Title | : | Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 156924264X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781569242643 |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 336 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2007 |
Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook Reviews
Well, for some reason I thought that this was going to be more like a thorough vegan Joy of Cooking type book but it isn’t quite so comprehensive. However; it is great, and I didn’t end up being disappointed.
Only cons:
1. all the photos are in the middle of the book vs. on the recipe pages
2. for my taste too long vegetable steaming times given (although possibly they & I are thinking of different sized pieces of veggies)
3. and most importantly: the authors don’t have a restaurant serving these recipes where I live in San Francisco ☺
1. all of the recipes (except for those that contain foods I don’t like: seiten, tempeh, capers, vinegar, mustard, a few other ingredients) look delicious
2. such easy instructions for all the recipes and in general
3. while at first the book didn’t appear attractive to me, as I read it, I changed my mind: it has a great layout and it was easy to read and I decided I did like its appearance
4. very helpful icons for applicable recipes: soy free, gluten free, low fat/reduced fat, under 45 minutes, supermarket friendly
5. creative and practical recipe organization and table of contents (I was going to list the table of contents outline in my review because I like it so much, but instead I encourage others to buy, borrow, look at the book for themselves)
6. very informative with just the right amount of humor: I like humorous cookbooks; this wasn’t one of the funniest but it’s not meant to be silly,
and it also contains a smattering of Yiddish words (there was at least one, I think more) and a few vegan versions of what I think of as Jewish comfort food – loved it!
Just some of the recipes I’d like to eat (and all look possible for even me to cook given the terrific instructions): Spinach-Noodle Kugel, Baked Potato and Greens Soup with Potato-Wedge Croutons, Cauliflower and Mushroom Pot Pie with Black Olive Crust, Grilled Yuka Tortillas, Potato and Kale Enchiladas with Roasted Chile Sauce, Broccoli Millet Croquettes, Black Bean Burgers, Spaghetti and Beanballs, Beanball Sub, Mexican Millet, Red Lentil-Cauliflower Curry, Acorn Squash Pear and Adzuki Soup with Sautéed Shiitakes, Almond Quinoa Muffins, Mushroom Gravy, Marinara Sauce with combined mushroom and garlic variations, Creamy Kalamata Spread, Holiday Cranberry Sauce, Jalapeno Corn Gravy, Smlove Pie, Jelly Donut Cupcakes, Lower Fat Banana Bread, Maple and Brown Sugar Pinwheels, Wheat Free Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chewy Chocolate Raspberry Cookies, Pistachio-Rose Water Cookies, Lower-Fat Deep Chocolate Bundt Cake, and there are many others as well.
Gosh, writing this has made me way too hungry. I’m usually more of a cookbook reader than a cook, but I am very tempted to make at least some of the above recipes. -
This book is saucy and I like it:
so far:
Pineapple cashew quinoa - I accidentally made this with whole pecans instead of cashews because I was aggressively drunk cooking. I think the cashews would be better with this. I'm all about the pineapple flavor, though, and this was really easy to put together (or was it, drunk Emily?? was it???).
Chickpeas Romanesco - I'm not familiar with traditional romanesco sauces, and this felt too difficult for a chickpea curry (though I roasted my own bell peppers and that added like 40 minutes to the process). I'd like to try it without some of the extra steps, even though pulverizing nuts in a food processor is one of the small, violent joys in my life.
Snobby Joes - This is a recipe that Matt and I make every few weeks (it's generous to say "Matt and I make it" when what I really mean is "Matt makes it"). Do Snobby Joes made with lentils taste like sloppy joes made with meat? No, but the lentil version is DELICIOUS. We've also made them for my carnivorous father and gotten a good review. Last week we ran out of chili powder and used cayenne pepper instead, which gave it a nice kick at the end. -
My wife & I have been working through this cookbook for a year now. Finally, I am going to write my review of it. Isa Chandra Moskowitz is a vegan foodie sensation. If you make vegan food regularly, you know there are basic techniques and styles we all rely on, and every once in a while, some sort of revolution sweeps through the vegan cooking world, and suddenly everyone is looking at their tofu a little differently. Veganomicon is that moment.
