Title | : | Destination: Mars by Seymour Simon (2000-04-01) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Publication | : | First published March 1, 2000 |
A Martian year is 687 Earth days, almost twice as long as a year on Earth.
Mars' s biggest valley, Valles Marineris, is four times as deep as the Grand Canyon!
Scientists think that Mars, now rocky and barren, once had an ocean, rivers, and a thicker atmosphere.
The first robot ever to explore the surface of Mars is only about the size of a child' s toy wagon.
Destination: Mars by Seymour Simon (2000-04-01) Reviews
This is a great revised edition of the previous book. The photographs are crisp and precise. There are lots of fun facts about Mars. I would recommend this for any collection owning the previous title.
I thought that this was a very neat little book! I definitely learned facts about Mars that I didn't already know, and they're fun to talk about. I would definitely recommend this to any parent or child looking to find out more about the Milky Way's best red planet!
#Mars #Life #Red #Planet #YoungReaders #PictureBook #BookReview #ChildrensBooks #amreading Past, present and future of Mars exquisitely portrayed.
This one has been updated with the rovers and some awesome pictures - my students loved it!
Q2021 book -
A solid entry for kids in their space phase to learn about the current state of Mars - including some of the future Mars missions being planned.
This book could also be good as a "crash course" for an adult wanting to know what the recent developments in Martian exploration are. The language is simple, but the book doesn't condescend.
A glossary is in the back, as well as links to NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory websites. -
Destination: Mars
Simon, Seymour *"a good resource for children about mars and its environs that they may want to learn to focus their solar system exploration
" -
its so cool !!!!
Destination: Mars makes me want to read The Martian.
Destination: Mars makes me want to read The Martian.
Love the pictures and good information. A child would enjoy this book
Picture Book (nonfiction). Great book with current information and facts about Mars. Great book to have in my class library.