Title | : | Alan Moore: Portrait Of An Extraordinary Gentleman |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 094679006X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780946790067 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 352 |
Publication | : | First published December 30, 2003 |
Alan Moore: Portrait Of An Extraordinary Gentleman Reviews
Libro de hace algun tiempo, cuando se celebraban los 50 cumpleaños de Alan Moore...puedes tomarlo como un agradecimiento, carta de amor, poema , quitada de sombrero, como sea, de muchas personas del medio que saben lo que ha hecho Moore y te lo cuentan, desde la increible presentación de Moore que hace Bissete, contando como se conocierón en la Cosa del Pantano, los liso que se dierón con los años y su alejamiento del escritor, el muy divertido fragmento escrito por sus hijas, Mark Millar te saca una sonrisa, Gaiman se cree mas listo de lo que es, y datos, información que no conocía, como su problema óptico, su invocación del dios serpiente, su musica...es un libro que intenta adentrarnos en la obra de una de las mentes mas grandes que ha tenido el arte, el mejor guionista de comics de la historia, además ,con tiras e lustraciones dedicadas a su pbra y persona. Esencial para fanáticos del trabajo del barbudo Inglés.
Se trata de un homenaje y una macro carta de felicitación en forma de libro al genio escritor y mago conocido como Alan Moore, con el pretexto de sus cincuenta años cumplidos en el 2003, es decir, hace casi catorce años, y en donde constan las palabras e ilustraciones de alabanza y agradecimiento de muchos grandes creadores como Will Eisner, Terry Gilliam, Michael Moorcock, Jeff Smith, Neil Gaiman (por supuesto!), Jim Lee, Mark Millar, Stephen R. Bissette y, entrañablemente, de sus hijas Leah y Amber Moore; es un libro ecléctico y hermoso, y más que una invitación a leer a Alan Moore es una cuantificación de las pérdidas al no conocer y disfrutar TODO en lo que ha participado el místico de Northampton.
Interesting, if mixed, volume celebrating Alan Moore, in honour of this 50th birthday. The focus on European artists--the book was put together in Italy, I believe--was cool, as it meant I saw a lot of good art from artists about whom In know little to nothing. Some of the tributes are short comic strips, others are single images, still others are prose reminiscences, and yet others are more or less academic essays on Moore's work. Some of these latter are especially interesting (e. g. one on sex in the Moore issue of Puma Blues). Overall, though, the most enlightening piece in the book, though hardly what one might expect as part of a tribute, was Steve Bissette's long essay on his working relationship with Moore and how it soured. The book's worth reading for this piece alone. Also noteworthy is that it includes as its longest selection (close to a sixth of the total length of the book) the full dialogue between Moore and Dave Sim on From Hell (well, ostensibly; it ranges widely) that originally ran in several issues of Cerebus and had not afaik been collected before. This piece provides fascinating insights into Moore but is perhaps even more fascinating for the Sim fan, displaying as it does not only how truculent Sim can be (in the new preface to it, about talking with "pagans") but also how the ways in which Sim would eventually go off the rails were pretty much spelled out in this exchange.
Penoso. Por un lado, los textos de los diversos colaboradores oscilan entre lo interesante (los menos), lo aburrido (los más) y lo pretencioso. Con todo, eso no es lo peor. Lo verdaderamente vergonzoso es que, en un libro en el cual el contenido visual ronda el 50%, la reproducción de los cómics y de algunas ilustraciones es de muy mala calidad, con abundantes casos de sangrante pixelado. Lamentable.
I picked this up out of curiosity since I had only read a few of Moore's stories (Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Courtyard). Although I had no reference for a lot of the discussion articles, the high praise for his work has motivated me to see out more.
Gary Spencer Millidge and the mysterious Italian smoky man engineered and edited the tribute to hugely popular and instrumental comics writer Alan Moore, in honour of the bearded one's 50th birthday. It is a fitting, informative and (mostly) entertaining collection of essays, personal recollections and art centring on Moore, his life and creations. Though there is a biographic comic, newly created by Millidge for this volume, Portrait... makes no attempt at being a biography, a bibliography or even a thorough study of Moore's work. It is more a celebration of the remarkable influence Moore has had on the creators and the medium of comics since his arrival-proper on the scene in the 80s.
The art herein (mostly black and white, though there are four full-colour sections) ranges from the wonderful to the mundane and even the questionable, while the occasionally insightful essays tend to take for granted a thorough familiarity with Moore's work. The contributors are a nice surprise in that they don't draw solely from comics superstars, but also from academes and comic creators from all over Europe and North America.
For me, the crowning jewel of this book is Stephen Bissette's touching, informative and behind-the-scenes 'Mr. Moore and Me,' which details first-person the establishment and eventual degeneration of Bissette's own relationship with Moore. A close second is the final entry, a reprinting (from the back pages of issues of Cerebus) of a fax-correspondence between self-publishing Cerebus creator Dave Sim and Moore himself.
Also included is a highlights-only bibliography with recommendations.
Any fan of Moore should have this book already, but those seeking a more indepth analysis/biography of him should seek out Millidge's more recent book, Storyteller. -
This collection alternates between delightfully enriching and aggravatingly dull. It took me some two-hundred odd pages to recognize that a third of the tributes are thoughtful analyses of Moore's work, and the rest are self-aggrandizing recollections of, "When I was a young lad reading comics, Alan Moore had an impact on me." I'm not here to read about you, comic man; I'm here to read about Alan Moore. After realizing this dichotomy, skipping entries tremendously increased my enjoyment. It's a quirky little piece of unusual media with an excellent conclusion.
Creo que de este libro llevo leídos sólo "Cómo escribir superhéroes" de Darko Macan. Bastante interesante, a ver cómo será el resto.
a great book about the life and works of Alan Moore! My hero!
Libro homenaje realizado para los 50 años de Alan Moore, con colaboraciones de más de 140 artistas.