a meal together, one should half-fill his own glass and wait until another one fill it for him. -
A stressed and unhappy businessman is sent on a round-the-world trip to retrieve some talismans by his uncle, a Buddhist monk. The people Jonathan meets along the way, and the lessons attached to each of the talismans, teach him how to live a better life and focus on family and friends rather than on money and advancement.
This is far from being the kind of book I usually read, and I was totally unaware of Robin Sharma’s existence before I read it. I was sent it to review or wouldn’t have ever have opened it. The cover says it’s “a story of breathtaking power and dazzling suspense”, which I can’t agree with.
The story is simplistic and is formulated solely in order to illustrate the nine truths the author wants to get across to us. It seemed to me to be facile, preachy and a bit dumb, but it was over blessedly quickly.
The nine truths in themselves are positive and we’d probably all benefit from considering them to some extent, but I don’t think that this book’s story is the best vehicle for them. -
THE SECRET LETTERS OF THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI... A breathtaking beautiful book. As the main character in the book travels around the world for collecting talismans, the reader also seems to move with the character. Truly amazing experience! And with each talisman, a new dimension of life unfolds to inspire in its own unique way. A must read. An asset for lifetime... -
I have always believed in people coming into your life for a reason. This book did not get into my hands accidentally; I didn't buy it in a bookstore. It was lent to me by a Lebanese friend who I consider "the cure to all my pains" here in KSA.
The secret letters mentioned in the title are the Talisman letters which Jonathan Landry, a career-oriented engineer whose personal life was in disarray, had to collect (primarily, the talismans were the ones he had to collect) from different people in different countries as instructed by Julian, a wealthy lawyer turned monk who sold his Ferrari when he decided to give up his lucrative way of life.
Each talisman represented a wise outlook in life which is explained further through short letters/notes. Jonathan had to travel from West to East and back just to collect the talismans and in each of his trip, he realized something which made a significant change in his life.
What I liked most about this book is the idea of traveling. He went to some of the cities I plan to visit too someday - Paris, Barcelona, Buenos Aires!. But the important message it furnished me was to live a simple and happy life through facing your fears and doing what you love best which eventually benefit not only you, but the people around you as well.
My Lebanese friend came exactly at the time when I needed some harmony in my life here in Saudi Arabia. And for that, I am most grateful. -
The book teaches us to live with simplicity, kindness and doing our best in our life.
The entire book focuses on living an authentic life and finding our own selves. The power of authenticity explains the strengths, weaknesses and the deep seated unseen hopes within us.
I had to question myself about my authentic life. It made me search my inner self. It helped me explore my trueself, make small daily progress, which now executes my life well in excelling large efforts. -
The book may contain every thing you know. but absolutely, in the way you don't know.
The writer has simply summarized his main purpose of this book in this quotation:
"It's not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching - it is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life. Books do not actually teach you anything new. Books simply help you to see what is already within your self." -
highly disappointed (2.5*)
It’s my 3rd book of robin sharma and i have always cherished his books. i like the positive energy he puts in his books.
So what's new in this book-- "Nothing". He was again preaching the same kind of thoughts which he tells in all other books but what bored me is a plot. The whole book was like a travel map where Jonathan travels continuously. I felt like there was lot of things written just to fill pages. The entire summary of the book was just concluded in the last 4 pages and you don't have to read and bore yourself :( -
Basically, a guy who needs to reprioritize and turn his life around is sent on a journey by his cousin (the monk who sold his ferrari) to collect talismans from his friends around different parts of the world (in an order that doesn't make any sense).
Love the idea of the talismans. Love the idea of recognizing friends who emulate attributes that you wish to have. Love some of the stories behind why each friend was given their talisman.
Is the writing great? Nope.
Is there anything new here? Nope.
Did I read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari? Nope.
But my mom got me this book and it left me with a warm, feel-good energy. So.... ultimately those flaws don't bother me too much and I have rounded up my rating. I also appreciate how the message behind each talisman is written at the back of the book, so you can refer to it whenever.