We are busy people who love to cook delicious vegan food, and we often try to tackle five new recipes a week, so we read a lot of cookbooks. We cook for a twelve-year old, too, so kid-friendliness is a high priority. Maybe, though, our kid-friendliness is different, since our kid is a life-long vegetarian with a lot of adventurous eating under his belt.
The book is well organized and easy to use. Ingredients are listed in the order you use them - it's the little things, you know? Ingredients are exotic enough that you should have access to a few specialty groceries or a coop, but not so insane that you can't make these recipes in a small town. I live in a small city and can find pretty much everything we need.
There are some classics in here, recipes we make over and over again. A lot of the recipes are easily adapted to keep things interesting. The muffins and soups are strong points - recipes worth repeating. And the vodka sauce? It's delicious. It makes a pasta dinner special! Our kid asks for it by name.
I only made one thing from this cookbook that I wasn't crazy about - the chickpea cutlets - and nearly everyone I've talked to about them LOVED the recipe, so I can only think that I did something wrong?
Any time I talk to anyone about vegan cooking (which is OFTEN!) I always end up talking about this book. it's just one of the best, most dependable, most rewarding cookbooks available today. vegans and non-vegans can both indulge and delight in these recipes. even my vegan-hating co-workers were converted to vegan-appreciation by a few of the cookie recipes. -
God, I wanted to love this cookbook. Picked it up when it was brand new, as Vegan with a Vengeance is one of my favorites. I appreciate the idea behind it - so many vegan cookbooks are thin paperbacks that it's a cool idea to try to up the game with a nice solid hardback. But in my opinion, this is a middle ground cookbook - too highfalutin for daily use, but not quite polished enough for special events.
Other than a few standbys, I rarely use this cookbook because it is chock o' block with the types of bullshit obscure ingredients that I can't get around here. This is fine every now and then, but most of the time, I'm not interested in dropping $20 for some weird ass spice I have to order off the internet just so I can make a darn stew. Maybe they should only sell the cookbook in Brooklyn? Don't get me wrong, there are some fantastic things in here and certainly not everything is complicated -- the edamame corn salad is awesome and trivially easy -- but far too often I find myself flipping through it going, "can't, can't, can't, can't, can't." -
A good book for vegans, but probably not for newbies. There aren't many pictures, which is a real shame. It's primarily written for the American market, so there are lots of unusual ingredients, but nonetheless it's a good book. I like Isa's style of writing, it's easy and good fun. Recommended, but there are better books for the beginner vegan, in my opinion.
First, the recipes are very well written and explained. The authors don't leave out any details, and include things like "when you bake this cake, it's really really important to not open the oven for at least 45 minutes no matter how tempting it is". They include lots of variations for most recipes. Most importantly, the recipes are very weeknight: A lot of them are pretty quick to prepare, very tasty, and don't necessarily involve a billion different steps and sub-recipes.
I've either liked or loved everything I've made from this cookbook so far. Particularly, there's a recipe for lemon pound cake that's very yummy. I just made the vegan mac 'n' "cheese", which was fantastic. It perfectly satisfied my craving for the super-artificial extra-wicked boxed Kraft mac 'n' cheese; fortunately, since it's basically made from noodles, tofu, and nutritional yeast, I didn't feel too bad about it afterwards.
I've made a few of their bean dishes, soups, etc., and all of them have been extremely tasty.
Even if you're not vegan, it's nice to learn how to cook in ways that aren't meat-centric. I mean, a bean soup is a bean soup, and a tablespoon of olive oil instead of butter really isn't that big of a deal. Also, if you have vegan friends or know people who have to really watch their saturated fat / cholesterol, learning to cook some vegan dishes is a good addition to your culinary repertoire. -
I am like 90% pescatarian, meaning that throughout a month like 90% of what I eat contains no soil- or earthbound or non-sea worthy animal components except dairy, because I love cheese to an almost shameful degree. The 10% of my diet that is made from earth-roaming beasts comes generally in the form of charcuterie at nice restaurants or the infrequent baconing of some component of a meal or if I go to my parents for a meal, as they eat pretty much only animals and potatoes, in thick animal gravies, and I'm not about to tell my lovely mom and dad that I'm not eating the fare they worked so hard to prepare simply because of my fussy consumption habits. Anyway, I and my girlfriend eat a lot of vegan dishes because you know what? enforced obstructions are a fun way of developing new techniques and learning things. In art as in food. Veganism is like the Oulipo of gastronomy. Or Lars Von Trier's "The Five Obstructions" of the dining universe. I dig it. I don't do it all the time, but I like doing it. Like certain acts of lovemaking. Anyway, I have never disliked a single dish made from this blessed book,The Veganomicon, so if you're vegan or just vegan-curious or just into cooking technique, check it out. A hell of a reliable cookbook.
