I love koffie (Dutch Edition) by Anette Moldvaer

I love koffie (Dutch Edition)
Title : I love koffie (Dutch Edition)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 9048310733
ISBN-10 : 9789048310739
Language : Dutch; Flemish
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 224
Publication : First published January 1, 2014

I love koffie (Dutch Edition) Reviews

  • Traci

    Our family budget has severely dwindled since paying for two kids in daycare. My husband and I used to go out for coffee every Saturday morning and out to eat every Sunday morning, and now those are no longer options for us (love that we don't have to rush out of the house on weekend mornings anymore though!). Couple that with sleep deprivation and I've become a little obsessed with my morning coffee. I allow myself one cup a day, so it better darn well be good.

    I checked this one out from the library before we were gifted a Nespresso machine last year and I loved it but I didn't have time to try any of the recipes. The first half comprises history, different types of coffee via geographic location, different brewing methodologies, etc. The second half is full of recipes, which I love and include flavor combinations I wouldn't have thought of on my own. I am (hopefully) temporarily dairy-free and there are even a few recipes for me in the book. Now we can use our drip coffee maker and espresso machine to make fancy drinks on the weekends for a fraction of the price of our previous weekend luxuries.

    And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the book is visually stunning... right on par with most DK books which are loved by all members of our family. Now to see if they have published/will publish a similar book on tea (update:
    The Tea Book)!

  • Brandi Gray

    Very informative and a great coffee table book!

    I got this one from the library but plan on buying a copy for myself. I'll be a barista in no time... 😂

  • Giannis

    Αυτές τις μέρες που ήταν αφιερωμένες στην οικογένεια, το φαγητό και τα πολλά αφεψήματα, το βιβλίο «Τα Μυστικά του Καφέ» ταίριαξαν απόλυτα! Ένα βιβλίο που θα λατρέψει ο κάθε αρχάριος barista και λάτρης του καφέ μιας και μέσα αναφέρονται βασικά ιστορικά γεγονότα, η προέλευση του καφέ, η διαδικασία συλλογής, συνταγές και πολλά άλλα που θα εμπλουτίσουν τις γνώσεις μας!

    Προσωπικά, αν και θα ήθελα ακόμα περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τη διαδικασία παρασκευής των καφέδων, παρ’ όλα αυτά, το λάτρεψα και το διάβαζα όπου στεκόμουν!

  • Nubar

    Reading about coffee in general and looking at all the coffee recipes made me fantasise about buying a coffee maker machine once again... or maybe two coffee machines and a French press! I love coffee and I think this "coffee table book" (pun intended) will be of use to all coffee enthusiasts.

  • Batchimeg Batbold

    Кофений талаар анхны мэдлэг өгчхөөр товчхон, сонирхолтой ном байна.

    Хураангуйлвал: Хүн төрөлхтөн анх кофег 1000 гаруй жилийн өмнө нээж илрүүлсэн байж магадгүй гэсэн таамаглал олон байдаг аж. Гэхдээ түүхийн баримтаас харахад 1400-гээд оны үед Африкийн боолууд кофег Йемэн Улсад аваачиж байсан бөгөөд Йемений иргэд кофены жимснээс гаргаж авсан “Quishr” нэртэй цайг шөнийн мөргөлийн үеэр сэрүүн байхын тулд хэрэглэдэг байж. Дараагаар нь 1500-аад оны үеэр Арабад анх кофены үрийг хуурч, бутлан ууж эхэлснээр өнөөдрийн бидний хэрэглэж заншсан кофе үүссэн байна.

    Кофены модыг Coffea гэж нэрлэдэг бөгөөд ерөнхий 4 төрөлд хамаарах 124 зүйл одоогоор тогтоогдсон байгаа. Тус мод нь мөнх ногоон бөгөөд дэлхийн 70 гаруй улсад ургадаг гэнэ. Кофены хамгийн түгээмэл төрөл нь Arabica, Robusta. Энэ 2 төрлөөс Arabica нь амт чанарын хувьд хавьгүй илүү бөгөөд Африк, Америк тивүүдэд ихэвчлэн тариалагддаг бол Азийн орнууд ихэвчлэн Robusta-г тариалдаг. Дэлхийд кофены үйлдвэрлэлээрээ Бразил, Вьетнам, Индонез, Колумб, Этиоп улсууд тэргүүлдэг бөгөөд нийт үйлдвэрлэлийн 67 орчим хувийг энэ 5 улс бүрдүүлдэг. Энд Индонез нь кофе тариалж эхэлсэн Африкийн биш анхны улс бөгөөд 1696 оноос хойш тариалж байгаа аж.