I've seen reviews that you can just skip the book and read the messages at the end, but I disagree. The stories behind each one make the lessons themselves more memorable. -
I felt like I was reading the script of a badly written infomercial. It had every single corny quote posted as a teenager's Facebook status. Very little to make use of in the book. Disappointing.
wonderfully written
ستقرأ هذا الكتاب وتتعلم
تتعلم انك تمضي في حياتك مطولا، وعند لحظة معينة منها، عليك ان تتوقف وتفكر مليا في جميع جوانب حياتك وان تعيد حساباتك
ان حصلت على هذه الفرصة لا تفوتها
كتاب قيم وأنصح بقراءته بتمعن
كما انصحكم برؤية الأماكن من خلال غوغل ، أماكن جميلة بحق -
Loved the way it combines adventure n such nice messages to soothe the heart !
An uplifting tale of being ultimately true to yourself. I loved this book and the escapism it offered. Following Jonathan’s journey around the globe through the pages of this novel was a great escape through these times of grounded flights and border closures. The lessons Robin Sharma weaves through the journey reiterate the importance of leading an authentic, kind, pleasurable and loving life. Would most definitely recommend this read, especially during these trying times.
Not having read 'the monk who sold his ferrari', I went this one without any prior expectations. In some ways I guess this worked better for me, as I did not know what to expect. The story narrates about Jonathan Laundry,a man running the inescapable rat race of modern human life. With an over-demanding job, a failing marriage and a disappointed son, Jonathan is a man in trouble. Suddenly one day he receives a call to go visit an Uncle (the original monk) in Buenos Aries. He is assigned with a task of collecting nine life-saving talismans from safe-keepers located across the globe from Istanbul to Japan to India. Thus begins his journey of rediscovering his life and the joys he had been missing in it as each talisman and its safe-keeper has an important message along with it.
As we travel along with Jonathan in his journey we learn the importance of being true to ourselves, of making small improvements to our lives and of deriving happiness form the simplest joys of our lives.
The book creates a powerful impact and forces one to introspect one's life and the direction in which one wants to lead it too. -
Väga positiivne. Sisaldab ka palju elutarkusi, mida olen aja jooksul unustanud. Mu lemmik tarkus on see: "Tee iga päev väikesi edusamme. See, kuidas teeme väikesid asju määrab ära selle, kuidas teeme kõike. Kui saame väikeste ülesannetega hakkama, siis saadab meid edu ka suuremates asjades. Siis saab meisterlikkusest meie olemise vili. Aga veelgi enam: iga tilluke jõupingutus on aluseks järgmisele. Niisiis võib luua kivi kivi haaval suurepäraseid asju, kujuneb enesekindlus ja täituvad ebatavalisemadki unistused. Tõeliselt tark inimene mõistab, et väikesed igapäevased edusammud viivad aja jooksul alati harukordsete tulemusteni."
If you are a person fed up with the chaos in your life, and looking for a breathe of fresh air, you should pick this book.
And if you are content and happy with your current life situation, you should pick this, as well.
For either parties, this book takes you through the journey of the narrator and we are spiritually translated across the world and it's beauty.
The Letters, truly are thought-invoking, and makes us rethink what we do with our lives.
Kudos to Robin Sharma for subtly engaging us in whirlwind of emotions :) -
Easy to read book, direct to the point and it was good in terms of getting some advice to make our lives happier, despite that we all probably already knew about the tips given there. It was good to be reminded about them. Even though it wasn't the point of the book: extremely predictable and cheesy.
“Cat de bine traiesti se reduce la cat de mult iubesti. Inima este mai inteleapta decat mintea. Onoreaz-o. Ai incredere in ea. Urmeaz-o.”
https://bookwormsinacozycorner.home.b... -
The message is the same, it's basically the same book, not quite as cheesy. I just like his books! Lol... I always go back for more. Read it. It's nice to have a reminder to live your best life, and to get inspired to do so.