Veganomicon is the grown-up version of Vegan with a Vengeance. Not its momma but the grown-up post punk herself. Still the same intelligent, clever and witty writing and the same mind-blowingly creative recipes but this time there is some very helpful information on kitchen necessities, both cookware and pantry staples, basic information on how to prepare different types of produce, some very grown-up and organized menus and the layout is beautifully refined. Much like I am trying to be in this review when all I really want to say is that this book KICKS ASS!
Now, I haven't actually tried out any of the recipes but I will say that VWAV has stayed on my kitchen countertop for months, I have made about 80% of the recipes and everthing is flawless. I have taken many a baked good to work and other functions and even the most die-hard omni goes crazy for them. Even my dad, who is terrified of the word "vegan", is so crazy about the coconut carrot cake that I have made it multiple times and he consumes most of it. I have made my family eat almost everything from the sidedish section and they loved it all. So, pretty much, if you're vegan, or just not stupid, buy this book now. There is nothing better out there. Although I'm greedy and I'm already anticipating the next book. And possibly a string of VWAV/Veganomicon restaurants in all my favorite cities. -
Recipes made so far:
Fudgy Wudgy Blueberry Brownies = Excellent
Coconut Lemon Bundt Cake = Awesome
Eggplant and Potato Moussaka with Pine Nut Cream = Okay
Tamarind Lentils = Delish
Curried Tofu = Good
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Pudding = Very tasty
Chickpea Cutlets = Outstanding and addictive
Lasagne Marinara with Spinach = Very good
Creamy Tomato Soup = my daughter actually ate some which is a miracle.
I've been going through this cookbook slowly, one intimidating recipe/ingredient at a time, because vegan cuisine seemed mysterious & I was ambitious.
Also, Veganomicon is an awesome cookbook name. My eyes always drifted to the cover in bookstores, and I would think, "I should try that cookbook" based purely on the name. And then I'd open it, frown at the ingredients & ugly pictures, and put it back on the shelf. Every time.
Until finally, I bought it.
Fall & winter 2015/2016 became the quasi-vegan months. (I'm sorry, Tim.)
I've gone through a good deal of the recipes now & know how to make tempeh, seitan, and tofu like nobody's business. (Perhaps my finest achievement.) + how to cook a proper vegetable & make noteworthy vegan dishes of all sorts. I mean, I could probably serve a vegan meal to a diehard meat eater & walk away unscathed.
I've also learned that you should never put beans into a quiche or make mac & cheese with nutritional yeast, no matter what the vegan cookbook says.
I think, most of all, Veganomicon proved that I'll never be fully vegan. As wonderful as many of the recipes were, many others were concluded with the statement, "would be better with cheese."
Update: I've decided to bump this rating down a star because whenever I look at Veganomicon on my shelf & think about making something out of it, I feel exhausted in advance. All the special ingredients, the recipes with multiple components, and the 80s-style photography...
I'm in awe of myself for actually going through this cookbook. Well done self. -
A comprehensive vegan cookbook. I'll have to try some recipes before being sure of my rating. I'm not a fan of the emphasis on tofu and traditional wheat flours, but perhaps it will be worth it.
4.5 stars
I love Isa's cookbooks. They have a wide variety of dishes, and they are all delicious. This one is no exception. I've been tinkering with this specific set of recipes for a full month now, and they have all worked out fantastically. I've not been disappointed by one single dish so far, and would gladly revisit the things that I made previously.
It's worth mentioning, some of these recipes are a little more involved and slightly time-consuming. Since I'm stuck in quarantine right now, I don't mind at all. If you're new to the kitchen though, this might take a bit of patience to navigate and to learn where to spot shortcuts.
I'm one of those culinary enthusiasts that literally annotates cookbooks, so I'm fully geeking out over how lovely these dishes turned out. I will definitely continue to incorporate this book into my regular recipe rotation.