    Кофег хэрэглэхдээ бүхэл үрээр нь хадгалан уухынхаа өмнө буталж чанасан нь илүү тохиромжтой байдаг юм байна. Учир нь буталсан кофе нь чанараа хэдхэн цаг хадгалах чадвартай байдаг. Кофегоо үрээр нь вакуум, харанхуй, хуурай орчинд төрөл бүрийн хурц үнэрээс хол хадгалж байгаарай. Мөн Индонез, Болив, Перу гэх зэрэг зарим улсуудын хувьд үйлдвэрлэл, логистикийн олон асуудлууд ихтэй байдаг нь кофены чанарт шууд нөлөөлдөг. Тиймээс хэрвээ эдгээр улсуудын кофег авах гэж байгаа бол аль болох алдартай, найдвартай үйлдвэрлэгчийг сонгосон нь дээр юм байна.

    Кофе нь түр хугацаанд бидний ой тогтоолт, анхаарал төвлөрөх чадамжийг дэмжиж өгдөг бөгөөд хэрэв кофе уугаад сэргэг мэдрэмж авахаа больсон бол өдөр бүр өөр өөр цагт ууж хэвшээрэй гэж зөвлөсөн байна. Сонирхуулахад Дэлхийн 2-р дайны үеэр Европт байсан Америк цэргүүдэд эспрессоны амт хэтэрхий хүчтэй санагдсан учраас усаар шингэлж уун Америкона үүссэн гэжээ.

  • Lilia

    This book gives a one page basic breakdown of the various aspects of coffee including some history, growing, processing, cupping, and flavors. It is illustrated beautifully for visual learners and general aesthetic. We are given a snap shot into all the different countries that produce coffee beans and given some characteristic info of the regions within. We are then shown a variety of brewing methods and equipment, giving instructions a d proportions for brewing a good cup of coffee. The last 75 pages of the book are recipes for making different coffees, from your basic latte/cappuccino, to some fancy treats like affogato.

    The wheel of flavors is a huge resource for me as a barista trying to get better at describing the flavor profile of different coffees. Knowing more indepth about the flavors a coffee offers helps me recommend a delicious coffee that matches the profile a customer is looking for.

    I also really appreciated the quick facts of all the coffee producing countries. I knew the regions of production in each continent, however I didn't know every country that produces nor what their individual coffee life looks like.

    I recommend this book as a starting point for people learning about coffee, as well as visual learners. The knowledge is very basic and presented in easy to chew on ways. It gives you a glimpse into the world for further exploration, and it also gave me more avenues that I want to research next in my coffee knowledge journey.

  • Dawn Livingston

    I have to be honest. I didn't read this book I skimmed it. It was interesting but I think this book is for people more into the details of coffee than I am. I drink Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks blonde roast coffee from a 4 cup coffee maker. I don't seem to be able to remember the difference between a latte and a capuchino. I can't even spell cappuchino. If you're interested in coffee beans, the countries they come from, how to make coffee and even want to try making your own precisely then this book is probably for you. And then there are so many recipes from all over the world. The ingredients are likely to be problematic though once you get beyond the very basic, but the recipes are awesome, fantastical, mind boggling. For example, how about some rum flavored ice cubes or soy ice cream. Cool book and certainly worth looking through, but not really a practical book unless you want to open a certain type of coffee shop or are bored and have a ninja coffee maker.

  • Lexie

    As a coffee addict, it is my personal and my professional opinion when I say: NOM.


  • Nadia

    An excellent book for coffee lovers, going into detail about different varieties of coffee, all the places its grown, various brewing methods, and including recipes at the end! Perfect for coffee lovers!

  • Lcharlson

    Interesting information on coffee

  • Sakura

    A short and sweet overview of coffee with some nice recipes, only you need an espresso machine for most of the recipes. Illustrations were great!