A remarkable story on a journey of self discovery. Great insights on the exciting yet demanding road to living the authentic life.Does my work add value to my life or does it drain me out? Good read worth investing in
"Life's simplest pleasures are life's greatest joys."
Great messages, however the story was kind of obvious from the start.
Apesar de previsível, adorei viajar com a personagem :)
Depois de uma grande viagem retornamos sempre diferentes. Depois da leitura de uma grande história… também.
http://silenciosquefalam.blogspot.pt/... -
یک رمان با چاشنی روانشناسی زرد و انگیزشی نویسی،کلا ملغمهای از سفرنامه و نصیحت نامه و قانون های روانشناسی زرد😂
"I am not going to live the same day over and over again, and call it a life."
I wished to flip through something very soft in the wording yet impactful and then I was recommended this book.
The Secret Letters is a tale about a man called Jonathan who is a cousin of Julian Mantle from The Monk who sold his Ferrari.
His life has fortune, wealth, spouse, a son yet it's breaking down.
He is almost on the verge of the rift from his wife and never able to keep his promises made to his child. All because of his vigorous job.
One phone call from his crying mother to meet Julian and everything in his life is changed forever. How? Julian convinces him to go to several places where he has kept some of his talismans & letters and carry them to him. Why?
Because he has to protect someone's life.
Jonathan consents what Julian urges because he assumes that the person can be his mother or sister & Julian tells him that's it's not every day that you get to save someone's life.
This journey to save somebody is a completely renewing message for the reader because you assume yourself at Jonathan's place. Yes.
The story will make you realize how significant is living an authentic life and how you need to concentrate more on your self worth than net worth.
The wisdom inside is precious and I would highly advise reading this book for an introspection.
Also, it's not at all compulsory to read The Monk who sold his Ferrari before as it can be read as a standalone. -
I have mixed feelings about this book but all in all it has its fair share of good and bad points.
I’ll start with the bad qualities, the story was quite slow at the beginning and I was growing agitated with the main character as he is always complaining about everything although he could actually look at the bright side of things (eg: the chance to travel for free, lol). The values and lessons injected in the story are pretty much textbook stuff and things you’ve been taught in school and your entire life but on a slightly deeper level I suppose? The plot was predictable especially the ending. Unless if the author’s aim is to keep it simple that way to highlight the moral messages then it’s okay I guess.
On brighter notes, the story gets better once the main character ‘get the hang of it’ and one of the things I like is probably how the author use simple analogy and stories to get the messages across. The messages from the letters would be beneficial once you’ve instilled the values in you and while the moral values are common sense that many of us are aware of, it’s easy to forget these simple values in between our life struggles and never ending race with everything and everyone in this material world.
Lastly, if you’re expecting any new revelation from this book you’re in for a disappointment, however if you are in that stage in life where you needed a refresher on what really matters and refocus, you’re in for a delight. -
This book was about Jonathan Landry and his journey around the world. The reason he is travelling the world is because he has come in contact with his lost relative Julian mantle who had earlier on disappeared into the Himalayas. Julien set Jonathan a task to collect talismans which have important information on them from some of Julian’s connections from around the world.
I gave this book 5 stars because some of the writing on the talismans were really deep and really wise and I think I've learnt a lot from them. The biggest lessons I learnt were to lead you best life do you best work and “the purpose of life is to love – how well you live comes down to how much you love. The heart is wiser than the head, honour it. Trust it. Follow it.”
My favourite part of the book was when was probably at the end when he saw his wife again at the end of his journey and that scene. I liked this because I seemed really happy for him. -
I really liked how the book has been proceeding through the chapters, even if there were cases it felt quite unstructured. The background narrative was too much of a cliche, the life of a successful lawyer and his ups and down in life. The gist of this book about how to give more attention in your life, your every single day and concentrate on the important parts of it, was really strong though. Lessons learned were great, they make you wonder about life, how do we actually handling it, spending our time and where do we give our most attention. It's a nice book that makes you rethink your daily routine and the important parts of your life.