A handful of favorites below:
- Samosa stuffed baked potatoes
- Creole stuffed bell peppers
- Cauliflower & mushroom potpie with black olive crust
- Pumpkin baked ziti with caramelized onions & sage crumb topping
- Almond-quinoa crunch muffins -
This has helped me so much over the years.
This is a great cookbook for both dyed-in-the-wool vegans and those omnivores who want to mix it up a little. Myself, I'm a longtime vegetarian who considers himself a vegan-wanna-be (I love vegan food to death but I still can't give up ice cream, cheese or cream cheese) and this book makes me really think I could make the leap and keep my taste buds happy. After I finish this pint of Rum Raisin, that is...(ahem).
The book is written with a breezy sense of humor that will make readers of all dietary disciplines feel right at home, yet it's not so preciously perky that you'll wanna chuck the book out the window and spend the rest of your night chewing gristle at Ponderosa. The conversational tone is perfect for folks who are exploring what veganism is all about and would maybe like to have some fun in so doing.
The array of recipes look great - they range from simple to somewhat elaborate, and there are recipes involving common ingredients and a few that dare you to play with various health food store staples and global market items. The authors know which ingredients are a hassle to find and which are less commonly used by the average joe, and they do a great job of talking readers through the weird stuff and reminding us why it's worth it.
If you're an open-minded meat-eater who loves to cook and has lots of veg friends, this is the solution for your next dinner party. Not only will you find lots in here that your root-munching friends will love, but you'll also come up with a few recipes that will have even your most carnivorous buddies gnawing away on vegan delights. Good food is good food - and Veganomicon is a great guide to it. -
I decided to make the leap into veganism in July 2011 after reading several books about the diet's benefits and I have never felt better. I once couldn't imagine NOT eating meat or dairy, but after experimenting with so many great cookbooks, it really has been an easy transition. I have slipped up a few times and believe me, your body will LET YOU KNOW that it doesn't want that crap anymore. It's a shame that vegan dishes get a bad rep - most I have tried have been fantastic. Even my husband, who still eats meat and dairy occasionally (we don't bring it into the house anymore - just milk for him b/c that is his non-vegan vice) RAVES about most of the vegan meals I have prepared. So many pluses to the whole thing. Anyway...
I received this cookbook for Christmas and I am already head-over-heels in love with it. I went through the book tonight and wrote out the initial list of the recipes I want to try first. I had a full sheet, front and back, to choose from. I flagged down the husband to get him to select a couple of dinners and we have a menu planned.
Will be back with an update once I start cooking... -
This is a phenomenal cookbook for anyone who likes to cook and eat delicious food, vegan or vegetarian or BBQ-snarfer. The whole section on how to cook vegetables is worth the price alone (I had no idea how amazing roasted green beans were, for example) and the Simple Seitan recipe is a streamlined (and yummier) version of the one in Vegan With A Vengeance.
So far I have made the Leek and Bean Cassoulet with Biscuits, the Chestnut Lentil Pate, the Kalamata Dip, the Seitan Piccata, the Chickpea Cutlets, the Hot Sauce Glazed Tempeh (even better if you just bake the tempeh for 50 minutes in the marinade -- we ate this 4 times in one week that is how damn good the marinade is), and the Spicy Tempeh With Broccoli Rabe and Rotelli which is also fucking delicious. Oh, and the Baked Pumpkin Ziti with Sage Breadcrumbs which I served to omnivorous friends who ate 3 helpings a piece. Do yourself a favor and buy this book, everything in it is delicious. -
I wasn't really enticed by any of these recipes. Nothing popped out and said, EAT ME! I think a good portion also had to do with the photography, which was a tad on the cyan side and made me gag a little. Perhaps it's just the vegan lifestyle... No! I take that back. I've read and tried alot of different vegan recipes in my time and I think focusing on the simplicity of the elements within the recipe should be the focus. Clearly, not the case with this cookbook.
Check out
101cookbooks or
Cucina Nicolina for better recipes. -
I've had this book for a year or more and have recommended it countless times to aspiring vegans, curious vegetarians, and diabetic carnivores. I use it every week: it is the backbone of my menu. It completely demystifies the 'vegan' label and makes good food easy, acessible, delicious, and fun. The food is good-looking and tasty and balanced enough to serve to guests--who often exclaim in pleasure over the results. I absolutely don't care about the 'lack of pictures' complaint. It could have none and it wouldn't matter. These two collaborators deserve canonization and a far wider audience.
