Cupid's Melody (Magical Love Romance Series) by Karen Fox

Cupid's Melody (Magical Love Romance Series)
Title : Cupid's Melody (Magical Love Romance Series)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0515134910
ISBN-10 : 9780515134919
Language : English
Format Type : Mass Market Paperback
Number of Pages : 272
Publication : First published December 31, 2002

His wish of immortality for his wife came true. Now faery Nic Stone must search the world for her reincarnation. But once he's found her, Nic must face the even more daunting task of winning her over...

Cupid's Melody (Magical Love Romance Series) Reviews

  • Diane ~Firefly~

    Nic is fae and found true love. He asked his queen to grant his wife immortality and she agreed if he would paint her portrait, but she didn't tell him his wife would need to die and be reborn. Now 25 years later, Nic thinks he's found her so he gets a job as the gardener at the house of Stacy and Dianna catching them home before Dianna's next singing tour.

  • Susan Moxley

    A very good read that was not my usually style of book.

  • Karen Desmond


  • Erica Hale

    This would have to be my all time favorite book. Loved it, adored it. Will read it several more times. And I never re-read books!

  • Torie Fox<span class=

    This whole series is lovely, but the two MCs in this book are the ones I was most dying to get together.