  • MK

    This morning, while sipping my latte, I wanted to learn about the history of coffee and decided to look it up in the DK encyclopedia.

    It turns out that coffee has a history of about 1,000 years and that it not only tastes great, but also has health benefits such as improving concentration and controlling blood sugar levels.

    Looking back at the history of coffee, it is sad to know that slaves from African countries spread it to Arab countries.

    I remember the first time I made coffee with an espresso machine when I was a uni student working part time in a café.

    In Japan, cafes with baristas serve elaborate hand-drip coffee, but in the U.S. you rarely see that.

    Even in Honolulu, Hawaii, where I live, you can find good local coffee.

    On the way to the North Shore, you will pass coffee fields so you can see the red seeds on the coffee trees.

    When you are traveling to Hawaii, please stop by "Island Vintage Coffee" or "Honolulu Coffee" rather than Starbucks Coffee.

    “The Coffee Book (2021)” has exactly the same content as “Coffee Obsession (2014)” which is an encyclopedia by the same DK.
    The text, explanations, and photos in the book were all the same.

    However, the title of book “The Coffee Book (2021)” is more appropriate than “Coffee Obsession (2014)”.

    By the way, in early Buddhism, it is said that all sadness is caused by attachment to things.

    This has nothing to do with coffee, but being attached to anything can lead to sadness.
    No matter how much you love coffee, you don't have to be obsessed with i

  • Randa

    I am not a coffee person actually i am not a caffeine person at all. I drink coffee or tea when i feel that my body needs its dose, and that is about a cup a week sometimes a month. But this book was super. Beside being very informative with a lot and a lot of pictures to show the right cup of coffee, the right coffee beans, the right way to roast them, with amazing recipes for your coffee. The only thing that i missed in that book is the Arabic coffee recipe , and the author didn’t make right search about the turkish coffee recipe . It was in the book but was missing some details about turkish coffee . Still , to be honest, the author has done an amazing job for all the book . Recommending it for any coffee fan or any one one who wants to become a barsita. This book is your right choice for the right cup of coffee.

  • Carolyn

    DK does illustrated information so well. This has a lot of facts about coffee and recipes.

    The middle section is full of detailed infographics about all the major coffee-producing countries, but it does something really rare and great. Every few pages it throws in a page of completely different information to give the reader a break, so one can appreciate the country information fresh.

    Several of my family members enjoyed it, including my eight-year-old who doesn’t drink coffee.

  • Dawn

    Good and easy read, very easy read in fact. Easy to follow and informative with lots of information on coffee from around the world. Has a big coffee recipe section at the end which I haven't delved into yet but skimming through it looks exciting with lots of ideas I never would have thought of (such as putting apple in coffee ! ?)

  • Vestealva

    A very interesting book, which expands on the information found in other books such as The World Atlas of Coffee by including immensely helpful images and graphics, information on coffee-making equipment uncommon in the West (like the Vietnamese phin and Turkish ibrik) and a huge list of different recipes.

  • Iper Junberry

    I found this book easy to follow and understand on the variety of coffee aspects it covers. I am excited to try out some of the recipes provided.

    I'd say the only thing that did not come across quite as clearly is some of the differences in basic drinks, like a classic latte vs a flat white.

  • Eleanor Hughes

    I like this book a lot but I don't find it as easy to use as the World Atlas of Coffee, and although it covers topics in a different way which is useful, I find I don't use it as often as James Hoffman's book.

  • Mike Schoonderwoerd

    It’s nice book with good details on all that’s coffee. Consists of three main subjects: the coffee theorie, the places of origin and the vast ways of making coffee.

    A bit of both: fun for the coffee table but also fun as coffee summary to review once every now and then when specialty coffee is bought 🙂

  • David


  • Julian

    Great book about coffee with a lot of good tips and info about it. It also comes with espresso recipes :)!

  • Nathan Boler

    Some really great drink recipe ideas and good coverage of coffee growing regions and methods.

  • Ceren Sever

    Kahve tutkunları için başucu kitabı

  • Petteri Räisänen

    The World Atlas of Coffee is unbeatable but ‘Coffee Obsession’ deserves full stars as well. Covers virtually everything.

  • James

    Full of diagrams with tiny text, so it's a DNF. I'll get back to it later.

  • Indah Threez Lestari

    718 - 2019