Not as exhaustive as it claims to be (how can it explain cooking different types of vegetables but not give any general guidance for tofu and other more unusual meat replacements?) but some very good recipes all the same - the samosa stuffed baked potatoes were especially delicious!
Not a vegan, but certainly have cut down on all forms of saturated fat and upped the vegetable, fruit, and whole grain intake. As vegetarian Alice Waters said, it's what you eat, not what you don't eat. Steph is a wonderful resource for all things vegan and she was the inspiration for me looking into a solid vegan cookbook. I want to be able to create something hearty and real - not relying on the scurry to Whole Foods for the lonely Field Roast....
This one practically leapt of the shelves. Authors are funny and recipes are really good. Already made the red and white seitanic jambalaya, a timely dish and a healthy nod to our friends and family in the Big Easy (shout out to John and Chris). Devoted omnivore spouse was disappointed there are no andouille, but hey that seitan is really good and the dish leaves you feeling full and lively.
This weekend I made pineapple, cashew nut quinoa stir fry with Ro. Normally not a big fan of this icon of hospitality, the dish was yummy & sophisticated with the addition of Mirin, fresh basil, and mint. The acorn quash, pear, and adzuki soup with sauteed shitakes is calling my name. Who heard of paring these foods together? Clever chefs Moskowitz and Romero did, plus many other fab delights as far as I can tell. -
This book has quite a few totally awesome recipes in it! I love how it gives the feeling of being a complete vegan cookbook - kind of the only book you'll ever need. But, there are a few stars missing in my rating... See, I have two big problems with this book:
1) The use of soy products. There is tofu in most recipes it feels like. I'm not keen on using that much soy products, plus I don't like the taste of tofu. Up until now I haven't used soy products in my cooking more than a few times, and I haven't missed them...
2) Flipping through this book doesn't really make me inspired to cook. There is a serious lack of photos. Plus, the ingredient lists are most often long, and the descriptions are long. The majority of the recipes are too advanced and take too much time to cook with all the steps. Vegan cooking really doesn't have to be this difficult.
Sadly, this book is my least favourite of my vegan cookbooks. I'd use the Oh She Glows Cookbook and Thug Kitchen over this any day. -
I'm still working my way through this cookbook, but so far I have really enjoyed the recipes I have tried. They are easy to make and the instructions are well written. I like the little tips that are included with the recipes. For example they list different alternatives to certain foods (like peppers) if you can't find them. The only thing is I wish there were more pictures in the book and that he pictures were next to the respective recipe instead of in the middle of the book. Otherwise this is a great vegan cookbook!
After checking out the local library's copy over and over again, I got my very own beautiful copy for Christmas thanks to my awesome husband. I really like the recipes I've tried so far. Some are a little complicated for my daily meals but there is a nice variety and everything I've tried so far has been delicious! :-)
unfortunately there are too few photos of the many recipes included in this book
TLDR- Overrated!
Errantly titled. Not just because I don't think this deserves the title of "The Ultimate" anything, but because this is really not a cookbook as much as it is a recipe book with a few scrambled tutorials at the beginning.
There is some misleading commentary throughout this book that could confuse some kitchen beginners. For example, it states that blanching is "just fancy-pants" for boiling something for a couple minutes. (pg. 26.) This is partly true, but to blanch also involves shocking the item, which they disregard in their instructions on how to "blanch" a red bell pepper. I'm curious, as well, as to why they assumed their readers wouldn't be familiar with basic cooking techniques and terms, but couldn't be bothered to properly explain them? Or if they really don't know basic techniques, which doesn't give me much confidence in their recipes. On pg. 20, for a second example, they say whisking is just "quickly stirring." No, it's not. You don't use a circular motion when you use a whisk. It doesn't get the air in, which is the goal. They also say you "usually" use a whisk, but that using a fork does "just as nicely." A fork can be used on the fly, but it's called whisking for a reason. Use a whisk. I suspect that their apparent lack of culinary knowledge here is to blame for why I haven't been able to get good results by following recipe directions in the items I've tried.
I also feel that they could have devoted more to better food styling. Especially considering that there are only a few pictures for the whole book, these photos really aren't all that appetizing.
