Breve história diplomática de Portugal by José Calvet de Magalhães

Breve história diplomática de Portugal
Title : Breve história diplomática de Portugal
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 9721030007
Language : Portuguese
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 220
Publication : First published January 1, 1990

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Breve história diplomática de Portugal Reviews

  • Diogo Jesus

    A very brief work on the major treaties and foreign policy decisions from the very foundation of the kingdom of Portugal (12th century) to the republican revolution in 1910 of the portuguese state. A book clearly for consultation and to refresh our memory. I learned many details but, of course, had no big surprises. What was new to me? The US corsary navy, the visionary albeit futile decade of Andrade Corvo in the late 1800s as foreign, navy and colonial minister, the french "support" of Portugal in the 1600's, etc...

  • Duarte Valente

    Bom resumo da história diplomática de Portugal entre os meados dos século XII e o inicio do século XX. É particularmente útil como instrumento de estudo da área nos períodos históricos em apreço.