They talk about wanting the recipes to be everyday food for their readers, but then carry on to admit that their big inspiration is all the exotic ingredients available to them in New York. No pun intended, but they're a little out to lunch. By their own admission, they didn't even spend much time researching what ingredients might actually be available in the standard market. On pg. 254, they list "vanilla-yogurt pound cake" as supermarket friendly; but it calls for arrowroot powder, soy yogurt, and blended silken tofu. I would guess at least one of those items would be difficult for someone to get. Likewise for the banana-date scones, which ask for ground flaxseed, rice milk, Brown rice syrup, and whole-wheat pastry flour. Look, I could get a big-banana date to pound me faster than I could find all that at my grocery store, and it'd be a whole lot more satisfactory too. They also recommend a lot of ingredients that are expensive, like coconut oil.
Also, I found the categories were odd, and recipes were not always in a logical order. What exactly is "mix and match" in a recipe book? It doesn't make it easy to locate recipes, or do much to help inspire the reader, or assist with meal planning.
Last, I really got to add two things: the fact that they insisted on writing "sammiches" instead of just "sandwiches" was irksome; and it annoyed the crap out of me that half their recipes called for me to make 3-4 other recipes in the book. Call me lazy, but I don't want to spend half the day searching for those other recipes and preparing them just to make whatever this is, especially when the few recipes I've tried have just tasted like moist cardboard.
Recipes tried:
Chickpea cutlets- cooked longer than stated but still seemed doughy on the inside; and couldn't achieve the same even browning as in the picture by following the directions. Tasted like asshole. Checked with others who told me they also had mixed results.
Baked BBQ tofu- not awful I suppose. I have used their recipe a few times. But I do wonder if marinating the tofu first would be of benefit. They give just 15 minutes of cooking time with the sauce, which doesn't give much time for the tofu to absorb the flavours. And, because the tofu is browned first, it probably limits the absorption of flavours further. It can taste like I'm just eating plain tofu with sauce poured on top. Confusedly, they suggest in a sidebar that you make the marinade the day before, but not to marinate the tofu in it until the next day, even though in the recipe they suggest not to marinate at all. Huh?! I haven't even bothered to try marinade-first with this recipe, because if I have to alter it .. it's really not a good recipe.
Recipes I Couldn't Make or Avoided-
Blue flannel hash- I haven't seen blue potatoes around. I guess I could use purple instead. But I'd rather just go get stoned and eat some Doritos.
Crepes- I love crepes. Mostly because they're a snap to make. Their recipe seems unnecessarily complicated. "Use a blender." "Chill in the fridge overnight." The recipe directions are lengthy and there are two side bars where we are warned that we should stay away from the buckwheat ones because they're "viscuous and difficult." This whole recipe book feels viscuous and difficult. -
I haven't had the chance to make nearly as many recipes as I'd like to from this book yet, but I'm giving it a tentative five stars and will amend that if necessary.
I tried to test a variety of recipes from different sections of the book so I could get a good overall feel for it. If there's a dud in this book, I ain't found it yet!
I especially enjoy the additions of unique ingredients and textures that give the recipes more complex flavors.
I also appreciate that the cooking times in the recipes are just about right on. So many cookbooks I've used are just wrong as far a times to saute and simmer and so on.
The one drawback for me is that the book is heavy on tofu, tempeh, and seitan recipes. I can't even stand to be in the same room with seitan! But I can't fault the authors for including these recipes, because many vegans eat a lot of these products. I only eat tofu and tempeh occasionally, but I'm sure I'll enjoy those recipes when I try them. -
I got this book from my library because of the name. True to form, each recipe seems to have some occult ingredient that prevents me from making it to its full potential. Yuca root? Oh for crying out loud. Fresh collard greens? Okay, maybe I'm just from the wrong region. All in all there were only about three recipes I maybe almost might use. If my husband ever stops laughing while reading the shopping list. I'm sure this would be a good addition to a bookshelf, but I need to look for a more practical vegan cookbook to get my family's weekday dinners sorted out.
LOVE IT! One of the best things about the Veganomicon is that in addition to awesome vegan recipes, it includes basic information about things such as cooking times for beans and grains, cooking terms, equipment, etc. A really, really awesome resource for ANY cookbook shelf, vegan, veggie, or omnivore.